1. What roles do rock open- ings play in the weathering process?
2. What is the difference be- tween a joint and a fault?
3. What are the general dif- ferences between mechani- cal weathering and chemical weathering?
4. Explain frost wedging and how it happens.
5. Explain the process of ex- foliation that is responsible for features such as exfolia- tion domes.
6. Describe and explain one example of biological weathering.
7. What is the angle of re- pose and how does it affect mass wasting?
8. Describe the process of rockfall.
9. Describe the origin and general characteristics of ta- lus. How does a talus cone develop?
10. What roles may heavy rain play in triggering a landslide?
11. How is a slump different from other kinds of land- slides?
12. What are the differences between a landslide and mudflow.
13. Explain the process of soil creep.
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