Religion of Islam
Week 1: Introduction and Basics
WATCH: Lecture Video: Introduction and Basics parts 1-3
READ: Islam, pp. 16-20; pp. 59-77
READ: Introduction, pp. 3-7
Week 2: Life of the Prophet Muhammad 4
WATCH: Lecture Video Life of the Prophet Muhammad parts 1-3
READ: Islam, pp. 30-36
READ: Introduction, pp. 34-41
READ: Karen Armstrong, Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time, pp. 41-75 (D2L)
Week 3: The Quran
WATCH: Lecture Video The Quran parts 1-4
READ: Introduction, pp. 41-49
READ: Daniel Madigan, Themes and Topics, in The Cambridge Companion to the Quran, ed.
Jane McAuliffe, 79-95 (D2L)
READ: Theological and Ethical Verses: (D2L)
READ: Family Law Verses (D2L)
Week 4: The Quran and the Hadith
WATCH: Lecture Video, The Hadith parts 1-3
READ: Introduction, 51-54
READ: Scott Lucas, Major Topics of the Hadith, in Religion Compass (D2L)
Week 5: Islam and the Abrahamic Traditions
WATCH: Islam and the Abrahamic Traditions parts 1-3
READ: Quran: The Sura of Mary (Q. 19) and the Sura of the Prophets (Q. 21) (D2L)
READ: Zeki Saritoprak, Islams Jesus, pp. 1-21 (D2L)
Week 6: Muslims and their Neighbors
WATCH: Muslims and Their Neighbors parts 1-3
READ: Jonathan Lyons, The House of Wisdom: How the Arabs Transformed Western
Civilization, pp. 55-77 (D2L)
READ: Zachary Karabell, Peace be Upon You (D2L)
Week 7: Midterm
Week 8: Theology and Law
WATCH: Lecture Video, Theology and Law parts 1-3
READ: Introduction, 54-63
READ: Creed of al-Iji (D2L)
READ: Asma Afsaruddin, What Sharia Law Means, (link)
Week 9: Leadership and Authority
WATCH: Lecture Video, Leadership and Authority parts 1-3
READ: Introduction, pp. 82-102
Week 10: Philosophy and Spirituality
WATCH: Lecture Video, Philosophy and Spirituality parts 1-3
READ: Introduction, pp. 63-79
READ: Al-Ghazali on Fighting the Ego (D2L) 5
Week 11: Contemporary Global Umma
WATCH: Lecture Video, Contemporary Global Umma parts 1-3
READ: Introduction, pp. 112-119; 136-141; 204-215; 233-247
Week 12: Women and Islam
WATCH: Lecture Video, Women and Islam parts 1-3
READ: Extraordinary Women from the Golden Age of Muslim Civilization (D2L)
READ: Six Female Muslim Scholars Everyone Should Know About (D2L)
READ: Lila Abu-Lughod, Do Muslim Women Need Saving? (D2L)
READ: Elizabeth Segrin, The Rise of the Islamic Feminists (D2L)
READ: Alainna Liloia, Saudi Women (D2L)
Week 13: History of Islam in America
WATCH: Lecture Video, History of Islam in America parts 1-3
READ: Denise Spellberg, Jefferson, the Constitution and the Quran (D2L)
READ: Elizabeth Williams, A Brief History of Islam in America (D2L)
READ: The Autobiography of Malcolm X (Selections on D2L)
WATCH: Precinct and hajj scenes from Malcolm X (D2L)
Week 14: American Muslims Today
WATCH: Lecture Video, American Muslims Today
WATCH: What Its Like to Be Muslim in America (D2L)
WATCH: Millennial Muslims on Life in America (D2L)
READ: Muslim Americans Assert Solidarity with Black Lives Matter (D2L)
READ: Muslims in Arizona (D2L)
Week 15: Promises and Challenges for Muslims in the 21st Century
WATCH: Lecture Video, Promises and Challenges in the 21st Century parts 1-3
READ: Introduction, pp. 286-307
READ: Jacqueline Oesterblad, I Know a Lot of Radical Muslims (D2L)
Week 16: Concluding Thoughts & Review
WATCH: Concluding Thoughts and Review
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