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ASSE 3211 PMU Pricing Levels & Impact of Covid Worksheet

ASSE 3211 PMU Pricing Levels & Impact of Covid Worksheet

ASSE 3211: Learning Outcome Assessment 2 Assignment: ePortfolio Artifacts Student Name: Student ID: Semester and Year: Please read the below Instructions carefully to write the artifacts: Please choose 1 New Assignment, each from the TECHNOLOGY and CRITICAL THINKING competency course, and Write 1 Artifact respectively based on those assignments in the template file attached in this journal. And submit the 2 ORIGINAL ASSIGNMENT files as Evidence, as well as the competency template file after writing the artifacts in the template. (Please do not choose and submit the same assignment that you have already did in Assessment 1). In each Artifact, you will write the Assignment Title, Introduction Paragraph, and Reflection Paragraph. The artifact should be written in the context of the assignment and not in general. In the Introduction paragraph, you will write at least 5 to 6 full sentences, while considering the following points, • • • Please write a brief introduction of the assignment, Write how the assignment is related to that competency What skills you learned from that assignment of that competency. The Reflection paragraph must be at least 5 to 6 full sentences while considering the following points, • • • • Please write your experience while working on that assignment What knowledge you gained from that assignment. What advice would you like to give to your juniors or friends if they want to work on that assignment again. And how differently you would like to do if given another chance for working on that assignment. Technology Definition: Please write a brief definition of Technology in 2-3 sentences. Title of assignment #1: …………………………………………. Introduction: —–write an introduction paragraph for the first assignment. Reflection: Write a reflection paragraph for the first assignment —– Critical Thinking Definition: Please write a brief definition of Critical Thinking in 2-3 sentences. Title of assignment #1: …………………………………………. Introduction: —–write an introduction paragraph for the first assignment. Reflection: Write a reflection paragraph for the first assignment —– Nassser Alessa 201801180 1 Open Excel and save a blank workbook with the following name : a. ‘Student’s First InitialLast Name Excel Project’ Example: JSmith Excel Project . b. Set Page Layout to Landscape 3 2 . Create new worksheets:: Data, Sorted, and Airport. . and delete any other worksheets 3 3 Copy the data from the Car Rental Data.doc file into the data worksheet, Format all data (field names and numbers) to Arial 10 point. Apply to all border style to all columns Revenue is set currency format in $ No decimal points to all. All columns are centered except Revenue and NumCars which are right centered. From the review tab protect your data in the data worksheet to read only 4 4 In the Data worksheet, a. select the entire table (data and headers) using a mouse. b. Copy the table to the Sorted worksheet. c. Adjust columns widths if necessary to ensure all data and field names are readable. d. Sort data in ascending order by location 5 5 5 Mark cells with economy class with green color and premium with orange color sort by Carcass using the sort by cell color option 6 a. Copy the entire table from the Sorted worksheet to the Airport worksheet b. a. delete all the rows in the table where the data is for Downtown using filter by location PROCESSING AND FORMULAS 5 7 In the Airport worksheet, a. add a new column head AvgRev that calculates the Average Revenue for a row, b. add a formula to calculate the AvgRev by dividing the Revenue by the NumCars for all rows in the table, and c. For AvgRev use Arial Black 8 white font with dark blue sell color and allow 2 decimal points as currency 5 8 n the Airport worksheet, a. create a range named AE that includes every AvgRev value for Economy cars, and b. create a range named AP that includes every AvgRev value for Premium cars. C. on the third row below the final row of the data, create a label called Average Quarterly Revenue per Economy Car (Airport). in the first fully visible cell to the right of the label, and calculate the Average Quarterly Revenue per Economy Car (Airport) using the average function and the named range AE d. In the next line create a label called Average Quarterly Revenue per Premioum Car (Airport) and calculate the Average Quarterly Revenue per Premium Car (Airport) using the average function and the named range AP. In the formulas tab click on the name manager do display ranges when you take a screen shot. 5 GRAPHS 9 In the airport worksheet in the right of data a. create a bar chart that clearly shows the average revenue per economy car per each of the 4 quarters in 2019 b. create a bar chart that clearly shows the average revenue per premium car per each of the 4 quarters in 2015. Add appropriate titles and assign different colors to the bars for each car class. Add values above bars. 5 10 a. Place the following text below the ‘Question: Is there a trend that is shared between the Economy and Premium average revenue per car based on the two charts? Along with the yes or no explain why there is or why there is not a trend.’ b. answer the question 5 11 a. Below the answer to the question Write a Label with your student name followed by your student ID b. Create another label named student_id: and write your student ID in the next cell. C. Apply the MOD function to your ID with 100 divided by 100 to produce a number between 0-99 5 12 Create a new column on the right of AvgRev name PosIncr and multiply each average revenue with number produced in step 12 using absolute values + 1. 5 13 a. Create a new worksheet named profit. b. Copy all the data from the data worksheet to profit. c. Create a new column overhead(cost) d. Using the IF function calculate cost automatically as 40% of the revenue for economy car and 60% of the revenue for premium car. Do calculate each one individually. e. Calculate profit as Revenue minus overhead, Use zero decimal currency format for profit. 5 14 a. Format the table choosing your own formatting style. b. Using conditional formatting assign red color to low profit values between 200000-300000 orange(medium) to values between 300000-400000 and green color to (high) profit values over 400000. c. Illustrate the same rule in conditional formatting using three color arrows. PIVOT TABLES 5 15 a. Create a pivot table that will sum all profit by location and car class and by year in columns. B, Create a pivot table below the previous one that will average all revenues by location and car class and by year in columns 5 16 a. For each one of the pivot tables of (16) create a bar chart that will present the results. Add titles and place the graph on the left of the corresponding pivot table. b. Using the format tab choose a different background color for each one of the two graphs c. Enter shadow shape effect for the first graph and the glow in the second graph d. Using the Layout tab add a text box with text: Reported by Your name with white background 5 WHAT IF ANALYSIS 17 Below the pivot Create a label with text: Question: Which categories Locations or car class are more profitable?: and provide an answer below 5 18 Below the answer create a pivot table the will display the sum of profits by location and car class only for 2019 applying a filter on the year column 5 19 From the Data tab select what if analysis and create a scenario: Decrease overhead for airport 2019 Q1 and Q3 by 10%. How this will effect profit? Display the scenario building result worksheet 5 20 Using the Data tab select what if goal seek and set as goal 2017,Q2, Downtown, premium profit to reach 300000 from 118448. What revenue must be generated to create this profit? Shoe your scenario goal seeking screenshot FORMULAS 5 21 a. Create a new worksheet named cash flow. b. Copy the data from cashflow.txt c. The car rental business is expanding with new office and a cash flow statement for the first 12 months is needed d. Complete the table and compute total development cost for all months. Add 20.000 to strore infrastructure on month 3 and 5.000 for marketing om month 8. See how total development cost is changing. e. Compute cost = total development cost + all costs for all 12 months. f. Compute revenue = total revenues for all 12 months g. Compute profit=Revenue –total cost for all 12 months I. Compute Commutative profit = month1, month1+month2 … h. Compute NPV, ROI, Required capital, estimated payback period 5 Part (a) Topic : What is the price of level Group members: Ziyad alabdulhadi: 201601819 Nasser alessa: 201801180 Khaled alsaloly: 201701915 Group members: Ziyad alabdulhadi: 201601819 Nasser alessa: 201801180 Khaled alsaloly: 201701915 Introduction Price level is the average of current prices across the entire spectrum of goods and services produced in an economy. In more general terms, price level refers to the price or cost of a good, service, or security in the economy. In economics, price levels are a key indicator and are closely watched by economists. They play an important role in the purchasing power of consumers as well as the sale of goods and services. It also plays an important part in the supply-demand chain. The first is what most people are accustomed to hearing about: the price of goods and services or the amount of money a consumer or other entity is required to give up to purchase a good, service, or security in the economy. Prices rise as demand increases and drop when demand decreases. In economics, price level refers to the buying power of money or inflation. In other words, economists describe the state of the economy by looking at how much people can buy with the same dollar of currency. Group members: Ziyad alabdulhadi: 201601819 Nasser alessa: 201801180 Khaled alsaloly: 201701915. Literature review Customers are important for every organization. Numerous researches had been conducted for determining the method of pricing, which is explained in Literature review, has normally segregated in two divisions. First division will explain about a pervasive context about the, pricing and methods of pricing. The second part of this assessment deals with the previous related studies. Price is a highly sensitive factor of an organization. The standard economic analysis of pricing is based on the customers desire for the product its usually depends up on the income of the customer and other factors like ethnic origin. There are some consumers may pay high prices, while others willing to pay only lower prices. Instead of charging same price to all, the organization decided to charge different price for different customers as it will increase the business profit. This method of pricing is known as price differentiation. In earlier days sellers of perishable goods would sell the old products at low price instead of dumping or taking back home. If the price of competitor product was reduced it is necessary to reduce the price of the product, as it could create loss of customer and market. The pricing based on the competitors is competitive based pricing. The simplest method of pricing is cost-plus pricing. It just calculates cost of producing the product and adds on a percentage of profit to that price. Sacrificing high sales for gaining higher profit. Low volumes at high price. This is suitable for products that have short life cycles. It skims the profit from the market. It is known as market skimming. A monopolist set limit price to discourage others entry in to the market. Limit pricing is illegal in many countries. Loss Leader pricing strategy was illegal under EU and US. They sell the product below the cost, so the loss appears as public interest. It is similar to predatory pricing. Ukraine Introduction Diseases form part of human interaction and survival. Every human being typically contracts an infection at least severally in their lifetime. Consequently, humans have learned the art of living in a disease-ridden environment. Diseases come in various forms, with the most common ones being caused by viruses or bacteria. The effects of the conditions depend on numerous elements and how the human body responds to treatment. Over time, disease pandemics have spread worldwide, leading to the death of millions of people. In 2020, the world experienced an outbreak of Covid-19, leading to the death of thousands of people. Originating from China, Wuhan province, the disease spread systematically, leading to the infection of millions of people in a matter of months. In Eastern Europe, Ukraine was seriously hit by the Covid-19 wave leading to the infection and death of thousands of people. The consequence of the disease was felt in all sectors of the country, further piling more pressure on a country recovering from a civil war. The economy suffered a great hit and may take many months to recover and record growth. The paper evaluates the Covid-19 pandemic in Ukraine, majorly focusing on the price level and the economy of the country. Literature Review Covid-19 refers to a contagious ailment that is caused by SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2). The disease spread over the past few months and led to a global lockdown. The symptoms include fever, fatigue, difficulties in breathing, a loss of smell and taste, and constant coughing. Despite the grave nature of the virus, some of those infected exhibit asymptomatic symptoms and do not get serious infections. The first case of Covid-19 in Ukraine was reported on March 3, 2020, after a Ukrainian National who had visited Romania and Italy started exhibiting symptoms similar to those of Covid-19 patients (Prokip, 2020). By March 19, 2020, over 97 people had already contracted the disease leading to the death of three people. The disease ravaged the country, and by the end of December 2020, about 858,700 people tested positive (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2020). A further 14 470 people had lost their lives, revealing the seriousness of the ailment. Daily infections in their thousands became the order of the day, leading to the government putting in place procedures to control the spread of the disease as well as protect the economy from collapse. The government of Ukraine started by imposing a nationwide quarantine calendar for three weeks, which involved the closure of all learning intuitions, banning all public events attracting a crowd of over 200 individuals, hotels, bars, restaurants, and gyms (Prokopenko & Berezhna, 2020). The measures were extended until mid-May when the relaxation of the containment began gradually (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2020). Unfortunately, a second wave of the disease started at the end of 2020, leading to a resumption of containment measures and a total lockdown of the country for two weeks. In order to limit the spread of the disease from foreign nations, the government banned non-citizens and all international air and rail travel (Åslund, 2020). As a result of the measures indicated above, millions of people in the country lost their jobs leading to economic turmoil and a sharp slump in the economy. As such, the government was required to adopt measures to improve the economy and shield the people from falling into poverty until the nation stabilized again. The government introduced economic measures such as exempting certain medical supplies, equipment, and related services from import duty and Value Added Tax (Danylyshyn, 2020). Consequently, these essentials would become cheap for the people, relieving them of the high cost of medical services. Further, the government encouraged employees both in the public and private sectors to work from home, reducing the cost of doing business. The government also suspended payment of taxes and levies by companies to caution them from the reduced business. Availability of capital by organizations and individuals affects the business environment in many nations. Consequently, the Ukrainian government expanded the already available programs of providing bank loans with reduced interest rates. Therefore, entrepreneurs accessed cheaper loans, thus increasing and maintaining their investments. Most importantly, the government also temporarily amended the laws on bankruptcy to shield the already suffering businesses from facing court proceedings for bankruptcy. In the labour market, the Ukrainian government, through the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade, and Agriculture, revealed that the nation had saved more than 300,000 jobs due to a partial unemployment program the government had put in place after the outbreak of the disease (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2020). Consequently, these measures shielded the economy from near collapse and people from falling to poverty during a disease crisis. On an international scale, the Ukrainian government also attracted and negotiated economic assistance from foreign nations as well as international financial institutions. For instance, the International Monetary Fund arrived at an agreement of over 5 billion dollars to help the government address the economic challenges associated with the Covid-19 pandemic (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2020). Further, the nation also agreed with country’s such as Germany to receive loans and grants to revive the already adversely affected economy. Data to Back up Topic Figure One (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2020) Pandemic resort in numerous adverse effects on the affected nations as witnessed in the past few months. Ukraine has, over the years, suffered pandemics but not in the scale of the recent Covid-19 virus. The nation’s economic outlook continues to face downwards due to the uncertainties arising from the Corona Disease epidemic. The nation’s economy is relatively weak compared to most countries in Europe. In fact, Ukraine possesses one of the smallest economies in Europe, despite being a densely industrialized nation. From 2020 to the present, the economic growth has reduced to negative growth, as indicated in Figure One. Before the pandemic, the nation posted an annual growth rate of about 3.7%, which stood relatively high compared to many nations in the region and the effect of the Ukrainian crisis of 2014. According to the figures represented, the economy may contract by -7.2 % due to the impact of the Covid19 diseases. Further, the table represents the labour sector in the country before the pandemic, as well as what may suffice after the pandemic. From the figure, the unemployment rate stood at about 8.1% of the population, which was relatively low compared to countries with economic output similar to Ukraine. After the pandemic, the figure indicates that the unemployment levels may rise to about 9.5% over the same period. The rise in unemployment is evidence that most businesses have had adverse effects due to the disease pandemic. Economic challenges culminate with increased inflation that affects a country. Increased inflation leads to an increase in the cost of goods and services for the people, increasing poverty. From the table, the inflation rates remained relatively low at 5.5% before the outbreak of the Covid-19 disease. However, the table projects gloomy inflation of about 8.7% in the coming months after the pandemic. As such, the country must brace itself for the unknown, even as it reels from the effects of the disease. Figure two (, 2021) Figure B represents an overview of the spread of Covid-19 in Ukraine from the month of February 2020 to March 2021. A whole year of recording the number of infections, recoveries, and deaths provides an excellent overview of the status of the disease in the country. From figure two above, it remains evident that the country had relatively low infection rates in the first few months, majorly due to the government’s containment measures. However, from the month o July, the infection rate increased drastically and over a minimal timeline. From a low of a few hundred infected people in the month of April, the nation recorded over 1.5 million infections by February 2021. The dramatic rise reveals a horrifying scenario of what would have happened if the government failed containment measures. In the case of recoveries, there exists a positive rating in the number of recovered and recovering patients, with over 1.2 million people recovered over the same period. The number of deaths resulting from the pandemic also reveals a rising trajectory over the same period. However, the number of deaths over a short period reduced significantly and stabilized by the end of 2020. The figures indicated in the graph reveal the severe situation in Ukraine and the need to have nations prepared for disease pandemics. Analyzing the Data and Stating the Effects of Covid-19 The data outlined in the two figures used in the paper covers a significant part of Ukraine relating to the disease, the economy, and the labour sector. In the case of the economy, it remains clear that the pandemic had negative consequences on the general situation. The nation’s gross domestic product reduced significantly, leading to negative growth. Further, the inflation in the country increased amid the pandemic, leading to basic necessities having higher prices. In the case of the labour sector, the unemployment rate in the country increased significantly during the same period. Thousands of people lost their jobs as the containment measures got implemented. To explain these scenarios, the effects of Covid-19 take centre stage. First, the diseases led to the closure of thousands of businesses and factories (Nadiia & Anna, 2021). These organizations, which were once the engine of economic growth, became dormant or collapsed, leading to slowed economic growth. In the process, the government collected less taxes, and as such, development projects stalled. Second, a vibrant economy creates jobs for the people, in turn ensuring that people have income. As a result of the closure of thousands of businesses, many people lost their jobs, particularly in the informal sector, hospitality industry, and the sports and entertainment sector (Rutynskyi & Kushniruk, 2020). Consequently, the results were reflected in an increased unemployment rate in the country. Further, as a result of economic challenges, the inflation in the country also increased, leading to more pressure on the already chocked population. The inflation may be due to financial challenges facing the country as well as reduced availability of goods and services due to high demand and low supply. For instance, due to people working from home, the cost of door-to-door services and delivery of goods to homes became high due to increased demand while remaining in low supply. In the case of the spread of the disease, a sharp increase as witnessed from the month of July to March 2021 reveals that some activities or factors contributed to such revelations. Despite the efforts of the government to deal with the spread of the disease, more people contracted it, and more died. The rapid increase in the number of infected people may also be explained in line with the effects of the disease. First, the Covid-19 pandemic happened impromptu, and many nations and people were found unprepared. Consequently, most hospitals were abruptly required to provide services for thousands of people. In the process, most people never got a chance to enjoy medical services leading to increased infection rates. Further, inadequate medical equipment such as ventilators significantly contributed to the death of most people who had underlying medical conditions that worsened their breathing challenges (Zaloznova, Pankova, & Ostafiichuk, 2020). Second, the lockdown and containment measures resulting from Covid-19 led to most people changing their living styles for the time being. Consequently, most people had their movement curtailed for long periods. After the lifting and lessening of the containment measures, most people traveled and resumed their everyday lives leading to increased infection rates. With the government busy sourcing and diverting more funds to the health sector, most people were able to flout the set Covid-19 containment measures such as attending protests and going to entertainment spots. AS such, a second wave of the disease affected the nation more than initially anticipated. Conclusion Covid-19 pandemic shall possibly go down as one of the deadliest disease epidemics that took place in modern time. Initially reported in China, few thought or believed that the sickness would spread all over the world, leading to a global shut down of economies and movement of people, goods, and services. In nations such as Ukraine, the disease shall have long-lasting effects on the country due to the high number of infections and deaths recorded. Further, the disease led to a rapid change in the manner people relate and work in the country, with most adopting technology. Working from home via technologies such as Skype and Zoom reduced the costs of doing business and the need to have employees physically reporting to their workplaces. The disease also led to economic challenges such as increased inflation, increased unemployment, and the collapse of thousands of businesses. The government required adopting measures to caution the nation, leading to diversion of funds meant for economic development to fund emergency services such as the purchase of vaccines and medical supplies for hospitals. The government’s efforts to salvage the situation assisted millions and must be applauded by all. Despite facing challenges associated with separatist movements in the east part of the country as well as other domestic challenges, the government remained focused on the plight of its people. Nonetheless, the pandemic revealed the importance of nations being prepared for any kind of pandemic, and especially by improving the health sector. References Åslund, A. (2020). Responses to the COVID-19 crisis in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 61(4-5), 532-545. Danylyshyn, B. (2020). The peculiarities of economic crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic in a developing country: case of Ukraine. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 18(2), 13-22. Nadiia, P. R., & Anna, M. S. (2021). Social Responsibility of Ukrainian Business in the Conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Foreign and Domestic Practice. The Importance of New Technologies and Entrepreneurship in Business Development: In The Context of Economic Diversity in Developing Countries, 194, 1850. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (2020). THE COVID-19 CRISIS IN UKRAINE. Paris: OECD. Prokip, A. (2020). Projected Impact of COVID-19 on Ukraine’s Economy. Retrieved from The Wilson Center: Prokopenko, I., & Berezhna, S. (2020). Higher education institutions in Ukraine during the coronavirus, or COVID-19, outbreak: new challenges vs. new opportunities. Rutynskyi, M., & Kushniruk, H. (2020). The impact of quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry in Lviv (Ukraine). Problems and Perspectives in Management, 18(2), 194. (2021). Cumulative coronavirus (COVID-19) confirmed cases, recoveries, and deaths in Ukraine as of March 24, 2021, by date of report. Retrieved from Statista: Zaloznova, Y., Pankova, O., & Ostafiichuk, Y. (2020). Global and Ukrainian Labour Markets in the Face of Digitalization Challenges and the Threats of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Virtual Economics, 3(4), 106-130. Purchase answer to see full attachment Tags: Artifacts Covid pricing levels User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.

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