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Liberty University Persuasive Writing and Speaking Report

Liberty University Persuasive Writing and Speaking Report

Choose ONE of the below prompts to answer: Describe two or three techniques you can apply when delivering an effective bad-news message and why each is important. Discuss two or three strategies you can utilize when writing or speaking to persuade others to accept your point of view. Discuss at least two DOs and two DON’Ts for writing a convincing and effective formal report. Explain the difference between primary research and secondary research and how each is used in gathering information for research. Provide at least two ways graphics can be used to increase the effectiveness of a presentation and two ways graphics can hinder a presentation’s effectiveness. 11 attachments Slide 1 of 11 attachment_1 attachment_1 attachment_2 attachment_2 attachment_3 attachment_3 attachment_4 attachment_4 attachment_5 attachment_5 attachment_6 attachment_6 attachment_7 attachment_7 attachment_8 attachment_8 attachment_9 attachment_9 attachment_10 attachment_10 attachment_11 attachment_11 BUSI 300 DISCUSSION BOARD FORUM INSTRUCTIONS This document explains how you are to complete your Discussion Board (DB) Forum Threads and Replies. The DB Forums are designed to assess higher-level, critical thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The learning theories, upon which this class is based, are actualized in these threads. DB FORUM THREAD In Modules/Weeks 3 & 5, select ONE (1) of the prompts/questions provided and post your answer in a *substantive thread of 250–350 words, citing at least two (2) approved/credible sources, using correct APA formatting. Approved/credible sources include: • the course textbook (as listed on the course syallbus) • full-text, peer-reviewed/scholarly articles (retrieved from Liberty University’s online journal database). No general Internet searching is acceptable. Therefore, blogs, education sites, commercial sites, Wikipedia,, editorials, abstracts, online books, book reviews, etc. are NOT acceptable for this assignment. For questions about what a peer-reviewed/scholarly article is or how to search for these articles, go to *Substantive means completely answering the question and providing support with your use of approved/credible sources. The last portion of your thread must include a complete reference list, properly formatted according to the most current APA guidelines. Note that your reference list does NOT contribute to your word count. You are also required to include a working URL for any full text articles used; all working URLs must take your reader directly to the full text article within Liberty’s online library database. To further clarify, classmates must be able to directly link to the full text article within LU’s online library database using the URL you include in your thread. If you are unsure about the specific URL/link, you can copy the entire web address from the top of the web browser address bar (once you are on the page where you are viewing the full text article). Submit your DB Forum Thread by 11:59 pm (ET) on Monday of the assigned module/week. DB FORUM REPLY In Modules/Weeks 4 & 6, choose one classmate’s thread that answers a different prompt/question than your original thread, applying the *2-by-2 format in your **constructive reply of 200-300 words. *The 2-by-2 format should focus on content and indicate 2 points of agreement (or 2 things you like about the post) and why, as well as 2 points of disagreement (or 2 things you feel the posting author could have added to make his/her post stronger) and why. **Constructive means promoting further development of the topic and adding suggestions for improvement. Submit your DB Forum Reply by 11:59 pm (ET) on Monday of the assigned module/week. Page 1 of 2 BUSI 300 To gain the most from Discussion Board Forums: • Read all threads and included articles. • Draw your classmates into a discussion of the topic by asking questions. • Expect to spend some time each day reviewing all threads and replies, even those with which you are not involved. • The research and writing done for each forum is meant to prepare you for research and writing upper-level research papers in APA format. Each posting, whether thread or reply, should be written without grammar or spelling errors. In addition, all threads must contain parenthetical in-text citations (showing your use of information from the sources in your reference list) and at least 2 credible/approved sources, which are meant to substantiate and add credibility to your claims. Sources should be properly formatted according to the most current APA guidelines. • Utilize a 3–4 paragraph format: 1. Introductory statement/paragraph; this introductory statement/paragraph should introduce the topic and contain your thesis statement; 2. Body paragraph; this paragraph (or 2) should defend/support your thesis statement. This paragraph should contain a proper balance of information from credible sources and your own personal experience on the topic. 3. Conclusion statement/paragraph; this paragraph should restate your thesis, bringing your post to a strong, logical close. By employing the use of the above format, your classmates (and instructor) are able to quickly discern the direction and organization of your thread. A logical flow of material is vital for effective conveyance of a certain message. Be concise and complete! Consult the current edition of the APA manual for help with formatting in-text citations and references. You should also view the grading rubric, as well as the ‘Sample Discussion Board Forum Thread and Reply’ document, which is located in class: Course Content, Course Guidelines and Assignment Instructions; Assignment Instructions Discussion Board Forums. Page 2 of 2 Discussion Board (DB) Thread Grading Rubric_BUSI 300 Based on 70-point maximum Criteria Content 70% Advanced 90-100% Levels of Achievement Proficient 70-89% Developing 1-69% Not present 1 to 33 points 0 points 44 to 49 points 34 to 43 points Content All components of the chosen prompt/question are addressed. Major points are clearly stated and supported by good examples, thoughtful analysis, and two approved/credible sources. Most components of the chosen prompt/question are addressed. The thread has a logical flow. Some major points are supported with examples, analysis, and/or one approved/credible source. Structure 30% Advanced 90-100% Proficient 70-89% Developing 1-69% Not present 10 to 11 points 8 to 9 points 1 to 7 points 0 points Spelling and grammar are correct. Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures, and sentences are complete, clear, and concise. The thread contains some spelling, grammar, and/or sentence structure errors. Paragraphs contain some varied sentence structures. 9 to 10 points 7 to 8 points Grammar, Spelling, and Sentence Structure APA Formatting and Word Count Two approved/credible sources are included. Correct and current APA formatting has been applied to all parenthetical in-text citations and references. The required word amount (of 250-350 words), which does not include references or the title, has been met. One of two approved/credible sources is included. The thread contains some APA formatting errors. The word amount, which does not include references or the title, goes above or below the required amount by 10-49 words. Components of the chosen prompt/question are addressed minimally. Student answered all prompts in DB forum. Thread lacks flow or content. Major points are unclear or confusing. Major points are not supported by examples, analysis, or approved/credible sources. The thread contains multiple spelling, grammar and/or sentence structure errors. Paragraphs are poorly formed and/or sentences are incomplete or unclear. 1 to 6 points Approved/Credible sources are not included. The thread contains multiple APA formatting errors. The word amount, which does not include references or the title, goes above or below the required amount by 50 or more words. Not present Not present 0 points Not present – X + . 2 MindTap – Cengage Learning – Google Chrome i Alexis y CENGAGE | MINDTAP ? * Q Search this course 2 Alexis Beatty 3 v U My Home Read: Chapter 1 PowerPoints X LU Courses Catalog and Study Tools Review the Lecture Notes Chapter 01 A-Z EE Rental Options 2 College Success Tips Introduction to Civil Litigation Career Success Tips RECOMMENDED FOR YOU . DD EDITION se of these resources can lu co SE 07 MUTTHIKRE Civil litigation: the process of resolving private disputes through the court system Substantive laws: create, define, or explain our rights or obligations Procedural laws: set forth the methods used to enforce those rights or obligations Taking Control of Your Credit Cards 320 ? Help 0! Give Feedback CENGAGE Copyright © 2020 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Show all x O Type here to search O ? 11:06 AM 9/27/2021 21 78°F 19 – X + . 2 MindTap – Cengage Learning – Google Chrome i Alexis y CENGAGE | MINDTAP ? * Q Search this course 2 Alexis Beatty 3 v U My Home Read: Chapter 1 PowerPoints X LU Courses Catalog and Study Tools Review the Lecture Notes Chapter 01 A-Z EE Rental Options 2 College Success Tips Differences Between Criminal and Civil Cases Career Success Tips RECOMMENDED FOR YOU . DD EDITION se of these resources can lu co SE 07 MUTTHIKRO 1 Taking Control of Your Credit Cards 320 Substantive laws Criminal cases: based on substantive criminal laws Civil cases: based on substantive civil laws Tort law is the most common area of substantive civil law Goals Criminal cases: punishment for committing a crime Civil cases: compensation for damages received ? Help 0! Give Feedback CENGAGE Copyright © 2020 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Show all x O Type here to search O ? 11:06 AM 9/27/2021 21 78°F 19 – X + . 2 MindTap – Cengage Learning – Google Chrome i Alexis y CENGAGE | MINDTAP ? * Q Search this course 2 Alexis Beatty 3 v U My Home Read: Chapter 1 PowerPoints X LU Courses Catalog and Study Tools Review the Lecture Notes Chapter 01 A-Z EE Rental Options 2 College Success Tips Alternatives and Limitations to Litigation Career Success Tips RECOMMENDED FOR YOU . DD EDITION se of these resources can lu co SE Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) The procedures that parties use in an attempt to avoid litigation Administrative agency hearings Legislative and judicial limitations 07 MUTTHIKRICO . Taking Control of Your Credit Cards 320 ? Help 0! Give Feedback CENGAGE Copyright © 2020 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Show all ? O Type here to search O ? 11:07 AM 9/27/2021 21 78°F 19 – X + . 2 MindTap – Cengage Learning – Google Chrome i Alexis y CENGAGE | MINDTAP ? * Q Search this course 2 Alexis Beatty 3 v U My Home Read: Chapter 1 PowerPoints X LU Courses Catalog and Study Tools Review the Lecture Notes Chapter 01 A-Z EE Rental Options 2 College Success Tips Common Forms of ADR Career Success Tips RECOMMENDED FOR YOU . DD EDITION se of these resources can . lu co SE 07 MUTTHIKRICO Taking Control of Your Credit Cards 320 Three common forms of ADR 1. Negotiation Disputing parties discuss their problems with one another and try to come to a resolution 2. Mediation Mediator helps the parties settle their differences 3. Arbitration Out-of-court process Arbitrator hears both sides and makes a decision 1 ? Help 1 0! Give Feedback CENGAGE Copyright © 2020 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Show all ? O Type here to search O ? 11:07 AM 9/27/2021 21 78°F 19 – X + . 2 MindTap – Cengage Learning – Google Chrome i Alexis y CENGAGE | MINDTAP ? * Q Search this course 2 Alexis Beatty 3 v U My Home Read: Chapter 1 PowerPoints X LU Courses Catalog and Study Tools Review the Lecture Notes Chapter 01 A-Z EE Rental Options 2 College Success Tips Common Forms of ADR Career Success Tips RECOMMENDED FOR YOU . DD EDITION se of these resources can . lu co SE 07 MUTTHIKRICO Taking Control of Your Credit Cards 320 Three common forms of ADR 1. Negotiation Disputing parties discuss their problems with one another and try to come to a resolution 2. Mediation Mediator helps the parties settle their differences 3. Arbitration Out-of-court process Arbitrator hears both sides and makes a decision 1 ? Help 1 0! Give Feedback CENGAGE Copyright © 2020 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Show all ? O Type here to search O ? 11:07 AM 9/27/2021 21 78°F 19 – X + . 2 MindTap – Cengage Learning – Google Chrome i Alexis y CENGAGE | MINDTAP ? * Q Search this course 2 Alexis Beatty 3 v U My Home Read: Chapter 1 PowerPoints X LU Courses Catalog and Study Tools Review the Lecture Notes Chapter 01 A-Z EE Rental Options 2 College Success Tips The Litigation Paralegal: Prelitigation Facts Investigation Career Success Tips RECOMMENDED FOR YOU O DD EDITION se of these resources can lu co SE 07 MUTTHIKRICO Taking Control of Your Credit Cards 320 Prelitigation Facts Investigation Interviewing clients Interviewing witnesses Obtaining statements from witnesses Gathering evidence Organizing and indexing documentary evidence Researching factual and legal issues using the Internet and other sources ? Help 0! Give Feedback CENGAGE Copyright © 2020 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Show all ? O Type here to search O ? 11:07 AM 9/27/2021 21 78°F 19 – X + . 2 MindTap – Cengage Learning – Google Chrome i Alexis y CENGAGE | MINDTAP ? * Q Search this course 2 Alexis Beatty 3 v U My Home Read: Chapter 1 PowerPoints X LU Courses Catalog and Study Tools Review the Lecture Notes Chapter 01 A-Z EE Rental Options 2 College Success Tips The Litigation Paralegal: Commencing Litigation Career Success Tips RECOMMENDED FOR YOU . DD EDITION se of these resources can lu co SE 07 MUTTHIKRO Taking Control of Your Credit Cards 320 Commencing Litigation Researching substantive law and procedural rules related to the case Drafting pleadings Coordinating service of process Reviewing pleadings from opposing party Drafting motions Preparing orders after motions – Evaluating and using possible case-management software ? Help 0! Give Feedback CENGAGE Copyright © 2020 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Show all ? O Type here to search O ? 11:07 AM 9/27/2021 21 78°F 19 – X + . 2 MindTap – Cengage Learning – Google Chrome i Alexis y CENGAGE | MINDTAP ? * Q Search this course 2 Alexis Beatty 3 v U My Home Read: Chapter 1 PowerPoints X LU Courses Catalog and Study Tools Review the Lecture Notes Chapter 01 A-Z EE Rental Options 2 College Success Tips The Litigation Paralegal: Discovery Career Success Tips RECOMMENDED FOR YOU DD EDITION se of these resources can lu co SE 07 MUTTHIKRO Taking Control of Your Credit Cards 320 Discovery Drafting written forms of discovery Assisting client in complying with discovery requests Reviewing discovery obtained from opposing parties Preparing client for deposition Setting up, reviewing, and summarizing depositions Organizing, analyzing, and coding documents for document production, and, where appropriate, creating a document database Assisting with the technology needs in the e-discovery process ? Help 0! Give Feedback CENGAGE Copyright © 2020 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Show all ? O Type here to search O ? 11:08 AM 9/27/2021 21 78°F 19 – X + . 2 MindTap – Cengage Learning – Google Chrome i Alexis y CENGAGE | MINDTAP ? * Q Search this course 2 Alexis Beatty 3 v U My Home Read: Chapter 1 PowerPoints X LU Courses Catalog and Study Tools Review the Lecture Notes Chapter 01 A-Z EE Rental Options 2 College Success Tips Skills Required of the Litigation Paralegal Career Success Tips RECOMMENDED FOR YOU ED EDITION se of these resources can lu co SE 07 MUTTHIKRO Taking Control of Your Credit Cards 320 Skills needed Communicate both orally and in writing Organizational and analytical skills Legal research – Drafting court documents Technology skills Continuing legal education Professional organizations ? Help 0! Give Feedback . CENGAGE Copyright © 2020 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Show all ? O Type here to search O ? 11:08 AM 9/27/2021 21 78°F 19 Purchase answer to see full attachment Explanation & Answer: 300 Words Tags: Emotional Appeals argumentative approach Persuasive Writing and Speaking inform the audience persuasive papers User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.

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