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1) Create a function called step_fn(t).
This is also common to call this function u(t) or u_fn(t)
Input: time vector
Output: a vector of the same length with values of 0 if t<0, and 1 otherwise 2) Create a function called ramp_fn(t) This is also common to call this function r(t), r_fn(t) or tu(t) Input: time vector Output: a vector of the same length with values of 0 if t<0, and t otherwise 3) Create a function called g1_fn(t) This function should be equal to step_fn(t) + ramp_fn(t) - ramp_fn(t-3) -3*step_fn(t-5) 4) Plot the following functions (can put on one plot or use subplots -- decide how to best present the functions). u(t) u(t-2) 2u(t) -3u(t+2) 5) Plot the following functions (can put on one plot or use subplots -- decide how to best present the functions). r(t) r(t-2) 2r(t) -3r(t+2) 6) Plot the following functions (can put on one plot or use subplots -- decide how to best present the functions). sin(t)u(t) sin(t)u(t-Ï) sin(t-Ï)u(t-Ï) 7) Plot the following functions (can put on one plot or use subplots -- decide how to best present the functions). g(t) g(t-2) g(2t) g(t/2) 8) Write a script to determine the balance in a saving account at the end of every year for n = years. The account has an initial investment of A$ and the interest rate is r, and compounds annually. Show the script should request Initial investment amount Interest rate years if should create a vector for number of year [1:n], and the balance after each year Balance = A(1 + r/100)n
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