Choose an article on inequality, prejudice, stereotypes, or discrimination from the recommended library databases below:
Answer the following:
Describe the type of inequality being addressed in the research article.
How are social institutions or society or individual(s) in the article addressing the inequality, prejudice, stereotype, or discrimination?
Analyze the evidence provided in the article. While describing your findings, apply how at least three sociological concepts such as inequality, prejudice, stereotype, or discrimination are demonstrated.
Applying at least one appropriate sociological theory, explain the inequality and the process of how the inequality occurs in society.
Describe the type of inequality, prejudice, stereotype, or discrimination being addressed
30% of total grade
Mastery: Advanced/exceeds achievement
Exemplary description of the inequality, prejudice, stereotype, or discrimination while providing thorough details.
Analyze the research along with using three sociological concepts
30% of total grade
Mastery: Advanced/exceeds achievement
Exemplary analysis of the evidence along with effectively applying at least three sociological concepts
Applied an appropriate sociological theory to the process as described in the article
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