Geographic Information Science
Answer BOTH parts of ONE Question
1. Part A (50%)
Describe the options available for first order (density) and second order (distance) based point pattern analysis, illustrating your answer with application examples.
Part B (50%)
there has been significant and sensible criticism of classical point pattern approaches (OSullivan and Unwin, 2010, page 182). Discuss this statement reviewing and evaluating the criticisms.
2. Part A (50%)
Describe the options available for representing topography (elevation) in a GIS.
Part B (50%)
Explain how the calculation of elevation derivatives can be used to answer real world questions. Illustrate your answer with application examples.
Standard essay-type questions have a strict word limit of 1200 words. There is no ± 10 % leeway;
It is 1,200 words PER QUESTION in total. You only have ONE QUESTION to answer even if that question involves two parts. Hence, if you exceed 1,200 words (after excluding words in your references and figure and table captions) you will be penalized.
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