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ISOL 633: Portfolio Assignment

ISOL 633: Portfolio Assignment

ISOL 633: Portfolio Assignment 1

ISOL 633 Portfolio Assignment (300 pts.) Introduction & Overview This is the ISOL 633 Portfolio Assignment, which is a label that merely reflects that one of the

overarching M.S. Information Systems Security degree program’s Learner Outcomes (a/k/a,

“PLOs”; see syllabus and below) will be tested in your work. This is a relatively light research

and writing project to be done individually unless your Instructor advises you to conduct it in a

group environment. Although it is relatively light, for example as compared to a master’s thesis

or a dissertation, it is an academic research paper that requires rigor, commitment, and care.

In ISOL 633 all your work is focused on obtaining the five Course Objectives (also on the

syllabus) and this MSISS PLO:

? Program Outcome 3.1- Students determine which laws apply to different types of business environments.

A successful Portfolio will unequivocally prove that you have attained the PLO, which is

partially why this is not due until the end of the term (see your course dates for details). Also, a

successful Portfolio will evince graduate-level written English, and conformity to APA Style

guidelines. See the Portfolio Assignment’s rubric for a detailed view about how to learn the most

in this process, and how to earn the most in terms of a grade on the work.

Requirements Writing Style and Constructive Requirements Through experience it is clear that, for some reason, page length is top-of-mind amongst

students’ curiosities. You are required to write at least five substantive pages (excluding Title,

Abstract, References, and Appendices) and no more than 10 without approval from your


If you are familiar with APA Style, which is another requirement, you know that the

parenthetical above points to the main components of this Portfolio Assignment: Title Page,

Abstract Page, Body, References, and Appendices if needed. As graduate students studying in

STEM sciences you must follow APA. There are ample resources in UC’s Library to learn how

to conform.

Besides the Library, you can get all the help desired from UC’s The Learning Commons and its

Writing Center. You have no excuse to fail at these basic style and construction requirements.

This is the so-called low-hanging fruit. Experience shows us that far too few of you will heed

this seemingly simple direction. Please take advantage of these resources lest your excellent

research and analyses never actually gets communicated. Sometimes the mode is as important as

the message. See the course materials for links and tons of help in this vein.

The Research Challenges Your task is to conduct reliable, valid, scholarly research about one of the following bodies of

law, and then discuss your findings and critical thoughts about it. There have been and will be

ISOL 633 Portfolio Assignment 2

many areas of information security and privacy laws, so select one of the options that engages

you, or perhaps relates to work you’re doing.

1. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Financial Sector Select one American financial institution that frames your research. Describe the organization, its

business(es), its scope, and any additional descriptive information that will inform your reader

about your subject matter.

Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the financial sector that

came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,

and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected

financial institution was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that

information too.

In addition to compliance laws that directly target financial institutions, countless other laws

apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your

selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or

IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the

most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.

In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential

risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics

investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the financial sector, research and

discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic

investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so

be diligent and you will find one to discuss.

Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from

compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,

or otherwise affects the organization. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk

consultant in this section.

2. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Education Sector Select one American academic institution that frames your research. Describe the school, its

place in academia, its student body and curricular expanse, and any additional descriptive

information that will inform your reader about your subject matter.

Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the education sector that

came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,

and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected

institution was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that

information too.

In addition to compliance laws that directly target educational institutions, countless other laws

apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your

selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or

ISOL 633 Portfolio Assignment 3

IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the

most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.

In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential

risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics

investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the educational sector, research and

discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic

investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so

be diligent and you will find one to discuss.

Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from

compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,

or otherwise affects the institution. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk

consultant in this section.

3. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Healthcare Sector Select one American healthcare organization (“covered entity” in HIPAA parlance) that frames

your research. Describe the organization, its components assuming it’s a healthcare “system,” its

business in general, and any additional descriptive information that will inform your reader about

your subject matter.

Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the healthcare sector that

came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,

and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected

covered entity was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that

information too.

In addition to compliance laws that directly target healthcare institutions, countless other laws

apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your

selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or

IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the

most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.

In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential

risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics

investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the healthcare sector, research and

discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic

investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so

be diligent and you will find one to discuss.

Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from

compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,

or otherwise affects the institution. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk

consultant in this section.

4. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Federal Government

ISOL 633 Portfolio Assignment 4

Select one U.S. federal government agency, bureau, directorate, or another organizational entity

in the Administrative Branch that frames your research. Describe the organization, its place in

the structure of the federal government, its scope of control or legal influence, what types of

organizations or individuals are subject to its regulations, and any additional descriptive

information that will inform your reader about your subject matter.

Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the federal government

system that came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based

on that law, and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, your

selected agency was likely involved in such litigation, or has published their critique of the laws,

so include that information foremost.

In addition to compliance laws that directly target the federal government’s security and privacy,

countless other laws apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to

discover whether your selected agency has been awarded intellectual property rights (yes, the

federal government both owns and awards IP protection through USPTO) for their trademarks,

patents, or IP. Describe whether and how it maintains or protects its trade secrets. Describe for

your reader some of the most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps

has been involved in. Again, even the government is subject to the laws that it creates in this


In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential

risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics

investigation. Keeping the focus on your agency, and likely also looking to NIST materials,

research and discuss an incident or case in which such the agency or another within its greater

organization was compelled to go through the forensic investigation process. There are no

sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so be diligent and you will find one to


Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from

compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,

or otherwise affects the agency. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk

consultant in this section.

Additional Requirements as Mandated by Your Instructor This Portfolio Assignment is subject to changes introduced by your instructor, whose

requirements supersede these when the two directions appear at odds. As always, work with your

Instructor, ask questions when you’re unclear, and do so as soon as practical.

Enjoy the research, improve your writing, and take away lessons that help you and your

organization, and maybe even society at large.

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Assignment – Portfolio

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ISOL 633 Portfolio Assignment 1

ISOL 633 Portfolio Assignment (300 pts.) Introduction & Overview This is the ISOL 633 Portfolio Assignment, which is a label that merely reflects that one of the

overarching M.S. Information Systems Security degree program’s Learner Outcomes (a/k/a,

“PLOs”; see syllabus and below) will be tested in your work. This is a relatively light research

and writing project to be done individually unless your Instructor advises you to conduct it in a

group environment. Although it is relatively light, for example as compared to a master’s thesis

or a dissertation, it is an academic research paper that requires rigor, commitment, and care.

In ISOL 633 all your work is focused on obtaining the five Course Objectives (also on the

syllabus) and this MSISS PLO:

? Program Outcome 3.1- Students determine which laws apply to different types of business environments.

A successful Portfolio will unequivocally prove that you have attained the PLO, which is

partially why this is not due until the end of the term (see your course dates for details). Also, a

successful Portfolio will evince graduate-level written English, and conformity to APA Style

guidelines. See the Portfolio Assignment’s rubric for a detailed view about how to learn the most

in this process, and how to earn the most in terms of a grade on the work.

Requirements Writing Style and Constructive Requirements Through experience it is clear that, for some reason, page length is top-of-mind amongst

students’ curiosities. You are required to write at least five substantive pages (excluding Title,

Abstract, References, and Appendices) and no more than 10 without approval from your


If you are familiar with APA Style, which is another requirement, you know that the

parenthetical above points to the main components of this Portfolio Assignment: Title Page,

Abstract Page, Body, References, and Appendices if needed. As graduate students studying in

STEM sciences you must follow APA. There are ample resources in UC’s Library to learn how

to conform.

Besides the Library, you can get all the help desired from UC’s The Learning Commons and its

Writing Center. You have no excuse to fail at these basic style and construction requirements.

This is the so-called low-hanging fruit. Experience shows us that far too few of you will heed

this seemingly simple direction. Please take advantage of these resources lest your excellent

research and analyses never actually gets communicated. Sometimes the mode is as important as

the message. See the course materials for links and tons of help in this vein.

The Research Challenges Your task is to conduct reliable, valid, scholarly research about one of the following bodies of

law, and then discuss your findings and critical thoughts about it. There have been and will be

ISOL 633 Portfolio Assignment 2

many areas of information security and privacy laws, so select one of the options that engages

you, or perhaps relates to work you’re doing.

1. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Financial Sector Select one American financial institution that frames your research. Describe the organization, its

business(es), its scope, and any additional descriptive information that will inform your reader

about your subject matter.

Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the financial sector that

came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,

and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected

financial institution was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that

information too.

In addition to compliance laws that directly target financial institutions, countless other laws

apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your

selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or

IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the

most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.

In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential

risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics

investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the financial sector, research and

discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic

investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so

be diligent and you will find one to discuss.

Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from

compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,

or otherwise affects the organization. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk

consultant in this section.

2. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Education Sector Select one American academic institution that frames your research. Describe the school, its

place in academia, its student body and curricular expanse, and any additional descriptive

information that will inform your reader about your subject matter.

Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the education sector that

came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,

and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected

institution was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that

information too.

In addition to compliance laws that directly target educational institutions, countless other laws

apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your

selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or

ISOL 633 Portfolio Assignment 3

IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the

most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.

In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential

risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics

investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the educational sector, research and

discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic

investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so

be diligent and you will find one to discuss.

Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from

compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,

or otherwise affects the institution. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk

consultant in this section.

3. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Healthcare Sector Select one American healthcare organization (“covered entity” in HIPAA parlance) that frames

your research. Describe the organization, its components assuming it’s a healthcare “system,” its

business in general, and any additional descriptive information that will inform your reader about

your subject matter.

Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the healthcare sector that

came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,

and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected

covered entity was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that

information too.

In addition to compliance laws that directly target healthcare institutions, countless other laws

apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your

selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or

IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the

most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.

In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential

risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics

investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the healthcare sector, research and

discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic

investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so

be diligent and you will find one to discuss.

Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from

compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,

or otherwise affects the institution. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk

consultant in this section.

4. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Federal Government

ISOL 633 Portfolio Assignment 4

Select one U.S. federal government agency, bureau, directorate, or another organizational entity

in the Administrative Branch that frames your research. Describe the organization, its place in

the structure of the federal government, its scope of control or legal influence, what types of

organizations or individuals are subject to its regulations, and any additional descriptive

information that will inform your reader about your subject matter.

Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the federal government

system that came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based

on that law, and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, your

selected agency was likely involved in such litigation, or has published their critique of the laws,

so include that information foremost.

In addition to compliance laws that directly target the federal government’s security and privacy,

countless other laws apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to

discover whether your selected agency has been awarded intellectual property rights (yes, the

federal government both owns and awards IP protection through USPTO) for their trademarks,

patents, or IP. Describe whether and how it maintains or protects its trade secrets. Describe for

your reader some of the most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps

has been involved in. Again, even the government is subject to the laws that it creates in this


In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential

risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics

investigation. Keeping the focus on your agency, and likely also looking to NIST materials,

research and discuss an incident or case in which such the agency or another within its greater

organization was compelled to go through the forensic investigation process. There are no

sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so be diligent and you will find one to


Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from

compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,

or otherwise affects the agency. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk

consultant in this section.

Additional Requirements as Mandated by Your Instructor This Portfolio Assignment is subject to changes introduced by your instructor, whose

requirements supersede these when the two directions appear at odds. As always, work with your

Instructor, ask questions when you’re unclear, and do so as soon as practical.

Enjoy the research, improve your writing, and take away lessons that help you and your

organization, and maybe even society at large.

Applied Sciences
Architecture and Design
Business & Finance
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Environmental science
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Information Systems
Political Science
Social Science
Liberty University
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