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COMM 001 De Anaza College Effects of Social Media on Youngsters Discussion

COMM 001 De Anaza College Effects of Social Media on Youngsters Discussion

Persuasive Speech Guidelines For this speech, each student should choose a problem/need for change in today’s society that affects the speaker as well as their audience and provide a possible solution for that problem. This needs to be a current, relevant issue! Topics must be approved by the instructor! Guidelines: ? 6-8 minutes ? Organize this speech using one of the problem/solution patterns of organization ? Problem/solution (2 main points) ? Problem/cause/solution (3 main points) ? Monroe’s Motivated Sequence (Problem/Solution/Action – 2 or 3 main points) ? Include an introduction covering the 5 objectives of intros ? Include a conclusion covering the 3 objectives of conclusions ? Include clear transitions from section-to-section and between main points ? In your speech you should… ? Thoroughly discuss the problem, provide evidence to prove the problem exists ? Explain how the solution will work to solve the problem without causing more problems ? Answer any obvious objections to your stance ? Avoid relying on logical fallacies ? Submit a formal, full-sentence outline (use the outline template found in the Files section of Canvas) ? 12 pt. Font ? Double spaced ? Cover page ? Running headers ? A minimum of 6 sources should be cited in APA format in-text and in a reference page attached to your outline ? Sources should be orally cited regularly throughout the presentation ? At least 1 of your sources must be scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles ? A multimedia visual aid (Prezi, Google Docs) is required ? At least 2 different types of visual aids should be included ? Please make sure to follow the guidelines for preparing and presenting professional multimedia presentations ? Speakers may use up to 5 3×5 note cards for this presentation OFF LIMIT TOPICS The following topics will not be allowed for this speech. ? Abortion ? Gun control ? Border wall ? Death penalty ? Legalizing marijuana ? Obesity or anything where the solution will be to get more physical activity or change your diet ? Any topic that most people already know is a problem and that they shouldn’t do ? Smoking ? Driving while intoxicated ? Texting and driving Grading Rubric Criteria Points Possible Virtual Presentation 5 Speaker followed the guidelines for presenting speeches in a virtual setting. Message is Persuasive 10 The speaker’s message is persuasive, presents a claim of policy, and clearly follows one of the problem-solution patterns of organizing policy speeches. Organization 20 Speech is well-organized, with a fully developed and creative introduction and conclusion (covering the 5 objectives of a intro and 3 objectives of a conclusion). Speaker uses clear transitions from section-to-section and point-to-point. Speech had good flow, was not choppy. Problem 15 A relevant problem is clearly explained as the first main point. The speaker relates the problem to their audience. 2-3 reasons (subpoints) are provided that address why the speaker views this issue as a problem that needs to be addressed. Specific evidence (statistics, examples, testimony, etc.) is provided to support each reason/subpoint. Solution 15 A clear and practical solution is provided. The solution is clearly explained, with evidence supporting its validity and applicability. Possible Objections 5 Obvious objections to the speaker’s main ideas are presented and refuted with evidence. Reasoning 10 Ideas are clearly explained in all sections of the speech. The speaker avoids relying on logical fallacies. Source Citations 15 The speaker cites a minimum of 6 sources throughout their speech, citing sources often to provide validity to their supporting details and to bolster their own credibility. Emotional Appeal 5 Appropriate emotional appeal is generated to support the speaker’s message. Language Language is clear, vivid, appropriate, and 10 inclusive. Nonverbal Delivery 25 Speaker uses their voice and body to enhance the clarity and impact of their speech. Delivery is extemporaneous; clear, conversational tone, eye contact maintained throughout, posture conveys confidence, effective use of notes. Speaker speaks with conviction, conveying confidence and passion for their chosen topic. Visual Aid 15 Speaker uses a multimedia type visual aid to enhance the clarity and impact of their speech. Speaker follows guidelines for creating and presenting visual aids. TOTAL 150 Running head: THE TIME TO PUT ELECTRONICS DOWN IS NOW The Time to Put Electronics Down is Now Student Name College Name 1 THE TIME TO PUT ELECTRONICS DOWN IS NOW 2 The Time to Put Electronics Down is Now I. Introduction A. Have you ever watched someone take their last breath? If you died tomorrow would you feel that you spent your time wisely? If you knew how many years, months and days you would live, would you waste your time surfing the internet, sending endless text messages, and playing pointless games or would you spend that time living your life to the fullest and enjoying valuable time with your loved ones? B. In our current society we spend so much time consumed with electronic games, cellular phones, television programming and computers that we miss out on the beauty of simply living our lives. C. Let’s face it, we all own some sort of electronic device that keeps us constantly connected to the outside world. I, like many of you, am in no way excluded from the group of people who need to put the devices down. I currently own several electronic devices and at any moment someone in my household can be found with their eyes glued to a screen viewing who knows what. D. I, like many other electronic users, was constantly glued to at least one of my devices at all times. I would constantly check my text messages, social media accounts and emails to stay in the know of what everyone was doing and to let them know what I was doing as well. That was until I realized that being constantly tapped in to the outside world is not always a good thing. In fact, it takes away time that we can and should be dedicating to more important things. THE TIME TO PUT ELECTRONICS DOWN IS NOW 3 E. Over the next several minutes I will explain why our use of electronic devices has become excessive and why we should try to incorporate some electronic free time into our daily schedules. II. Body (Transition: As I previously mentioned, we spend a lot of time using electronics.) A. In fact, in his article posted on Richter (2015) states, ‘Americans aged 18 and up spend more than 11 hours each day watching TV, listening to the radio or using smartphones and other electronic devices’ (Americans Use Electronic Media 11+ Hours A Day, para. 1). To bring this number into perspective let’s say for instance we take the average college student who according to Carter, Chopak-Foss, and Punungwe (2016), sleeps an average of about 6-7 hours each night (Carter, Chopak-Foss, & Punungwe, 2016, p. 318). That would mean the average college student spends 11 of the remaining 17 hours using an electronic device. 65% of the of the average college student’s potential productive hours are spent using electronics. I know you may be thinking that as college students we have to use electronics for homework, studying, registering for classes and conducting research for persuasive speeches. However, the research that was conducted did not include work or study hours. 1. We currently spend a lot of time on cellar phones. They are used at home, in the car, during dinner and the list just keeps going. Considering the amount of time we spend on our devices, it’s not surprising that a substantial portion of cellular usage time is dedicated to accessing social media sites. In an article titled The Adverse Effects of Social Media THE TIME TO PUT ELECTRONICS DOWN IS NOW 4 Castillo (2015) notes, the ‘overconsumption of social media creates addictive qualities and patterns of use that are just unhealthy. They promote poor mental health and poor self-image, anxiety, depression, narcissism, and even eating disorders’ (para. 6). Many social media users post images and comments to their accounts and then look to their online friends for confirmation, approval, and/or acceptance. They will post images of their selves for likes or comments, and will have endless conversations with people that they have never physically met in person. Doing these things with friends is one thing, but it’s hard to consider a person your friend when you’ve never seen or hung out with them in person. I think Rosen (2012) states it best when she writes: As much as I rely on modern forms of communication today, I don’t think I would have become friends with that boy at summer camp if we had used them. The pace of an e-mail or text exchange would have been too quick, and our weird bond would not have had time to emerge amid such public and impatient forms of communication as Facebook or Twitter (p.48). It’s extremely hard to really get to know someone based on online communications. Why waste time on people you barely know when you can focus on those right in front of you. 2. In addition to creating social anxiety, spending so much time on electronics can also cause a decline in grades, lack of sleep, disconnect when it comes to having face to face communication with other THE TIME TO PUT ELECTRONICS DOWN IS NOW 5 individuals, and poor performance at work. Heavy social media users ae noted as having a hard time speaking in public and also maintaining eye contact during conversation. (Transition: Now that I’ve identified the problem, here’s what I would propose as a possible solution.) B. It would be impossible for any of us to discontinue electronic usage all together but there are a few changes we can make within our daily lives to cut back on electronic use and free up time for more productive and important activities. 1. Turn off app notifications. Have you ever been focusing on something important and you get an alert stating that someone has just posted to Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat? It’s as if they knew the moment you started something important and posted just to distract you. Well, if we turn off app notifications we can avoid being distracted. 2. Cosslett (2014) suggests scheduling a time to for internet usage. She noted that she would set aside time before her family members would arrive home for internet use. In her opinion, doing so was the only way for her to maintain her relationship with them (Schedule your internet time section, para. 1). Sometimes it’s the little things that matter. Taking a few minutes or an hour here or there may not seem like much but to someone waiting to spend time with you it could seem longer than you’d think. 3. Eliminate electronic usage during meal time. Many of us have busy schedules which can make it hard to sit and have dinner as a family. If we THE TIME TO PUT ELECTRONICS DOWN IS NOW 6 set aside a few days each month where everyone who resides in the household comes together and eats dinner, or even breakfast, without using any electronics it would allow families to catch up with one another and foster family bonding time. Lappe (2015) notes that using electronics during dinner ‘makes you more likely to consume more calories and less likely to have a conversation’ (Ban electronics from the dinner table section, para. 1). Eliminating electronic usage during dinner could also help those who are watching their calorie intake. 4. Lastly, if setting up a day for breakfast or dinner doesn’t work, consider setting up one day each month where everyone comes together for an electronics free family, friends or couple game night. I’ve tried this option within my own household and I must say that my family and friends look forward to it. In my family were all always busy with work, school, sports and extracurricular activities so getting together for one night each month is refreshing. It keeps us connected with our family and friends and gives us something to look forward to at the end of the month. III. Conclusion A. To sum things up B. Life is all about balance. If we’re overutilizing our electronic devices by constantly being tapped in to the outside world we run the risk of missing valuable time that we could use to complete homework, be productive, and spend with our family and friends. However, through setting aside time for electronic usage, scheduling family dinners, turning off app notifications, and setting up THE TIME TO PUT ELECTRONICS DOWN IS NOW 7 game night for family and friends we can maintain those family bonds and protect the precious moments with our loved ones that we can’t get back. C. At the beginning of my speech I asked if you’d ever watched someone take their last breath. Well I have, and it was that experience that showed me the importance of enjoying and loving life. It taught me to value every moment I have to spend with my family because we never know when someone’s time will be up. Watching someone die is extremely difficult but it’s not as difficult as realizing that you’ve lost someone you truly love, and you’d wasted so much valuable time being consumed with the wrong things. Time is something that we can never get back and I urge you to take advantage of the time you have. Surfing the internet, playing video games, and posting on social media is cool but those activities can take away moments you will never get back. I’m not saying that those things should be stopped completely but please think of how much time you may be wasting and limit the amount of time you spend doing them. I would give anything to have my family member back and after watching him pass away I can say that I know exactly how I would answer the question of how I want to spend my time. Do you? THE TIME TO PUT ELECTRONICS DOWN IS NOW 8 References Carter, B., Chopak-Foss, J., & Punungwe, F. B. (2016). AN ANALYSIS OF THE SLEEP QUALITY OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. College Student Journal, 50(3), 315321. Castillo, S. (2015, September 23). The Adverse Effects Of Social Media: Talkspace Brings Attention To How Overuse Can Harm Mental Health. Retrieved from Cosslett, R. L. (2014, January 09). Five ways to curb your internet use and get your life back | Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett. Retrieved from Lappe, M. S. (2015, June 12). How Electronics Could Be Affecting Your Child’s Health. Retrieved from Michigan State University. (2012, December 4). Multiple media use tied to depression, anxiety. ScienceDaily. Retrieved from Richter, F. (2015, March 13). Infographic: Americans Use Electronic Media 11 Hours A Day. Retrieved from Root, A. (2017). Never let them see you cry: has social media created a generation of young adults who can’t confess weakness and need?. Christianity Today, (2). 57. THE TIME TO PUT ELECTRONICS DOWN IS NOW 9 Rosen, C. (2012). Electronic intimacy: friendships that were once maintained with the rudimentary technology of pen and paper are now reinforced 24/7 with the stroke of a few keys. A longtime letter writer reflects on what has been gained … and lost. The Wilson Quarterly, (2), 48. Running head: Keep the Dream Alive. Keep the Dream Alive. 1 Keep the Dream Alive. 2 Keep the Dream Alive. I. Introduction A. Imagine being a child and suddenly having to move far away, so far in fact, that you had to hit the reset button about everything you knew: The language, the culture, friends, school, and even what you called home. Nevertheless, as hard as it might seem, you trust in this decision made FOR you, and begin to adapt to this new environment, embracing it all as your own. But it doesn’t end there! Years later, (after the laughter about your accent begins to seize) you begin to mature into adulthood, and you begin to notice how all your friends around you are getting part time jobs to buy cars, so they can get their driver’s license and go on dates, and begin applying to colleges and universities with dreams of moving away and being successful… Suddenly, you decide that this is are all very good things, and just as you begin to make the leap as well, you get hit with the realization that you will not be allowed to do that. The reason is, because you do not share the same rights as everybody else… Immediately, your life will have to be put on pause, because it is taboo, and forbitten… B. Hello, my name is Miguel Garcia and today I would be speaking to you regarding the Deferred Act for Childhood Arrivals, also known as dreamers, or DACA for short. C. Just like many of you in this room, my family also migrated to this country with dreams of a brighter future for their family long ago. For me, it was Keep the Dream Alive. 3 not until recently that most of my family finally made this dream into a reality, (so needless to say) I grew up surrounded by immigration issues all my life, and I know how challenging and vigorous immigration policies like DACA can be. D. I’m sure many of you have heard about this in the news or might even know people that are affected by this, or by chance might even be a DACA student. E. So today, I would like to share some information correlated to this immigration policy, how it affects countless of students, as well as entertain you with possible solutions. All with hopes to inspire and gain support from every single one of you, regarding this movement. II. Body A. For my first point, I would like to go over the main problem with DACA. The problem with DACA is, that it is currently in a position of uncertainty. An approximate million students all over our nation are in a position where their future in this country they’ve learned to call home could be jeopardized. 1. The original promise behind DACA, was that it allowed immigrant students the opportunity to continue their lives by working and continuing a college education in our country, and now, their future is uncertain. Or as an article on The Chronicle of Higher Education McGuire (2018) declares, ‘But how long will our Dreamers have to Keep the Dream Alive. 4 endure their sojourn in immigration limbo?’ (The Dream Act Remains a Distant Dream Par 6). a) Not just any immigrants were granted such rights though. These are immigrants that took the chance and applied and qualified for the right to have these promises. Immigrants which were interviewed by trained immigration federal agents, and homeland security officials. b) According to an article on Barshay (2019) reports that there are ‘1.2 million eligible people, roughly 800,000 actually have DACA status’ (Counting DACA students Par. 7) These are 1.2 million students that have gone through such procedures and are either waiting for DACA approval or are currently gaining benefits from being a DACA student. c) These are immigrants who made a gamble not only physically but financially as well, with no guarantee whatsoever. Being a DACA student is not cheap, and just to have the security of continuing an education for two years can run you around $1000 dollars the least. This might not seem like much, but for someone who can’t even get a job to earn money; Trust me, that is significant. d) According to an article posted on Varas (2018) states ‘DACA recipients currently contribute Keep the Dream Alive. 5 nearly $42 billion to the annual U.S.’ (The Fiscal Implications of the DACA Program Par. 1) e) Before DACA, a lot of these students where literally hiding in caves like Osama Bin Laden all these years, fearing that they might be in trouble just for being here. And now that they get an opportunity to live their lives, (granted by the government itself) it gets put on hold again? As all of us know, being a student is stressful enough, so could you imagine how much more stressful this situation can cause these students? According to an article posted on The Chronical of higher education, Katherine (2018) writes: ‘Every day it feels like there’s a new obstacle. You feel sad or depressed because every time you get a little bit of hope, something else happens’ (Asking for a Chance Par. 3) That is not right. Why after allowing such immigrants the opportunity to take a chance, get approved, and continue their lives, suddenly it gets put on hold… it is unethical, immoral, and seems a lot like entrapment. f) I understand that there are a lot of national security issues surrounding the border and all the horrible things which make their way in; but associating those things to the continuation of the DACA act for immigrants which have Keep the Dream Alive. 6 been deemed worthy by our own government would be a terrible fallacy to make. B. For my second point I would like to suggest possible solutions for everyone to consider, in order to help DACA students, or ‘dreamers’ as they are referred to. 1. I suggest creating paths to residency, and/or citizenship. (1) These DACA students have already gone through multiple qualifying processes, demonstrating they are driven individuals willing to make the sacrifices required to gain DACA benefits. So why not enhance such process in a way that it would allowed DACA participants to gain the next level of status in the country? (a) If so, I suggest that such process would continue to demand clean records (demonstrating social behaviors). (b) I suggest that the process would expect participants to continue to show good GPA’s, and interest in school (demonstrating desires in economic and social needs). (c) I suggest even creating volunteering programs allowing DACA students to fulfill a needed demand in our communities, as well as Keep the Dream Alive. 7 programs involving understanding the federal and state regulations, preparing them as they get closer to obtaining legal residency or citizen status. (i) Such programs could have a designated amount of volunteering hours in numerous of areas needed in their dedicated communities. (ii) We could even have a ‘Build the wall foundation’ In an article posted on the, Johnathan (2019) reports, that the president Donald Trump estimates the wall to be constructed for ’20 billion’ (Trump now says border wall could cost as little as $15 billion, pay for itself. Par. 3) That’s equivalent to the revenue coming from DACA in less than a year. (iii) We can use the resources available from DACA and such programs to construct the wall, and after it is complete, use the money still coming in from these programs to maintain it. Keep the Dream Alive. 8 (iv) I believe such programs will create very grateful and committed future citizens for this country who would contribute to society, meanwhile instill values and expectations they could understand and would be happy to support. (d) These may all just be hypotheticals, but why not discuss such ideas and develop plans for individuals who want to work hard and be part of this great nation. Utilizing their degrees and efforts earned in this country, on fields which they are being prepared for in this country? It only makes sense… III. Conclusion 1. I conclude with. a) Now that I have gone over some issues, and possible solutions within this DACA situation. b) I would like to say, that my intention is only to illustrate a different perspective of a situation many of you are fortunate to make a difference in, so that at the next election, or debate in regards to immigration policies involving DACA students comes along; you can have a more empathetic and supporting understanding for these students. Students who Keep the Dream Alive. 9 only want to go to school to better themselves and contribute to this great nation and society just like you all do. Gaining the right to be free… c) As the great George Washington once said. ‘I had always hoped that this land might become a safe and agreeable asylum to the virtuous and persecuted part of mankind, to whatever nation they might belong’ Let’s take advice from our founding fathers, who once too were immigrants, and keep that hope and dream alive… Thank you. Keep the Dream Alive. 10 WORKS CITED PAGE. Brannon, I., & McGee, K. (2018). Would Suspending DACA Withstand a Benefit-Cost Analysis? Regulation, 41(4), 4+. Retrieved from _main&sid=AONE&xid=64416ff9 Varas, J. (2018, January 18). The Fiscal Implications of the DACA Program. Retrieved April 27, 2019, from Mangan, K. (2018, March 9). ‘Asking for a Chance’. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 64(26), A6+. Retrieved from _main&sid=AONE&xid=173a445a Allen, J. (n.d.). Trump now says border wall could cost as little as $15 billion, pay for itself. Retrieved April 27, 2019, from McGuire, P. (2018, December 7). The Dream Act Remains a Distant Dream. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 65(14), A44. Retrieved from _main&sid=AONE&xid=4d8ed671 Barshay, J. (2019, April 14). Counting DACA students. Retrieved April 27, 2019, from Washington, G. (n.d.). Letter to Reverend Francis Adrian Vanderkemp. Retrieved from Purchase answer to see full attachment

Mastering the Art of Online Learning: Your Guide to Acing Online Courses

Mastering the Art of Online Learning: Your Guide to Acing Online Courses


In recent years, the popularity of online courses has skyrocketed, offering learners the flexibility to acquire new skills and knowledge from the comfort of their homes. However, succeeding in online courses requires a different approach compared to traditional classroom settings. To help you make the most of your online learning experience, this article presents essential strategies and tips to ace your online courses.

1. Set Clear Goals and Plan Ahead

Before embarking on an online course, establish clear goals and objectives. Determine what you hope to achieve by the end of the course and break down your goals into manageable milestones. Create a study schedule that aligns with your other commitments, ensuring you allocate dedicated time for coursework, assignments, and revision.

2. Create a Productive Study Environment

Establishing a conducive study environment is crucial for online learning success. Find a quiet, well-lit space where you can concentrate without distractions. Remove any potential interruptions, such as notifications from social media or email. Organize your study materials and have a reliable internet connection to ensure seamless access to course materials.

3. Actively Engage in the Course

Active participation is key to mastering online courses. Engage with course materials, including videos, readings, and interactive components. Take comprehensive notes, highlighting key concepts and ideas. Participate in discussion boards, forums, and virtual meetings to interact with instructors and peers, fostering a sense of community and enhancing your understanding of the subject matter.

4. Manage Your Time Effectively

Online courses offer flexibility, but it’s essential to manage your time wisely to avoid falling behind. Create a detailed schedule, allocating specific time slots for coursework, assignments, and studying. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable segments to prevent procrastination. Prioritize tasks based on deadlines and dedicate focused time to each one, ensuring consistent progress throughout the course.

5. Develop Effective Communication Skills

Online courses often rely on written communication, making it crucial to hone your skills in this area. Be concise and clear in your written responses, paying attention to grammar and spelling. Actively participate in discussions, asking thoughtful questions and providing constructive feedback to your peers. Regularly check your course emails and notifications, ensuring you stay updated with any important announcements or changes.

6. Utilize Available Resources

Take full advantage of the resources provided by your online course platform and instructors. Familiarize yourself with the learning management system (LMS) and explore its features. Access supplementary materials, such as textbooks, lecture slides, and external resources recommended by instructors. Utilize online libraries, research databases, and tutorial services to deepen your understanding of the subject matter.

7. Stay Motivated and Engaged

Maintaining motivation throughout an online course can be challenging, particularly when faced with competing priorities or a lack of face-to-face interaction. Set short-term goals and reward yourself upon their completion. Connect with fellow learners through virtual study groups or online forums to foster a sense of camaraderie. Regularly remind yourself of the benefits and personal growth associated with completing the course successfully.

8. Seek Support and Clarification

Don’t hesitate to seek support or clarification when needed. Reach out to your instructors for guidance or clarification on course material. Utilize online discussion forums to ask questions or engage in collaborative problem-solving. Leverage the support services provided by your course platform or institution, such as technical support or academic advising.


Online courses present unique opportunities for self-paced learning and personal growth. By setting clear goals, creating a productive study environment, actively engaging with course materials, and managing your time effectively, you can maximize your chances of acing online courses. Remember to stay motivated, seek support when needed, and make the most of the available resources. Embrace the flexibility and adaptability of online learning to achieve your educational goals.

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