Ubuntu Group Activity 2 Worksheet -? Due by 11:59 PM on Monday, September 13, 2021 In this course so far we have discussed characteristics of life and how organisms are classified. Some people claim incorrectly that COVID19 disease is caused by a bacterium, and not by a virus
(https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/05/29/fact-?check-?covid-?19-?caused-? virus-?not-?bacteria/5277398002/). The link provided here describes why officials at the World Health Organization think that this disease is caused by a virus. Ubuntu Group Activity: As a group, provide a reasonable argument based on scientific evidence to debunk this myth, In addition, each group member should provide a short paragraph (up to 350 words) describing their unique experience of how the COVID19 pandemic has affected their life personally and why it is important to know that the COVID19 pandemic is caused by a virus, and not a bacterium. This paragraph can be written in the form of a letter to a friend or family member. Please submit one worksheet per group using the submission link provided (i,e, title of this assignment), indicate the full names of each group member, and indicate the role of each group member in completing this assignment in your worksheet. The roles of group members are: Facilitator, Recorder, Spokesperson, and Consensus Builder. A description of group roles is provided below. This Group Assignment #2 is worth a total of 25 points and will be graded using the Rubric below. Only Word or pdf formats accepted for submission. Facilitators Report: The group’s facilitator for this activity should prepare and submit a separate Facilitators Report (one per group) using the separate submission link provided. As the Facilitator. During your role as the groups facilitator, rate your effort toward the well-?being of the group from 1 5 where 1 = I put forth minimal effort to 5 = I put forth as much or more effort that was expected. Summarize your experiences as the groups facilitator in a few sentences. Focus on how you contributed to the groups emotional support, comradery, and learning opportunities. If you feel it necessary, describe 1 thing you would like to improve regarding your fulfillment of this role or anything relating to your groups dynamics. In addition, you should rate the contributions of each of the other members to the final product where 1 = minimal contribution to 5 = exceptional contribution Your Facilitator’s Report should be submitted separately using the indicated submission link. Only Word or pdf formats accepted for submission.
By#NIAID#(https://www.flickr.com/photos/niaid/49534865371/,#CC#BY# 2.0,#https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=87484997
Ubuntu Group Activity 2 Worksheet -? Due by 11:59 PM on Monday, September 13, 2021 Full Name of Group Member Role in Completing the Assignment Response to Assignment:
Grading Rubric
Description of Group Roles:
Facilitator: Schedules virtual meetings and manages the group by helping to ensure that the group stays on task, is focused, and that there is room for everyone in the conversation.
Recorder: Keeps a record of those who were in the group, and the roles that they
play in the group. The recorder also records critical points from the small groups discussion along with findings or answers.
Spokesperson: Presents the groups ideas to the rest of the class or prepares the
final report to be submitted. The Spokesperson should rely on the recorders notes to guide their report.
Consensus Builder: Observes team dynamics and guides the consensus-?building
process (helps group members come to a common conclusion). Addresses any technical issues that limit participation of group members.
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