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Glendale Community College Cumulative Annoyance Discussion

Glendale Community College Cumulative Annoyance Discussion

First discussion Conflict Do you view conflict as a negative factor or a positive factor in relationships? What are some negatives associated with conflict? What about positives? Cumulative Annoyance How might cumulative annoyance give way to kitchen-sinking? Student#1 In regards to conflicts it can seem as something bad initially but in a good relationship if 2 people work on the problem and try to find or come to a resolution than it can be something very good. It brings teamwork and helps to know each other better. I think the negatives of a conflict is dependent on the person and how they react and sometimes that reaction can lead to even more conflict, it cause close mindedness and “its my way or the highway”. We all at times get frustrated and angry when facing a conflict but it what you do with the conflict. How 2 people work on a conflict leads to the positives. The positives of a conflict comes once the conflict is resolved, It creates a stronger and healthier relationship and leads to a happier couple. It also shows that they can work together to solve a conflict. Sometimes 2 people might just not be compatible and it’s a toxic road so a big conflict can actually end that toxicity. Cumulative annoyance cause a build up of anger and frustration which will make kitchen sinking more likely, because it gives one more of a reason to kitchen sinking. Everyone has a breaking point and its only a matter of time before someone can hold it in any longer. Both lead to a destructive conflict. Student#2 When i was young, i used to see conflict as a bad thing. I had terrible fights with my father, my aunt and my cousin. Growing up I had trouble expressing myself clearly and was often a doormat for my cousin. We used to have horrible arguments and it has stuck with me throughout the years. Our relationship has gotten better but still feel anxious whenever we argue about something. Also is the same for my dad. Some negatives associated with conflict are that it can lead to physical violence like hitting, punching, or kicking that person (or them hurting you). Verbal and emotional abuse is also a negative as well as mental abuse. Some less extreme negatives are avoiding each other, not talking, getting revenge, etc. Positives are that you can resolve the conflict and learn something about yourself and the other person. You can both grow and develop the relationship further. Learn different ways to solve a conflict and/or how to listen to the other person. Student#3 Do you view conflict as a negative factor or a positive factor in relationships? I think it is a positive factor because nothing is perfect, I think if relationships are not fighting then that is just a symptom of something bigger. But it can go to far when conflict is happening then you have to make sure to don’t take it too far. What are some negatives associated with conflict? Some of the negatives are if it is taken to far and things that are said might have been more hurtful then trying to prove a point of the argument. So, things said can have lingering aspects to them. What about positives? I think the positives are that it gives an opportunity to vent a little bit. I was in a romantic relationship for about a year, and he never wanted to fight with me he avoided the conflict completely. He would leave or go into the bathroom and would come back or out and be like are you over it? I could not handle that I broke up with him. How might cumulative annoyance give way to kitchen-sinking? Unfortunately, this can be me sometimes. I will let stuff build up and it just takes one little thing to set me off and I bring up a bunch of different stuff from other instants and my husband will be like what does this have to with what is happening right now! But it was bothering me so I will bring it all up. He will do this also, will do this but I don’t think he realizes it. Student#4 I think how you view conflict really just depends on how you handle conflict. If you or the person who you have a conflict with, handle conflict in a way that does not solve in anything, and makes things worse. Then you will probably dread the thought of conflict. However if there is no conflict, that typically means that feelings are being suppressed and conflict is being avoided. Conflict can be good for relationships, so long as it’s handled in a healthy way. Some negatives associated with conflict could be: Feeling unheard, drained, yelling, unsolving of the conflict, and leading to more conflict. Some positives associated with conflict could be: Resolving the issue, becoming closer and more emotionally connected to each other in the relationship, and can lead to better emotional stability. Cumulative annoyance can give way to kitchen sinking, because cumulative annoyance is the repression of your annoyances against another. One day all your repression will add up, and explode. Causing you to bring up past annoyances’ or grievances with your partner. This is kitchen-sinking. Second discussion First, think about the video of Eva Kor: Did she start out looking to forgive? How did Dr. Munch participate in her process of forgiveness? Why did she decide to forgive Munch? Why can’t the other women forgive? What benefits did she receive? Second, think about your own experiences: How important is it to forgive? What can you gain by forgiving someone that has harmed you in some way? Student#1 Eva did not start out looking to forgive, she hated Germans initially. Dr. Munch was an important part of leading Eva to forgiving Dr. Mengele. Dr. Munch was the only officer that was acquitted. Dr. Munch signing a document at the ruins of the gas chamber which helped Eva prove her point that there were gas chambers and this eventually led Eva to forgive him because it was a meaningful thing to Dr. Munch and the forgiveness of Dr. Munch lead to the forgiveness of Dr. Mengele. The other women couldn’t forgive because every though made them remember the horrible things they went through. Their body ached from all the traumatic things they went through and they couldn’t forget it. Eva’s forgiveness gave her a sense of freedom and peace and made her stronger. She could let go. It is very important to forgive, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. It is very hard to forgive someone especially when they don’t even seek forgiveness and have no remorse. A few days ago I found out that there was a terrorist bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan at an all girl school and over 60 innocent girls were killed due to this and I can’t ever think of forgiveness for the terrorism and abrupt taking away of an innocent life if I was the parents. Forgiveness can give one a sense of freedom and peace and possibly make them stronger but I have never been through the things some go through so I can’t speak for everyone. Student#2 1. In the video, Eva did not start out to forgive. 2. Dr. Munch met with her, and allowed her to show him pictures of her family. He then went with her to Auschwitz, which was a huge deal. He also participated in her process of proving that their were gas chambers. He was very kind to her, and listened to her, he even said that he lives with depression and nightmares from his time as a German officer. This shocked Eva, she ultimately forgave him. 3. She decided to forgive him as a means of helping her heal. It also helped her to see that he felt terrible and that he is a kind man. 4. The other women cannot forgive because what they went through was absolutely terrible, and they do not believe that anyone could be forgiven for doing such horrible things. 5. After Eva forgave everyone that participated in the events at Auschwitz, she felt free. She felt less weight on her shoulders, and it lead her to be happier. 6. I think forgiveness is a sign of strength. I think it’s extremely important for a person’s well being. 7. Forgiving someone who has hurt you, can help you feel a sense of freedom and relief. It can help you move on past your hurt and lead you to be happier. Student#3 No, i don’t think anyone starts out looking to forgive. Mr.Munch was kind and respectful towards Eva. She forgave him because he showed remorse and kindness to her. The other women couldn’t forgive because they didn’t have the ability to. Eva felt freedom from what happened. It’s very important to forgive because it helps you in the end. It allows you to be free from the pain and reliving the event. It heals you and your soul. I can gain freedom, peace, and joy from forgiving someone who did me wrong. It’s not about looking good or getting a reward, it’s about doing it for yourself. Student#4 Eva Kor, a holocaust survivor, saw what it is to be forgiving, although didn’t have that intention yet. She went out to look for Dr. Munch, a former Nazi doctor, who had done experiments on her and many others. Eva would meet with Dr. Munch at his location. Eva would share her family pictures and share her stories with him of her time in the holocausts. She said how she lost her family during those horrific times. Eva still forgave Dr. Munch and the others involved, for it would not do much if we’re to be filling with anger towards those who acted violently. She would want us to forgive them but never forgot their actions. I understand why the other women wouldn’t forgive Dr. Munch or the Nazis due to the horrific acts that were upon them. Losing someone close can be unbreakable, and if being murder, you would’ve to want justice for them. Eva’s benefit is her health. She no longer has the filament of distraught of the past and to move on for the better. I believe that forgiveness is beneficial. I understand how people tell me, how can you forgive someone who has done something wrong effectual to me or onto someone else. I don’t want to be filing myself up with anger because of someone’s actions. I don’t want to always be hard on that person because life is already hard itself. I don’t know what’s affecting their life or their experiences that have made them like this. I agree with Eva Kor on forgiveness but never forget it. Purchase answer to see full attachment

Mastering the Art of Online Learning: Your Guide to Acing Online Courses

Mastering the Art of Online Learning: Your Guide to Acing Online Courses


In recent years, the popularity of online courses has skyrocketed, offering learners the flexibility to acquire new skills and knowledge from the comfort of their homes. However, succeeding in online courses requires a different approach compared to traditional classroom settings. To help you make the most of your online learning experience, this article presents essential strategies and tips to ace your online courses.

1. Set Clear Goals and Plan Ahead

Before embarking on an online course, establish clear goals and objectives. Determine what you hope to achieve by the end of the course and break down your goals into manageable milestones. Create a study schedule that aligns with your other commitments, ensuring you allocate dedicated time for coursework, assignments, and revision.

2. Create a Productive Study Environment

Establishing a conducive study environment is crucial for online learning success. Find a quiet, well-lit space where you can concentrate without distractions. Remove any potential interruptions, such as notifications from social media or email. Organize your study materials and have a reliable internet connection to ensure seamless access to course materials.

3. Actively Engage in the Course

Active participation is key to mastering online courses. Engage with course materials, including videos, readings, and interactive components. Take comprehensive notes, highlighting key concepts and ideas. Participate in discussion boards, forums, and virtual meetings to interact with instructors and peers, fostering a sense of community and enhancing your understanding of the subject matter.

4. Manage Your Time Effectively

Online courses offer flexibility, but it’s essential to manage your time wisely to avoid falling behind. Create a detailed schedule, allocating specific time slots for coursework, assignments, and studying. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable segments to prevent procrastination. Prioritize tasks based on deadlines and dedicate focused time to each one, ensuring consistent progress throughout the course.

5. Develop Effective Communication Skills

Online courses often rely on written communication, making it crucial to hone your skills in this area. Be concise and clear in your written responses, paying attention to grammar and spelling. Actively participate in discussions, asking thoughtful questions and providing constructive feedback to your peers. Regularly check your course emails and notifications, ensuring you stay updated with any important announcements or changes.

6. Utilize Available Resources

Take full advantage of the resources provided by your online course platform and instructors. Familiarize yourself with the learning management system (LMS) and explore its features. Access supplementary materials, such as textbooks, lecture slides, and external resources recommended by instructors. Utilize online libraries, research databases, and tutorial services to deepen your understanding of the subject matter.

7. Stay Motivated and Engaged

Maintaining motivation throughout an online course can be challenging, particularly when faced with competing priorities or a lack of face-to-face interaction. Set short-term goals and reward yourself upon their completion. Connect with fellow learners through virtual study groups or online forums to foster a sense of camaraderie. Regularly remind yourself of the benefits and personal growth associated with completing the course successfully.

8. Seek Support and Clarification

Don’t hesitate to seek support or clarification when needed. Reach out to your instructors for guidance or clarification on course material. Utilize online discussion forums to ask questions or engage in collaborative problem-solving. Leverage the support services provided by your course platform or institution, such as technical support or academic advising.


Online courses present unique opportunities for self-paced learning and personal growth. By setting clear goals, creating a productive study environment, actively engaging with course materials, and managing your time effectively, you can maximize your chances of acing online courses. Remember to stay motivated, seek support when needed, and make the most of the available resources. Embrace the flexibility and adaptability of online learning to achieve your educational goals.

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