You are a climate justice consultant:
You will go before a major governing body (the U.N., lets say) that already has a task force on racial justice, and a separate task force on climate action. You will make the case that these should be combined as a joint effort (or, at least, work closely together at each step along the way).
A) Working individually, brainstorm some points while considering the following:
· What will you say to make that case?
· What arguments or examples would be most convincing?
· What might happen if these two efforts are NOT aligned (what happens when we pursue climate issues w/o tackling racism? or try to address racism w/o considering climate and environmental issues?)
You should draw on the assigned materials for today (see the readings + podcast at the top); text from the video (Links to an external site.)
we just viewed; surveys of racial views on climate Link:
Try to think of the 3 top points you would make.
B) You can think of the best arguments and decide on the 4 MOST COMPELLING points for why racial justice and climate solutions belong together. Write these four out with a short argument supporting each point.
C) Working individually again, look through ALL points from ALL groups, and pick the THREE you consider the most persuasive. Then write a few lines explaining why you choose the #1 point for your list.
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