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Discussion: Information Technologies and Geographical Space

Discussion: Information Technologies and Geographical Space

Dicken, chapters 5 and 6.
Information Technologies and Geographical Space
“ Historical perspective
Wenzlhuemera, Roland. The dematerialization of telecommunication: communication centres and peripheries in Europe and the world, 1850-1920. Journal of Global History (2007), 2:345-372.
Feldman, Maryann. 2002. The Internet Revolution and the Geography of Innovation. International Social Science Journal 54 (2): 47-54.
Morgan 2004. The Exaggerated Death of Geography: Learning, Proximity and Territorial Innovation Systems. Journal of Economic Geography 4 (1): 3-21.
Marcum, Todd. Undated. Telecommuting vs Face-to-Face Communication. Access.
MacDonald, Glen M. 2016. The End(s) of Geography? AAG Newsletter.
Dixon, Nancy. 2015. Combining Virtual and Face-to-Face Work. Harvard Business Review (July 1).
Caramela, Sammi. 2018. Communication Technology and Inclusion Will Shape the Future of Remote Work. Business News Daily (Dec. 27).
Stevenson, Gary. 2017. Working from Home: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Telecommuting. OSG (May 25).
-Pro Telecommuting
Corzo, Cynthia. 2019. Telecommuting Positively Impacts Job Performance, Study Finds. (February 27).
Bakken. Rebecca. Undated. Challenges to Managing Virtual Teams and How to Overcome Them. Harvard Extension School Blog.
Mautz, Scott. Undated. A 2-Year Stanford Study Shows the Astonishing Productivity Boost of Working From Home. Inc.
-Pro Face-to-face Communication
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. 2009. If Telecommunication is such a Good Substitute for Travel, Why does Congestion Continue to Get Worse? Transportation Letters 1(1): 1-17.
Salyer, Kirsten. 2013. Yahoos Risky Work-From-Home Memo. Bloomberg News (February 26).

Swisher, Kara. 2013. Physically Together: Heres the Internal Yahoo No-Work-From-Home Memo for Remote Workers and Maybe More. AllThingsD (February 22).
Grenny, Joseph and David Maxfield. 2017. A Study of 1,100 Employees Found That Remote Workers Feel Shunned and Left Out. Harvard Business Review (2017).
Useem, Jerry. 2017. When Working From Home Doesnt Work. IBM pioneered telecommuting. Now it wants people back in the office. The Atlantic (November).
CommPRO Global Inc. 2017. Why IBM Brought Remote Workers Back to the Office, and Why Your Company May Be Next. (October 25).
Irvine, James. 2019. Why Big Companies are Turning their Back on Telecommuting in Favor of the Fastest, Most Reliable Communication Technology: Face-to-face Conversation. TAG (February 27).
Sander, Libby. 2019. Its not just the Isolation. Working from home has surprising downsides. The Conversation (January 14).
Greetly. 2018. 5 Benefits of Working in the Modern Office vs Telecommuting. (February 27).
Technological Unemployment
Ford, Martin. 2015. The Rise of the Robots: Is this Time Different? LinkedIn (December 5).
“ Urbanization and Globalization
Cities and growth: Lump together and like it. The Economist, November 6, 2008.
Carlino, Gerald A. 2005. The economic role of cities in the 21st century, Business Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, issue Q3, pages 9-15.
Sorman, Guy. 2010. The Silicon Lining. City Journal, Vol. 20, no 2.
Warsh, David. 2006. Secrets of Silicon Valley., March 26.
Laskow, Sarah. 2016. Here Are the Real Boundaries of American Metropolises, Decided by an Algorithm. Atlas Obscura (November 30).
Morgan, Kevin. 2004. The Exaggerated Death of Geography: Learning, Proximity and Territorial Innovation Systems. Journal of Economic Geography 4 (1): 3-21.
“ Technological (Un)Employment
Campa, Riccardo. 2018. Technological Unemployment. A Brief History of An Idea. Orbis Idearum 6 (2): 57-80.
McKinsey Global Institute. 2017. Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages.
Smith, Aaron and Janna Anderson. 2014. AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs. PEW Research Center (August 6).
Woirol, Gregory R. 1996. The Technological Unemployment and Structural Unemployment Debates, Praeger, ISBN978-0313298929.
Hayek podcast. 2019. Glen Weyl on the Myths and Benefits of Automation.
Globerman, Steven. 2019 (ed). Technology, Automation and and Employment. Will this Time be Different? Fraser Institute.
Metten, Nico. 2018. Answering Jordan Peterson on Low IQ Productivity. Libertarian Home (May 23).
Mabry, R. H. and A. D. Sharplin. 1986. Does More Technology Create Unemployment? Policy Analysis No. 68(Cato Institute).
Bartlett, Bruce. 1984. Is Industrial Innovation Destroying Jobs? Cato Journal 4 (2): 625-650 (See also Yeager, Leland B. 1984. Is Industrial Innovation Destroying Jobs?: A Comment. Cato Journal 4 (2) : 645- 650).
Frey, Carl Benedikt and Osborne, Michael A. 2017. The future of employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation? Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 114: 254-280.doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2016.08.019.
Kim, Young Joon, Kim, Kyungsoo and Lee, SuKyoung. 2017. The Rise of Technological Unemployment and its Implications on the Future Macroeconomic Landscape. Futures 87: 1-9.
Piva, Mariacristina, Vivarelli, Marco. 2017. Technological Change and Employment: Were Ricardo and Marx Right? Institute of Labor Economics.
Miailhe, Nicolas. 2017. The Policy Challenges of Automation. FACTS Reports.
Dreyfuss, Emily. 2017. Hate to Break It to Steve Mnuchin, But AIs Already Taking Jobs. Wired (March 24).
Illing, Sean. 2016. Why we need to plan for a future without jobs. Vox (November 24).
Ford, Martin. 2015. Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future. Basic Books.
Leonard, Andrew. 2014. Robots are Stealing your Job: How technology threatens to wipe out the middle class. Salon (January 17).
Rotman, David. 2013. How Technology is Destroying Jobs. MIT Technology Review (June 12).
Rifkin, Jeremy. 1995. The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era. Tarcher-G.P. Putnams Sons.
“ Container Shipping and Information Technologies
Hummels, David L. 2007. Transportation Costs and International Trade in the Second Era of Globalization. Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, vol. 21(3), pages 131-154, Summer.
Jung, Alexander. 2005. The Box That Makes the World Go Round. Spiegel, November 25.
Zuckerman, Ethan. The ley lines of globalization. My hearts in Accra, October 20, 2010.
Grackin, Ann. 2006. The Interview with Marc Levinson “ Getting into The Box. ChainLink Research, August 14.
Postrel, Virginia. 2006. The Box that Changed the World. Dynamist Blog, March 23.
Stueck, Wendy. 2008. The Great Container Crunch. The Globe and Mail, May 19.
Rolan, Alex. 2007. Containers and Causality. Technology & Culture 48 (2): 386-392.
Schmid, William J. 2007 Review of Arthur Donovan and Joseph Bonneys The Box That Changed the World: Fifty Years of Container Shipping- An Illustrated History. H-Maritime, H-Net Reviews.
“ Kondratieff Cycles
Rothbard, M. N. 1984. The Kondratieff Cycle: Real or Fabricated?,
Williams, Walter. 2003. Foreign Trade Angst., August 27.
Drezner, Daniel. 2004. The Outsourcing Bogeyman. Foreign Affairs, May/June.
Mankiw, Gregory. 2006. Outsourcing Redux. Greg Mankiws Blog. May 7.
Pink, Daniel H. 2006. I Heart Outsourcing. Wired, Issue 14.12 December.
Roberts, Russell. 2007. Remember When They Were Going to Take All Our Jobs? Cafcliché Hayek, April 08.
Varian, Hal R. 2007. An iPod Has Global Value. Ask the (Many) Countries That Make It. The New York Times, June 18.
Warsh, David. 2006. Brave New World? Economic Principals, December 3.
Amiti, Mary, and Wei, Shang-Jin. 2004. Fear of Service Outsourcing: Is it Justified? NBER Working Paper 10808.
Bartlett, Bruce. 2004. The debate over outsourcing needs some facts,, October 12.
Boland, Brian, and Block, Walter. The Benefits of Outsourcing. The Freeman: Ideas on Libety, January 1997.
Cowen, Tyler, and Irons, John. 2004. The Rise of Outsourcing. The Wall Street Journal, November 9.
Drusilla K. Brown, Alan V. Deardorff and Robert M. Stern. 2003. The Effects of Multinational Production on Wages and Working Conditions in Developing Countries. NBER Working Paper No.w9669.
Mankiw, N. Gregory, and Phillip Swagel. The Politics and Economics of Offshore Outsourcing. March 2006.
Roque, Josephine. 2006. Study: Outsourcing Raises U.S. Wages. All Headline News, August 26.
Irwin, Douglas A. Free Trade Agreements and Customs Unions in The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics.
Irwin, Douglas A. 2001. A Brief History of International Trade Policy. The Library of Economics and Liberty, Nov. 26.
Drucker, Peter F. 1997. The Global Economy and the Nation-State. Foreign Affairs 76 (5).
Ó Riain, Seán. 2000. States and Markets in an Era of Globalization. Annual Review of Sociology 26: 187-213.
Sassen, Saskia. 2003. States and Citizens in Global Governance. Paper presented at the Globalization, the State, and Society Conference, November 13-14, Washington University School of Law, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies.
MacKenzie, Richard. Industrial Policy. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics.
Pirie, Madsen. Privatization. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics.
“ Cluster Policy
Oki, Yuko. 2018. Creating Commodities Based on the Design Thinking. Athens Journal of Business & Economics4 (3): 241-258.
Oki, Yuko. 2010. The Competitive Advantage of the Violin Industrial Cluster in Cremona. SSRN.
Levinson, Marc. 2006. The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger. Princeton University Press, April.
Smil, Vaclav. 2010. Prime Movers of GlobalizationThe History and Impact of Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines. MIT Press.
BBC News. 2010. Special Report: The Box
Global Policy Forum on Nations and States
Economic Policy Institute, Issue Guide, Offshoring
Global Trade Watch on Offshoring
Reason Public Policy Institutes Offshore Outsourcing Resource Center
The Conference Board of Canada e-Library

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