Your major project is a full-scale, formal analytical Career Exploration Business Report. Each week, we will master components of the full report so that you will be prepared for the larger submission.
The Research Report is worth 150 points and must be completed with a minimum score of 75 points (50%) in order to earn a course grade of C or higher.
We have been building on this report since Week 1 of this term. The format of the business report can be found in Chapter 13, page 421 of your textbook.
The documents below will ensure you are on the right path:
Written Business Report Lecture
Business Report Layout, Example, & Rubric
Upload your report as a Word Document by hitting the submit button.
Reminder: Research Report must be completed with a minimum score of 75 points (50%) in order to earn a course grade of C or higher.
Research Report Research Report Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Secondary Sources (3 required) Second-Hand Information: Library Researchpublished materialannual reports, etc. 6.0 pts Excellent Student has three required published sources that are current and legitimate. 2.0 pts Adequate Two published sources that are up-to-date 0.0 pts Deficient Published sources are non-existent, lack legitimacy, are not current or missing. 6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Primary Methods (1 method required) First-Hand Information – survey/questionnaire or interview(s) 6.0 pts Excellent Primary research conducted as shown with survey, interview questions, or observation criteria. 1.0 pts Adequate Limited primary research. Lacking 30 responses, three interviews, or thorough criteria. 0.0 pts Deficient Primary research was not conducted. 6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Title Page – Lists Title, Prepared for, Prepared by, Date Submitted 4.0 pts Excellent Title page includes title of paper, prepared for, prepared by, date. 0.0 pts Deficient Title page is missing one or more of the required attributes. 4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Letter/Memo of Transmittal – direct approach, brief highlight of important data, thank you, contact information, 9.0 pts Excellent Letter of Transmittal is written directly and is appropriately formatted. Is written directly, includes project highlights, author observations, and/or thoughtful feedback and suggestions about the project. Includes thank you and contact information. The memo is appropriate formatted. 5.0 pts Accomplished Organizational plan of letter is not direct but includes project highlights, author observations, and/or thoughtful feedback and suggestions about the project. The format of the memo lacks one or two of the required elements. 0.0 pts Deficient Format and content are lacking multiple requirements or there is no Memo of Transmittal. 9.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Table of Contents – Listing all headings and page numbers (appropriate format) 4.0 pts Excellent Table of Contents includes headings and subheadings, ellipses, and appropriate page numbering…prefatory pages have lower case Roman numerals, other pages are numbered appropriately. 0.0 pts Deficient The Table of Contents is inappropriately formatted or missing entirely. 4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Executive Summary – purpose clearly stated, secondary and primary highlights clearly identified, conclusion/recommendations 10.0 pts Excellent The Executive Summary includes a clear statement of purpose along with appropriately identified highlights of the secondary and primary research. It is accurately formatted (single spaced paragraphs with one blank space between paragraphs). Includes a clear, well-developed summary and/or conclusion based on the research. 5.0 pts Adequate Statement of purpose is unclear. Although mentioned, research highlights are not clearly identified as to whether they come from primary or secondary sources. Format does not follow the instructions. 0.0 pts Deficient Lacking multiple requirements or missing executive summary. 10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction – Attention-getting opening, clear statement of purpose, scope & procedures (secondary/primary) 10.0 pts Excellent Includes an attention-getting opening that is interesting and grabs the reader’s attention…tells a story, cites a statistic, and/or shares a quote. Includes a clear statement of purpose, the scope of the research, and accurately identifies major published sources that are also reflected in the Works Cited. Limitations of the research are included. The method of primary research used is clearly and thoroughly explained…indicates number of questions, types of questions, number of responses, and something about respondents. Report organization is included which describes for the reader what follows. 5.0 pts Adequate Introduction is missing one or two of the required elements (scope, limitations, sources, methods, report organization). 0.0 pts Deficient Introduction is missing three or four of the required elements. 10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome BODY TEXT – THOROUGH DISCUSSION OF BLENDED RESEARCH FINDINGS – 6-8 pages in length, double-spaced, size 12 font, cite any information quoted, paraphrased, summarized.Topic headings and subheadings are descriptive, concise, parallel, consistent, and formatted appropriately 30.0 pts Excellent Body analysis is six to eight pages in length and follows the appropriate formatting guidelines (double-spaced with headings and subheadings that are appropriate formatted and included in the Table of Contents). There is a thorough, blended discussion of both primary and secondary findings with appropriate citations of secondary and primary sources – wich are properly and accurately formatted adhering to MLA requirements. Research is developed with support and explanation of ideas using appropriate, relevant, objective evidence with supportive specific details and clear explanations. The findings are thoroughly discussed and maintain a unified focus on the purpose and scope as presented in the introduction. There is a fluid order and effective transitions from concept to concept (topic sentence to topic sentence/paragraph to paragraph). Published sources are accurately represented. Primary research is clearly identified and includes appropriate citations. Topic headings and subheadings are descriptive, concise, parallel, consistent, and formatted appropriately 21.0 pts Adequate Body analysis includes some discussion but needs to be more thoroughly blended. Development of topic with support and explanation of ideas is limited. Needs to be more objective with supporting details and explanations that reference published sources. Need to more thoroughly blend the research from published sources and primary research. Some transitions but could use more effective transitions from one concept to the next. Topic headings and subheadings are missing one or two elements. 15.0 pts Poor Very little blended discussion of documented research with primary research findings. Missing properly formatted in-text citations on information that either comes from published sources or from primary research. Very little interpretation of the material from sources. Few, if any, transitions from concept to concept. Topic headings and subheadings are missing elements. 5.0 pts Deficient There is no references to published sources…missing any blended discussion of primary and secondary research. Discussion of topic is missing critical interpretation and thinking about the topic. There is no support or explanation of ideas, inappropriate, irrelevant, and/or subjective evidence with little or no supporting details/explanations. Writing lacks unified focus, effective transitions from concept to concept. Topic headings and subheadings are missing elements. 30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summary and Conclusion/Recommendations…based on primary AND secondary information…includes NO new information 10.0 pts Excellent Summary discussion clearly represents findings from research…both primary and secondary information. Uses effective conclusion strategy, leaves a strong impact on the reader. Clearly provides a recap of information presented in the paper highlighting main points and informative interpretation of findings. Includes no new information. 5.0 pts Adequate Research topic is summarized but lacks thorough conclusion based on research findings. Impact on reader could be more thoughtful and thought-provoking. Includes some new information. 0.0 pts Deficient Discussion is poorly summarized and lacks effective strategy which clearly references research findings or paper does not close with summary of findings 10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Works Cited Page – MLA formatting required, single space each entry, double space between entries, include entry to reflect primary research, must be current. 10.0 pts Excellent MLA formatting accurately displayed in list of Works Cited. Follow direction with single-spaced entries and double space between entries. Includes entry reflecting primary research. Entries are presented in accurate alphabetic order, and formatted according to MLA. There are at least three published sources that reflect current library or internet sources. Sources are dated within three years of submission date. 5.0 pts Adequate Works cited adheres to MLA formatting requirements. One source exceeds date requirements for this project. Entry reflecting primary research is included but is not thoroughly and accurately presented. 0.0 pts Deficient Incomplete, inaccurate, dated, formatting is not MLA 10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Appendix to include a blank copy of the primary research instrument, tallied results, graded work plan 6.0 pts Excellent A blank copy of the primary research is included along with a tally of the primary research findings. The tally results are presented as both #s and %s. A clear analysis of the findings has been conducted. 5.0 pts Adequate One required piece of the Appendix is missing…either the blank copy of the primary research or the tallied results. Limited analysis of the primary research findings. 3.0 pts Poor Primary research is questionable and the formatting of the completed survey and/or the tallied results lacks professionalism. 0.0 pts Deficient A blank copy of the primary research as well as the tallied results are missing. 6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome A graphic (chart) developed by you and based on your primary research, thoroughly discussed, placed in body, referenced in paragraph. Appropriately titled and formatted. 18.0 pts Excellent There is at least one chart, thoroughly discussed, placed in the body of the report, properly reference in the paragraph, based on primary information. The chart is clearly the best information from the primary research that requires additional attention. A source line indicating where the information comes from is included with the chart and is properly formatted. 14.0 pts Adequate A chart is included but the discussion of the chart/research findings is limited. Chart is missing one or two of the required elements…title, labels, source line 0.0 pts Deficient Chart is lacking several required design elements or chart is missing. 18.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome MLA Reference Citations – parenthetical in body, quotes, paraphrases, and summaries. Minimum of five, but may have many more. All appropriate information should be cited. 15.0 pts Excellent Parenthetical, in-text citations are included in the body text of the research paper. MLA reference citations are accurately and appropriately reflected within the research paper. Citations reflected include quotes, paraphrases, and summaries. There are a minimum of five citations. However, all published information is appropriately and accurately represented through the project. 8.0 pts Adequate There are four parenthetical, in-text citations…five required. Formatting of in-text citations is incorrectly or inaccurately displayed. 0.0 pts Deficient There are fewer than four in-text citations throughout the body of the research paper. 15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing Style – grammar, spelling punctuation, sentence structure, coherence, paragraph organization, use of transitional words and phrases 12.0 pts Excellent Writing style reflects that which is expected of a college-level student. There are one or fewer of the following mechanical errors. Grammar……spelling….punctuation…..sentence structure…coherence, paragraph organization (indented paragraphs), and appropriate use of transitional words and phrases. 7.0 pts Adequate There are two or fewer mechanical errors. 4.0 pts Three or four errors 0.0 pts Deficient There are five or more errors. 12.0 pts
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