Jean Watson is famous for her Caring Science and Human Caring grand theory, whilst Martha Rogers is known for her Science of Unitary Human Beings grand theory. They both view nursing as a science and art well using the term Unitary Human in their theories. I have decided to examine Watsons reverentially assisting with basic needs as scared acts, touching mind-body-spirit of the patient and sustaining human dignity (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2021). Then compare it Rogerss Human-unitary human beings. According to the human-unitary human Razoni & Baker is defined as an individual that is also a unified whole, with its unique traits that cannot be examined by just looking at, describing, or summarizing its parts (2021). Rogerss concept is similar to Watsons concept because they both view the patient as a whole, Watson talks about caring for the mind-body and spirit not treating one aspect but the whole human being.
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