CON 598: Methodologies 1
Assignments 3 Project Introduction
Due June 4 11:59 PM
A project execution plan (PEP) is a document that defines the specific guidelines for how the project is to be executed, what the desired result is and how different teams will work in sync to efficiently achieve them. Each project & organizations have their own unique considerations that can be elaboratively stated in the PEP document which allows for large teams to easily collaborate and execute their tasks.
1. Find and submit project execution plans (or similar documents that may have different name). Include the pdfs, doc, docx, or weblink. To receive full credit at least (3) unique examples of an execution plan from an external source (internet, contractors, owners, past projects you have worked on or examples from your workplace, etc.) with no more than two being the same as others have submitted before you. (Check the PEP Tracker Google Sheet before submitting):
a. Submit your collected PEPs to:
i. Create a folder with your LAST NAME, FIRST NAME
ii. Drop your examples into the folder
iii. Add your PEP Plan project title and client group info to the PEP Tracker Google Sheet so other can see what has been submitted.
Any submitted PEPs that specifically relate to executing progressive design build water & wastewater projects will receive additional bonus points.
b. Update the PEP tracker at this link for your submission:
For the remainder of this assignment, prepare a minimum 10 Page synopsis on the following and submit it via Canvas (DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR PEPs ON CANVAS):
2. What is a project execution plan?
a. For your specific assigned PEP component(s), please provide a summary of purpose and typical topics that would be included in those components. For example, cost management might include the budget, contingency rules, reaching a GMP, etc.
3. What are the benefits of using a project execution plan?
4. What factors determine what should be included in the PEP?
5. What resources on the project are involved in drafting a PEP?
6. What are some different names or terminologies used for
(a) the Project Execution Plan (PEP) and
(b) for your specific assigned component(s) of a PEP?
7. For the referenced project execution plan, briefly describe your key takeaways. It can be your likes & dislikes for the content, key takeaways that the you/class can find useful etc.
8. What is Progressive Design Build?
9. What are the differences between Progressive Design Build, Design Build, CMAR & Design Bid Build?
10. Progressive Design Build Best Practices Summary
11. Pros & Cons of Progressive Design Build & Design Bid Build Contract Delivery Method
12. Owner, Engineer / Designer, Contractor/Builder & Owners Rep Roles in ensuring project success
13. Game Theory Analysis (Good, Bad, the Good in the Bad & the Bad in the Good)
14. Industry Best Practices that can be implemented to optimize project performance
15. Establishing KPIs & Performance Measurement
16. What is a RACI Matrix?
17. What is a Process Map?
18. RACI Matrix & Process map examples for project lifecycle incorporating People, Process & Technology / Tools
19. Your analysis for the submitted RACI Matrix & Process Map Examples
20. Prioritization to recognize the importance of each attribute defined in the Project Execution Plan Template Elements across the project timeline (Planning, Design, Construction, Commissioning & Closeout)
Your submission for Q2 through Q19 shall include citations in MLA format and references to peer reviewed or internet sources along with the Source URL.
We highly recommend you go through the articles below in the (2) Productivity Pointers below, this will help you to optimize your time and meet the objectives throughout this course & professionally.
Productivity Pointer #1 –
During this assignment you will find relatively large files that are intimidating & overwhelming. Please keep in mind the objective of this assignment and follow the guidelines for effective reading explained in the links below
1. Article 1 – – This website has a lot of good content on note taking, managing time effectively and speed reading. Follow the skimming and scanning methods during the evaluation of the documents you come across.
2. Article 2 – – This article explains 5 steps for effectively reading large documents (or a book in this case)
We recommend taking a deep dive for only the topics you find extremely valuable towards your professional career. The goal is to get you familiar with a project execution plan is & good examples that we can use for later when do take a deeper dive into your assigned topics, the more examples you review, the more knowledge you will gain on best practices for project execution.
Productivity Pointer #2 –
An example of what a complete assignment would look like is provided at the link below:
3. Article 3 –
In Article 3, The table of contents lists the components to be included in the plan and the corresponding pages describe in depth the definition and benefits of the components included.
A few more examples are provided at the links below:
4. Article 4 –
Article 4 is actually an excerpt from an open source book which is another great resource to self-educate on basics of project management. Consequent chapters take a deep dive into individual topics.
5. Article 5 –
Article 5 explains what a project execution plan is and their recommendation for topics to be included:
We wanted to share some examples we found from a quick google search, we spent about 10-15 mins on each of these articles and noted down key takeaways. The skimming & scanning methods & found indexes & introductions may be helpful towards addressing the assignment questions.
Additional PEP examples can be found here –
1. Example 1 –
Takeaway High level definitions of critical components to be included, various examples of PEP documents and the importance of creating a functional plan.
2. Example 2 –
3. Example 3 –
4. Example 4 –
5. Example 5 –
Examples 2 – 5 have elaborate descriptions on each topic and the index is quite useful to address Q3 in this assignment.
6. Example 6 –
7. Example 7 –
Examples 6 & 7 have creative examples for process maps that make it easier for project teams to understand their roles & responsibilities
8. Example 8 –
Example 8 includes the activities already completed and high-level schedule & cost information as it pertains to the project. Brevity is key to effective communication and this document summarizes well what needs to be communicated to all.
9. Example 9 –
Example 9 has good descriptions of the project roles of various resources working on the project. This can be helpful in determining what is to be communicated to who and can lay the foundation for a good communication plan.
Useful Resources:
· A Video on Introduction to Process Maps:
· A Video on different symbols and what they stand for in BPMN.
· Guides on what a process map is, why it is beneficial and what to consider when developing a process map:
· Tutorial on Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) and Sample BPMN diagrams:
· A Video on creating a RACI matrix
Example Process Map for Cost Management:
( )
Example of a RACI Matrix:
Additional reading material:
· Process Mapping: A valuable tool for construction management and other professionals, Ron Ajard: An insightful article that describes process maps and their utility. (Accessible from ASU online library)
· : Gives pointers on how to go about developing a process map.
· : Applies BPMN to develop process maps for BIM Model Uses.
· : Gives a good overview of process mapping, benefits, guidelines and importance of focusing on customer requirements.
· : This link describes steps in a cost estimation process and provides a flow chart.
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