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Fairfield University Communications Growth Reflection Paper

Fairfield University Communications Growth Reflection Paper

Discussion Questions 1. If you were asked to present a speech, how would you analyze your audience? Use an example. The collection and interpretation of audience characteristics with the help of using research, questionnaires, observation, and inferences are known as audience analysis (Scot Titsworth, 2021). The audience analysis plays an important role for different purposes, such as for collecting information of target customers or getting an idea of the audience’s perspectives before delivering them the speech. If I were asked to present a speech to an audience, I would analyze the audience by using different ways. For example, I am invited for public speaking for an event at a specific location to discuss any current issue or environmental issue and help solve the issue. The first thing is to know about the characteristics of the audience and to which age group or class they belong to so that I can deliver my speech according to it. It will help me to engage my audience and make the speech impressive and effective. First of all, I will identify the potential audience of that event, and I will find out the general expectations of the audience about that event and their interest in listening to public speakers of that event. I will make a simple small, and easy questionnaire to get all this information. I will observe the knowledge and familiarity of the audience about the current issue and their attitude or approach towards the issue. I think that the use of closed-ended questionnaires will be the best to save time as well as grab information from the audience. There will be some questions that can give me an idea about the audience’s age, gender, race, and ethnicity. In this way, I will deliver the speech effectively and engage the audience in the speech. I can also prepare some questions to ask during and after the speech after analyzing the audience DISCUSSION 3 of that event. In this way, the speech will significantly impact the audience, and they will better understand the current issue discussed in the speech. I can provide simple tips at the end of my speech on how we can work on the issue to solve it and make the world a better place for living. 2. How to organize messages or ideas in a speech? There are various ways to organize the messages or ideas in a speech, and the most important way is to organize the messages or ideas in a way that helps to engage the audience. First of all, a speaker must know that a speech should be delivered by first providing the information about the main topic, then the details regarding the main point are discussed, and the speech is concluded with a lesson or an important message. The introduction of the message helps to start engaging the audience, and the conclusion helps to wrap up the speech. The body of the speech helps to deliver important information about the message or idea. Besides this, the audience is attracted more towards visuals than words. So, the speaker should use more visuals in the presentation to make it attractive and interesting for the audience. The messages and ideas are portrayed in the form of images or clips so that the audience can get a better idea of what the speaker wants to deliver. It helps the audience to retain more of what the speaker says. If a speaker adds visuals in the presentation of a speech, there are more chances that the audience remembers the message that are being delivered by the speaker. Moreover, the speakers use appealing presentation slides and add images, tables, charts, and graphs to present useful information and provide a clear image to the audience about a certain topic or issue. Nowadays, visuals have been increased to deliver the messages or ideas in a more effective way and help the audience easily understand the overall concept. The messages or ideas can be organized in a way that the speaker should use concise data or details about the DISCUSSION topic, and not too many details are added that can make the speech boring. In this way, the speaker can organize the messages and ideas effectively (Scot Titsworth, 2021). 3. What are the 4 modes of delivery? What are the pros and cons for each? The four modes of delivery are as follows (Scot Titsworth, 2021): 1. Impromptu method The presentation of a small message without any specific preparation is known as the impromptu method of delivery. Impromptu speeches occur when a special guest or someone is asked to say a few words at the ending of an event. Moreover, the self-introductions in a group setting are also the example of an impromptu setting. Pros: ‘Helps to develop confidence in public. ‘Helps to improve oral expressions of thoughts. Cons: ‘Speaker gets less or no time for preparation. ‘Message can be disorganized. 2. Extemporaneous method In the extemporaneous method, the speech is well-prepared by the speaker, and he maintains eye contact with the audience as he has rehearsed the speech many times. 4 DISCUSSION Pros: ‘Speaker speaks in a conversational tone. ‘The audience pays better attention. Cons: ‘Preparation of both verbal and non-verbal communication is required. ‘One for preparation is not enough. 3. Manuscript method In this method, the speaker requires a manuscript or a message written on a piece of paper to deliver the speech. The speaker reads each word written on the paper to deliver the speech. The speaker pays his attention to the written manuscript except when the visuals are shown to the audience. Pros: ‘Control of time and word choice. ‘Formal language and style are used while delivering the speech. Cons: ‘No eye contact is maintained during the manuscript speech. ‘Speaker loses his natural style of delivering the speech. 5 DISCUSSION 6 4. Memorized method In this method, the speaker has memorized the written message, and he does the recitation of the message while delivering the speech to the audience. He recites the speech from his memory whenever he delivers the speech, and he does not use the written manuscript, etc. Pros: ‘Speaker is able to maintain eye contact with the audience. ‘Speaker can move freely on the stage from one place to another. ‘Speaker can also use gestures to engage the audience. Cons: ‘Time is required for the proper memorization of the speech. ‘Speech can be sound memorized, and there will be a lack of spontaneity by the speaker. ‘The effectiveness of the speaker is reduced. DISCUSSION 7 References Scot Titsworth, A. M. (2021). Human Communication 7th edition . McGraw Hill Education. Running Head: COMMUNICATION 1 Ryan Uccellini Comm 1100 Dr. Zhang 6/24/21 COMMUNICATION 2 Communications This study is conducted to discuss personal experience in real-life situations and connect the experience with the concepts learned during the course. We have read various concepts so far in this course, but only three specific concepts will be used in this paper. This paper will discuss the concepts of interpersonal relationships, diversity, and searching for a job. First, I will discuss about my personal experience with interpersonal relationships. Close relationships are often known as interpersonal relationships, and the closest relations are formed with the family and best friends. I am lucky that my family and friends are very concerned about me. They care about me and stand with me in my difficult times. Whenever I feel depressed or sad, my best friends have always cheered me up and provided me comfort to feel better and alive. Furthermore, the elders in my family have always helped me with conflict management issues. They have always provided me true guidance and suggestions on how I can resolve all the conflicts and issues in my life. Interpersonal relationships refer to the interaction, connection, and bond between people. To maintain an interpersonal relationship for a longer time, one person needs to be an active listener to listen to the life experiences and problems of the other person. People should respect each other and maintain a positive attitude. They are also open to constructive criticism and feedback. The people who are facing any problem and they need any advice or suggestion, they take advice from their close relationships because they are interdependent and trust each other. Interdependent means that one person is dependent on the other person for a specific purpose (Scot Titsworth, 2021). I am dependent on my friends as I need them to hang out with me and stand by me in happy and sad times. COMMUNICATION 3 The second experience I want to share is related to diversity. Diversity can be experienced when we join any group, team, or club. We find people with different cultures, religions, and languages. The people belong to different cultural backgrounds and provide unique ideas and share unique knowledge. I had experienced diversity when I was in my college. Different students were belonged to different cultural backgrounds. All these students have come to our country for different purposes, such as some of the people have come for higher education and some of the people wanted to live in a developed country. Some Asian and Arabian people were entirely different from the West people. I found that class interesting because we got to know different things about different cultures. I enjoy exploring new things and cultures, and it was the best experience for me to witness the diverse culture. Our teacher has made study groups, and there was a presence of diversity in each group. I remember that there was a competition of art, and our team has won the competition because we used more creative ideas due to more diversity than all the other teams. People in a diverse group possess unique qualities and characteristics. Diversity is considered to be good among the group, where diverse ideas can be used to solve problems. Diverse ideas also help in a more informed decision-making process. Moreover, the group of diverse people can solve the problems faster than the other groups. Diversity helps to increase creativity and productivity. Some employers also encourage the presence of diversity at the workplace because they think that a diverse workforce can bring more creativity and enhance the organization’s performance (Scot Titsworth, 2021). I have also experienced searching for a job as I always want to do part-time work. I always wanted to use my skills, abilities, and experience to do work and earn. Before looking for jobs, I have asked the people in my social network for any job referral. Then, I did online COMMUNICATION 4 research to find information about different companies or institutions that want to hire workers. I wanted to do a part-time job to learn new things and to apply concepts in practical life. In my opinion, every work is valuable. I have never thought that any specific profession is not valuable because all the professions are important, and they play a unique part in our lives. I wanted to do work during my studies to learn the meaning of hard work and dedication. I am still learning the ways that how I can get a good job with a strong grip on job research. There are many ways to search for a job, and online research is the most critical step. The Internet has a huge data regarding jobs, and many jobs offer the same benefits as mentioned in the advertisement of job. Job search platforms can also be used to find a particular job. In addition, there are thousands of websites that include information about the jobs. These websites are free to use, but some websites charge a fee. The websites that charge fee needs to be authentic and an expert suggestion or confirmations are also required to pay the money to apply for the job (Scot Titsworth, 2021). This study concludes that we have to experience different things in our lives that give us different lessons. I have discussed three different life experiences that gave me unique lessons. First, I feel blessed that I have close relationships with my family and friends who help me in any difficult situation. It is not easy to have interpersonal relationships as everyone is busy in their own lives, and they do not take out time for other people. Second, I have also experienced diversity as I worked in a diverse study group in my college life. Diversity allows us to be more creative, and it enhances the overall performance of the group. Finally, I also experienced the job search as I am looking for a part-time job to get practical life experience. Searching for a job requires strong research skills to find a suitable job that is related to our profession. COMMUNICATION 5 References Scot Titsworth, A. M. (2021). Human Communication 7th edition . McGraw Hill Education. APPLICATION PAPER: HUMAN COMMUNICATION Theories Application Paper: Human Communication Theories Ryan Uccellini Fairfield University COMM1100 6/10/21 1 APPLICATION PAPER: HUMAN COMMUNICATION Theories 2 In our lives, communication is central. Effective communication can help us to solve our problems both in professional settings and in our personal lives. A few years ago, I was asked to be the keynote speaker at our local community to discuss the effects of drugs and substance abuse for youths aged between 14 to 25 years. At the meeting, I articulated my points well while trying to compel the youths to shun drug and substance abuse. I talked about the effects of drug abuse on the body, both physical and mental, while also emphasizing how it affects those around us in our family setting and community. When emphasizing the points, I used body movements, changed my facial expressions, and constantly looked at the audience to determine if I was making an impact. At the end of the presentation, I made time to answer questions from the audience in relation to drug and substance abuse. Unfortunately, I heard some of the questions while I was distracted, making it hard for me to listen and answer the queries accordingly. Public Speaking Public speaking is a way of using messages and information to generate meanings in situations where a single speaker conveys a message to an audience, who are the receivers of the information. The receivers at times give question-and-answer feedback, while sometimes they give nonverbal feedback. Speakers, during public speaking, adapt the message to the audience to achieve maximum comprehension. As a result, everyone in attendance understands the message, while in other instances, people can fail to understand. In most cases, public speaking aims to inform or persuade. Indeed, being a keynote speaker in our local community was a way of public speaking. Intending to inform and persuade the youths to stay away from public speaking, I was, in essence, being a public speaker. From experience, the receivers of my message nodded at times, while others seemed unconcerned and not even aware of my presence. That implies that some of APPLICATION PAPER: HUMAN COMMUNICATION Theories 3 the youths understood my message while others failed to understand. In the future, I will be keen on non-verbal cues and will try to entertain while informing the audience to make the message more engaging. This concept makes coherent sense because the goal is to communicate creatively when speaking in public. Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication entails using messages other than words to create meanings with others. Such cues include visible behaviors like gestures and facial expressions, things that we hear, like the vocal tone or how words are spoken. Indeed, more than 60 percent of our communications are nonverbally. Nonverbal communication is a way to express our feelings and our emotions. During my public speaking experience, I was aware that nonverbal communication is important if I wanted to drive the point home. I tried to portray a serious face when talking about the grave consequences of drug and substance abuse. And I could also see that people in the audience seemed to fidget and had a worried look on the face when I provide insights of the consequences. That was a true indication that they were listening to what I was saying. Moving forward, I have earnt that I can improve my understanding of nonverbal communication by being sensitive to the audience, context, and feedback. I intend to limit my use of filler words and to be sensitive to the audience. For instance, while talking with children, I will use simple vocabulary, and while when talking with adults, I will portray credibility and professionalism. Listening The skill of accurately receiving and analyzing messages during the communication process is known as listening. Listening is vital for all forms of effective communication. Messages are readily misinterpreted when people lack the skill to listen thoughtfully. As a result, APPLICATION PAPER: HUMAN COMMUNICATION Theories 4 communication breaks down, and the message’s sender may grow angry or upset. Listening is all about retaining information and reacting appreciatively or empathically to spoken or nonverbal messages. Empathic listening is trying to understand another person’s perspective, while critical listening is to evaluate the message’s meaningfulness, utility, and accuracy. While talking to the youths in my experience, I hoped that they were listening to what I was saying because I had taken time to research the information and wanted what was best for the youths in my locality. However, I could see from the audience that some of the youths were not listening, which made me upset to some extent. However, during the question-and-answer session, one youth, a male, stood up to seek further clarification on avoiding substance abuse. I found myself mindful of what he was asking because he resembled me was a true reflection of me a few years back. Therefore, I subconsciously tried to understand his perspective, maintained awareness, and reduced distractions. In the end, I responded with much concern. In conclusion, communication is important in our lives because effective communication can help us solve problems in the professional setting and improve our personal lives. Public speaking entails using messages to create meanings in public settings. Effective listening and non-verbal communication skills can help me to improve the way I see myself, improve the way others see me and navigate in an increasingly diverse world. APPLICATION PAPER: HUMAN COMMUNICATION Application Paper: Human Communication Students Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date 1 APPLICATION PAPER: HUMAN COMMUNICATION 2 In our lives, communication is central. Effective communication can help us to solve our problems both in professional settings and in our personal lives. A few years ago, I was asked to be the keynote speaker at our local community to discuss the effects of drugs and substance abuse for youths aged between 14 to 25 years. At the meeting, I articulated my points well while trying to compel the youths to shun drug and substance abuse. I talked about the effects of drug abuse on the body, both physical and mental, while also emphasizing how it affects those around us in our family setting and community. When emphasizing the points, I used body movements, changed my facial expressions, and constantly looked at the audience to determine if I was making an impact. At the end of the presentation, I made time to answer questions from the audience in relation to drug and substance abuse. Unfortunately, I heard some of the questions while I was distracted, making it hard for me to listen and answer the queries accordingly. Public Speaking Public speaking is a way of using messages and information to generate meanings in situations where a single speaker conveys a message to an audience, who are the receivers of the information. The receivers at times give question-and-answer feedback, while sometimes they give nonverbal feedback. Speakers, during public speaking, adapt the message to the audience to achieve maximum comprehension. As a result, everyone in attendance understands the message, while in other instances, people can fail to understand. In most cases, public speaking aims to inform or persuade. Indeed, being a keynote speaker in our local community was a way of public speaking. Intending to inform and persuade the youths to stay away from public speaking, I was, in essence, being a public speaker. From experience, the receivers of my message nodded at times, while others seemed unconcerned and not even aware of my presence. That implies that some of APPLICATION PAPER: HUMAN COMMUNICATION 3 the youths understood my message while others failed to understand. In the future, I will be keen on non-verbal cues and will try to entertain while informing the audience to make the message more engaging. This concept makes coherent sense because the goal is to communicate creatively when speaking in public. Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication entails using messages other than words to create meanings with others. Such cues include visible behaviors like gestures and facial expressions, things that we hear, like the vocal tone or how words are spoken. Indeed, more than 60 percent of our communications are nonverbally. Nonverbal communication is a way to express our feelings and our emotions. During my public speaking experience, I was aware that nonverbal communication is important if I wanted to drive the point home. I tried to portray a serious face when talking about the grave consequences of drug and substance abuse. And I could also see that people in the audience seemed to fidget and had a worried look on the face when I provide insights of the consequences. That was a true indication that they were listening to what I was saying. Moving forward, I have earnt that I can improve my understanding of nonverbal communication by being sensitive to the audience, context, and feedback. I intend to limit my use of filler words and to be sensitive to the audience. For instance, while talking with children, I will use simple vocabulary, and while when talking with adults, I will portray credibility and professionalism. Listening The skill of accurately receiving and analyzing messages during the communication process is known as listening. Listening is vital for all forms of effective communication. Messages are readily misinterpreted when people lack the skill to listen thoughtfully. As a result, APPLICATION PAPER: HUMAN COMMUNICATION 4 communication breaks down, and the message’s sender may grow angry or upset. Listening is all about retaining information and reacting appreciatively or empathically to spoken or nonverbal messages. Empathic listening is trying to understand another person’s perspective, while critical listening is to evaluate the message’s meaningfulness, utility, and accuracy. While talking to the youths in my experience, I hoped that they were listening to what I was saying because I had taken time to research the information and wanted what was best for the youths in my locality. However, I could see from the audience that some of the youths were not listening, which made me upset to some extent. However, during the question-and-answer session, one youth, a male, stood up to seek further clarification on avoiding substance abuse. I found myself mindful of what he was asking because he resembled me was a true reflection of me a few years back. Therefore, I subconsciously tried to understand his perspective, maintained awareness, and reduced distractions. In the end, I responded with much concern. In conclusion, communication is important in our lives because effective communication can help us solve problems in the professional setting and improve our personal lives. Public speaking entails using messages to create meanings in public settings. Effective listening and non-verbal communication skills can help me to improve the way I see myself, improve the way others see me and navigate in an increasingly diverse world. APPLICATION PAPER: HUMAN COMMUNICATION 5 Purchase answer to see full attachment

Mastering the Art of Online Learning: Your Guide to Acing Online Courses

Mastering the Art of Online Learning: Your Guide to Acing Online Courses


In recent years, the popularity of online courses has skyrocketed, offering learners the flexibility to acquire new skills and knowledge from the comfort of their homes. However, succeeding in online courses requires a different approach compared to traditional classroom settings. To help you make the most of your online learning experience, this article presents essential strategies and tips to ace your online courses.

1. Set Clear Goals and Plan Ahead

Before embarking on an online course, establish clear goals and objectives. Determine what you hope to achieve by the end of the course and break down your goals into manageable milestones. Create a study schedule that aligns with your other commitments, ensuring you allocate dedicated time for coursework, assignments, and revision.

2. Create a Productive Study Environment

Establishing a conducive study environment is crucial for online learning success. Find a quiet, well-lit space where you can concentrate without distractions. Remove any potential interruptions, such as notifications from social media or email. Organize your study materials and have a reliable internet connection to ensure seamless access to course materials.

3. Actively Engage in the Course

Active participation is key to mastering online courses. Engage with course materials, including videos, readings, and interactive components. Take comprehensive notes, highlighting key concepts and ideas. Participate in discussion boards, forums, and virtual meetings to interact with instructors and peers, fostering a sense of community and enhancing your understanding of the subject matter.

4. Manage Your Time Effectively

Online courses offer flexibility, but it’s essential to manage your time wisely to avoid falling behind. Create a detailed schedule, allocating specific time slots for coursework, assignments, and studying. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable segments to prevent procrastination. Prioritize tasks based on deadlines and dedicate focused time to each one, ensuring consistent progress throughout the course.

5. Develop Effective Communication Skills

Online courses often rely on written communication, making it crucial to hone your skills in this area. Be concise and clear in your written responses, paying attention to grammar and spelling. Actively participate in discussions, asking thoughtful questions and providing constructive feedback to your peers. Regularly check your course emails and notifications, ensuring you stay updated with any important announcements or changes.

6. Utilize Available Resources

Take full advantage of the resources provided by your online course platform and instructors. Familiarize yourself with the learning management system (LMS) and explore its features. Access supplementary materials, such as textbooks, lecture slides, and external resources recommended by instructors. Utilize online libraries, research databases, and tutorial services to deepen your understanding of the subject matter.

7. Stay Motivated and Engaged

Maintaining motivation throughout an online course can be challenging, particularly when faced with competing priorities or a lack of face-to-face interaction. Set short-term goals and reward yourself upon their completion. Connect with fellow learners through virtual study groups or online forums to foster a sense of camaraderie. Regularly remind yourself of the benefits and personal growth associated with completing the course successfully.

8. Seek Support and Clarification

Don’t hesitate to seek support or clarification when needed. Reach out to your instructors for guidance or clarification on course material. Utilize online discussion forums to ask questions or engage in collaborative problem-solving. Leverage the support services provided by your course platform or institution, such as technical support or academic advising.


Online courses present unique opportunities for self-paced learning and personal growth. By setting clear goals, creating a productive study environment, actively engaging with course materials, and managing your time effectively, you can maximize your chances of acing online courses. Remember to stay motivated, seek support when needed, and make the most of the available resources. Embrace the flexibility and adaptability of online learning to achieve your educational goals.

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