please use the information I provided and the main points ( athlete speech file ) to do the outlines and PowerPoints. Also, please provide the references in APA format. I have provide for you the main points, sample speech outlines, outline checklist, and APA references guide. the power points must be at least 4 paragraphs including pictures. Basic Speech Outline General purpose: (i.e. to inform, persuade or entertain) Specific Purpose: (to inform/ persuade my audience to ) Thesis Statement: (today I will inform/ attempt to persuade you about/ to ) Hook (attention getter) Credibility Statement (establish credibility/ curiosity/ need for your topic, connect the hook to the thesis statement) Thesis Statement ( the main idea of your speech) Preview Statement (preview your 3 main points) (Transition Statement) Point 1 Example/ Detail/ Supporting Research Example/ Detail / Supporting Research Example/ Detail / Supporting Research (Transition Statement) Point 2 Example/ Detail/ Supporting Research Example/ Detail / Supporting Research Example/ Detail / Supporting Research (Transition Statement) Point 3 Example/ Detail/ Supporting Research Example/ Detail / Supporting Research Example/ Detail / Supporting Research (Transition to conclusion) Restate Thesis Statement Repeat 3 main Points Repeat Closing statements Tarrant County College Libraries How to Document Sources in APA Style This guide provides frequently cited sources using the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. For those not included here, please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition. Refer to Chapters 6 and 7 Crediting Sources and Reference Examples in APA Style for examples. The instructor for your class is the final authority on how to format your References List. Preparing the Reference List The reference list provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of your paper. It should appear at the end of your paper and begin on a new page separate from the text of the paper under the label References (with no quotation marks, underlining, etc.), centered at the top of the page. Double-space all reference entries. Indent all lines after the first line of each entry. Alphabetize your reference list by the authors’ last names. If you have more than one work by the same author, arrange them by publication date, oldest to newest. If no author is given for a particular source, alphabetize by the ‘first significant word’ of the title of the work. Basic Rules Example (Book Citation) Wurm, J. (2005). Working in the Reggio way: A beginner’s guide for American teachers. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press. Author: Invert the author’s name. Begin with last name, followed by a comma, then by first and middle initials (if any). Examples: Wurm, J. (no middle name), Clark, L.A. When listing multiple authors, separate the names of authors with commas and use ‘&’ instead of ‘and’ before the last author. Example: Calfee, R.C., & Valencia, R. R.* See Chapter 6.25 for additional criteria. Date: Enclose the publication date in parentheses. Close with a period. Example: (2005). Title: Italicize the title. For a book, capitalize only the first word of the title and of the subtitle (if any), and proper nouns. Close with a period. Example: Working in the Reggio way: A beginner’s guide for American teachers. For a magazine, journal, and newspaper, capitalize all major words in the title. Examples: U.S. News & World Report, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, The Washington Post. Publisher’s Location (for books): Always list the city. Include the U.S. Post Office abbreviation for the state if the city is not well known for publishing. Omit state abbreviations for the following U.S. cities: Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco. Place a colon after the location. Example: St. Paul, MN: Publisher (for books): Use the full name of the publisher, but omit Co., Inc., Publishers, etc. Retain Books and/or Press. Close with a period. Example: Redleaf Press. 1 BOOKS General Format Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Book title. Publisher’s Location: Publisher. One Author Volti, R. (2006). Cars and culture: The life story of a technology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. One Editor or Compiler as only author Brumley, R. (Comp.). (2006). The Reference Librarian’s policies, forms, guidelines, and procedures handbook with CD-ROM. New York: Neal. Two Authors Glazer, E., & McConnell, J. W. (2002). Real-life math: Everyday use of mathematical concepts. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Three to Six Authors If a book has three, four, five, or six authors, list all authors’ names. Tilstone, W. J., Savage, K. A., & Clark, L. A. (2006). Forensic science: An encyclopedia of history, methods, and techniques. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. More Than Six Authors If a book has more than six authors, list the first six authors and then use ‘et al.’ (Latin for ‘and others’). Do not italicize. Put a period after al. Jonassen, D. H., Howland, J., Moore, J., Marra, R. M., Feshbach, S., Geiwitz, P. J., et al. (2003). Learning to solve problems with technology: A constructivist perspective (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. 2 Edited Book McCaffrey, P. (Ed.). (2006). Global climate change. Bronx, NY: H. W. Wilson. For a book with more than one editor, use (Eds.). No author or Editor Webster’s new world concise Spanish dictionary. (2004). New York: Wiley Publishing. If a book has no author or editor, place the publication year after the title. Book with an Author and an Editor Twain, M. (2004). Letters from the earth: Uncensored writings (B. DeVoto, Ed.). New York: Perennial Classics. Edition Other Than the First McClellan, J. E., & Dorn, H. (2006). Science and technology in world history: An introduction (2nd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Karolides, N. J. (2006). Banned books: Literature suppressed on political grounds (Rev. ed.). New York: Facts on File. Place the edition information in parenthesis after the title of the book. For numbered editions, use the abbreviation for the ordinal number that applies (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.), then add ‘ed.’ For a revised edition, use the abbreviations ‘Rev. ed.’ Chapter from a Book / Items in an Anthology Purcell, A. H. (2003). Better waste management strategies are needed to avert a garbage crisis. In H. Cothran (Ed.), Garbage and recycling: Opposing viewpoints (pp. 20-27). San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. Include chapter author, date of publication, chapter title, book editior(s), book title, chapter page numbers, place of publication, and the name of the publisher. Encyclopedia Article Lesko, L. H. (2006). Pyramids. In The world book encyclopedia (Vol. 15, pp. 916 919). Chicago: World Book. 3 Group or Corporate Author (author is same as publisher) American Automobile Association. (2007). North American road atlas: Coverage for United States, Canada, Mexico. Boston: Author. Government Agency as Author U.S. Census Bureau. (2006). Statistical abstract of the United States (125th ed.). U.S. Government Printing Office. 4 PERIODICALS (Magazines, Journals, and Newspapers) General Format Author, A. A. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number, pages. Date of publication: Enclose date of publication in parentheses. Include only year of publication for journals. Example: (2006). Give the year followed by the exact date on the publication (month OR month and date) for magazines, newsletters, and newspapers. Examples: (2006, October), (2006, October 28). Title of article: Capitalize only the first word of the title and of the subtitle (if any) and proper nouns. Do not italicize or place quotation marks around it. Example: Shifting roles and synthetic women in Star Trek: The next generation. Title of periodical: Italicize the title of periodical. Capitalize the major words in the title. Example: Journal of American Culture. Volume number: Italicize the volume number. Do not use ‘Vol.’ before the number. Give the volume number of journals, magazines, and newsletters. Pages: – Only use the abbreviation ‘p.’ before page numbers for newspapers. Use ‘p.’ for one page (Example: p. A1) and ‘pp.’ for more than one page (Example: pp. A1, A6). – For journal and magazine articles, just include the page numbers with no abbreviation. Example: 28-31. – Give the page numbers for the whole article rather than just the first page. For articles on consecutive pages, provide the range of pages at the end of the citation. Example: 204-232. When an article appears on discontinuous pages, give all page numbers. Example (of a newspaper article): (pp. A1, A5-A7, A17). Magazine Articles Paul, P. (2006, June 12). Rethinking first foods. Time, 167, 58-59. If no author, begin with the title of the article. Put the date of publication after the title of the article. See example below. Five years after 9/11: A little safer, no surer. (2006, September 11). Aviation Week and Space Technology, 165, 66. Journal Articles Sultan, M. A. (2006). Fire resistance furnace temperature measurements: Plate thermometers vs. shielded thermocouples. Fire Technology, 42, 253-267. If, and only if, each issue of a journal begins on page 1, give the issue number in 5 parentheses immediately after the volume number. See example below. Shore, R., & Strasser, J. (2006). Music for their minds. Young Children, 61(2), 62-67. Newspaper Articles Nakaso, D. (2006, November 2). Rain, mud, gridlock: State plans for Pali contraflow this morning. The Honolulu Advertiser, pp. A1-A2. If an article is not on consecutive pages, give all page numbers, and separate the numbers with a comma. Example: pp. B1, B3, B5-B7. Nakaso, D. (2006, October 16). Hawaii rattles, then loses power. The Honolulu Advertiser, pp. A1, A7. ELECTRONIC SOURCES General Formats Article from a Database Author, A. A. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of periodical, volume number, pages. DOI or Retrieved from URL of original source. Online Document Author, A. A. (Date of publication). Title of article. Retrieved from http://web address Because the Internet is constantly changing, it is important that you give the uniform resource locator (URL) or web address of the Internet source and the date you accessed it. Provide as much identifying information as possible. ‘In general, include the same elements, in the same order, as you would for a reference to a fixed-media source, and add as much electronic retrieval information as needed for others to locate the sources you cited’ (p.187). (APA Style Guide to Electronic References, 2009) For some Web sites, you may only have a title, and an address or a DOI* to cite. Author(s) last name and initials, if available. If not available, start with the title. Date of publication, in parentheses, if available. Express the date as a year, a year and a month, or a year, month and date depending on information available from the Web site. Examples: (2006), (2006, December), or (2006, December 15). 6 Title of work, italicized. If the source is a periodical article, include the title of the article (not italicized), and then the title of the periodical, italicized, followed by a volume number, also italicized, if available. Capitalize the first letter of each important word for the title of the periodical. Example: The explorers. U.S. News & World Report. Pagination information, if available. More often than not, this will NOT be available for Web sites. Retrieval information includes the unique URL of a Web site or the DOI* of the article. Avoid dividing the URL at the end of a line. If absolutely necessary, divide it after a slash (/) or before a period. (see pages 190-192 in the manual since there are several exceptions) Example: Retrieved from *Provide DOI (Digital Object Identifier), if one has been assigned. Publishers who follow best practices publish the DOI prominently on the first page of an article. (APA Publication Manual (2009) P. 191) When DOI is used, no further retrieval information is needed to identify or locate the content. Provide the alphanumeric string for the DOI exactly as published in the article. This is not a style issue but a retrieval issue. If no DOI has been assigned, provide the homepage URL of the journal, book, or report publisher. ARTICLES AND BOOKS FROM LIBRARY ELECTRONIC DATABASES Magazine Rozen, L. (2006, October 23). Man of the year. People, 66, 33. DOI or Retrieved from Journal Ta, L. M. (2006). Hurt so good: Fight club, masculine violence, and the crisis of capitalism. Journal of American Culture, 29, 265-277. Retrieved from or Goodwin, R., Haque, S., Neto, F., & Myers, L. B. (2009). Initial psychological responses to Influenza A, H1N1 (‘Swine flu’). BMC Infectious Diseases 9(166). DOI: 10.1186/1471-2334-9-166. Newspaper Mauch II, T. H. (2000, April 13). Researchers identify Alzheimer’s enzyme inhibitor. Los Angeles Times, p. B2. DOI or Retrieved from 7 Reference Book Chapter Gelbspan, R. (2001). Global warming is a serious environmental threat. In W. Dudley (Ed.), Opposing Viewpoints: The Environment. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. DOI or Retrieved from Electronic Book Kaya, Y. (1997). Environment, energy, and economy: Strategies for sustainability. Tokyo: United Nations University. DOI or Retrieved from ONLINE DOCUMENTS Electronic Newspaper Article Slackman, M. (2006, December 1). Protesters seek leader’s ouster in Lebanon. New York Times. Retrieved from Document Available on University Program or Department Site Chan, M.S., & Black, J.B. (2006). Learning Newtonian mechanics with an animation game: The role of presentation format on mental model acquisition. Retrieved from aera06_proceeding_52384.pdf Article from an Online Periodical Magazine Green, J. (2006, November). Do polls still work? Atlantic Online. Retrieved from 8 Journal Hyde, J. S. (2005). The gender similarities hypothesis. American Psychologist, 60, 581-592. DOI or Retrieved from amp606581.pdf If the article appears as a printed version as well, the URL is not required. Use version type after the article’s title. See example below. Hyde, J. S. (2005). The gender similarities hypothesis [Electronic version]. American Psychologist, 60, 581-592. DOI: 10.2235/1471-2654-9-132 U.S. Government Agency Publication U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2005, December 20). Occupational outlook handbook, 2006-07: Accountants and auditors. Retrieved from Document with Author and Date Sherman, C. (2006, October 24). Google launches custom search engine service. Retrieved from Document with No Author, No Date GVU’s 8th WWW user survey. (n.d.). Retrieved from user_surveys/survey-1997-10/ Begin with the title of the document if there is no author n.d. = no date Email In APA style, email messages should not be included in the reference list because they are personal communications and cannot be retrieved by a third party. They should, however, be cited in text (see personal communications in References in Text). 9 Photographs Author, A.A.(Year, Month Day). Title of Material. [Description of Material]. Name of Collection (Call number, Box number, File name or number, etc.). Name of repository, Location. [Photographs of Robert M. Yerkes]. (ca. 1917-1954). Robert Mearns Yerkes Papers (Box 137, Folder 2292). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library, New Haven, CT. AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA Formats vary for citing audiovisual media. Consult pp. 209-210 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition, for samples of citation format. Motion Picture, Videotape, CD, or DVD Aronson, L. (Producer), & Allen. W. (Writer/Director). (2006). Scoop [Motion picture]. United States: Universal Studios. Goold, B. (Writer/Producer), & Mitchell, T. (Director). (2004). Ancient Egyptians [DVD]. United States: Warner Home Video. Radio or Television Program Fager, J. (Executive Producer). (2006, December 10). 60 minutes [Television broadcast]. New York: Columbia Broadcasting Service. Podcast The World. (2008, July 18). WTP202: Selling soap, biosolids, the future of news, and cooking oil cars [Podcast]. Boston: Public Radio International. Retrieved July 23, 2008, from 10 REFERENCES IN TEXT References in the text of your paper briefly identify sources and enable readers to locate them in the reference list. Provide at least the author’s last name and the date of publication, enclosed in parentheses: (Smith, 2006). For direct quotations and some paraphrases, give a page number or paragraph numbger for non-paginated material as well: (Smith, 2006, p.9) or (Smith, 2006, para. 4). Direct Quotation Despite growing numbers of overweight Americans, many health care providers still ‘remain either in ignorance or outright denial about the health danger to the poor and the young’ (Critser, 2003, p. 5). OR Critser (2003) noted that despite growing numbers of overweight Americans, many health care providers still ‘remain either in ignorance or outright denial about the health danger to the poor and the young’ (p. 5). Place the author’s name, the year, and the page number in parentheses after the quotation: (Critser, 2003, p. 5), OR introduce the quotation with the author’s last name followed by the year of publication in parentheses. Always give page numbers for direct quotations. Put the page number (preceded by ‘p.’) in parentheses after the quotation. Summary or Paraphrase According to Carmona (2004), the cost of treating obesity is exceeded only by the cost of treating illnesses from tobacco use (para. 9). OR The cost of treating obesity is exceeded only by the cost of treating illnesses from tobacco use (Carmona, 2004, para. 9). Include the author’s last name and the year either at the beginning of a summary or a paraphrase, OR in parentheses following it. A page number or another locator is not required for a summary or a paraphrase, but include one if it would help readers find the passage in a long work. 11 Two Authors Name both authors each time you cite the work. Link the authors’ names with ‘and’ in the text and ‘&’ in the parentheses. According to Sothern and Gordon (2003), ‘Environmental factors may contribute as much as 80% to the causes of childhood obesity’ (p. 104). Obese children often engage in less physical activity (Sothern & Gordon, 2003, p. 104). Personal communication (e-mail, interviews, letters, and telephone conversations, etc.) One of Atkinson’s colleagues has contended that advertisers for snack foods will need to design ads responsibly for their younger viewers (F. Johnson, personal communication, October 20, 2004). Do not include personal communication in the reference list. In references in text, give the initials as well as the surname of the communicator, and provide as exact date as possible. Some forms of personal communication are recoverable, and these should be referenced as archival materials. An Electronic Document When possible, cite an electronic document as you would any other document (using the author-date style). Atkinson (2001) found that children who spent at least four hours a day watching TV were less likely to engage in adequate physical activity during the week. Electronic sources may lack authors’ names or dates. In addition, they may lack page numbers. Here are APA’s guidelines for handling sources without authors’ names, dates, or page numbers. If no author, mention the title of the document in a signal phrase or give the first word or two of the title in parentheses. The body’s basal metabolic rate, or BMR, is a measure of its at-rest energy requirement (‘Exercise,’ 2003). When the date is unknown, use the abbreviation ‘n.d.’ (‘no date’). Attempts to establish a definitive link between television programming and children’s eating habits have been problematic (Magnus, n.d.). When an electronic document lacks stable numbered pages, include information that will help readers locate the particular passage cited. 12 If the document has numbered paragraphs, use the paragraph number preceded by the abbreviation ‘para.’: (Hall, 2001, para. 5). If neither a page nor a paragraph number is given and the document contains headings, cite the appropriate heading and indicate which paragraph under that heading you are referring to. Hoppin and Taveras (2004) pointed out that several other medications were classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as having the ‘potential for abuse’ (Weight-Loss Drugs section, para. 6). Electronic files using portable document format (PDF) often have stable page numbers. For such sources, give the page number in the parenthetical citation. Adapted from Honolulu Community College Library APA Handout Updated December 2009 by Angela Pettit 13 12/11/09 Running head: ATHLETES 1 Athletes Name of the student Institution Date ATHLETES 2 Organization pattern: Topical Pattern Thesis: Living as an athlete has many privileges, and yet many challenges also cloud their path of success Main points: – The fame they are making. – The money they get in their profession. – Preservation of body strength. Athletes Among the most prosperous celebrities globally, I am envious of the life that our athletes live. I don’t mind whenever anybody talks about great footballers, champions of WrestleMania, movie stars, or famous politicians, but I am always alert when anybody mentions athletes. Apart from being the most popular of celebrities globally, athletes are the most loved and probably the only celebrities that depend on hard work and talent combined. Living as an athlete has many privileges, and yet many challenges also cloud their path of success. I do not know what strikes your mind when you hear the name Usain Bolt or Eliud Kipchoge. The first thought that comes to everyone’s mind is the fame that the two world record holders have attained. You think of the money they are making in their profession and the almost perfect social life. But stop and think about what they have to go through to put their bodies in a position to attain such strength. Marathon runners spend all the days of their career training every morning or evening. They run every day a distance equivalent to the amount of stretch of their race. And every day, these athletes sweat and deny their bodies the sweetness of junky food following a strict diet. ATHLETES 3 Sprinters like Usain Bolt have to commute between doing all that their careers require and doing field practices. But at the end of all these struggles, their names flood all over news platforms in radios, televisions, newspapers, and social media. Breaking the world record secures a position for them in the Guinness Book of Records. They deserve even better after considering the amount of strength they put in to make these achievements. However, some unscrupulous people have invented a way to get into the field without putting the much effort. Some athletes use drugs that make them immune to tiredness, thus giving them the strength to outdo other athletes who are not under the influence of drugs. Nevertheless, these unscrupulous athletes are banned from the Olympics industry the moment relevant authorities discover them. We should give support to scrupulous athletes and shine because they deserve victory after all they go through to achieve the best in their careers. Purchase answer to see full attachment Tags: thesis statement Professional Athletics Athletic sports lucrative sports Impact of Fame User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.





SPCH 1321 Tarrant County Cost of Being in Professional Athletics Presentation
Jun 23, 2023 | Communication | 0 comments
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- California State University Fullerton
- can be studied
- can never 21 really be liberating literacies. For a literacy to be liberating it must contain both the Discourse it is going to critique and a set of meta-elements (language
- Chapman University
- Chapter 3
- Chemistry
- Chemistry – Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry – Organic chemistry
- Chemistry – Pharmacology
- Chemistry – Physical chemistry
- Cis650
- CISY2320
- Cj130
- Cjs 221
- Clayton State University
- CMGT 580
- Cod
- Collaborative Innovation Strategy
- College Of The Canyons
- Colorado Christian University
- Colorado State University
- Columbia College
- Columbia Southern University
- Com 230
- COM-FP3200
- Comm104
- Communication
- Computer Science
- Computer Science- Python
- Concordia University
- correctness
- cross-site scripting
- Cs330
- culturally appropriate intervention to address childhood obesity in a low-income African American community.
- Cuyamaca College
- Decision Making Problem Solving
- defensive programming allows for more efficient processes while also protecting systems from attack.
- Depaul University
- describe how children acquire
- Discuss how cloud computing has changed how companies budget for software solutions APA formatting No plagiarism References required 250 to 300 words
- Discuss: Why is it critical for company managers to have a clear strategic vision regarding their organization?
- Dmm613
- each time a user extracts the ZIP file
- Earth Science – Geography
- Earth Science – Geology
- Ece 312
- Ecom301
- Economic math exercise Exercise 15.1 3 Exercise 15.3 1-6 Exercise 15.4 1, 2 Exercise 15.5 1-4 Exercise 15.6 1-3
- Economics
- Economics For Managers
- Edit 2 pages on marketing essentials
- Education
- elasticity
- Embry Riddle
- Emglish
- En206
- Eng 100
- Eng-106
- Eng225
- ENGH302
- Engineering
- Engineering – Chemical Engineering
- Engineering – Civil Engineering
- Engineering – Electrical Engineering
- Engineering – Electronic Engineering
- Engineering – Mechanical Engineering
- Engineering – Software
- Engineering – Telecommunications Engineering
- Engl311
- English
- English – Article writing
- English – Literature
- English 361
- ensuring you allocate dedicated time for coursework
- Environmental science
- especially for a small company
- etc¦). Please note at least five organizational activities and be specific when responding.
- Excelsior College
- Executive summary on a business idea
- February 20). What is defensive programming? EasyTechJunkie. Retrieved December 30
- Film Industry
- Fin 500
- Florida Gateway College
- Florida International University
- Follow the guidelines of the critique assignment in the document and write a critique for the link given in another file.
- Foreign Languages – Spanish
- from
- Geb3213
- Geography
- Geol100
- George Brown College
- Government
- Grand Canyon University
- Grantham
- Grantham University
- Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District
- GU299
- He 553
- he focused on aspects of the U.S. that combined democratic and increasingly capitalist characteristics. THINK ABOUT the points De Tocqueville made.
- Healthcare
- Hi225
- Hillsborough Community College
- Him301
- His 202
- Hist1122
- Hist2020
- History
- History – American history
- History – Ancient history
- History – World history
- HLS3302
- HLTH 642
- How can one distinguish between an organizational weakness and a threat to the organization? 250 words
- HRMT 603
- Hsl2301
- Hst 300
- HUM 301
- Hum420
- Human Resource
- Human Resource Management
- Humanities
- I need a one paragraph speech to convince anybody to hire me at his/her company. It is an assignment not in real life. The goal is to show how good you can convince someone.
- i need the attached work to look like this. please redo and make it look like this.
- I need the presentation (power point) to include all the information written in the essay and I need it in 5 hours. The power point has to include EVERYTHING so minimum 6 slides
- I'm taking Ethics and Moral Reasoning and would like someone to write my final paper.
- Ibsu487
- Identify and describe the two significant criticism of Wikipedia?
- identify the leadership theory that best aligns with your personal leadership style
- if you suggest trying to do this
- Iii Mlch
- III nuistery of such superficialities was meant to
- In 750 Words Review and critique the Journal of Neuroscience article provided to you in a style accessible to a non-expert readership.
- in any other way
- In the list below, what natural disaster do you think is sustainable or not? Why? 1. Agriculture 2. Fishing 3. Oil and gas 4. Forestry 5. Mining
- indeed
- Indiana University Bloomington
- Industrial Technical College
- Information Systems
- INFS519
- Introduction To Analytics
- Introduction To Philosopy
- It490
- John Ruskin
- Just need to write 2 and half pages and Annotated Bibliography on gun control
- Law
- Law – Civil
- Law – Criminal
- Law2001
- Law710
- Ldr600
- lecture slides
- Legal Regulations Compliance And Investigation
- Letourneau University
- Liberty University
- lIlgll.Igt· (1II1In·d
- Lit 2000
- literacy is always plural: literacies (there are many of them
- Literature
- Logistic Management For Disasters
- Ma105
- Ma225
- Mana 3300060
- Math144
- Mathematics
- Mathematics – Algebra
- Mathematics – Calculus
- Mathematics – Geometry
- Mathematics – Numerical analysis
- Mathematics – Precalculus
- Mathematics – Probability
- Mathematics – Statistics
- Mathematics – Trigonometry
- Matu203
- Mba5401
- Media
- Mgmt 615
- Mgt201
- Mgt211
- Mgt630
- Mgt660
- Middle East College
- MMHA6500
- Mmpa 6910
- Mod445596Id
- Montclair State University
- Music1407
- no workable ""affirmative action"" for Discourses: you can't 19 Ill' let into the game after missing the apprenticeship and be expected to have a fnir shot at playing it. Social groups will not
- not writing)
- Nsg416
- Nsg451
- NSG6102
- Nurs 6051
- Nursing
- offering learners the flexibility to acquire new skills and knowledge from the comfort of their homes. However
- Operation Security
- or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people? In this assignment
- Organizational Behavior Principles
- Other
- Park University
- Partnership And Corporate Taxation
- paying attention to grammar and spelling. Actively participate in discussions
- Persuasion And Social Movements
- Phil 112
- Philosophy
- Philosophy 127B
- Physics
- Physics – Astronomy
- Physics – Electromagnetism
- Physics – Geophysics
- Physics – Mechanics
- Physics – Optics
- Pm598
- Political Science
- PowerPoint slides
- Principles Of Business Management
- Programming
- Project Management
- provide a discussion on what could have been done better to minimize the risk of failure. If you have not yet been involved with a business process redesign
- Psy3380
- Psy570
- Psych620
- Psych635 Psychology Of Learning
- Psychology
- Purdue Global University
- Purdue University
- Q1: Discuss how globalization has changed jobs in an organization where you have worked. What are some HR responses to those changes? Q2: How would you describe the schools of ethical thought?
- Read The CEO of Starbucks and the Practice of Ethical Leadership and complete the questions at the end of the case study.
- Reading
- readings
- Regent University
- Religion
- Research, identify, and briefly describe the evolution of information systems infrastructure. Need minimum 300 words or more with minimum 2 references in APA format
- Rsch8460
- RWS280
- safety statutes
- Saudi Electronic University
- Savannah State University
- Science
- self-actualization
- several things can happen
- so that it is not biased?
- so too
- Soc121
- Soc201
- Social Science
- Social Science – Philosophy
- Social Science – Sociology
- Social Sciences
- Sociology
- someone cannot engage in a Discourse in a less than fully fluent manner. You are either in it or you're not. Discourses are connected with displays of
- South University
- South University Online
- Southeastern University
- Southern New Hampshire University
- Southwestern College
- Sp001
- St. Petersburg College
- State Center Community College District
- Statistics
- succeeding in online courses requires a different approach compared to traditional classroom settings. To help you make the most of your online learning experience
- such as notifications from social media or email. Organize your study materials and have a reliable internet connection to ensure seamless access to course materials.
- System Engineering
- Tarrant Country College
- Texas Am University
- that personal ethics and organizations ethics are two different and unrelated concepts. Others
- the attribute is useful
- The budget is arguably the most important policy decision elected officials make. Why?
- The directions are attached. However you must read the PDF file first in order to answer the questions.
- the project requires 6 inches of pavement thickness if the unit weight of the product is equal to 145 lbs per cubic foot. Using this information
- the psychiatrist stated that Charles was not suicidal and diagnoses him with antisocial personality disorder.(Learning Objectives: 1
- the role of work and money
- Theology
- think about a team you currently work with or have worked with in the past and how well this team has functioned. Think about both the positives and the negatives
- Thomas Nelson Community College
- Tim8330
- to be true of second language acquisition or socially situ ated cognition (Beebe
- to better promote the value and dignity of individuals or groups and to serve others in ways that promote human flourishing.
- to usc a Discourse. The most you can do is III It'! them practice being a linguist with you.
- Touro College Of Los Angeles
- Trident University International
- Troy University
- Uncategorized
- University Of California Santa Cruz
- University Of Cumberlands
- University Of Maryland University College
- University Of Nevada – Las Vegas
- University Of South Carolina
- University Of South Florida
- University Of The Cumberlands
- University Of Virginia
- University Of West Florida
- Unlv
- Walden University
- we can always ask about how much ten- 12 """""" or conflict is present between any two of a person's Discourses (Rosaldo
- West Valley College
- West Virginia University
- Western New England University
- What does Kolbert mean when she writes, "It seemed to me, as a journalist, that the magazine had buried the lede? According to Kolbert, what should the lede be?
- whether good or bad. The intent of the short research projects is to dig a little deeper into some of the topics
- which triggers the vulnerability. As soon as the user downloads this shortcut file on Windows 10; windows explorer will
- Why do you want to become a Physical Therapist Assistant? Why should you be accepted into the PTA program?
- working together
- Write a 150 response that focus on the the role of the observer in making images of the universe.
- Write a 500 to 750 word essay using narration as the chief method of development.
- Write a paper based on a movie that is discussing a psychological disorder
- Write an essay on artificial intelligence in eCommerce and business. Min of 3000 words No plagiarism
- Write an essay on derivatives trading
- Writing
- Ych635 Psychology Of Learning
- you believe you can provide the CIO with the information he needs.
- you will learn how to search for scholarly
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