EDU501 Lesson Plan for Week 9 Assignment
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Items to label in the lesson plan:
e. Identify the learning theory that is applicable to the two specific objectives included in the sample lesson.
f. Identify the learning theory or theories that are applicable to the strategies included in the Problem-Solving and SOL Concept portion of the sample lesson plan.
g. Identify where digital technology has been used to enhance the lesson.
Math Lesson Plan (Sample)
Note: Not all components of this template are required for every lesson.
Unit Title: Multiple/Divide whole numbers and decimals single step and multi-step word problems.
Focus of the Day: Monday
Condition: Given five-word problems using whole numbers and decimals.
Behavior: The student will find the product or quotient.
Criteria: Student will get 4 out of 5 correct.
SOL # Learning Objectives:
SOL 5.4 The student will
The student will create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving multiplication and division.
SOL 5.5 The student will
The student will create and solve:
1. For the product and quotient of two numbers as decimals.
1. Single-step and multistep practical problems involving multiplication and division of decimals.
Specific Objective: (Setting a Purpose)
Determine an appropriate method of calculation to find the product and quotient of two whole number and two numbers expressed as decimals through thousandths, selecting from among paper and pencil, estimation, mental computation, and calculators.
Estimate to find the number that is closest to the product or quotient of two whole numbers and numbers expressed as decimals through thousandths.
Find the quotient and product of two whole numbers and numbers expressed as decimals through thousandths, using paper and pencil, estimation, mental computation, and calculators.
Materials Needed:
Anchor chart (UPS Check)
Vocabulary (what new vocabulary will be introduced during this lesson?)
Essential Questions of the Day:
Essential Questions:
What are key words to look for when having to multiply or divide?
What situation call for the computation of quotients? … products?
How do we determine whether it is more appropriate to estimate the solutions to problems than to compute them? What determines a reasonable estimation for a given situation?
Enduring Understanding
Understand the meaning of mathematical operations and how these operations relate to one another when creating and solving single-step and multistep word problems.
How do the mathematical operations relate to one another when creating and solving single-step and multistep word problems?
Possible Misconceptions (What might confuse students? Or what might they miss?)
Daily Spiral Math Review (5 problem strand review)
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