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Arden University United Kingdom Strategic Human Resource Management Essay

Arden University United Kingdom Strategic Human Resource Management Essay

Its basically a case study-Task 1: Is almost done…its a presentation file and a word the presentation file the renovation slide the speaker notes are empty..need to add one more slide after each general hve to elaborate the informationTask 2: There is only 1367 words. task 2 must hve 1500 words. including a memoTask 3: not srted. Referencing: Each section must reflect any supporting Harvard style citations. A comprehensive Harvard style reference list must be included at the end of thework.Evidence to be submitted: Presentation file with speaker notes – 500 words— (TASK 1) Briefing Report – 500 words —(TASK 1) HR Plan – 1000 words.—(TASK 2) HR Memo – 500 words— (TASK 2 Report – 2000 words— (TASK 3)
I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me learn.
Task 1 (link it with the case study).- presentation with speaker notes and a word file document…
1x Presentation file (including references) with speaker notes (500 words)
1x Briefing Report (500 words) excluding TOC, diagrams, references and appendices
—Explain the importance of Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) and how you could
add value to the ClubHouse. You should discuss how strategic HRM could be linked with other
Explain the Strategic Human Resource services you could provide to the
ClubHouse and their purposes.
Analyse the factors that the ClubHouse should consider before embarking on the
renovation and restructure.
Determine some preliminary HR requirements for the organisation considering
the new contract.
Task 2 Instructions: (link it with case study as well).
1x HR plan (1000 words) excluding TOC, diagrams, references and appendices
1x HR memo (500 words).
You have been successful in securing the contract, and you have a lot to do. The
management priority is to have a HR plan and policy in place as soon as possible.
You have decided to create the outline for a HR plan, and include a memo about HR policy.
You therefore need to prepare:
An outline of a Human Resource plan. ( take 3 to 5 points)
A memo concerning the importance of HR policy – the memo should provide
examples of regulatory, legal and ethical concerns that should be covered within the
policy ie living wage vs minimum wage, maternity cover, Equality Act 2010,
termination of employment etc.) which would be important to the ClubHouse. (take 2 more points).
Task 3: Instructions: (link it with the case study).
1x Report (2000 words) excluding TOC, diagrams, references and appendicesHaving done all of the
preliminary work for the ClubHouse, you should now write a report in which you should:
Examine the impact of different management and leadership theories on
organisational strategy and structure.
Describe the impact of organisational strategies, structures and culture on the
management of HR.
Determine the effectiveness of the current ClubHouse HRM, and critically discuss the
link between leadership & management and HRM.
Present an analysis of how the existing culture and structure of the ClubHouse might
impact on the success of the ClubHouse project and the motivation of the staff.
Explain how you would develop, monitor and evaluate a leadership strategy that
supports the development or revision of the ClubHouse organisational mission, vision,
values and objectives.
Strategic HRM in Club House
DATE: 12-SEP-2022
Benefits of Strategic HRM
The importance of strategic Human resource management includes (Cooke
? It connects people with organizational goals.
? It helps establish a balanced workplace that is ready for change.
? It helps in getting the right people in place at the right time.
? Strategic Human resource management helps in the development
employee engagements.
This can help add value to the Club House because there will be the
establishment of workplaces that are up to the workplace standards.
Employees will perfectly understand the goals of the Club House
organization, thus working to their best level.
Strategic human resource service
Strategic human resource management is the connection between the Organization’s human
resources and the establishment’s strategies, goals, and objectives. Therefore, some strategic
human resource services include:
Conduct recruitment of new staff
Promote learning and development of new ideas
Performance appraisal
Succession planning
Mission and vision statement
While embarking on the renovation and restructuring exercise, the Clubhouse
should consider the following factors.
The renovation budget is key to ensuring that all damages and losses are
accounted for.
Planning permission from the directors is very key
They should also come up with a very strategized renovation schedule
Establish a well and organized team that will help in the renovation
Preliminary HR requirements
Some of the preliminary Human resource management requirements for the
Organization to consider a new contract should include the following;
? Updating the Organization’s needs
? Creation of budget
? Reviewing of the staff
? Examine the various way to handle this new contract.
Cooke, F.L., Xiao, M. and Chen, Y., 2021. Still in search of strategic
human resource management? A review and suggestions for future
Management, 60(1), pp.89-118.
This research focuses mainly on the strategic management and human resource management of
the Clubhouse organization experiencing numerous challenges. The business is baes in London
and contains a lot of rooms for commercial purposes that are not refurbished for a while. Therefore,
in this first task, we discuss the various ways of renovating, renewing or redeveloping the dying
Clubhouse business. The business has a building with faded grandeur and staff who have worked
for a long time without transfer or resignation. However, the business has a very specific and
defined organizational structure that helps in moving it, as shown below;
The importance of strategic Human resource management includes (Cooke 2021): It connects
people with organizational goals, helps establish a balanced workplace that is ready for change,
and the fact that it helps in getting the right people in place at the right time. Strategic Human
resource management helps in the development of employee engagements. This can help add value
to the Club House because there will be the establishment of workplaces that are up to the
workplace standards. Employees will perfectly understand the goals of the Club House
organization, thus working to their best level.
Strategic human resource management is the connection between the Organization’s human
resources and the establishment’s strategies, goals, and objectives. Therefore, some strategic
human resource services include the fact that it helps recruit new staff, promote learning and
development of new ideas, Perform appraisal, Compensation and Succession planning, and
mission and vision statement. The purpose of these is to ensure that they have revived their
operations, increased revenue, and achieved organizational goals. I could also provide the Club
House with a clear and proper mission statement to help guide them throughout their operation.
This includes the Human resource vision. However, it is very important to note that the business
should know how to execute both the vision and the mission.
While embarking on the renovation and restructuring exercise, the Clubhouse should consider the
following factors. The renovation budget is key to ensuring that all damages and losses are
accounted for; planning permission from the directors is very key; they should also come up with
a very strategized renovation schedule, Establish a well and organized team that will help in the
renovation, Consider the weight of the matter at hand, Some of the preliminary Human resource
management requirements for the Organization to consider a new contract should include the
following, Updating the Organization’s needs and Creation of budget as well as Reviewing of the
staff. They should also Examine the various way to handle this new contract. With the above said,
such an organization needs to have some preliminaries. Because they help in establishing purpose
and accountability, and integrity among the employees. For example, to determine the Human
resource requirements, we consider product knowledge, selling skills, stock location knowledge,
and company return procedures. A requirement is simply a capability or condition that should be
present to satisfy the client’s needs.
Planning for human resources may assist organizations in avoiding labor shortages and
labor overflows, as well as ensuring that staff and jobs are a good match for one another
(Athamneh, 2018). The HRP approach may be simplified by partitioning it into four discrete
steps. Included is an examination of the current labor supply, a prediction of wage inflation,
establishing an equilibrium between the projected labor supply and demand, and aid in attaining
organizational objectives.
An explanation of a plan for the administration of human resources.
Human Resource Plan (HRM) is a document that outlines the activities and initiatives
that will be required to implement HRM procedures inside the organization over the next several
years. The department is responsible for producing this document, which functions as a planning
instrument for HRM. The objective of an HRM Plan is to help the department realize its mission
and goals by means of the systematic development and implementation of HRM plans.
When it comes to assets, the human resources firm has the most value that it could have.
A company needs to go through the process of human resources planning for the company to
make the most of the human resources it currently has. This allows an organization to maximize
the potential of its human resources (HRP). Planning for human resources is an activity that
should be carried out continuously, and it should be carried out by the human resources
department of an organization. This is done to ensure that systematic planning is carried out to
make the most of the human resources that are already available.
The planning process for human resources ensures that personnel is picked based on how
well they will suit the needs of their employment and the culture of the organization in which
they will be working. Because of this, the company can continue operating smoothly even when
there are no worker surpluses or shortages in the workforce. The following steps must be carried
out appropriately to facilitate the formulation of an effective strategy:
1. Take into consideration the goals.
The first thing to be done when planning for human resources is to establish the
objectives prioritized by each of the organization’s departments for their work. The team
responsible for planning the utilization of human resources will be able to establish the
modifications that will need to be made for the firm in the future if they analyze the objectives
set for each division.
2. Investigate the current staff resources that are at your disposal.
After determining what kind of adjustments are necessary, the Human Resources
Planning Team has to compile an inventory of the current human resources at their disposal
inside the organization. This study should include the current number of people available in the
organization and their capacities, talents, and degrees of capacity to perform.
3. Find out an estimate for both the amount of labor that is needed and the amount that is
The Human Resources Planning team can provide an accurate forecast of the demand for
employees because they take into account the goals that are being pursued by the various
departments of the company and the resources currently at their disposal. This allows them to
provide an accurate prediction of the demand for employees.
4. Calculate Gaps
When comparing the demand for available persons to the supply of available employees,
the human resources team may soon be able to identify potential holes in coverage. This will be
feasible if they continue to do the following: As a consequence of the gaps, there is the
possibility that employment surpluses, as well as employment deficits, may materialize.
Employment overflows are the outcome of individuals quitting their positions or transferring
departments. In contrast, work shortages are the number of employees who need to recruit new
workers (Lam, 1998). Unemployment is the number of staff for whom a requirement exists to
recruit additional employees.
5. Create a strategy
Once the workforce gaps have been approximated, the team in charge of making plans
for Human Resources should develop a strategy for recruiting and selecting employees,
developing and training termination, inter-departmental transfers, endorsement, or retiring early,
based on the needs of the company.
6. Implement the plan in your business.
The human resources department must put the human resources plan into action as
quickly as feasible once it has been created. This has to be done in a way that is congruent not
just with the company’s broad aims and objectives but also with each specific department’s goals
and objectives.
7. Maintain command and supervision while inviting public input.
After the strategy for human resources has been designed and put into action, it has to be
reviewed regularly to ensure that it continues to align with the goals of the departments to which
it is pertinent. To detect and rectify any inadequacies in the realization of the human resources
strategy, it is necessary to put the appropriate controls in place and ask for feedback at each
The importance of HR policy
Employees, managers, and others responsible for people are provided with direction and advice
on various employment concerns by the rules and procedures of HR. They are vital in the
organization’s ability to successfully implement its HR strategy, which is an important function.
In addition, they provide consistency and transparency for both workers and managers, which
contributes to improving the psychological contract and developing a healthy organizational
culture (Gould, 2003).
The primary objective of developing guidelines for employers is to guarantee that all workers are
working in favorable circumstances that will allow them to do their responsibilities to the best of
their abilities. To achieve this goal, it will be necessary to ensure that these criteria are consistent
throughout all firms. The example that follows illustrates one such policy as follows:
The policy of Non-Discrimination and Prohibition of Harassment It is against the rules to harass
or discriminate against anybody in the workplace in any way, as stated in these policies.
Additionally, it is against the rules to discriminate against anyone. This encompasses one’s
gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, and any disabilities they
may have. In formulating this policy, it is very necessary to research the relevant legislation, and
it is also quite necessary to take into account all of the relevant safety measures. This is because
the rules that regulate them are consistently enforced at all three levels: federal, state, and local.
This is because regulations regulating them are consistent.
The following is a list of extra benefits that may be gained by enrolling in such plans:
1. Rules applicable to human resources make certain that each person at a firm is cared for, that
their requirements are addressed, and that they get the benefits commensurate with the
obligations they perform.
2. The HR regulations handle the difficulties, issues, and grievances employees bring up. These
guidelines explain the most effective strategies that may be used to settle these problems. The
employee handbook is where you may find these rules detailed.
3. They provide employees aid in avoiding the implications that can follow from the improper
conduct of their colleagues, as well as assistance to the business as a whole. They also offer
assistance to employees if their coworkers engage in inappropriate behavior.
4. They lend a hand in training and developing staff in a way that is adapted to the company’s
specific requirements and give assistance in doing so.
5. They make it their job to ensure that workers get compensation that is sufficient and fair to
each worker.
6. They provide a significant contribution to the maintenance of the right level of workplace
discipline and
7. an employee may be eligible for paid time off in the form of paid vacations and holidays if
they satisfy the appropriate conditions.
Lam, S. S., & Schaubroeck, J. (1998). Integrating HR planning and organizational
strategy. Human Resource Management Journal, 8(3), 5.
Gould-Williams, J. (2003). The importance of HR practices and workplace trust in achieving
superior performance: a study of public-sector organizations. International journal of
human resource management, 14(1), 28-54.
Athamneh, S. (2018). HR planning for crisis management. In Human resource planning for the
21st century. IntechOpen.
Case Study
Based in central London the European Club was founded in 1900.
The club is a non-profit making charity whose good works for the last 100+ years
include offering scholarships for gifted children from poorer countries the
opportunities to study in the UK. The Charity is governed by a Board of Trustees who
also form part of the Board of Directors. The CEO sits on the Board of Directors
whilst the General Manager and Club Secretary report into the CEO.
The vision and mission statement is represented as “High quality hospitality at
affordable prices.” A statement of values has been an agenda item for almost a year
but has not been actioned.
Revenue for the charity is derived from the operation of the central London
ClubHouse (situated in a fashionable street in Mayfair London W1) containing a very
‘dated’ and largely unused waiter service cocktail bar called The Fox and Hound, a
50 seat restaurant called The Dining Rooms, 4 function rooms (no in-built meeting
room equipment) and 50 bedrooms which it hires to club members for a highly
subsidised amount of just £75 per night. Many of these rooms have not been
refurbished in quite a while.
The building itself has a certain faded grandeur but is in need of some much needed
planned and reactive renovation and maintenance to furniture, fixtures and fittings.
Some of the systems in the ClubHouse, including reservations and front office, are
still on Excel spreadsheet functions. A manual process is used for creating
reservations for the bedrooms, restaurant and bar and function rooms. There is
however an online payment system used but there are three separate systems, one
for each department. Wifi is available throughout the ClubHouse.
Many of the staff have been there for many years and the way things operate have
not changed for a long time. Whilst familiar and comfortable with the current ways of
doing things, the staff often complain about the amount of time it takes and the
inefficiency of the systems in place. There is a very defined hierarchy and staffing
structure in the departments. The organisational chart below details the restaurant,
bar and event management departments.
Staff are not encouraged to make decisions without reference to the Head of
Department nor are they encouraged to put forward new ideas for enhancing or
improving practice. Any changes to practice are often from the top down and staff
opinions are rarely sought. Morale, as measured by a small yearly staff survey,
appears low, and many of the younger staff leave after just a couple of months citing
lack of opportunities and poor training as a cause. The survey also shows that staff
are not happy with their manager and feel that they do not get praised or rewarded
when they do a good job.
The previous CEO had been with the charity for some 30 years and very much left
the management of the club to the General Manager, who also retires later this year.
The new CEO of the charity believes that there is a lot more that might be achieved,
and good works undertaken, if the operation itself makes more money to invest into
the charitable works, and she firmly believes that the organisation is underperforming
and is inefficient. Membership of the club has been falling steadily over the past five
years and now stands some 50% of its original membership. A recent member
survey shows significant complaints about the conditions of the facilities, especially
the restaurant and bar which the members use to entertain as well as the drop-in
customer service as well as the general lack of organisation.
The CEO has approached you and wants to employ your HR consultancy services to
address the strategic HR issues around a modernisation plan for the restaurant and
bar facilities of the club. The modernisation and renovation programme will include
the following:
1.The refurbishment of The Fox and Hound Bar, the Dining Room and the function
2. Training and development of all staff on the new processes connected to the Bar,
Dining Room and function rooms. The refurbishment has been given to an
architectural firm that will employ its contactors and manage all the building work.
They have promised to work to the project deadlines. Naturally, this will mean the
members of the club paying more for the services; however, this will bring the
charges in line with similar institutions and facilities.
The CEOs biggest concern is how to undertake this project with the minimum of
disruption to both members and staff. It is not an option to shut the club down
completely during the project. Business as usual, as much as possible, must be

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