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Facility Layout and Location Department of Systems Engineering

Facility Layout and Location Department of Systems Engineering

Facility Layout and Location Department of Systems Engineering
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ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

Term Project, Term 201 – ISE 422: Facility Layout and Location

Department of Systems Engineering

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM)

The absolute shortage of hospital beds in all across the nation, gives the Ministry of

Health the green light to build another new republic general hospital in one of the

crowded regions. Constructing the new multi – floors hospital is to address the lack of

facilities for patients, most especially those who are suffering dengue. In this regard,

the Ministry has recently signed a project contract with “Horizons” company which

specializes in building healthcare constructions.

Horizons are fully aware of the role of industrial engineers in its projects, and

therefore it is as passionate to hire the best and brightest IE graduates to fulfill its

increasing projects demand. People from different disciplines and backgrounds are

participating in this project, and you as ISE team has been chosen by the company to

take the lead in this innovation.

The company is seeking your team help to achieve the following major tasks:

1. Suggesting possible locations of the new republic general hospital in the

region, and then providing Horizons company the optimal location.

2. Providing the optimal assignment of the hospital departments into its


3. Designing the block layout of each hospital floor.

4. Designing the detailed layouts for parking and warehouse.

5. Locating ambulance stations across the region to serve patients who have

emergency cases.

Relevant data and details are provided in the following pages of the document. Since

the company is unaware of the methodologies that you will be using to design the

facilities, you are allowed to make reasonable assumptions for the missing data. You

are expected to use the standards wherever applicable. Your goal is to provide the

company with the best layout and the locations of the facilities.

Page 2 of 8

ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

I. General Hospital Location Plan:

Of all the pieces of the planning project, the hospital location is the most strategic and

critical. Once the company build a new hospital, it has made a substantial investment

of time, resources, and capital that can not be changed for a long time. Selecting the

wrong location can be disastrous. The objective here to locate an additional hospital in

the region which consists of several districts. In this location problem, your team

wants to locate this hospital for the best way to serve a set of communities whose

location and demands are known.

Your team knows that the optimal location of the hospital should interact with the

residents where distance travel is involved. As a consequence, typical criteria for such

decision include minimizing some function of the distance between facilities and/ or

residents (i.e., average travel time, average response time, cost function of travel or

response time, maximum travel time or cost, etc.). However, the new location should

account for the undesirable facilities in which the distance from the hospital is

maximized. Examples of undesirable facilities include nuclear and military

installations, equipment emitting particular smell or noise, warehouses containing

flammable materials, districts containing refuse or waste materials, garbage dumps,

sewage plants, correctional centers, etc.

The information of the location of existing facilities /housing zones and the fixed

positive distances is given in the excel worksheet titled Coordinates in Data-xx. xlsx

workbook. Note that the coordinates are labels by their types such as, schools,

airport, industrial complex, housing area, malls, disposal center, governmental

facility, university, medical center, park, post office, hyper supermarket, …etc.

The company assigned to your team the following tasks:

1. Propose three possible locations for the general hospital. The three locations

are obtained using different approaches, models, or criteria. Your team needs

to provide a full justification for the proposed locations. These locations

should be depicted on the map.

2. Select the best location out of the proposed ones. Your team also needs to

provide the reasoning for this selection.

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ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

II. Description of The Needed General Hospital

The designated general hospital in this project may serve as an academic health

facility or community-based entities. It is general in the sense that they admit all types

of medical and surgical cases, and it concentrates on patients with acute illnesses

needing relatively short-term care. As it is a community general hospital too, it varies

in its bed numbers.

Like other general hospitals, it has an organized medical staff, a professional staff of

other health providers (such as nurses, technicians, dietitians, and physiotherapists),

and basic diagnostic equipment. In addition to the essential services relating to patient

care, and depending on size and location, the hospital has 34 main departments need

to be assigned into four floors. The process details inside most of the departments are

ignored at this level. The list of the departments and its areas are provided in the table


Dep# Name Area in ???? Dep# Name Area in ????

1 Accident and emergency

(A&E) 3620 18 Health & Safety 970

2 Admissions 1250 19 Intensive Care Unit

(ICU) 5730

3 Security 2075 20 Human Resources 630

4 Breast Screening 845 21 Infection Control 1086

5 Burn Center 1500 22 Information

Management 313

6 Cardiology 3290 23 Medical Records 793

7 Hospital Warehouse * 24 Cafeteria (2) 490

8 Coronary Care Unit (CCU) 3410 25 Pediatrics 6970

9 Critical Care 5878 26 Radiotherapy 2790

10 Diagnostic Imaging 1320 27 Oncology 2031

11 Elderly services 4796 28 Pharmacy 890

12 Finance Department 4932 29 LAB Work (1) 3200

13 Cafeteria (1) 514 30 LAB Work (2) 3400

14 General Services 3865 31 Management

Department 1080

15 General Surgery 5720 32 Purchasing & Supplies 550

16 Blood Bank and Transfusion

Medicine 5750 33 Nursing 4500

17 Dental Clinic 2160 34 Parking *

Table 1: The breakdown of the hospital departments areas

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ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

As it can be observed from table 1, areas of the warehouse and parking need to be

estimated by your team. Moreover, the hospital consists of 4 floors including the

basement (i.e., ?? = 0, 1, 2, 3). The Ministry of Health made some recommendations

regarding to allocation of some departments into the floors. These restrictions are

provided as follows:

• The basement should be specified only for the hospital warehouse.

• The departments of Accident and Emergency (A&E), Admissions, Security,

and Elderly services must be on the first floor.

• The Labs works can not be on the same floor. Likewise, the cafeterias can not

be on the same floor.

• If Management department is assigned to a floor, then departments of Human

Resources and Finance should be assigned on the same floor.

The focus of this section is to develop the block and detailed layout of the multi-floor

hospital. Data regarding the major departments that are essential for the proper

functioning of the hospital are described in this section. Following subsections

highlight the necessary information. Assume any further relevant information and

design the block and detailed layouts.

A. Hospital Warehouse:

As it is recommended, the hospital basement should be dedicated for the warehouse

and its supplementary services. It is intended to be aligned to assist today’s healthcare

professionals with the challenges of delivering the highest quality of care in the most

safety and cost efficient manner. The objective here is allow healthcare staff and

professionals to gain quick access to the materials. In order to provide comprehensive

treatment for patients, there is a standard set of equipment that all hospitals should

have ready. This list of medical equipment can often be refurbished as well as new,

allowing hospitals to afford to carry reserves for these key pieces. This includes

hospital stretchers, defibrillators, surgical lights, electrosurgical units, surgical tables,

patient monitors, surgical instruments, sinks and hand washing points, medication

lock boxes, medical carts, warming blankets, pillow, and so on.

The warehouse consists of two areas: Reserve and Forward areas. The medical

suppliers commitment to ship the hospital materials on time. Thus, at the beginning of

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ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

every month hospital materials are received at the reserve area’s docking station.

Your team should take the receiving entry/area into consideration while designing the

layout of the hospital building. The reserve area has one receiving dock only, which is

used for unloading the incoming shipments. In the past projects, Horizons adopted the

standard boxes in which incoming shipment contains products consolidated placed

over a pallet (B1210A standard size UK, with height of 2 ??). The total incoming

pallets per month is forecasted as ??(1500,1000) SKUs. Note: ??(??, ??2) represents a

normal distribution with mean ?? and variance ??2. However, due to COVID-19 the

forecasted number of pallets may increase or decrease dramatically. Thus, your team

may accommodate for this uncertainty and provide a better estimation. The incoming

boxes are stored in the reserve area, where the storage policy is randomized storage.

At the beginning of every week, items from the reserve area are brought into the

forward area based on the weekly demand. The stored items in the warehouse are

classified into 14 classes where a class based storage policy is used in the forward

area, and it can have up to three delivery stations. The throughput and space

requirements for these items are given in the excel worksheet titled DEMAND in

Data-xx. xlsx workbook.

B. Parking:

The Ministry of Health expects that the daily visits to the new general hospital follows

a normal distribution with ??(5300,200). Also, the expected number of employees is

2000 ± 150. It is estimated that 25% of the employees will be using bus

transportation system provided by the hospital, and may not be needing the parking.

The company would like to have two types of parking styles (figure 1): Parking area-1

will be a 45?? inclined parking, which will be used by the management and medical

professionals level. Parking area-2 will be perpendicular parking, which will be used

by the other visitors.

The range of activities and services carried out in hospitals on single sites has been

reviewed over the past few years. Radical approaches to the use of assets and capital

will engender different solutions to hospital planning. Some hospitals may cease to be

managed as large single entities. For example, a number of independently managed

specialist functions on or off the existing single site might lead to a requirement for a

range of entry and reception arrangements. Thus, your team should make multiple

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ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

gates where the visors can access to the hospital. These gates can serve for arrival and

departure, dropping off and collection, meeting, security, information, waiting, and so


Figure 1: The difference between Inclined (left) and Perpendicular (right) parking.

III. The Block Layout Problem

Your team is provided with following information regarding to the land where the

new hospital will be built on:

• The total area of the land is 32,000 ??2.

• The land length is 8,000 ??2, and its width is 4,000 ??2

• At maximum, the hospital facility should be built on 70% of the land total


• The management would like your team to consider the accessibility to the

roads with the building from the four directions (i.e., north, south, east, and


• You are allowed to consider an additional floor if only there is a need to do so.

• You are allowed to make reasonable assumptions for the missing data.

The flow between the departments are given in the excel worksheet titled FLOW in

Data-xx. xlsx workbook. Your team is assigned to implement the following tasks:

1. Providing the optimal assignment of the hospital departments into its floors

2. Designing the block layout of each hospital floor.

3. Designing the detailed layouts for parking and warehouse.

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ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

IV. Ambulance Stations

Apart of the project contract, Horizons should locate and build several ambulance

stations across the region. In the behalf of the company, Your team contacted the

Ministry of Health looking for some important inputs including region zones, the

expected number of cases to be served at each zone, the distance between each pair of

zones, travel cost per case per unit distance, the cost of constructing an ambulance

station at a zone, and the capacity of the ambulance station (number of ambulance

trucks). The information is given in the excel worksheet titled Ambulance Stations

in Data-xx. xlsx workbook. Your team mission is to build the optimal number of

ambulance stations serving maximum number of region zones.


1) Identify the location of the new hospital a) Clearly mention your assumptions. b) Propose three possible locations for the general hospital. The three locations

are obtained using different approaches, models, or criteria. Your team needs

to provide a full justification for the proposed locations. These locations

should be depicted on the map.

c) Select the best location out of the proposed ones. Your team also need to provide the reasoning for this selection.

d) Depict the best location on the network 2) Design the block layout of the new hospital:

a) Clearly mention your assumptions b) Build the mathematical model c) Depict the layout on the available area d) Depict the aisles and paths

3) Design the layout of the hospital warehouse: a) Clearly mention your assumptions b) Build the reserve layout c) Build the forward layout d) Draw/depict the top view of the warehouse’s layout

4) Identify the number and locations of the ambulance stations: a) Clearly mention your assumptions. b) Build the mathematical model c) Depict your solutions on the map network.

You are free to make assumptions. However, the assumptions should be reasonable.

You should provide reasoning/arguments to support your assumptions. You are free to

use any internationally recognized software/solver in order to obtain the solution of

any mathematical model. For example, you can use modeling software like AMPL,

GAMS, LINGO, Python etc. Also, you can use solvers like Cplex, Gurobi or Lingo.

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ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

You need to clearly mention the quality of the solution (optimal solution, or how

close to optimal using relative percentage). You should submit the code of your

mathematical models ( .lg4 file for LINGO users, .gms file for GAMS users, .mod

& .dat files for AMPL), and the result files from the software (users, .lgr for

LINGO users, .lst file for GAMS, and .txt for AMPL users).

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Facility Layout and Location Department of Systems Engineering

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ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

Term Project, Term 201 – ISE 422: Facility Layout and Location

Department of Systems Engineering

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM)

The absolute shortage of hospital beds in all across the nation, gives the Ministry of

Health the green light to build another new republic general hospital in one of the

crowded regions. Constructing the new multi – floors hospital is to address the lack of

facilities for patients, most especially those who are suffering dengue. In this regard,

the Ministry has recently signed a project contract with “Horizons” company which

specializes in building healthcare constructions.

Horizons are fully aware of the role of industrial engineers in its projects, and

therefore it is as passionate to hire the best and brightest IE graduates to fulfill its

increasing projects demand. People from different disciplines and backgrounds are

participating in this project, and you as ISE team has been chosen by the company to

take the lead in this innovation.

The company is seeking your team help to achieve the following major tasks:

1. Suggesting possible locations of the new republic general hospital in the

region, and then providing Horizons company the optimal location.

2. Providing the optimal assignment of the hospital departments into its


3. Designing the block layout of each hospital floor.

4. Designing the detailed layouts for parking and warehouse.

5. Locating ambulance stations across the region to serve patients who have

emergency cases.

Relevant data and details are provided in the following pages of the document. Since

the company is unaware of the methodologies that you will be using to design the

facilities, you are allowed to make reasonable assumptions for the missing data. You

are expected to use the standards wherever applicable. Your goal is to provide the

company with the best layout and the locations of the facilities.

Page 2 of 8

ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

I. General Hospital Location Plan:

Of all the pieces of the planning project, the hospital location is the most strategic and

critical. Once the company build a new hospital, it has made a substantial investment

of time, resources, and capital that can not be changed for a long time. Selecting the

wrong location can be disastrous. The objective here to locate an additional hospital in

the region which consists of several districts. In this location problem, your team

wants to locate this hospital for the best way to serve a set of communities whose

location and demands are known.

Your team knows that the optimal location of the hospital should interact with the

residents where distance travel is involved. As a consequence, typical criteria for such

decision include minimizing some function of the distance between facilities and/ or

residents (i.e., average travel time, average response time, cost function of travel or

response time, maximum travel time or cost, etc.). However, the new location should

account for the undesirable facilities in which the distance from the hospital is

maximized. Examples of undesirable facilities include nuclear and military

installations, equipment emitting particular smell or noise, warehouses containing

flammable materials, districts containing refuse or waste materials, garbage dumps,

sewage plants, correctional centers, etc.

The information of the location of existing facilities /housing zones and the fixed

positive distances is given in the excel worksheet titled Coordinates in Data-xx. xlsx

workbook. Note that the coordinates are labels by their types such as, schools,

airport, industrial complex, housing area, malls, disposal center, governmental

facility, university, medical center, park, post office, hyper supermarket, …etc.

The company assigned to your team the following tasks:

1. Propose three possible locations for the general hospital. The three locations

are obtained using different approaches, models, or criteria. Your team needs

to provide a full justification for the proposed locations. These locations

should be depicted on the map.

2. Select the best location out of the proposed ones. Your team also needs to

provide the reasoning for this selection.

Page 3 of 8

ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

II. Description of The Needed General Hospital

The designated general hospital in this project may serve as an academic health

facility or community-based entities. It is general in the sense that they admit all types

of medical and surgical cases, and it concentrates on patients with acute illnesses

needing relatively short-term care. As it is a community general hospital too, it varies

in its bed numbers.

Like other general hospitals, it has an organized medical staff, a professional staff of

other health providers (such as nurses, technicians, dietitians, and physiotherapists),

and basic diagnostic equipment. In addition to the essential services relating to patient

care, and depending on size and location, the hospital has 34 main departments need

to be assigned into four floors. The process details inside most of the departments are

ignored at this level. The list of the departments and its areas are provided in the table


Dep# Name Area in ???? Dep# Name Area in ????

1 Accident and emergency

(A&E) 3620 18 Health & Safety 970

2 Admissions 1250 19 Intensive Care Unit

(ICU) 5730

3 Security 2075 20 Human Resources 630

4 Breast Screening 845 21 Infection Control 1086

5 Burn Center 1500 22 Information

Management 313

6 Cardiology 3290 23 Medical Records 793

7 Hospital Warehouse * 24 Cafeteria (2) 490

8 Coronary Care Unit (CCU) 3410 25 Pediatrics 6970

9 Critical Care 5878 26 Radiotherapy 2790

10 Diagnostic Imaging 1320 27 Oncology 2031

11 Elderly services 4796 28 Pharmacy 890

12 Finance Department 4932 29 LAB Work (1) 3200

13 Cafeteria (1) 514 30 LAB Work (2) 3400

14 General Services 3865 31 Management

Department 1080

15 General Surgery 5720 32 Purchasing & Supplies 550

16 Blood Bank and Transfusion

Medicine 5750 33 Nursing 4500

17 Dental Clinic 2160 34 Parking *

Table 1: The breakdown of the hospital departments areas

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ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

As it can be observed from table 1, areas of the warehouse and parking need to be

estimated by your team. Moreover, the hospital consists of 4 floors including the

basement (i.e., ?? = 0, 1, 2, 3). The Ministry of Health made some recommendations

regarding to allocation of some departments into the floors. These restrictions are

provided as follows:

• The basement should be specified only for the hospital warehouse.

• The departments of Accident and Emergency (A&E), Admissions, Security,

and Elderly services must be on the first floor.

• The Labs works can not be on the same floor. Likewise, the cafeterias can not

be on the same floor.

• If Management department is assigned to a floor, then departments of Human

Resources and Finance should be assigned on the same floor.

The focus of this section is to develop the block and detailed layout of the multi-floor

hospital. Data regarding the major departments that are essential for the proper

functioning of the hospital are described in this section. Following subsections

highlight the necessary information. Assume any further relevant information and

design the block and detailed layouts.

A. Hospital Warehouse:

As it is recommended, the hospital basement should be dedicated for the warehouse

and its supplementary services. It is intended to be aligned to assist today’s healthcare

professionals with the challenges of delivering the highest quality of care in the most

safety and cost efficient manner. The objective here is allow healthcare staff and

professionals to gain quick access to the materials. In order to provide comprehensive

treatment for patients, there is a standard set of equipment that all hospitals should

have ready. This list of medical equipment can often be refurbished as well as new,

allowing hospitals to afford to carry reserves for these key pieces. This includes

hospital stretchers, defibrillators, surgical lights, electrosurgical units, surgical tables,

patient monitors, surgical instruments, sinks and hand washing points, medication

lock boxes, medical carts, warming blankets, pillow, and so on.

The warehouse consists of two areas: Reserve and Forward areas. The medical

suppliers commitment to ship the hospital materials on time. Thus, at the beginning of

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ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

every month hospital materials are received at the reserve area’s docking station.

Your team should take the receiving entry/area into consideration while designing the

layout of the hospital building. The reserve area has one receiving dock only, which is

used for unloading the incoming shipments. In the past projects, Horizons adopted the

standard boxes in which incoming shipment contains products consolidated placed

over a pallet (B1210A standard size UK, with height of 2 ??). The total incoming

pallets per month is forecasted as ??(1500,1000) SKUs. Note: ??(??, ??2) represents a

normal distribution with mean ?? and variance ??2. However, due to COVID-19 the

forecasted number of pallets may increase or decrease dramatically. Thus, your team

may accommodate for this uncertainty and provide a better estimation. The incoming

boxes are stored in the reserve area, where the storage policy is randomized storage.

At the beginning of every week, items from the reserve area are brought into the

forward area based on the weekly demand. The stored items in the warehouse are

classified into 14 classes where a class based storage policy is used in the forward

area, and it can have up to three delivery stations. The throughput and space

requirements for these items are given in the excel worksheet titled DEMAND in

Data-xx. xlsx workbook.

B. Parking:

The Ministry of Health expects that the daily visits to the new general hospital follows

a normal distribution with ??(5300,200). Also, the expected number of employees is

2000 ± 150. It is estimated that 25% of the employees will be using bus

transportation system provided by the hospital, and may not be needing the parking.

The company would like to have two types of parking styles (figure 1): Parking area-1

will be a 45?? inclined parking, which will be used by the management and medical

professionals level. Parking area-2 will be perpendicular parking, which will be used

by the other visitors.

The range of activities and services carried out in hospitals on single sites has been

reviewed over the past few years. Radical approaches to the use of assets and capital

will engender different solutions to hospital planning. Some hospitals may cease to be

managed as large single entities. For example, a number of independently managed

specialist functions on or off the existing single site might lead to a requirement for a

range of entry and reception arrangements. Thus, your team should make multiple

Page 6 of 8

ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

gates where the visors can access to the hospital. These gates can serve for arrival and

departure, dropping off and collection, meeting, security, information, waiting, and so


Figure 1: The difference between Inclined (left) and Perpendicular (right) parking.

III. The Block Layout Problem

Your team is provided with following information regarding to the land where the

new hospital will be built on:

• The total area of the land is 32,000 ??2.

• The land length is 8,000 ??2, and its width is 4,000 ??2

• At maximum, the hospital facility should be built on 70% of the land total


• The management would like your team to consider the accessibility to the

roads with the building from the four directions (i.e., north, south, east, and


• You are allowed to consider an additional floor if only there is a need to do so.

• You are allowed to make reasonable assumptions for the missing data.

The flow between the departments are given in the excel worksheet titled FLOW in

Data-xx. xlsx workbook. Your team is assigned to implement the following tasks:

1. Providing the optimal assignment of the hospital departments into its floors

2. Designing the block layout of each hospital floor.

3. Designing the detailed layouts for parking and warehouse.

Page 7 of 8

ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

IV. Ambulance Stations

Apart of the project contract, Horizons should locate and build several ambulance

stations across the region. In the behalf of the company, Your team contacted the

Ministry of Health looking for some important inputs including region zones, the

expected number of cases to be served at each zone, the distance between each pair of

zones, travel cost per case per unit distance, the cost of constructing an ambulance

station at a zone, and the capacity of the ambulance station (number of ambulance

trucks). The information is given in the excel worksheet titled Ambulance Stations

in Data-xx. xlsx workbook. Your team mission is to build the optimal number of

ambulance stations serving maximum number of region zones.


1) Identify the location of the new hospital a) Clearly mention your assumptions. b) Propose three possible locations for the general hospital. The three locations

are obtained using different approaches, models, or criteria. Your team needs

to provide a full justification for the proposed locations. These locations

should be depicted on the map.

c) Select the best location out of the proposed ones. Your team also need to provide the reasoning for this selection.

d) Depict the best location on the network 2) Design the block layout of the new hospital:

a) Clearly mention your assumptions b) Build the mathematical model c) Depict the layout on the available area d) Depict the aisles and paths

3) Design the layout of the hospital warehouse: a) Clearly mention your assumptions b) Build the reserve layout c) Build the forward layout d) Draw/depict the top view of the warehouse’s layout

4) Identify the number and locations of the ambulance stations: a) Clearly mention your assumptions. b) Build the mathematical model c) Depict your solutions on the map network.

You are free to make assumptions. However, the assumptions should be reasonable.

You should provide reasoning/arguments to support your assumptions. You are free to

use any internationally recognized software/solver in order to obtain the solution of

any mathematical model. For example, you can use modeling software like AMPL,

GAMS, LINGO, Python etc. Also, you can use solvers like Cplex, Gurobi or Lingo.

Page 8 of 8

ISE 422 Term Project-201 Almaraj & Alghazi

You need to clearly mention the quality of the solution (optimal solution, or how

close to optimal using relative percentage). You should submit the code of your

mathematical models ( .lg4 file for LINGO users, .gms file for GAMS users, .mod

& .dat files for AMPL), and the result files from the software (users, .lgr for

LINGO users, .lst file for GAMS, and .txt for AMPL users).

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