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INT 501 Westcliff University Building and Improving Professional Portfolio Paper

INT 501 Westcliff University Building and Improving Professional Portfolio Paper

Describe in the discussion those components that you will be working on in this session to build or improve your professional portfolio and post to the discussion board. MASTER’S IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM INT 501 AB Concentration: Marketing and Sales Internship Online Syllabus INT 501 AB Syllabus Table of Contents Course Description 3 Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Linked to Program Outcomes 4 CLA Linking Table 5 DQ Linking Table 5 Detailed Course Outline 6 2 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Course Description COURSE NAME CODE UNITS CAMPUS MBA Internship INT 501 AB 1 Online LENGTH OF CLASS METHOD OF INSTRUCTION 16 weeks The course is conducted entirely online. Students interact with each other and with the faculty in an online learning system. Learning will be facilitated through discussion questions, comprehensive learning assessments, cooperative learning and course materials. Student outcomes are measured through discussion board postings and comprehensive learning assessments. This ensures that the scope of this course will be a closed cycle. SCOPE 3 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Linked to Program Outcomes Learning outcomes are statements that describe significant and essential learning that learners have achieved and can reliably demonstrate at the end of the course. Learning outcomes identify what the learner will know and be able to do by the end of a course — the essential and enduring knowledge, abilities (skills) and attitudes (values, dispositions) that constitute the integrated learning needed by a graduate of this course. The learning outcomes for this course summarize what you can expect to learn, and how this course is tied directly to the educational outcomes of your MBA degree. 1 (K) Knowledge (S) Skill (A) Attitude K, S, A 3, 4, 6 K, S, A 1, 2, 5 K, S 1, 2, 3, 5 K, S 1, 2, 3, 5 K, S, A MBA Program Outcomes Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) 1. Explore various career possibilities. 2. Combine classroom knowledge with an opportunity to learn those disciplines, skills and attitudes which can best be learned on the job; such as: self-discipline, teamwork, responsibility, and initiative. 3. Develop practical skills in a real-world context 4. Enhance a portfolio or resume with practical experience and projects. 5. Cultivate a learning experience, which can lead to job opportunities within the workforce. 4 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus CLA Linking Table Comprehensive Learning Assessments (CLAs) and Discussion Questions (DQs) directly measure Course Learning Outcomes and indirectly measure MBA Program Outcomes. The following table shows how all those are linked together. Comprehensive Learning Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) MBA Program Outcomes Assessments (CLAs) CLA1 (Week 8) 1, 2, 3, 5 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 CLA2 (Week 16) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 DQ Linking Table Discussion Question (DQs) DQ 1 (Week 1) DQ 2 (Week 2) DQ 3 (Week 3) DQ 4 (Week 4) DQ 5 (Week 5) DQ 6 (Week 6) DQ 7 (Week 7) DQ 9 (Week 9) DQ 10 (Week 10) DQ 11 (Week 11) DQ 13 (Week 13) DQ 14 (Week 14) Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) MBA Program Outcomes 1, 2 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 5, 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 5, 6 1, 5 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 1, 3, 5 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 4, 6 1, 2, 3, 5 1, 2, 3, 6 1, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 3 1, 2, 5, 6 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 4, 6 1, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1, 3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Activity Linking Table Activities Activity 1 (Week 12) Activity 2 (Week 15) Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) 1, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 5 of 21 MBA Program Outcomes 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 INT 501 AB Syllabus Detailed Course Outline Week 1 Week 1 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Determine the nature of the business enterprise. ? Discuss with your supervisor what goals and objectives are involved in this internship. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your background and practical work experience. Assignments to complete this week: ? Post DQ Answers by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ? Post DQ Peer Responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Students must post one (1) answer and one (1) peer response for every discussion question. Please see grading rubric for weekly online discussion and expectations of student assignments in the University Policies. Discussion Information: See the Week 1 introduction questions for ideas to consider which is found in the Internship Course Resources under Supplementary Material in this GAP course. In Week 4, you will be required to write questions for an interview that you will conduct prior to Week 5 and post to the discussion. It is highly recommended that you identify and begin making arrangements for your interview as soon as possible so that you can meet your assignment deadlines. Students are to provide at least two (2) paragraphs in this discussion so that your classmates can learn about your internship position and academic status. Each student is welcome to include future goals and career aspirations. Discussion Question – CLO 1, CLO 2 ? Provide a short biography to the class as an introduction helping to create a community environment. Also, you can respond to the questions given shown in the Introduction as an example. The introduction is found in the Internship Course Resources in Supplementary Material in this GAP course. ? Be sure to add what country you are from along with your educational background and previous work experience. ? Explain your internship job description. ? Identify the College of Business course that you are currently enrolled in, or if there is no business course that you are taking this session. You will be using the business course you are enrolled in, or the previous one taken, to add information to your responses in this course. In Week 16 you will be providing a paper, including evidence of achievements this session. 6 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 2 Week 2 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Learn how to develop and maintain a professional journal. Assignments to complete this week: ? Post DQ Answers by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ? Post DQ Peer Responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ? This assignment is required; however, it is not graded directly. If you have questions or need to discuss this further contact your professor through the GAP course. Discussion Information: This week is an introduction to keeping a professional journal. Starting in Week 3 make sure you have at least two (2) entries in your journal each week using the templates provided as a guide. For Weeks 3 through 7 – You will be contributing to your own professional journal with entries that are being reported on by you as you participate in your internship and business courses and will be shared in Week 8. The journal can be kept in the manner you choose and will be summarized in the CLA 1. Information for the journal keeping assignment is provided in the Internship Course Resources under Supplementary Material in this GAP course including articles and a suggested journal template to follow. Students are to make at least two (2) entries in their professional journal each week for Weeks 3-7 to be reported about in CLA1 in Week 8. While journaling is not a requirement in Weeks 9 through 14, we encourage you to continue the practice, and to use the information to help with your CLA2. Discussion Question – CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3 ? Read the articles on journaling, review the template in the GAP resources in the course and identify what approach in the articles you found useful and why? ? Post to the discussion board that you have reviewed the journaling materials and what you learned, let us know if you have experience journaling, share your thoughts. If you have questions, please post. Be sure to respond to a peer About Journaling: Whether you want to be able to look back at where you started, set a future goal for yourself and seek a new path, or just deal with present issues, journaling helps you do that in a reflective way. You need not write every day. Journaling gives you a place to better understand yourself, to plan your goals, and to follow-up on goals. One pitfall of journaling is that it can become part of a log of your feelings for any one day. Try to keep these types of emotional responses from being included in your business journal. (Journal writing tips are provided in the Internship Course Resources under Supplementary Material in this GAP course). 7 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 3 Week 3 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your background and practical work experience. ? Understand and discuss developing a professional portfolio. Assignments to complete this week: ? Post DQ Answers by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ? Post DQ Peer Responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Students must post one (1) answer and one (1) peer response for every discussion question. Please see grading rubric for weekly online discussion and expectations of student assignments in the University Policies. Discussion information: Each internship course of 16 weeks will conclude with a paper including the latest version of your professional portfolio as you are expected to continually add, improve, amend and edit your portfolio. The use of a portfolio document may be sent to a prospective employer or used in your evaluation for a promotion. Using the articles provided in the Internship Course Resources under Supplementary Material in this GAP course identify areas of improvement and/or materials to add to your portfolio. If you do not have a portfolio, this will be a great place to start. Regardless of whether you think you need a portfolio at this time, it is a great tool/record of what you have achieved in your professional life and it may become an important resource in the future. If you have already started your professional portfolio in another internship class, then identify any additional items that are needed to complete the latest version of your portfolio. If you believe you have completed your portfolio and have no new updates or additions, then you must review the four (4) articles about portfolios in the Internship Course Resources under Supplementary Material in this GAP course and identify elements from the articles that you would add this session. Discussion Question – CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5 ? Outline and describe in the discussion those components that you will be working on in this session to build or improve your professional portfolio and post to the discussion board. For Weeks 3 through 7, keep notes during your internship in your professional journal which each student is creating and reporting on in the CLA 1 in Week 8. 8 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 4 Week 4 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? Develop and organize interview questions and arrange an interview session. Assignments to complete this week: ? Post DQ Answers by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ? Post DQ Peer Responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Students must post one (1) answer and one (1) peer response for every discussion question. Please see grading rubric for weekly online discussion and expectations of student assignments in the University Policies. Discussion information: This interview is related to the internship course and if possible, to the subject matter of the business course you are enrolled in. You will be scheduling an interview for this assignment. Conduct the 10-minute interview before next week’s assignment is due. Schedule a time and place for the interview in person, or arrange to conduct it remotely using the phone, or meeting software like Zoom. *While optional, if photographs are used during the interview complete a release the resources file. form found in Discussion Question – CLO 1, CLO 5 ? Prepare three (3) to five (5) questions for your interview about your subject’s position, responsibilities and practices. Use two different types of interview/survey questions if possible, obtained through your investigation of research question formats, such as openended, rank, and Likert scale questions that would work in your interview. ? In the Week 4 discussion forum, submit (upload) the interview questions you would like to ask your subject for the class to review and discuss and/or you may upload your questions as an attachment to the DQ by using the instructions in the GAP Course. This is an opportunity for you and your peers to assist each other. Be sure to respond to a peer. ? Arrange to interview a manager or a supervisor of a department at the company where you intern or a student peer and confirm that you have arranged it. If you want to conduct the interview at a different company, please obtain approval from your professor. Be sure to make entries in your journal each week about your experiences. 9 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 5 Week 5 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? To acquire the skill of conducting interviews. Complete interview questions and conduct an interview with a manager, a supervisor or peer. Assignments to complete this week: ? Post DQ Answers by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ? Post DQ Peer Responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ? You will upload the total interview in the Week 5 assignment file for the professor. ? In the discussion forum you will describe the main points of the interview content and experience. Students must post one (1) answer and one (1) peer response for every discussion question. Please see grading rubric for weekly online discussion and expectations of student assignments in the University Policies. Discussion Information: You should be reporting on the interview subject’s work activity and practices. Discussion: CLO 1, CLO 3, CLO 5 ? You will upload the total interview in the Week 5 assignment file in GAP for the professor. ? In the Week 5 discussion forum you will describe the main points of the interview content and experience. ? Conduct the interview. Share with the class a description about the interview content in the Week 5 discussion (you can upload a file attachment for the professor and place a description in the discussion and converse with your classmates about the interview). ? What are some of the major observations you made in regard to your interview; were you satisfied with the information gained during the interview? ? What are some of your own personal strengths and weaknesses related to the interview process? Be sure to make entries in your journal about the Interview. 10 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 6 Week 6 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? Examine aspects of the company’s marketing and sales. Assignments to complete this week: ? Post DQ Answers by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ? Post DQ Peer Responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Students must post one (1) answer and one (1) peer response for every discussion question. Please see grading rubric for weekly online discussion and expectations of student assignments in the University Policies. Discussion Information: View the video “How to Sell A Product — Sell Anything to Anyone with the 4 P’s Method” by Clark Kegley/Refusing to Settle (7:32 mins). Discussion Question – CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3 ? ? ? ? Explain in a paragraph with detail for each of the 4 P’s Explain the four-part formula called the Marketing Mix and how to apply it to sales? Describe the relationship between the target market and the 4 P’s If there was a weakness in the marketing plan outcome would you look to the 4 P’s for a possible solution? Be sure to make entries in your journal each week about your experiences. 11 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 7 Week 7 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? Understand and discuss aspects of your internship performance. Assignments to complete this week: ? Post DQ Answers by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ? Post DQ Peer Responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Students must post one (1) answer and one (1) peer response for every discussion question. Please see grading rubric for weekly online discussion and expectations of student assignments in the University Policies. Discussion information: View the video “The Best Internship Advice” by Lauren Berger (4:00 mins) at . Discussion Question – CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 5 ? What are the three (3) top skills that you need to include to make your internship successful? ? How to make the most of your internship, what is one change you will make to excel? ? Do you have a recommendation to share with your classmates? Be sure to make entries in your journal each week about your experiences. 12 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 8 Week 8 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom, your professional work journal and practical problems in an off-campus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? Demonstrate your ability to produce a professional work journal and describe its use. Assignment to be completed this week: ? CLA1 due Sunday at 11:59 p.m. My Professional Work Journal: CLA 1 — CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 5 Journal response. In Weeks 3-7 you were directed to keep a professional work journal (Please refer to Week 2 for a review of instructions). Now you will review your work journal entries and arrange some of them into an essay. The essay will reflect upon those five weeks of experiences recorded in your journal and what you have learned. Include how they may have furthered your career or caused you to rethink your career goals. Your essay should include your experiences, observations, and the key concepts based on the internship and business course experience. The CLA1 assignment will be a Turnitin paper of 4 to 6 pages. Your paper should be formatted in APA style. Include at least two (2) peer-reviewed sources related to course material taken in your academic program. Reminder About Journaling: Whether you want to be able to look back at where you started, set a future course for yourself and seek a new path, or just deal with present issues, journaling helps you do that in a reflective way. You need not write every day. Journaling gives you a place to better understand yourself, to plan your goals, and to follow-up on goals. One pitfall of journaling is that it can become part of a log of your feelings for any one day and you want to avoid these types of emotional responses. 13 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 9 Week 9 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? Understand and discuss opportunities in different career fields. Assignments to complete this week: ? Post DQ Answers by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ? Post DQ Peer Responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ? This assignment is required, however, it is not graded directly Discussion Information: View videos at “Explore Professions you are curious about” at Discussion Question — CLO 1, CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5 ? Have you been a part of student professional associations? Do you already have 100 percent career/profession clarity? If so, please elaborate how and why you chose your current profession. If not, what are your challenges? ? If you are still curious about other professions, what occupations or industries interest you and why? ? Did the videos help provide more clarity on alternate career paths you may take? We encourage students at all phases of their career development to reach out to Westcliff Career Services for customized career/professional development guidance. To schedule a one on one use this link: a6eQX2VQ/viewform Consider continuing your entries in your journal weekly, for your use and to support your CLA2. 14 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 10 Week 10 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? Understand and discuss a course learning objective (CLO) from your business course found in the syllabus. Assignments to complete this week: ? Post DQ Answers by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ? Post DQ Peer Responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Students must post one (1) answer and one (1) peer response for every discussion question. Student Discussion Please see grading rubric for weekly online discussion and expectations of student assignments in the University Policies. Discussion Information: Select a MBA Program Learning Objective (PLO) from the University Policy syllabus in the GAP Course or through the Westcliff University Catalog online. If you have selected a MBA PLO in a previous internship course, you must select a different PLO for this discussion. Discussion Question — CLO 1, CLO 3 ? From the MBA program learning objectives provided in the University Policies or the Westcliff University Catalog website, select an objective that relates to your professional future. ? How does this PLO apply to your current internship job? Give an example. ? Are there areas in your internship job where there could be improvement concerning this PLO topic or is it being handled well; what are your recommendations? ? In your response, provide at least one (1) peer reviewed source to support your ideas on this subject. Consider continuing your entries in your journal weekly, for your use and to support your CLA. . 15 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 11 Week 11 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? Discuss and apply sales techniques. Assignments to complete this week: ? Post DQ Answers by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ? Post DQ Peer Responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Students must post one (1) answer and one (1) peer response for every discussion question. Please see grading rubric for weekly online discussion and expectations of student assignments in the University Policies. Discussion information: View the video “5 Killer Sales Techniques Backed by Science” by Vanessa Van Edwards (6:16 mins) at Discussion Question – CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3 ? Explain the five (5) killer sales techniques and what is the unifying thread between them? ? How would you apply one or more of these sales techniques to your internship company? Consider continuing your entries in your journal weekly, for your use and to support your CLA2. 16 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 12 Week 12 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? Examine the content of a performance review to evaluate your internship or an employee’s performance. Activity to complete this week: ? There will be no grading or discussion forum this week. You are required to complete this assignment. Activity Information: This week is about preparing for a performance review. If you have responded to this question in a previous internship course, develop your response to address new and different aspects of your performance review. Take into account that you are learning new things about your position each session or conditions may have changed about your job since your last course. Activity — CLO 1, CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5 ? Research online different types of performance reviews and select questions that you would find beneficial in your performance to organize your response. ? Try to obtain a performance review questionnaire from your internship company that might be used in evaluating your position. ? Think about and consider what you would learn from a performance review about your assessment and how your supervisor would approach it, use this information for the discussion in Week 13. 17 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 13 Week 13 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? Examine the content of a performance review to evaluate your internship or an employee’s performance. Assignments to complete this week: ? Post DQ Answers by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ? Post DQ Peer Responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Students must post one (1) answer and one (1) peer response for every discussion question. Please see grading rubric for weekly online discussion and expectations of student assignments in the University Policies. Discussion Information: This week you are describing the type of performance review information that you found that would be relevant and helpful to your progress. Discussion Question — CLO 1, CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5 ? What recommendations do you have for yourself to be more effective and productive in the workplace based on your performance this session? ? What type of performance review would you find helpful to assess your progress? ? What would you communicate to your supervisor during your performance review? ? What information in your performance review could you use in your Professional Portfolio? 18 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 14 Week 14 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? Develop practical skills in a real-world context as presented in a TED Talk video. ? Cultivate a learning experience, which can lead to entry level job opportunities within the workforce. Assignments to complete this week: ? Post DQ Answers by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ? Post DQ Peer Responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Students must post one (1) answer and one (1) peer response for every discussion question. Please see grading rubric for weekly online discussion and expectations of student assignments in the University Policies. Discussion Information: Do it yourself assignment – Locate a real-world business issue or solution video located in Ted Talk Videos ( Select a different Ted Talk if you have responded to this question in a previous internship course. Discussion Question – CLO 1, CLO 3 ? Select a TED Talk video relevant to the business course you are currently enrolled in and/or your internship assignment. ? Describe what information you agree with and the parts you liked or disliked in the video content. ? Summarize it for the weekly discussion and include the URL reference. 19 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 15 Week 15 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? Enhance a portfolio or resume with practical experience and projects. Activity Information: ? There will be no grading or discussion forum this week. You are required to complete this assignment. Preparation for the CLA2 in Week 16. Review your CLA1, performance review, the internship assignments and your business course activities to develop your portfolio for CLA2 for this session. Activity — CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5 ? Review the instructions for the CLA2 assignment in Week 16 to prepare. ? Prepare your CLA2 paper to show your progress and how you will be revising/updating your portfolio. ? Read the articles on how to create a professional portfolio in the Internship Course Resources in the Supplemental Material in this GAP course and referred to in Week 3. ? Using the articles identify areas of improvement and/or materials to add to your portfolio. 20 of 21 INT 501 AB Syllabus Week 16 Week 16 Objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to: ? Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an offcampus work environment. ? Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. ? Enhance a portfolio with practical experience and projects. Assignments to complete this week: ? CLA2 due Sunday by 11:59 p.m. Week 16 — CLA2 – CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5 In a 4 — 6 page paper based on your internship course experience and the learning objectives achieved during the course, review your internship experience successes and challenges leading to growth. You should demonstrate in your paper a description of your professional portfolio and include any evidence of accomplishment and skill development or recognition that you have acquired this session and how it will contribute to your portfolio. Provide at least two (2) peer-reviewed sources. If you have completed this CLA2 assignment in an internship course prior to this class, select new examples and sources to support your response. For questions, contact your instructor. 21 of 21 Purchase answer to see full attachment Explanation & Answer: 1 Page Discussion Tags: career goals professional portfolio professional abilities potential employers proof of performance User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.

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