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COM 3120 Miami Dade College Organizational Conflicts Case Study Questions

COM 3120 Miami Dade College Organizational Conflicts Case Study Questions

9:46 (C. COM 3210 Case Study Assignme… a COM 3120 Case Study Guidelines Purpose: The goal of this assignment is for you to review a case study about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time and analyze it using course concepts and theories. Task: You will review the case study in the dropbox and answer all of the discussion questions from the end of the case study in your paper. Support your answers with specific concepts from this week’s chapter. You do not need to summarize the case, as I am familiar with it. Write a 3-5 page (double spaced) paper that adheres to APA style (i.e. 12-point font, normal margins, no cover page or abstract needed). If you quote, paraphrase, or summarize material from outside resources, including the textbook, make sure to give credit to the source and cite properly. Your paper should be formatted like a formal essay with an introduction with thesis, main/body points, a conclusion with thesis, and transitions between paragraphs. A successful student will: Submit a paper that is 3-5 pages long (double spaced, not counting any headers/footers/extraneous material) and is free from any grammatical or syntactical errors. • Submit a paper that is organized properly (i.e. introduction, main points, conclusion, thesis statement, transitions). • Analyze the case study using course concepts and/or theories. Avoid summarizing the case. • Use APA style appropriately (i.e. cite sources in text and in a reference list). • Submit the essay to the appropriate dropbox by the deadline. . 5 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 9:46 (C. COM 3210 Case Study Assignme… a COM 3120 Case Study Guidelines Purpose: The goal of this assignment is for you to review a case study about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time and analyze it using course concepts and theories. Task: You will review the case study in the dropbox and answer all of the discussion questions from the end of the case study in your paper. Support your answers with specific concepts from this week’s chapter. You do not need to summarize the case, as I am familiar with it. Write a 3-5 page (double spaced) paper that adheres to APA style (i.e. 12-point font, normal margins, no cover page or abstract needed). If you quote, paraphrase, or summarize material from outside resources, including the textbook, make sure to give credit to the source and cite properly. Your paper should be formatted like a formal essay with an introduction with thesis, main/body points, a conclusion with thesis, and transitions between paragraphs. A successful student will: Submit a paper that is 3-5 pages long (double spaced, not counting any headers/footers/extraneous material) and is free from any grammatical or syntactical errors. • Submit a paper that is organized properly (i.e. introduction, main points, conclusion, thesis statement, transitions). • Analyze the case study using course concepts and/or theories. Avoid summarizing the case. • Use APA style appropriately (i.e. cite sources in text and in a reference list). • Submit the essay to the appropriate dropbox by the deadline. . 5 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 9:46 (C. COM 3210 Case Study Assignme… a COM 3120 Case Study Guidelines Purpose: The goal of this assignment is for you to review a case study about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time and analyze it using course concepts and theories. Task: You will review the case study in the dropbox and answer all of the discussion questions from the end of the case study in your paper. Support your answers with specific concepts from this week’s chapter. You do not need to summarize the case, as I am familiar with it. Write a 3-5 page (double spaced) paper that adheres to APA style (i.e. 12-point font, normal margins, no cover page or abstract needed). If you quote, paraphrase, or summarize material from outside resources, including the textbook, make sure to give credit to the source and cite properly. Your paper should be formatted like a formal essay with an introduction with thesis, main/body points, a conclusion with thesis, and transitions between paragraphs. A successful student will: Submit a paper that is 3-5 pages long (double spaced, not counting any headers/footers/extraneous material) and is free from any grammatical or syntactical errors. • Submit a paper that is organized properly (i.e. introduction, main points, conclusion, thesis statement, transitions). • Analyze the case study using course concepts and/or theories. Avoid summarizing the case. • Use APA style appropriately (i.e. cite sources in text and in a reference list). • Submit the essay to the appropriate dropbox by the deadline. . 5 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 9:46 (C. COM 3210 Case Study Assignme… a COM 3120 Case Study Guidelines Purpose: The goal of this assignment is for you to review a case study about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time and analyze it using course concepts and theories. Task: You will review the case study in the dropbox and answer all of the discussion questions from the end of the case study in your paper. Support your answers with specific concepts from this week’s chapter. You do not need to summarize the case, as I am familiar with it. Write a 3-5 page (double spaced) paper that adheres to APA style (i.e. 12-point font, normal margins, no cover page or abstract needed). If you quote, paraphrase, or summarize material from outside resources, including the textbook, make sure to give credit to the source and cite properly. Your paper should be formatted like a formal essay with an introduction with thesis, main/body points, a conclusion with thesis, and transitions between paragraphs. A successful student will: Submit a paper that is 3-5 pages long (double spaced, not counting any headers/footers/extraneous material) and is free from any grammatical or syntactical errors. • Submit a paper that is organized properly (i.e. introduction, main points, conclusion, thesis statement, transitions). • Analyze the case study using course concepts and/or theories. Avoid summarizing the case. • Use APA style appropriately (i.e. cite sources in text and in a reference list). • Submit the essay to the appropriate dropbox by the deadline. . 5 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 9:46 < COM 3120 Case Study 2 Question... Case Study 2 Questions 1. Apply the Three I's to this case (page 159). 2. Discuss the phases of conflict (Table 9.1) and explain how Mike and Jill have experienced each of these phases. 3. Identify and apply two factors and two frames (page 168) that underlie this conflict. Identify the perspectives Mike and Jill have that might influence the way they perceive this conflict and the way they approach each other. Bring in specific concepts from the text to support your answer. 4. If Mike and Jill were to attempt to deal with this conflict on their own, what conflict management style (page 162) do you think they might select? What conflict style would you recommend? Be specific and explain how it would help them resolve their conflict. Do you think they would use this style on their own or would it take an outside party to help enact it? 5. If you were Adam, how would you approach this conflict? Identify at least two strategies and tactics (page 167) should you use to help Mike and Jill deal with their ongoing problems? What role might a mediator play in helping them work through their issues? Explain your answers using information from this week's reading. 6. How would a feminist approach to conflict interpret this situation? Is it possible to use an alternative model that would react this situation in a more productive frame? Explain your answer. 5 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 9:51 Back Katherine Miller, Joshua Barbo... ? CASE STUDY The Problem with Teamwork Mike Garcia and Jill Hendrickson have been butting and manufacture a quality, low-cost product that will heads for months. Mike is a manufacturing manager at meet user needs. The company is also hoping to decrease Auto Safety Products, a firm in the Midwest that designs the amount of time it takes to move from initial concep- and produces automobile seat belts and infant and child tual design to actual production. safety seats. Jill is a design engineer for the same firm. Mike and Jill are both on the team working on tod- Recently, top management at Auto Safety Products insti- dler booster seats. This is an important product for tuted "concurrent engineering,” a team-based system " Auto Safety Products, as research has indicated that that integrates manufacturing and design processes. parents do not use safety seats once children reach tod- Concurrent engineering is intended to eliminate the pro- dler age, in part because they are difficult to use in cars blems that often occur in industry when designers are and uncomfortable for children. As a result, many par- unaware of the needs of manufacturing and vice versa. ents don't use the booster seats correctly, cancelling out Through concurrent engineering, management hopes to any safety benefit. Thus, the team at Auto Safety Pro- improve attention to all elements of the product life cycle ducts is working to make the seats easier for parents to Copyright 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or Chapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. Conflict Management Processes 175 CASE STUDY The Problem with Teamwork continued use by making them more comfortable, more portable, them have not hit it off on the concurrent engineering and more compatible with a range of automobiles, team and has decided that the conflict has gotten to the from small sports cars to sedans to minivans to SUVs. point where he must step in and help them settle it. He Mike is fifty-five years old and has worked in first asked each of them separately about the problem. manufacturing for most of his life-twenty-two years According to Jill, the problem is that Mike will not with Auto Safety Products. He has always felt some listen to her ideas and downplays the contributions that animosity toward the design side of the firm. He design can make to concurrent engineering. In contrast, finds the engineers uppity and unwilling to listen to she sees design as the most important part of the con- the problems faced in manufacturing. He has often current engineering process. She suspects that Mike has complained that the design department generates pie- problems with her because she is young and a woman, in-the-sky projects that run into all sorts of practical and this has made her push even harder for her point of problems once they hit manufacturing. He approached view on project disagreements. the new concurrent engineering program at Auto According to Mike, the concurrent engineering Safety Products with a grain of salt. He thought that system—and the booster seat team in particular—is a it was a good idea in principle (“Those guys in design joke. He says that the design engineers are still trying to could use a dose of reality”), but he was not convinced push their ideas down manufacturing's throat, and he's that it would ever work in actuality. tired of the "team” facade. He would like to go back to Jill is a twenty-five-year-old mechanical engineer doing things the old way. However, if he is forced to who has been with Auto Safety Products since her col- continue with the concurrent engineering system, he lege graduation three years ago. She is assertive and refuses to simply give in to every one of Jill's whims. strong-minded-she believes she has to be to be effec- As Adam ponders these divergent positions, Jill and tive in the male-dominated world of engineering. She Mike enter his office. Neither of them looks particu- learned about the concurrent engineering concept larly happy. when she was in school and believes it can greatly improve the effectiveness of design and manufacturing. CASE ANALYSIS QUESTIONS Unfortunately, it does not seem to be working at Auto Safety Products. The manufacturing side has not really 1. What kind of predispositions are Mike and Jill tak- bought into the process, and management did not take ing into this conflict situation? low might these the time to introduce the team management system predispositions influence the way they frame the properly and train people to work together. Even conflict and the way they approach each other? though she tries to be open to the ideas of manufactur- 2. If Mike and Jill were to attempt to deal with this ing, she does not feel this effort is being reciprocated. conflict on their own, what conflict style would Her concerns go in one ear and out the other. She is you recommend? Given what you know about having an especially hard time with Mike Garcia, the Jill and Mike, do you think they would use an lead manufacturing representative on her team. effective conflict resolution style? Recently, the two of them have had to work together 3. If you were Adam, how would you approach this frequently on a booster seat design problem, trying to conflict? What strategies should you use to help adapt the design so it will work in a variety of mini- Mike and Jill deal with their ongoing problems? vans. Their inability to work together has gotten so Would you consider bringing in a mediator to bad that their supervisor has set up a meeting to help help them work through their issues? them deal with the problem. 4. How would a feminist approach to conflict see Adam Shapiro is a project supervisor at Auto Safety this situation? Is it possible to use an alternative Products. He oversees the booster seat project team model that would recast this situation in a more that Mike and Jill work on. He knows the two of productive frame? Copyright 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the cBook and/or Chapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. 9:51 Back Katherine Miller, Joshua Barbo... ? CASE STUDY The Problem with Teamwork Mike Garcia and Jill Hendrickson have been butting and manufacture a quality, low-cost product that will heads for months. Mike is a manufacturing manager at meet user needs. The company is also hoping to decrease Auto Safety Products, a firm in the Midwest that designs the amount of time it takes to move from initial concep- and produces automobile seat belts and infant and child tual design to actual production. safety seats. Jill is a design engineer for the same firm. Mike and Jill are both on the team working on tod- Recently, top management at Auto Safety Products insti- dler booster seats. This is an important product for tuted "concurrent engineering,” a team-based system " Auto Safety Products, as research has indicated that that integrates manufacturing and design processes. parents do not use safety seats once children reach tod- Concurrent engineering is intended to eliminate the pro- dler age, in part because they are difficult to use in cars blems that often occur in industry when designers are and uncomfortable for children. As a result, many par- unaware of the needs of manufacturing and vice versa. ents don't use the booster seats correctly, cancelling out Through concurrent engineering, management hopes to any safety benefit. Thus, the team at Auto Safety Pro- improve attention to all elements of the product life cycle ducts is working to make the seats easier for parents to Copyright 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or Chapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. Conflict Management Processes 175 CASE STUDY The Problem with Teamwork continued use by making them more comfortable, more portable, them have not hit it off on the concurrent engineering and more compatible with a range of automobiles, team and has decided that the conflict has gotten to the from small sports cars to sedans to minivans to SUVs. point where he must step in and help them settle it. He Mike is fifty-five years old and has worked in first asked each of them separately about the problem. manufacturing for most of his life-twenty-two years According to Jill, the problem is that Mike will not with Auto Safety Products. He has always felt some listen to her ideas and downplays the contributions that animosity toward the design side of the firm. He design can make to concurrent engineering. In contrast, finds the engineers uppity and unwilling to listen to she sees design as the most important part of the con- the problems faced in manufacturing. He has often current engineering process. She suspects that Mike has complained that the design department generates pie- problems with her because she is young and a woman, in-the-sky projects that run into all sorts of practical and this has made her push even harder for her point of problems once they hit manufacturing. He approached view on project disagreements. the new concurrent engineering program at Auto According to Mike, the concurrent engineering Safety Products with a grain of salt. He thought that system—and the booster seat team in particular—is a it was a good idea in principle (“Those guys in design joke. He says that the design engineers are still trying to could use a dose of reality”), but he was not convinced push their ideas down manufacturing's throat, and he's that it would ever work in actuality. tired of the "team” facade. He would like to go back to Jill is a twenty-five-year-old mechanical engineer doing things the old way. However, if he is forced to who has been with Auto Safety Products since her col- continue with the concurrent engineering system, he lege graduation three years ago. She is assertive and refuses to simply give in to every one of Jill's whims. strong-minded-she believes she has to be to be effec- As Adam ponders these divergent positions, Jill and tive in the male-dominated world of engineering. She Mike enter his office. Neither of them looks particu- learned about the concurrent engineering concept larly happy. when she was in school and believes it can greatly improve the effectiveness of design and manufacturing. CASE ANALYSIS QUESTIONS Unfortunately, it does not seem to be working at Auto Safety Products. The manufacturing side has not really 1. What kind of predispositions are Mike and Jill tak- bought into the process, and management did not take ing into this conflict situation? low might these the time to introduce the team management system predispositions influence the way they frame the properly and train people to work together. Even conflict and the way they approach each other? though she tries to be open to the ideas of manufactur- 2. If Mike and Jill were to attempt to deal with this ing, she does not feel this effort is being reciprocated. conflict on their own, what conflict style would Her concerns go in one ear and out the other. She is you recommend? Given what you know about having an especially hard time with Mike Garcia, the Jill and Mike, do you think they would use an lead manufacturing representative on her team. effective conflict resolution style? Recently, the two of them have had to work together 3. If you were Adam, how would you approach this frequently on a booster seat design problem, trying to conflict? What strategies should you use to help adapt the design so it will work in a variety of mini- Mike and Jill deal with their ongoing problems? vans. Their inability to work together has gotten so Would you consider bringing in a mediator to bad that their supervisor has set up a meeting to help help them work through their issues? them deal with the problem. 4. How would a feminist approach to conflict see Adam Shapiro is a project supervisor at Auto Safety this situation? Is it possible to use an alternative Products. He oversees the booster seat project team model that would recast this situation in a more that Mike and Jill work on. He knows the two of productive frame? Copyright 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the cBook and/or Chapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. 9:51 Back Katherine Miller, Joshua Barbo... ? CASE STUDY The Problem with Teamwork Mike Garcia and Jill Hendrickson have been butting and manufacture a quality, low-cost product that will heads for months. Mike is a manufacturing manager at meet user needs. The company is also hoping to decrease Auto Safety Products, a firm in the Midwest that designs the amount of time it takes to move from initial concep- and produces automobile seat belts and infant and child tual design to actual production. safety seats. Jill is a design engineer for the same firm. Mike and Jill are both on the team working on tod- Recently, top management at Auto Safety Products insti- dler booster seats. This is an important product for tuted "concurrent engineering,” a team-based system " Auto Safety Products, as research has indicated that that integrates manufacturing and design processes. parents do not use safety seats once children reach tod- Concurrent engineering is intended to eliminate the pro- dler age, in part because they are difficult to use in cars blems that often occur in industry when designers are and uncomfortable for children. As a result, many par- unaware of the needs of manufacturing and vice versa. ents don't use the booster seats correctly, cancelling out Through concurrent engineering, management hopes to any safety benefit. Thus, the team at Auto Safety Pro- improve attention to all elements of the product life cycle ducts is working to make the seats easier for parents to Copyright 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or Chapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. Conflict Management Processes 175 CASE STUDY The Problem with Teamwork continued use by making them more comfortable, more portable, them have not hit it off on the concurrent engineering and more compatible with a range of automobiles, team and has decided that the conflict has gotten to the from small sports cars to sedans to minivans to SUVs. point where he must step in and help them settle it. He Mike is fifty-five years old and has worked in first asked each of them separately about the problem. manufacturing for most of his life-twenty-two years According to Jill, the problem is that Mike will not with Auto Safety Products. He has always felt some listen to her ideas and downplays the contributions that animosity toward the design side of the firm. He design can make to concurrent engineering. In contrast, finds the engineers uppity and unwilling to listen to she sees design as the most important part of the con- the problems faced in manufacturing. He has often current engineering process. She suspects that Mike has complained that the design department generates pie- problems with her because she is young and a woman, in-the-sky projects that run into all sorts of practical and this has made her push even harder for her point of problems once they hit manufacturing. He approached view on project disagreements. the new concurrent engineering program at Auto According to Mike, the concurrent engineering Safety Products with a grain of salt. He thought that system—and the booster seat team in particular—is a it was a good idea in principle (“Those guys in design joke. He says that the design engineers are still trying to could use a dose of reality”), but he was not convinced push their ideas down manufacturing's throat, and he's that it would ever work in actuality. tired of the "team” facade. He would like to go back to Jill is a twenty-five-year-old mechanical engineer doing things the old way. However, if he is forced to who has been with Auto Safety Products since her col- continue with the concurrent engineering system, he lege graduation three years ago. She is assertive and refuses to simply give in to every one of Jill's whims. strong-minded-she believes she has to be to be effec- As Adam ponders these divergent positions, Jill and tive in the male-dominated world of engineering. She Mike enter his office. Neither of them looks particu- learned about the concurrent engineering concept larly happy. when she was in school and believes it can greatly improve the effectiveness of design and manufacturing. CASE ANALYSIS QUESTIONS Unfortunately, it does not seem to be working at Auto Safety Products. The manufacturing side has not really 1. What kind of predispositions are Mike and Jill tak- bought into the process, and management did not take ing into this conflict situation? low might these the time to introduce the team management system predispositions influence the way they frame the properly and train people to work together. Even conflict and the way they approach each other? though she tries to be open to the ideas of manufactur- 2. If Mike and Jill were to attempt to deal with this ing, she does not feel this effort is being reciprocated. conflict on their own, what conflict style would Her concerns go in one ear and out the other. She is you recommend? Given what you know about having an especially hard time with Mike Garcia, the Jill and Mike, do you think they would use an lead manufacturing representative on her team. effective conflict resolution style? Recently, the two of them have had to work together 3. If you were Adam, how would you approach this frequently on a booster seat design problem, trying to conflict? What strategies should you use to help adapt the design so it will work in a variety of mini- Mike and Jill deal with their ongoing problems? vans. Their inability to work together has gotten so Would you consider bringing in a mediator to bad that their supervisor has set up a meeting to help help them work through their issues? them deal with the problem. 4. How would a feminist approach to conflict see Adam Shapiro is a project supervisor at Auto Safety this situation? Is it possible to use an alternative Products. He oversees the booster seat project team model that would recast this situation in a more that Mike and Jill work on. He knows the two of productive frame? Copyright 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the cBook and/or Chapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. Purchase answer to see full attachment Explanation & Answer: 6 Questions Tags: communication strategies organizational conflicts group skill training User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

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