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Your unique strengths

Your unique strengths

(50 points) – For this assignment, students will use your results from the Clifton Strengths assessment.   After taking the assessment and learning their top 5 strengths, students will write a 2-3 page double spaced paper including self-reflection of their own unique strengths.   
1.   Read through the 5 signature themes report to become familiar with your results.  
2.   Read through your Report.   For each of your Strengths, answer the question in your own words  “What makes you stand out?”
3.   Becoming aware of your personal strengths is the first step to understanding how those interplay with others’ strengths.   These talents are natural, recurring patterns of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.   You can’t NOT do them.  You actually do them without even trying.   Read through the descriptions for each of your Signature Themes.  Highlight the words and/or sentences that best describe you.   
    a.  As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases or lines stand out to you to most?   Does this sound like you?
    b.   Share your results with a significant other, close friend or family member.   Someone who knows you well.  Did they agree that your  results sound like you?
    c.  Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see     most in you?   What would benefit others?
    d.  Which of your signature themes do you use most frequently?
4.  Answer the following questions about how you can apply your strengths
    a.  What did you learn about each specific strength both positive and negative?   Explain anything you plan to change or pay close attention to as you transition from student to professional.
After reading all of the results of your Clifton Strengths Assessment and answering the questions above, answer the following questions in conclusion.
    a.  How does this assessment help you better understand your unique talents?
    b.  How can you use this information to be a better leader?
    c.  What changes would you make as a result of this information or your results?
    d.  If you were building a team at work, which of your strengths do you think would benefit the team most and why?
CliftonStrengths Top 5 for
Madison Brown
This report presents your five most dominant CliftonStrengths revealed by your responses to the
CliftonStrengths assessment. Use this report to learn more about these strengths, how they
uniquely show up in your life and how you can use them to fulfill your potential.
1. Positivity
You have contagious enthusiasm. You are upbeat and can get others excited about what they are going to
2. Woo
You love the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over. You derive satisfaction from
breaking the ice and making a connection with someone.
3. Adaptability
You prefer to go with the flow. You tend to be a “now” person who takes things as they come and who
discovers the future one day at a time.
4. Arranger
You can organize, but you also have a flexibility that complements this ability. You like to determine how all
of the pieces and resources can be arranged for maximum productivity.
5. Includer
You accept others. You show awareness of those who feel left out and make an effort to include them.
EXECUTI NG themes help you make things happen.
R E L A T I O N S H I P B U I L D I N G themes help you build
strong relationships that hold a team together.
I NFL UENCI NG themes help you take charge, speak up
and make sure others are heard.
S T R A T E G I C T H I N K I N G themes help you absorb and
analyze information that informs better decisions.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
1. Positivity
2. Woo
3. Adaptability
4. Arranger
5. Includer
You Are Uniquely Powerful
Your unique sequence of CliftonStrengths and the personalized Strengths
Insights in this report are the result of your answers to the CliftonStrengths
We designed this report to help you learn more about your most dominant
CliftonStrengths: what they are, how they interact and how to use them to
What do the colors mean?
Each of the 34 CliftonStrengths fits into one of four domains. These domains
describe how CliftonStrengths helps you execute, influence others, build
relationships, and absorb and think about information.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
1. Positivity
What Is Positivity?
People with strong Positivity talents are generous with praise, quick to smile and always on the lookout for the upside of
the situation. They always seem to find a way to lighten the spirits of those around them. They are optimistic, hopeful and
fun-loving. They celebrate every achievement. They find ways to make everything more exciting and dynamic.
Why Your Positivity Is Unique
These Strengths Insights are personalized based on your CliftonStrengths results.
Chances are good that you may feel good about yourself and life in general when you keep the promises you
made to yourself and others.
Driven by your talents, you might feel best about life when people accept your bold, assertive, and self-reliant
style. Perhaps you are even a little more optimistic when the same individuals permit you to make your own
Instinctively, you might appear enthusiastic about your life. Some people find your energy contagious.
Periodically you ask, “What is there not to like about life?” Perhaps you are puzzled by people who see life as
a struggle and seldom experience its joys.
It’s very likely that you sometimes recognize people’s progress and acknowledge their accomplishments.
Your affirmations may free some individuals to enjoy their moments of excellence. You might comment on
their less noticeable victories as well. Why? You might appreciate the importance different people attach to
these types of milestones.
By nature, you sometimes seek the approval of certain people. You may hope they even welcome you into
their lives. Maybe you want them to admit you into their circles of friends, family, acquaintances, or
associates. Perhaps you adopt a more upbeat outlook on life when you feel a sense of belonging.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
1. Positivity
2. Woo
3. Adaptability
How Positivity Blends With Your Other Top Five
4. Arranger
5. Includer
Socially and emotionally influential, you find it easy and enjoyable to meet a new person or to
give hope to someone in despair.
You can often help in difficult situations because you naturally calm tense people down and lift
discouraged people up.
Your energetic and optimistic approach to work and life enables you to enlist others to get work
You love to throw parties, and the best parties are those where all invited attend. When
someone is missing, you miss some fun.
Apply Your Positivity to Succeed
Encourage others by reminding them of the positives you see.
Commit to praising the people you interact with most. Try to tailor this recognition to each
person’s needs. When you remind others of the positives you see, they feel better about life,
and so do you.
Make sure your praise and positivity are genuine. Some people are used to hearing the
negatives, so make sure your praise and positivity are authentic. But keep repeating the
positives to let these people trust you will always point out the upside.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
2. Woo
What Is Woo?
Woo stands for “winning others over.” People with strong Woo talents enjoy the challenge of encountering new people
and gaining their esteem. They are drawn to meeting new people. They want to learn others’ names, ask them questions
and find common interests on which to build rapport. People with Woo among their top themes can enter a crowd and
easily know what to do and say. Some people shy away from starting up conversations because they worry about
running out of things to say. People with a lot of Woo do not. They see no strangers — only friends they haven’t met yet.
Why Your Woo Is Unique
These Strengths Insights are personalized based on your CliftonStrengths results.
By nature, you often declare, “Life is good!” You probably say this when you know you have been accepted
into a group by all its members. You generally gravitate to team-oriented projects, sports, assignments, or
It’s very likely that you are guileless — that is, candid and frank — about what you think and feel. With ease,
you reveal many details regarding your past, your present circumstances, and your future prospects. Many
individuals appreciate your plainspoken and open style. You spend little, if any, time pretending you can do or
be something you know you cannot. You often win lots of new friends by being completely open about
Driven by your talents, you are honest with yourself about yourself. You can admit your shortcomings. You
speak frankly about the areas where you need to do things better and more completely than you have done
them in the past.
Instinctively, you certainly exhibit the behavior of an extrovert. Your sociable nature impels you to exert
whatever effort is required to get every person you meet to like you.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
Chances are good that you relish the opportunity to connect with others around a favorite pastime.
Watching, discussing, or debating the outcomes of athletic events appeals to your sociable, talkative, open,
and fun-loving nature. You are stimulated whenever you have a chance to be around people who share your
interest in sports.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
1. Positivity
2. Woo
3. Adaptability
How Woo Blends With Your Other Top Five
4. Arranger
5. Includer
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
Socially and emotionally influential, you find it easy and enjoyable to meet a new person or to
give hope to someone in despair.
You can take the lead in social situations, but you can also conform to what a certain situation
You are at your best when you manage multiple changing variables and when you interact with a
large growing network of people.
You gravitate toward the unknown and the distant. You go to some and enter their world and to
others and invite them into yours.
Apply Your Woo to Succeed
Discover something about every person.
Learn more about people you know — and don’t know — by keeping track of their names
and some personal details. Use this information to better remember people and even help
you introduce them to others they might easily connect with.
Ask people open-ended questions to find common interests. You have an exceptional
ability to build a rapport with others, making them feel comfortable and more talkative.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
3. Adaptability
What Is Adaptability?
People with strong Adaptability talents live in the moment. They don’t see the future as a fixed destination. Instead, they
see it as a place that they can create out of the choices they make right now. They discover their future one choice at a
time. This doesn’t mean that they don’t have plans. But their Adaptability talents enable them to respond willingly to the
demands of the moment, even if circumstances pull them away from their plans. They don’t resent sudden requests or
unforeseen detours. They expect them. On some level, they may look forward to them. They are, at heart, very flexible,
and they can stay productive when circumstances pull them in many different directions at once.
Why Your Adaptability Is Unique
These Strengths Insights are personalized based on your CliftonStrengths results.
Chances are good that you avoid individuals who work non-stop, never taking a break. You refuse to rush
headlong from one activity to the next. You are quite comfortable dealing with change, surprises, and
unexpected problems. Why? While you appreciate schedules and plans, you recognize when it is wise to
deviate — that is, turn away — from them.
It’s very likely that you deal with things as they happen. “Why rush? Why hurry?” you ask. You understand the
wisdom of long-distance runners who set a pace that suits their body, mind and spirit. Your work style
mirrors that of a marathoner who runs at a measured, predictable and even pace from start to finish.
Driven by your talents, you effortlessly adjust to the shifting challenges of the day. You enjoy variety and
change. You are comfortable allowing each day to unfold on its own terms. You feel little stress when
predetermined timelines must be scrapped. You probably regard rigidly organized plans and routines as
barriers rather than helpful tools.
Because of your strengths, you traditionally prefer to work independently. When you have only your work,
studies, resources, and time to manage, you are able to contend with the day’s events as they unfold. You
usually like to make decisions and act on them without being required to seek and receive the approval of
one or more people.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
By nature, you are a free spirit who is seldom thrown off balance by unexpected events and comments.
Instead, you react to things as they occur. You are quite comfortable letting your future unfold at its own
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
1. Positivity
2. Woo
3. Adaptability
How Adaptability Blends With Your Other Top
Five Strengths
4. Arranger
5. Includer
You can often help in difficult situations because you naturally calm tense people down and lift
discouraged people up.
You can take the lead in social situations, but you can also conform to what a certain situation
Change is a normal part of life. You can accept the situation as is, but you also have a capacity
to control and lead it.
You live for the present and invite others to join you so that no one will be left out.
Apply Your Adaptability to Succeed
Fine-tune your responsiveness.
Keep making progress when unexpected things happen. The calmness you bring when
things quickly change helps those around you to be able to press ahead with you.
Act quickly when urgent matters arise. Those around you may depend on your comfort in
the moment to help them see what needs to be done.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
4. Arranger
What Is Arranger?
Arrangers are conductors. When faced with a complex situation involving many factors, people with strong Arranger
talents enjoy managing all of the variables, aligning and realigning them until they are sure they have arranged them in the
most productive configuration possible. They are shining examples of effective flexibility, whether they are changing
travel schedules at the last minute because they found a better fare or are mulling over just the right combination of
people and resources to accomplish a new project. From the mundane to the complex, they are always looking for the
perfect configuration.
Why Your Arranger Is Unique
These Strengths Insights are personalized based on your CliftonStrengths results.
Chances are good that you believe that anything worth doing involves a little chaos. Change does not bother
you. In fact, you find it invigorating.
Because of your strengths, you have a strong sense of commitment. It motivates you to make sure that
things are carried through to completion even when difficulties arise.
Instinctively, you face change with confidence and enjoy finding new ways to get back on track. You love the
challenge of modifying an original plan to achieve the most productive results.
Driven by your talents, you yearn to be given additional duties. You expect to be held accountable for your
productivity, profit, behavior, comments, and actions.
It’s very likely that you are drawn to teams in which members rely on you to simplify everyday duties and
tasks. You can provide them with appropriate rules and systems to handle recurring activities and events.
You expect each person to faithfully use these rules and systems. You truly appreciate those who regularly
follow your directions. You tend to become aggravated with individuals who do things the old way or their
own way, thus causing systems to fail.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
1. Positivity
2. Woo
3. Adaptability
How Arranger Blends With Your Other Top Five
4. Arranger
5. Includer
Your energetic and optimistic approach to work and life enables you to enlist others to get work
You are at your best when you manage multiple changing variables and when you interact with a
large growing network of people.
Change is a normal part of life. You can accept the situation as is, but you also have a capacity
to control and lead it.
To get a really big project done well, you must get everyone involved doing what they do best
and enjoy most.
Apply Your Arranger to Succeed
Help people figure out better ways of working together.
Come up with different ways to become more efficient. Look for redundancy and
impediments in the processes you follow the most often so you can find new ways of doing
Look for chances to work in complex, dynamic environments that let you coordinate and
develop strategies for getting things done. This will bring out your best.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
5. Includer
What Is Includer?
“Stretch the circle wider.” People with strong Includer talents center their lives on this philosophy. They want to include
people and make them feel like part of the group. They notice people who feel like outsiders or who feel unappreciated,
and they reach out to bring them in. They instinctively accept others. Regardless of race, gender, nationality, personality
or faith, Includers cast few judgments. Their accepting nature doesn’t necessarily rest on the belief that we are all
different and that one should respect those differences — rather, it rests on the conviction that fundamentally we are all
the same. We are all equally important. Thus, no one should be ignored. Each of us should be included.
Why Your Includer Is Unique
These Strengths Insights are personalized based on your CliftonStrengths results.
Driven by your talents, you are more sensitive than most people to what it feels like to be left out of a group, a
conversation, or an activity. This is apt to explain why you intentionally invite a wide range of individuals into
your circle of friends, family, or acquaintances.
Because of your strengths, you believe that people should have the freedom to do what they want and to be
who they genuinely are. You automatically accept others without question or judgment.
Instinctively, you notice people who sit in solitude. You intentionally figure out how to integrate them with
others rather than leave them in isolation.
It’s very likely that you capitalize on your ability to ask questions and listen to people’s answers, especially
when meeting strangers or newcomers. You might even be tempted to eavesdrop on what they are telling
someone else. Not wanting anyone to feel like an outsider, you are apt to draw individuals into the
conversation. Unquestionably, you search for reasons to involve them in your own or the group’s activities.
Chances are good that you bring a charming presence to situations that may be viewed as “strictly
business.” You include — rather than dismiss — others in the room.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
1. Positivity
2. Woo
3. Adaptability
How Includer Blends With Your Other Top Five
4. Arranger
5. Includer
You love to throw parties, and the best parties are those where all invited attend. When
someone is missing, you miss some fun.
You gravitate toward the unknown and the distant. You go to some and enter their world and to
others and invite them into yours.
You live for the present and invite others to join you so that no one will be left out.
To get a really big project done well, you must get everyone involved doing what they do best
and enjoy most.
Apply Your Includer to Succeed
Empower people to see the best in others.
Help people get to know each other. Your ability to quickly make people feel accepted and
involved in a group makes it easier for them to contribute and form relationships.
Be aware that existing group members might not initially embrace newcomers, so do your
best to explain what we all have in common. Help others understand that to respect the
differences among us.
StrengthsFinder | Copyright © 2000, 2018, 2024 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
What’s Next?
Take these steps to start unlocking your full potential using your CliftonStrengths.
Learn to Use Your Dominant Strengths
Read about each of your top five CliftonStrengths in this report and reflect:
• What did you read that inspires you?
• What did you read that surprises you?
• What did you read that excites you?
• What did you read that challenges you?
Click here or scan the QR code to complete the following exercise for each of your top five
Name It
• Pick one of your top CliftonStrengths.
• List the words or phrases you read about this strength that
resonate strongly with you.
Claim It
• When has this strength helped you be successful in the
• How does this strength help you be successful in your role?
Aim It
• In what two ways could you start using this strength more
Click to View Activity
intentionally right away?
Hint: Read the action items in this report and on your dashboard for ideas.
Use Your Resources in Gallup Access
Our dedicated platform is focused on helping you fulfill your
potential using your CliftonStrengths.
Click here or scan the QR code to sign in to your
Inside, you’ll find articles, videos, learning modules and other tools
created specifically for your strengths-based development.
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M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
Explore All 34 of Your CliftonStrengths
Already have your CliftonStrengths 34 report? Great! Take some
time to explore your full results.
If you don’t have it yet, click here or scan the QR code to learn
how your CliftonStrengths 34 report can help you:
• reveal your complete talent profile of 34 CliftonStrengths
• learn how to use your top 10 CliftonStrengths to set and achieve
• navigate your 11-34 CliftonStrengths, including understanding
and managing weaknesses
Apply Your CliftonStrengths in Specific
Take time to explore any role-based CliftonStrengths reports
you already have.
If you don’t have any, click here or scan the QR code to
browse a range of reports tailored to specific roles and
We offer a suite of reports designed to help you use your
CliftonStrengths to excel in various areas, whether it’s in
management, leadership or even as a student.
Engage in a Conversation About Your
Share your CliftonStrengths results with the people closest to you, including your family, friends,
coworkers and teammates.
Spend time talking about your CliftonStrengths with a coach, manager, mentor or adviser —
someone invested in your personal and professional development.
Click here or scan the QR code for helpful ways to share and discuss your CliftonStrengths
with others.
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M A D I SO N B ROWN | 05-26-2024
| CliftonStrengths Top 5
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The materials contained in this document and/or the document itself may be downloaded and/or copied
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