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RC Strategic & Professional Communication Interpersonal Communication Handbook

RC Strategic & Professional Communication Interpersonal Communication Handbook

Strategic Professional Communication Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric Competency Name: Strategic Professional Communication Competency Statement: Understand the skills required to interact professionally, effectively, and strategically with others Final Assessment Submission Title: Interpersonal Communication Handbook Competency Objectives: 1. Understand the best methods, including the use of verbal and nonverbal skills, for achieving effective professional communication 2. Apply strategic communication within the business context, including virtual, face-to-face, and written interactions with a variety of audiences 3. Construct and deliver high impact messages using appropriate strategies 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the interpersonal skills needed for professional success, including teamwork, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and cultural awareness Program Learning Outcome(s): NA Institutional Learning Outcome(s): NA Purpose of this Assessment The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate your ability to understand the skills required to interact effectively with others by selecting an organization and creating an Interpersonal Communication Handbook designed for its staff and/or volunteers. Item Required for Submission The Interpersonal Communication Handbook is the single item required for submission and includes the sections detailed in the steps below: 1. Introduction (which describes the organization selected, the audience for the handbook, and why interpersonal skills are important for the target audience) 2. Overview of Interpersonal Skills 3. Initial Interactions with Colleagues, Customers, and Clients 4. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication 5. Intercultural Communication 6. Interpersonal Conflicts 7. Summary 8. Appendix A: Bibliography (minimum of five articles and two video clips that support the information in the handbook) 9. Appendix B: Personal Case Study (reflection on the your own interpersonal communication abilities, stereotypes, strengths, and weaknesses) Step ONE: Preparation Strategic Professional Communication Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric ‘Consider that all organizations rely on effective interpersonal skills, or ‘soft’ skills, that many managers prioritize as being as important, or even more important than ‘hard’ skills, which are more tangible and task specific. Of these interpersonal skills, effective communicator usually tops the list as the most desired skill in the modern workplace. Yet, it is generally more difficult to train individuals how to demonstrate effective ‘soft’ skills than ‘hard’ skills. With that in mind, your final assessment requires that you create an Interpersonal Communication Handbook that provides guidelines for employees and/or volunteers of a select organization. ‘Determine the organization that you would like to use for your handbook. You are required to use a real organization that has a website. It may be an organization that is already familiar to you, or one that you select via research. Consider choosing an organization that represents a service or industry that interests you. It may be an organization where you can see yourself working or volunteering currently or in the future. It can be a for-profit company or a non-profit community-based organization, such as a healthcare, education, or social services. If you are undecided, begin your search by focusing on a company where you would like to work or that creates products or services you use. If you are interested in a non-profit organization, you may begin your search by focusing on an issue of interest to you such as pet rescue, homelessness, hunger, cancer prevention, or the environment. The possibilities are endless. ‘Think about the audience who will use your handbook. It can be employees and/or volunteers. You will want to give some thought to why interpersonal skills, specifically communication skills, are important for the roles your readers hold, and what they need to understand and apply to be successful in their career. ‘Review the learning activities for this competency. They, along with your research, will support the information you write. ‘Begin to research topics for each section of the handbook and familiarize yourself with the institution’s library resources as needed. You will be asked to include a bibliography that lists a minimum of five references, three of which must be from scholarly sources. ‘Think about the types of video-based examples that support the sections of the handbook. You will be asked to provide at least two examples that help demonstrate and/or explain effective communication. ‘Think about the types of illustrations or photographs you can locate or create that support the sections of the handbook and make the content more interesting/appealing to your readers. ‘Seek assistance from the institution’s Online Writing Center if you need to brush up on your writing skills. Your writing should be clear, organized, and relevant with elements of creativity and subject knowledge. ‘Review APA style as needed so you will be prepared to format the handbook using this style. Step Two: Completing the Section of the Handbook Titled, ‘Introduction’ Under the heading, ‘Introduction,’ write a description of the organization you selected. Address the audience as ‘you’ (i.e. use second person), keeping in mind that you are writing for your target audience and not your grader. To help guide what you write, imagine new employees and/or volunteers reading more about the organization they have just joined. Additionally, this section provides the context for the later sections of the handbook. Your description must represent original writing (not taken directly from the organization’s website) and include the following: Strategic Professional Communication Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric ‘Welcome statement to the reader – consider what you would like to see if you were a reader required to review the handbook ‘Purpose of the organization you selected with a reference to its website ‘Description of the services or products provided by the organization ‘Description of the audience, including the variety of roles that they may perform and the individuals with whom they may interact (e.g. other employees and/or volunteers, clients, customers, individuals in crisis, parents, children, etc.). Step THREE: Completing the Section of the Handbook Titled, ‘Overview of Interpersonal Skills’ Under the heading, ‘Overview of Interpersonal Skills,’ explain the elements of interpersonal skills , especially effective communication, and why they are important to your selected organization. ‘Address the reader as ‘you’ (i.e. use second person). ‘Explain the role of the audience (employees and/or volunteers) as the sender and the receiver. You may offer examples of several roles since organizations include individuals with many different roles and responsibilities. ‘Select one model of interpersonal communication that should be used in a ‘typical’ interaction within the organization. Brie fly explain why this model is the best choice and how it should be applied by the reader in their role. This section is required to be a minimum of 500 words using information noted in the competency’s readings. ‘Step FOUR: Completing the Section of the Handbook Titled ‘Initial Interactions with Colleagues, Customers, and Clients’ Under the heading, ‘Initial Interactions with Colleagues, Customers, and Clients,’ make recommendations for establishing rapp ort, listening, and establishing a degree of self-disclosure. Keep in mind that your audience may interact with one or more of the following: colleagues, customers, clients, service recipients, supervisors, volunteers, etc. ‘Address the reader as ‘you’ (i.e. use second person). ‘Write this section with the understanding that the reader may experience any or all of these interactions. ‘At least one recommendation must pertain to initial interactions in virtual environments. ‘For each recommendation, include clear rationale. ‘Include at least one illustration, photograph, or other image that you locate or create to help make the section relevant and ‘come alive’ for the reader. ‘This section is required to be a minimum of 500 words. Strategic Professional Communication Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric Step FIVE: Completing the Section of Handbook Titled, ‘Verbal and Nonverbal Communication’ Under the heading, ‘Verbal and Nonverbal Communication,’ write at least three recommendations for effective verbal communicat ion and at least three recommendations for effective nonverbal communication that pertain to emplo yees and/or volunteers in this organization. ‘Address the reader as ‘you’ (i.e. use second person). ‘At least one recommendation for effective verbal communication and one recommendation for effective nonverbal communication must address interpersonal skills in virtual environments. ‘Each recommendation must include clear rationale. ‘Include at least one illustration, photograph, or other image that you locate or create to help make the section relevant and ‘come alive’ for the reader. ‘This section is required to be a minimum of 1,000 words. Step SIX: Completing the Section of Handbook Titled, ‘Intercultural Communication’ Under the heading, ‘Intercultural Communication,’ explain three major considerations in interacting with individuals from dif ferent cultures and in diverse environments. ‘Address the reader as ‘you’ (i.e. use second person). ‘Explain why each consideration is important for your audience. Include challenges of addressing all three of these in both face-to-face and virtual environments. ‘Include at least one illustration, photograph, or other image that you locate or create to help make the section relevant and ‘come alive’ for the reader. ‘This section is required to be a minimum of 500 words. Step SEVEN: Completing the Section of Handbook Titled, ‘Interpersonal Conflicts’ Under the heading, ‘Interpersonal Conflicts,’ write about three scenarios that might cause conflict in the organization you s elected. ‘Address the reader as ‘you’ (i.e. use second person). ‘At least one scenario must be applicable to a virtual environment. ‘Explain why these scenarios may cause conflict and provide at least one recommendation to deal with the conflict in each scenario. In at least one recommendation, consider communication styles. ‘Provide rationale for all of your recommendations. Strategic Professional Communication Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric ‘Include at least one illustration, photograph, or other image that you locate or create to help make the section relevant and ‘come alive’ for the reader. ‘This section is required to be a minimum of 500 words. Step EIGHT: Summary Complete your handbook with a positive summary paragraph to leave the reader feeling confident and optimistic about what they ‘ve read. This is your final opportunity to impress upon the reader (employee, volunteer, etc.) the importanc e of the information contained in the handbook and how it can be applied for workplace success. It is also one more chance to welcome the employee, volunteer, etc. to the organization. ‘Address the reader as ‘you’ (i.e. use second person). ‘No heading is required for this section ‘No illustration, photograph, or other image is required for this section Step NINE: Completing the Section of the Handbook Titled ‘Appendix A: Bibliography’ Under the heading, ‘Appendix A: Bibliography,’ write a bibliography following these directions: ‘Use the subheading ‘Articles’ to reference a minimum of five articles that you researched and read that relate directly to professional communication and the content of the handbook. Three of those articles must be scholarly, and all must be from credible sources. List all references in alphabetical order and use APA style. ‘Use the subheading, ‘Video Clips’ to reference a minimum of two video clips that show examples of or explain different communication skills addressed in this competency. You may include video clips found online and/or create one or more yourself. Feel free to be creative and search for news stories, excerpts of movies, or television shows (could include reality shows and talk shows). The video clips must be accessible to the grader via a URL link. The video clips may show examples of effective or ineffective interpersonal skills. ‘The formatting should look like this: Appendix A: Bibliography Articles Sample, J. (2014). Interpreting nonverbal behavior. International Journal of Communications, 15, 223–244. Video Clips Talentia, E.L. (Producer). (2012, January 5). Families reunite, retrieved from Strategic Professional Communication Final Assessment: Outline Step & TEN: Completing the Section of the Handbook Titled ‘Appendix B: Personal Case Study’ Rubric Under the heading, ‘Appendix B: Personal Case Study,’ reflect upon your own interpersonal skills strengths and weaknesses fol lowing these directions: ‘Use first person (I). ‘Reflect on your own personality, schema, and stereotypes, as well as how they influence your interpersonal communications skills. ‘Identify one or more major interpersonal communication strengths you believe you possess and provide rationale for why you selected this strength. ‘Identify one or more areas in which you can improve your interpersonal communication and provide rationale for your selection along with a recommendation for how to improve. ‘This section is required to be a minimum of 250 words and should be an example of how you, the author of the handbook, thoughtfully apply the information you are sharing with readers. Step ELEVEN: Review the Checklist for Submission Before you submit the required items, check to see if you believe you have met the criteria noted below. Did you…. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Follow all of the guidelines in Step 1 in order to prepare for the final assessment? Apply the handbook to the intended audience and organization? Use all required headings and subheadings? Clearly describe the organization selected and the audience for the handbook, as well as why interpersonal skills are importa nt for the targeted audience? Carefully read the learning activities and the research articles you selected and apply the info rmation you learned to the handbook? Read the directions for each handbook section and double check that you followed each instruction? Select or create video clips that are accessible to the grader and effectively demonstrate good and/or poor interpersona l communication skills? Check your work to assure accurate use of APA style? Proofread your work and request assistance with proofreading, as needed, to assure logical organization and writing style? Check that you met requirements for length? Review the exemplary column of the rubric to see if you are meeting high expectations for all criteria? Step TWELVE: Submit Your Work (Items 1 – 10) Strategic Professional Communication Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric ‘Your completed final assessment documents should be submitted through the Final Assessment page of your competency. ‘Please note, for files smaller than 10MB (i.e., most Word documents), use the corresponding ‘+UPLOAD STUDENT FILE’ button to upload your final assessment assignments. For larger files of any type (i.e., voice-over PowerPoint files, videos, or image-heavy documents), please use the optional TEXT EDITOR to provide a URL where your grader can download your file. Strategic Professional Communication Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric ‘How you create a download URL is up to you, but various free online providers, including Google Drive,, or Dropbox, offer this service. Please make sure that the URL you provide can be accessed by anyone with the link. For further instructions on how to create public links for uploaded files, consult the support pages for your chosen provider. Final Assessment Rubric: Interpersonal Communication Handbook CRITERION EMERGING (1) DEVELOPING (2) PROFICIENT (3) EXEMPLARY (4) Elements of Interpersonal Skills There is little or no description of the elements of interpersonal skills and one model of interpersonal skills in the ‘Overview of Interpersonal Skills’ section. Little or no rationale for use of the selected model is provided, and the model is not clearly applied to the organization described in the introduction. The elements of interpersonal skills and one model of interpersonal skills are partially described in the ‘Overview of Interpersonal Skills’ section. The rationale for use of the selected model is partially supported, and the model is applied ambiguously to the organization described in the introduction. The elements of interpersonal skills and one model of interpersonal skills are described in the ‘Overview of Interpersonal Skills’ section. The rationale for use of the selected model is generally supported, and the model is applied reasonably to the organization described in the introduction. The elements of interpersonal skills and one model of interpersonal skills are clearly and accurately described in the ‘Overview of Interpersonal Skills’ section. The rationale for use of the selected model is clearly supported, and the model is applied accurately and realistically to the organization described in the introduction. Relationship Between Self and Interpersonal Skills Recommendations for establishing rapport, listening, and establishing degree of self-disclosure are not explained in the ‘Initial Interactions with Recommendations for establishing rapport, listening, and establishing degree of self-disclosure are partially explained in the ‘Initial Interactions with Recommendations for establishing rapport, listening, and establishing degree of self-disclosure are reasonably explained in the ‘Initial Interactions with Colleagues, Customers, and Recommendations for establishing rapport, listening, and establishing degree of self-disclosure are clearly and accurately explained in the ‘Initial Interactions with Strategic Professional Communication Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Colleagues, Customers, and Clients,’ section. Recommendations include little to no rationale or considerations of the variety of interactions that may occur in the selected organization. Colleagues, Customers, and Clients,’ section. Recommendations include some acceptable rationale, and partially consider the variety of interactions that may occur in the selected organization. In personal case study, little or no reflections on self-concept, personality, schema, stereotypes, personal strengths and weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement in interpersonal skills are present. In personal case study, some reflections on selfconcept, personality, schema, stereotypes, personal strengths and weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement in interpersonal skills are present, but lack rationale. The section ‘Verbal and Nonverbal Communication’ includes fewer than three recommendations for effective verbal communication and fewer than three recommendations for effective nonverbal communication. Little or no rationale is provided for the recommendations. The section ‘Verbal and Nonverbal Communication’ includes fewer than three applicable recommendations for effective verbal communication and/or fewer than three applicable recommendations for effective nonverbal communication. Recommendations include partial rationale. Clients,’ section. Recommendations include acceptable rationale, and mostly consider the variety of interactions that may occur in the selected organization. In personal case study, reflections on self-concept, personality, schema, stereotypes, personal strengths and weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement in interpersonal skills are mostly thoughtful, applicable, and supported by satisfactory rationale. The section ‘Verbal and Nonverbal Communication’ includes three applicable recommendations for effective verbal communication and three applicable recommendations for effective nonverbal communication. Each recommendation includes satisfactory rationale. Colleagues, Customers, and Clients,’ section. Recommendations are relevant, include clear rationale, and consider the variety of interactions that may occur in the selected organization. In personal case study, reflections on self-concept, personality, schema, stereotypes, personal strengths and weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement in interpersonal skills are thoughtful, applicable, and supported by clear rationale. The section ‘Verbal and Nonverbal Communication’ includes at least three clearly applicable recommendations for effective verbal communication and at least three clearly applicable recommendations for effective nonverbal communication. Each recommendation includes well-defined rationale. Strategic Professional Communication Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric Relationship Between Culture, Environment, and Interpersonal Skills Minimally identifies, explains, and provides rationale for three or fewer major considerations for interacting with individuals from different cultures and in diverse environments in the ‘Intercultural Communication’ section. Includes little or no challenges for addressing one or more of these considerations for the selected organization. Identifies, explains, and provides some rationale for two or three major considerations for interacting with individuals from different cultures and in diverse environments in the ‘Intercultural Communication’ section. Partially includes challenges for addressing one or more of these considerations for the selected organization. Identifies, explains, and provides satisfactory rationale for at least three major considerations for interacting with individuals from different cultures and in diverse environments in the ‘Intercultural Communication’ section. Includes acceptable challenges for addressing all three of these considerations for the selected organization. Clearly identifies, explains, and provides clear rationale for at least three major considerations for interacting with individuals from different cultures and in diverse environments in the ‘Intercultural Communication’ section. Includes realistic challenges for addressing all three of these considerations for the selected organization. Elements of Conflict The section ‘Interpersonal Conflicts,’ includes three or fewer scenarios that are not all likely to cause conflict in the organization selected. There is little or no explanation of why these scenarios may cause conflict. No relevant recommendations to deal with the conflicts are provided. Communication styles are not addressed. The section ‘Interpersonal Conflicts,’ includes three or fewer scenarios that are not all likely to cause conflict in the organization selected. Partially explains why these scenarios may cause conflict and provides minimal recommendations to deal with conflicts in the scenarios. Communication styles are somewhat addressed. The section ‘Interpersonal Conflicts,’ includes three reasonable scenarios that might cause conflict in the organization selected. Explains why these scenarios may cause conflict and provides at least one relevant recommendation to deal with the conflict in most scenarios. At least one recommendation addresses communication styles. The section ‘Interpersonal Conflicts,’ includes three specific and realistic scenarios that might cause conflict in the organization selected. Explains clearly why these scenarios may cause conflict and provides at least one relevant recommendation to deal with the conflict in each scenario. At least one recommendation addresses communication styles. Application of Interpersonal Communication in Virtual Environments Interpersonal communication in virtual environments is minimally or not addressed at all in handbook sections that include this requirement. Explanations and Interpersonal communication in virtual environments is addressed in some handbook sections that include this requirement. Explanations and analyses of interpersonal Interpersonal communication in virtual environments is addressed in all handbook sections that include this requirement. Most explanations and analyses of interpersonal skills in virtual environments Interpersonal communication in virtual environments is addressed clearly in all handbook sections that include this requirement. All explanations and analyses of interpersonal Strategic Professional Communication Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric Research Relevance and Accuracy Writing Mechanics, Formatting, and Presentation analyses of interpersonal skills in virtual environments are partially or completely lacking accuracy and relevance. skills in virtual environments are partially accurate, relevant, and applicable to the selected organization. are accurate, relevant, and applicable to the selected organization. skills in virtual environments are accurate, relevant, and applicable to the selected organization. Fewer than the required minimum number of articles and video clips are included in Appendix A, and/or the articles and video clips do not follow the guidelines for scholarly and credible sources. The articles summarized minimally relate to interpersonal skills and do not point out new and/or unique information that is valuable and relevant to the readers of the handbook. Fewer than the required minimum number of articles and video clips are included in Appendix A, and/or the articles and video clips only partially follow the guidelines for scholarly and credible sources. The articles summarized partially relate to interpersonal skills and are remiss in pointing out new and/or unique information that is valuable and relevant to the readers of the handbook. The required minimum number of articles and video clips are included in Appendix A, and they mostly follow the guidelines for scholarly and credible sources. The articles summarized relate to interpersonal skills, and point out new and/or unique information that is valuable and relevant to the readers of the handbook. The required minimum number of articles and video clips are included in Appendix A, and they exactly follow the guidelines for scholarly and credible sources. The articles summarized relate directly to interpersonal skills, and clearly point out new and/or unique information that is particularly valuable and relevant to the readers of the handbook. The video clips show weak examples of interpersonal skills, which are poorly summarized and identified as effective or ineffective. The video clips show limited examples of interpersonal skills, which are minimally summarized and identified as effective or ineffective. The handbook has poor logical flow and writing style. It may not include all required headings and subheadings and does not meet the length requirements. Spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation have many The handbook is lacking in logical flow and good writing style. It may not include all required headings and subheadings and may not meet the length requirements. Spelling, grammar, and/or The video clips show examples of interpersonal skills, which are satisfactorily summarized and identified as effective or ineffective. The handbook is mostly logical and well-written. It includes required headings and subheadings, mostly uses first or second person when instructed, and meets the length requirements. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation have few errors. The video clips show strong examples of interpersonal skills, which are clearly summarized and identified as effective or ineffective. The handbook is logical, and well-written. It includes required headings and subheadings, uses first or second person when instructed, and meets the length requirements. Spelling, grammar, and Strategic Professional Communication Final Assessment: Outline & Rubric errors. APA formatting standards are not followed. Illustrations, photographs, and other images are not present or do not support the content in the section. punctuation have several errors. APA formatting standards have several errors. Illustrations, photographs, and other images do not clearly contribute to making the section relevant and ‘come alive’ for the reader. APA formatting standards are followed with few or no errors. Illustrations, photographs, and other images are present where required, and contribute to making the section relevant and ‘come alive’ for the reader. punctuation are accurate. APA formatting standards are followed with no errors. Illustrations, photographs, and other images are present where required and strongly contribute to making the sections relevant and ‘come alive’ for the reader. Purchase answer to see full attachment

Mastering the Art of Online Learning: Your Guide to Acing Online Courses

Mastering the Art of Online Learning: Your Guide to Acing Online Courses


In recent years, the popularity of online courses has skyrocketed, offering learners the flexibility to acquire new skills and knowledge from the comfort of their homes. However, succeeding in online courses requires a different approach compared to traditional classroom settings. To help you make the most of your online learning experience, this article presents essential strategies and tips to ace your online courses.

1. Set Clear Goals and Plan Ahead

Before embarking on an online course, establish clear goals and objectives. Determine what you hope to achieve by the end of the course and break down your goals into manageable milestones. Create a study schedule that aligns with your other commitments, ensuring you allocate dedicated time for coursework, assignments, and revision.

2. Create a Productive Study Environment

Establishing a conducive study environment is crucial for online learning success. Find a quiet, well-lit space where you can concentrate without distractions. Remove any potential interruptions, such as notifications from social media or email. Organize your study materials and have a reliable internet connection to ensure seamless access to course materials.

3. Actively Engage in the Course

Active participation is key to mastering online courses. Engage with course materials, including videos, readings, and interactive components. Take comprehensive notes, highlighting key concepts and ideas. Participate in discussion boards, forums, and virtual meetings to interact with instructors and peers, fostering a sense of community and enhancing your understanding of the subject matter.

4. Manage Your Time Effectively

Online courses offer flexibility, but it’s essential to manage your time wisely to avoid falling behind. Create a detailed schedule, allocating specific time slots for coursework, assignments, and studying. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable segments to prevent procrastination. Prioritize tasks based on deadlines and dedicate focused time to each one, ensuring consistent progress throughout the course.

5. Develop Effective Communication Skills

Online courses often rely on written communication, making it crucial to hone your skills in this area. Be concise and clear in your written responses, paying attention to grammar and spelling. Actively participate in discussions, asking thoughtful questions and providing constructive feedback to your peers. Regularly check your course emails and notifications, ensuring you stay updated with any important announcements or changes.

6. Utilize Available Resources

Take full advantage of the resources provided by your online course platform and instructors. Familiarize yourself with the learning management system (LMS) and explore its features. Access supplementary materials, such as textbooks, lecture slides, and external resources recommended by instructors. Utilize online libraries, research databases, and tutorial services to deepen your understanding of the subject matter.

7. Stay Motivated and Engaged

Maintaining motivation throughout an online course can be challenging, particularly when faced with competing priorities or a lack of face-to-face interaction. Set short-term goals and reward yourself upon their completion. Connect with fellow learners through virtual study groups or online forums to foster a sense of camaraderie. Regularly remind yourself of the benefits and personal growth associated with completing the course successfully.

8. Seek Support and Clarification

Don’t hesitate to seek support or clarification when needed. Reach out to your instructors for guidance or clarification on course material. Utilize online discussion forums to ask questions or engage in collaborative problem-solving. Leverage the support services provided by your course platform or institution, such as technical support or academic advising.


Online courses present unique opportunities for self-paced learning and personal growth. By setting clear goals, creating a productive study environment, actively engaging with course materials, and managing your time effectively, you can maximize your chances of acing online courses. Remember to stay motivated, seek support when needed, and make the most of the available resources. Embrace the flexibility and adaptability of online learning to achieve your educational goals.

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