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DHA Integrative Review Project

DHA Integrative Review Project

complete the form following the prompt. Focus-medical assistants and lack of training inprimary clicinis- (look at HSO problem statement)setting- family practice-primary care all articles must be american and within the past 5 years Articles focus on things such as – training, patient services, customer service, retention, managementPractice gap- What should happen
DHA Integrative Review Project Prospectus Form
(For Students that started the DHA program in Fall 2021 or after)
Students | Complete your DHA project planning using this form. This form must be completed exactly as instructed in the appendix to be
approved. For additional information and resources, refer to the DHA Project Completion page. There are five sections on the form to complete
that must be approved by your committee. The six sections include:
Research Problem
Purpose and Review Question
Research Alignment Table
Appendix (The appendix provides examples and instructions on how to complete this form)
Submit this completed form into MyDR for formal evaluation and feedback when your project mentor indicates that you are ready to do so.
Student’s Name | Shaterri Bush
Program | DHA
Student ID | A00987525
Submission Date |
*Remember that your study focus must be within the realm of your program and specialization area.
Evaluators Only | Complete this section and provide feedback on responses and rubric scores in the form where noted.
Mentor’s Name | Cheryl Anderson
Co-Mentor’s Name | Click or tap here to enter text.
Overall Assessment: Choose an item.
Overall Assessment: Choose an item.
Working Title
(Click here for instructions and examples)
Provide a concise (aim for 15 words or fewer) working title for this study. (Be sure to include your HSO type.)
Lack of Training of Medical assistants’ negatively effects patient customer services in Primary Care Clinics
Section 1: Practice-based Problem
(Click here for instructions and examples)
Healthcare Services Organization (HSO) Type
With no more than 1-2 sentences identify and describe your selected HSO type.
Family Practice/ Primary Care
HSO Problem of Interest
What is the healthcare services organization (HSO) problem of interest that prompted you to search the literature to find out more? Write only 1-2
complete sentences using a scholarly tone.
The need to improve training for Medical assistants due to negative effects on patient customer service.
Healthcare Administration Problem
In one sentence, what is your healthcare administration problem? This will be more focused than the problem of interest noted above.
The healthcare administration problem is poor patient customer services due to the lack of proper training of Medical Assistants
Health Administration Research Domains
Which DHA research domain does your healthcare administration problem align with?
Healthcare Administration Research Problem Justification Sources
Provide a minimum of 3
Source 1
Full APA Citation:
Purpose of Research (1 sentence only):
Author’s Conclusion or Results of Research (1 sentence only):
How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):
Full APA Citation:
Source 2
Purpose of Research (1 sentence only):
Author’s Conclusion or Results of Research (1 sentence only):
How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):
Full APA Citation:
Purpose of Research (1 sentence only):
Source 3
Author’s Conclusion or Results of Research (1 sentence only):
How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):
Practice Gap Statement
Now that you have identified a current healthcare administration problem you will compose a Practice Gap Statement (PGS) following the
example and instructions in the appendix. Your PGS should not be longer that 2-3 sentences.
Practice Gap Sources
Provide a minimum of 1 source that clearly states desired ideal state of professional practice related to your healthcare administration problem.
Full APA Citation:
Source 1
Desired Ideal State of Professional Practice:
Full APA Citation:
Source 2
Desired Ideal State of Professional Practice:
Section 1: Feedback and Scoring
Project mentors will provide a scoring of “Met” or “Not Met” for this section. In the case of a “Not Met” scoring detailed feedback will be included
on how to successfully revise the specific elements above.
Met ?
Not Met ?
Met ?
Not Met ?
Detailed Feedback:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Detailed Feedback:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Section 2: Purpose and Review Questions
(Click here for instructions and examples)
The research purpose and review questions must be derived entirely by the sources provided in section 1.
Research Purpose
To address your stated problem, what is the purpose of your study using no more than 1-2 sentences??
Review Question(s)
Conclude with your review question. (1 sentences)
Section 2: Feedback and Scoring
Project mentors will provide a scoring of “Met” or “Not Met” for this section. In the case of a “Not Met” scoring detailed feedback will be included
on how to successfully revise the specific elements above.
Met ?
Not Met ?
Met ?
Not Met ?
Detailed Feedback:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Detailed Feedback:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Section 3: Framework
(Click here for instructions and examples)
Framework (Conceptual or Theoretical)
What theory(ies) and/or concept(s) support (frame) your study and who are the original authors? Provide an in-text citation with your response, and the
complete APA reference.
Full APA Citation:
Purpose of Framework (1 sentence only):
Source 1
Key Constructs of Framework (1 sentence only):
How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):
Full APA Citation:
Source 2
Purpose of Framework (1 sentence only):
Key Constructs of Framework (1 sentence only):
How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):
How do these theories and/or concepts relate to your healthcare administration problem, purpose, and review question? (no more than 2-3 sentences)
Section 3: Feedback and Scoring
Project mentors will provide a scoring of “Met” or “Not Met” for this section. In the case of a “Not Met” scoring detailed feedback will be included
on how to successfully revise the specific elements above.
Met ?
Not Met ?
Met ?
Not Met ?
Detailed Feedback:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Detailed Feedback:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Section 4: Significance
(Click here for instructions and examples)
How will your study address the meaningful, discipline-specific issue that you identified and therefore contribute to your field, discipline, professional
practice, etc. contributing to positive social change?
Significance of study related to social determinants?
Section 4: Feedback and Scoring
Project mentors will provide a scoring of “Met” or “Not Met” for this section. In the case of a “Not Met” scoring detailed feedback will be included
on how to successfully revise the specific elements above.
Met ?
Not Met ?
Met ?
Not Met ?
Detailed Feedback:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Detailed Feedback:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Section 5: Research Alignment Table
(Click here for instructions and examples)
Complete the Research Design Alignment Table using the information from earlier sections of this form. Using an alignment table can assist with
ensuring the alignment of your research design.
Research Design Alignment Table Video Tutorial (YouTube) | Doctoral Research Design Alignment Appointments or Office Hours
This table will need to be revised after the top sections are changed and improved
Healthcare Administration
Practice Gap
Review Question
Theoretical Framework
List the theories and/or
conceptual framework.
Section 5: Feedback and Scoring
Project mentors will provide a scoring of “Met” or “Not Met” for this section. In the case of a “Not Met” scoring detailed feedback will be included
on how to successfully revise the specific elements above.
Met ?
Not Met ?
Met ?
Not Met ?
Detailed Feedback:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Detailed Feedback:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Once your Research Design Alignment Table is completed, reflect on your design alignment. Ask yourself:
Is there a logical progression from the problem of interest to the healthcare administration problem, practice gap, purpose/review question?
Does the identified framework ground the investigation into the healthcare administration problem?
Do the problem of interest and framework align with the purpose/review question?
The Doctoral Prospectus
The DHA Project Plan is a brief document that provides preliminary information about your doctoral research and is used in two ways:
It serves as the tentative plan for developing the project and is evaluated to ensure doctoral-level work (e.g., feasibility, alignment, etc.).
It provides information used to assign the projects mentors.
DHA Project Plan approval from the project mentor, project co-mentor, and a program-level designee is required for you to move forward and work on your
project. The plan is subject to change, and parts of your research design may need to be adjusted after you complete your exhaustive review of the literature
during proposal development.
Working Title Instructions and Example
Instructions: The working title should include the HSO type and DHA research domains. Provide a concise (aim for 15 words or fewer) working
title for this study. (Be sure to include your HSO type.)
Titles should be concise (aim for 15 words or fewer), be a statement, not a question, and no colons please. The title should indicate the main
topic and the variables/concepts under study and the relationship between them. A title should be fully explanatory when standing alone and
include the most critical key words (a searchable statement of what the manuscript contains). Avoid words that serve no purpose (such as
methods, results, a study of…, or investigation of…), use full terms (avoid abbreviations), and capitalize any word of four or more letters, and all
parts of a verb.
Improving a Rural Hospitals Readmission Rates for Heart Failure Patients
Section 1: Research Problem Instructions and Examples
Healthcare Services Organization (HSO) Type
Instructions: At the beginning of the DHA program students were asked to select an HSO type to research in each course in preparation for the
Doctoral study. Identify and describe your selected HSO type and any unique characteristics that help provide specificity to your research.
With no more than 1-2 sentences identify and describe your selected HSO type.
Examples of HSO types can be located on the DHA Project Completion page.
Hospitals/Health systems – rural hospitals
HSO Problem of Interest
What is the healthcare services organization (HSO) problem of interest that prompted you to search the literature to find out more? The problem
of interest is a high-level problem that all HSO of the same type are experiencing.
Write only 1-2 complete sentences using a scholarly tone.
The need to improve readmission rates in a hospital system.
Healthcare Administration Problem
Instructions: A healthcare administration problem is a focused topic of concern, a condition to be improved upon, or troubling question that is
supported in published research-based articles and/or grey literature like reports (annual, research, technical, project), white or working papers,
government reports, and organizational evaluations.
In one sentence, what is your healthcare administration problem? This will be more focused than the problem of interest noted above.
The healthcare administration problem is high readmission rates for heart failure patients within the last 30-days of discharge for rural hospitals
with 20-25 beds.
Which DHA research category does your healthcare administration problem align with?
A list of DHA research domains can be located on the DHA Project Completion page.
Quality improvement
Healthcare Administration Problem Justification Sources
Instructions: Students are required to provide at least 3 credible sources that state a healthcare administration problem exist. Students should read all
sources completely but pay special attention to what the authors state the conclusion or research results are from their work. To build on the previous
research in the field students must have at least three sources within the last 5 years that clearly state a problem exist. One example is provided below:
Provide a minimum of 3 sources that clearly state in the conclusion or research findings that a healthcare administration problem currently exists.
Full APA Citation:
Hamner A. (2021). Readmission rates for rural hospitals and their challenges. University of Homenlin, Growley.
Purpose of Research (1 sentence only):
Source 1
The purpose of the study was to research hospital rates in rural hospital systems.
Author’s Conclusion or Results of Research (1 sentence only):
Rural hospitals are experiencing challenges with 30-day readmission rate for heart failure patients.
How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):
It supports that rural hospitals are experiencing an undesirable readmission rate for a particular population.
Full APA Citation:
Coldaw B.A., Hawkins J.W. & Davlin R. (2021) From theory to practice: identifying authentic opinion of leaders to improve
care using evidence-based practice. Managed Care 12(7), 156–162.
Source 2
Purpose of Research (1 sentence only):
The purpose of this study was to survey organizational leaders about their organizational cultures related to improving quality
related to hospital readmission rates.
Author’s Conclusion or Results of Research (1 sentence only):
The research findings revealed that hospital leaders in rural hospitals are experiencing high readmission rates for heart
failure patients despite attempts to improve care delivery using evidence-based practices.
How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):
This study provides further justification that rural hospitals and health systems have unique struggles with readmissions rates.
Full APA Citation:
Buch D.T., Gerald B. & Kelley D. (2022). The breakdown of CMS readmission rates categories. Johnson Taylor & Franklin
Group, Australia.
Purpose of Research (1 sentence only):
The purpose of this study was to examine the different types of CMS readmission rates categories.
Source 3
Author’s Conclusion or Results of Research (1 sentence only):
The research findings reported that rural organizations struggle to meet the national average for readmission rates for many
of the CMS categories.
How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):
This relates to my study because it shows that rural hospital has a higher readmissions rate for heart failure patients.
Gap in Practice
Instructions: The need to address an identified gap in practice must be clear and there must be current relevance to the discipline and area of
In no more than 1-2 sentences what meaningful gap in practice have you identified?
Learn more about a Practice Gap Statement on the DHA Project Completion page.
Evidence shows that 30-day readmission rates for heart failure cases is 16.10% for rural hospitals with 20-25 beds. This study will study research
methods to bring the readmission rates down to the CMS national average of 15.59% for rural hospitals.
Practice Gap Sources
Provide a minimum of 1 source that clearly states desired ideal state of professional practice related to your healthcare administration problem.
Full APA Citation:
CMS Hospital Compare. (2022). Hospital Quality Initiative Public Reporting. Retrieved on January 10, 2023, from
Desired Ideal State of Professional Practice:
The Centers for Medicare an Medicaid Services provides public data on hospital readmissions and the national average for heart failure
readmissions is 15.59% (data is for illustration only)
Section 2: Purpose and Review Questions Instructions and Examples
Research Purpose
To address your stated problem, what is the purpose of your study using no more than 1-2 sentences?
Learn more about the purpose of research by Clicking Here
The purpose of this research is to search the existing body of knowledge related to rural hospital admission rates for heart failure patients and
provide strategies for leaders to reduce their readmissions rates for heart failure patients.
Review Question
Conclude with your review question. (1 sentence)
What are best practices to improve the adoption and implementation of evidence-based quality improvement strategies to reduce heart failure
patient’s readmission rates in rural hospital settings?
Section 3: Framework Instructions and Examples
Framework (Conceptual or Theoretical)
Instructions: The framework includes the theories and/or concepts relevant to your topic. Align the framework with the problem of interest, healthcare
administration problem, purpose, and review question. This theoretical or conceptual framework is the basis for understanding, designing, and analyzing ways
to investigate your healthcare administration problem. Provide the original scholarly literature (citing original authors) on the theory and/or concepts, even if
it is more than 5 years old. Please do not cite secondary sources.
What theory(ies) and/or concept(s) support (frame) your study and who are the original authors? Provide an in-text citation with your response, and the
complete APA reference.
To locate additional information on DHA Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks on the DHA Project Completion page.
Full APA Citation:
Rogers, E. M. (2010). Diffusion of innovations. Simon and Schuster.
Purpose of Framework (1 sentence only):
Source 1
The purpose of this framework was to reveal the various elements contributing to the adoption and diffusion of new
innovations in an organizational setting.
Key Constructs of Framework (1 sentence only):
The key constructs outline the various segments of the innovation adoption model: innovators, early adopters, early
majority, late majority and laggards.
How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):
This relates to my study because the adoption of evidenced-based practices has shown to improve patient outcomes
and the quality of care.
Full APA Citation:
Source 1
Purpose of Framework (1 sentence only):
Key Constructs of Framework (1 sentence only):
How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):
How do these theories and/or concepts relate to your healthcare administration problem, purpose, and review question? (no more than 2-3 sentences)
Spread of evidence-based practices follows the diffusion of innovations which is the process through which an innovation, defined as an idea
perceived as new, spreads via certain communication channels over time among the members of a social system.
There are prerequisites that must be met to successfully spread innovations and best practices in a healthcare system. These processes also
determine the rate and speed of the spread. By improving the adoption rate of innovative, evidence-based practices for heart failure patient’s
readmission rate may be decreased.
Section 4: Significance Instructions and Example
Instructions: Here you explain how your study addresses the meaningful, discipline-specific issue that you identified and will therefore contribute to your
field, discipline, professional practice, etc. contributing to positive social change. Detail how your findings might support professional practice or allow
practical application (answer the So what? question).
How will your study address the meaningful, discipline-specific issue that you identified and therefore contribute to your field, discipline, professional
practice, etc. contributing to positive social change?
More information on helping rural hospital adopt and implement evidence-based practice strategies will decrease the 30-day readmission rate for
heart failure patients in rural hospitals.
Significance of study related to social determinants?
Proposing solutions for rural hospitals to reduce their 30-day readmission rates for heart failure patients will have a positive impact on patient
recovery, families and rural hospitals that serve their communities.
Section 5: Research Alignment Table Instructions and Example
Complete the Research Design Alignment Table using the information from earlier sections of this form. Using an alignment table can assist with
ensuring the alignment of your research design.
Research Design Alignment Table Video Tutorial (YouTube) | Doctoral Research Design Alignment Appointments or Office Hours
Healthcare Administration
Practice Gap
Review Question
List the theories and/or
conceptual framework.
The healthcare
administration problem is
high readmission rates for
heart failure patients with
the last 30-days of
discharge for rural
hospitals with 20-25 beds.
Evidence shows that 30-day
readmission rates for heart
failure cases is 16.10% for
rural hospitals with 20-25 beds.
This study will study research
methods to bring the
readmission rates down to the
CMS national average of
15.59% for rural hospitals.
The purpose of this research is
to search the existing body of
knowledge related to rural
hospital admission rates for
heart failure patients and
provide strategies for leaders
to reduce their readmissions
rates for heart failure patients.
What are best
practices to improve
the adoption and
implementation of
quality improvement
strategies to reduce
heart failure patient’s
readmission rates in
rural hospital settings?
Diffusion of Innovation
My Doctoral Research (MyDR)
If you have not done so already, you should familiarize yourself with the MyDR system. The MyDR system was designed to assist you and your mentors in
navigating your doctoral research journey, from the very beginning through the final approval. The various landing pages in MyDR will track your progress and
will serve as a central location for resources to support that progress. There is a process flow tool in which you exchange and store faculty evaluations of and
feedback on your work as you progress along that journey.
You will be entered into the MyDR system when both your mentor and co-mentor are approved by the academic program.

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