Chapter 23-Regional Write Up-Musculoskeletal
Name: Date:
Patient Initials: Age: Gender:
I. Health History-Subjective Data (y es no answers-all yes answers explain) Musculoskeletal
1. Any pain in the joints?
2. Any stiffness in the joints?
3. Any swelling, heat, redness in the joints?
4. Any limitation of movement?
5. Any muscle pain or cramping?
6. Any deformity of bone or joint?
7. Any accidents or trauma to bones?
8. Ever had back pain?
9. Any problems with ADLs?
I. Physical Exam-Objective Data A. Inspection-Arms and Legs
1. Note any masses or deformity
2. Note any asymmetry-
3. Note temperature
4. Range of motion/mobility
I. Review Exams
1. Assessment for TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint)
2. Phalcn Test
3. Tinel Sign
4 McMurray Test
1. Lascgue Test
2. Ortolani Manucver
Summary Musculoskeletal
write up on musculoskeletal, peripheral vascular and Lymph , Neurological assessment, and summaries.
4 pages attached.
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