Quiz 1: Using SEED Labs Virtual Image
SEED Labs image is a popular virtual image for several computer security related experiments. Download Ubuntu 20 image from the link
https://seedsecuritylabs.org/labsetup.html You need first to create your own user accounts that must have your first+lastname Then to demo all lab steps, each step must show your own user name To get full credit, you must also describe results of steps in your own words. Additionally, you must create your own summary at the end with at least 50 words that
summarize your evaluation, feedback and comments on the lab, overall and show that you were able to eventually launch the image
Then find out how to create a user name in the image and create and forward use your own user name, first initial+last name
Use this user name for all future SEED labs
For the rest of the lab, we will demo the first lab described in software security experiments (Shellcode development Lab)
https://seedsecuritylabs.org/Labs_20.04/ https://seedsecuritylabs.org/Labs_20.04/Software/Shellcode/
Complete and document all steps described in this lab
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