Reflect upon the feedback that you received about your outline. Chapter 6 urges you to “adopt persuasion’s triple play: Ethos, logos, and pathos.” What ethical, logical, and emotional arguments will you use for your topic’s problems, solution, and call to action? Why? What tools of persuasion and advocacy will you deploy and how? How will you “build trust and credibility, support your message with writing techniques, and find and develop your own story?” Why? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts Template for Outline: Assignment 1 Name: Noel Sanchez Date: 07/28/2021 1. Description: a. What is your challenge or opportunity? The employment market is never static as people opt out of their current employment positions to pursue further education or even seek greener pastures elsewhere. Turnovers are common occurrences in any workplace, and while they happen for different reasons, the expected outcome is that the employer must devise mechanisms to address such situations. Therefore, probing the topic helps employers appreciate internal promotions’ significance in filling different roles and guaranteeing business continuity amid transitions at different levels. It serves as a trigger for the organization to invest in elaborate mechanisms designed to facilitate a competent rollout of internal promotions. b. Why is this professionally important to you? Internal promotion is a viable aspect in practical employment scenarios because it solves challenges that an organization faces during transitions. The loss of a single employee creates a rather tough situation for any organization because it must find another individual to take the mantle and perform similar duties. The challenge with hiring people outside the company is that they take a lot of time to fit into the organizational culture. Similarly, they take a significant amount of time settling into their new responsibilities, understanding the scope of their job, and its significance in the broader organizational setup. Therefore, investing in internal promotions helps the organization avoid significant delays in operations by having people who can step up and fill in such vacancies. 2. Goal: a. What goals or outcomes do you want to achieve with this communication? i. Is the communication goal clear, concise, and actionable? The key goal underscoring this communication is to ensure that my audience understands the benefits that will accrue to them by embracing the concept of internal promotions and taking active steps to implement this concept by the end of the coming financial year. This goal is clear and concise since it gives the audience a clear picture of what my message aims to achieve. In addition, this goal is actionable since it is well defined, can be measured to ascertain progress, possible to attain, is realistic, and has a clearly defined timeline. 3. Audience: a. Who is your target audience? i. What are the professional positions of the audience members? I will deliver the presentation to the CEO, the board, and top executives at the company. It is vital to ensure that such presentations are made to people who can implement the recommendations and reshape organizational policy. The identified stakeholders play a critical role in the entity’s human resource approach. The top leadership creates the vision that guides the organization hence the need to convince them about the massive potential that internal promotion bears for its future. ii. What demographic characteristics will the audience comprise? Diversity is increasing within the workplace, with people from different races, ethnicities, gender, age, and cultural heritage working together in shared spaces. As such, my audience will comprise people with different demographic attributes. Specifically, the audience will include old and young men and women from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. iii. What is your relationship with the audience? I am part of the company’s management team, working within the human resources department. The company’s management team forms the core of persons tasked with strategic decision-making. Fulfilling this duty requires extensive collaboration by members of the company’s management team. Such a situation then means that I interact and often communicate with the members of my audience. This aspect allows us to have both formal and informal relationships with the workplace. These relationships make it easier for us to work together and come up with effective strategic decisions. iv. What background knowledge and expertise does the audience have? When selecting the audience for my message, I ensured that they were members of the company’s management team. This decision was primarily informed by the fact that these individuals have the requisite knowledge and expertise to understand what I intend to put across and because they have the power and authority needed to implement what I will propose. Furthermore, they are well-versed with the company’s goals, objectives, and targets. As such, they can critically evaluate my message and ascertain whether it will provide any value to the organization and its employees. v. What does the audience know, feel about, and expect concerning this communication? Having an existing relationship with members of the audience gave me a chance to inform them of my upcoming presentation. I sent an email to every member inviting them to the presentation. The email also provided a brief summary of what they expect to hear and learn from the presentation. vi. What preconceptions or biases do you possess that might prevent you from building rapport with your audience? Fear of the unknown and the comfort of routine are the main reasons why change introduction and implementation is quite challenging for organizations. More often than not, people fear making adjustments to their habits since they are not comfortable changing how they do things. Getting a person to overcome this attitude is not easy, especially if the usual way of doing things seems effective. Even though my audience is diverse, most of them are male and advanced in age. Such circumstances might make it harder for them to quickly adopt the changes I will propose. They have successfully used the existing approach for years, and as such, trust it to continue delivering good outcomes. Thus, convincing them to see the value of making the proposed changes will not be easy since the existing framework still serves the organization well. b. What information is available about your audience? i. What research or sources will you use to obtain information about the audience? Understanding my audience prior to making my presentation is very important. This is because doing this gives me a chance to fine-tune my message to ensure it makes sense to all members of the audience but also resonates with them. In essence, it enables me to personalize the message for my audience. In addition to the knowledge, I have on my audience, which accrued due to the various interactions I have with them regularly, looking at their company profiles and professional history will give me an in-depth perspective of how they act and respond to multiple situations and messages. ii. What conclusions have you been able to draw about the audience? Despite my personal bias against some members of the audience, I believe that presenting them with pertinent facts and showing them how the company will benefit from implementing the proposed changes will make it easier for them to recognize the value adopting internal promotions will add to the company. Once I am able to change their minds, implementation will not be quite challenging since they are the ultimate decision-makers, and the fact that they bought into the changes means that they will ensure everyone in the organization does the same thing. c. What tone will you use to convey your message? i. Is the setting casual or formal? Delivering my message within a casual setting will make it harder for my audience to understand and implement the changes I will propose during the presentation. This is because such a setting takes away the seriousness of the presentation, which makes it harder for me to convince members of the audience to implement the proposed changes. As such, my presentation will be made in a formal setting, specifically at the company’s conference room. Delivering my message in a business and professional setting will allow me to inform, educate, motivate, and persuade my audience. ii. Is the communication personal or impersonal? Despite delivering the message within a formal setting, communication with my audience will predominantly be personal. I know all the members of the audience and constantly interact with most of them. Except for the board members, I interact with other audience members daily through face-to-face conversations, emails, and calls. Such circumstances ensure that the conversation will be very detailed and the dialogue quite expressive. 4. Key Message: a. What is the primary message you must convey to your audience? When making my presentation, my primary focus will be on ensuring that members of the audience understand what the concept of internal promotion entails and how embracing it will add value to the company and its employees. i. Is the message compelling and memorable? My primary message will be very compelling since it will be backed by empirical evidence from published journal articles and studies within human resource management. Furnishing the audience with facts and evidence will enhance the accuracy and reliability of my message, all aspects that make the arguments contained therein very compelling. In addition, using appropriate humor and jokes at opportune moments during the presentation will not only break the monotony of the presentation but also make the presentation quite memorable. ii. Is the message clear and concise? Ensuring that my message is well-defined and actionable is very important. This is because I would like to see the changes I will propose during the presentation implemented as soon as possible. Ensuring that the message being delivered is clear and concise guarantees the attainment of this goal. iii. Is the message aligned with your audience’s goals and needs? My organization values its stakeholders and the input they have in its performance and success. As such, one of its core goals revolves around providing value to its shareholding and non-shareholding stakeholders. To attain this goal, it needs to come up with a reward system that gets the best out of its employees by motivating them to be engaged with their work and duties. Once employees are motivated and engaged, their productivity level will improve, translating to improved individual and organizational performance and success. Retaining talented and productive employees is also critical to attaining the company’s goal. Presenting the audience with a viable option, internal promotion, motivating its workforce, and retaining its pool of talented employees aligns with the audience and company’s goals and needs. 5. Supporting Points: a. What three or four points, reasons, or justifications support your message? As an HRM concept, internal promotion denotes the promotion of employees as long as they qualify for the vacant position instead of bringing on board persons from the external job market. Doing this ensures that whenever a vacancy arises in the organization, employees in the current workforce submit their names for consideration as candidates suitable for holding that particular position. The company will accrue numerous benefits by adopting internal promotion as part of its HRM practices. The approach benefits the organization via its time-saving effect and cost-friendliness. Replacing a qualified person, especially one who has discharged that role for a significant period, is no easy task. The typical approach of hiring employees from outside the company requires extensive planning and advertising to help the organization cast its net as wide as possible to get the most qualified and talented candidates to hire. This process is relatively time-consuming, considering it takes a lot of time for the organization to vet the candidates and select the most suitable applicants. Furthermore, doing this forces the company to allocate extensive resources to the individuals tasked with receiving applications, verifying that the candidates meet the set criteria, and interviewing them. In contrast, internal promotion helps the entity save time because it understands the employees well. It does not have to conduct extensive background checks because it already undertook such processes at first instance. Therefore, the internal promotion shall save the organization time and money. Internal promotion also reduces the risks associated with hiring processes. External hiring increases the likelihood that the chosen candidate may not be the best fit for the job or be misaligned with the organization’s values. Internal promotion allows the organization to pick an individual from a pool of candidates whose work ethic and personal values align with those embraced by its workforce. This aspect is more crucial in a high-ranking managerial position where a mismatch could lower productivity. Internal promotion also motivates employees by providing them with a clear path for career progression. Consequently, employees are more productive and take a keener interest in learning different facets of organizational operations. i. What research or sources will you use to obtain facts and data about your message? The existing studies, publications, and articles, published by researchers and HRM scholars, and experts will provide the guiding framework for the arguments I will make during the presentation. Doing this gives me a chance to present accurate and reliable data pertaining to the efficacy of internal promotions and propose an evidence-based approach to implement the proposed changes. Some of these sources are; I. Bidwell, M. (2011). Paying more to get less: The effects of external hiring versus internal mobility. Administrative Science Quarterly, 56(3), 369-407. II. Stahl, G., Björkman, I., Farndale, E., et al. (2012). Six principles of effective global talent management. Sloan Management Review, 53(2), 25-42. III. DeVaro, J., & Morita, H. (2013). Internal promotion and external recruitment: A theoretical and empirical analysis. Journal of Labor Economics, 31(2), 227-269. IV. Kossivi, B., Xu, M., & Kalgora, B. (2016). Study on determining factors of employee retention. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 4(05), 261. V. Aarabi, M. S., Subramaniam, I. D., & Akeel, A. B. A. A. B. (2013). Relationship between motivational factors and job performance of employees in Malaysian service industry. Asian Social Science, 9(9), 301. 6. Channel Selection: a. What communication style will you employ (tell/sell or consult/join) and why? To ensure that my message is heard and adhered to, I will have to inform the audience of my proposed changes and persuade them that implementing the changes will benefit the company and its employees. b. What channels will you use to deliver your message, and why will they be the most effective? My preferred communication channels will be both verbal and non-verbal. Using these channels ensures that my audience can comprehend the full spectrum of the message I intend to pass across. c. What purpose is served by each style and channel you have selected? Ensuring my audience is fully informed of the proposed changes and persuaded to implement them is critical. Getting such an outcome will require me to use facts and empirical evidence to convince them to hear me out and adhere to the recommendations I will make. Furthermore, verbal communication guarantees that my message will be clear and concise, and as such, leave little room for misinterpretation. Non-verbal communication will act as the mechanism to show the audience my emotional connection to the presentation, specifically how passionate and invested I am in the message I will share with them. 7. Action Request: a. What is your action request? The audience members have to come to the presentation on the value of embracing the concept of internal promotion within the company with an open mind to ensure they can understand and internalize the message I will be communicating to them. b. Is the action request you are making to your audience clear, concise, and easily actionable? My action request is clear, concise, and easily actionable since it is well-defined, specific, attainable, and realistic. Members of the audience know precisely what attitude they should have when coming to my presentation and how such an attitude will benefit them. Classmates Discussion Post Good morning Professor Mitchell and class, What ethical, logical, and emotional arguments will you use for your topic’s problems, solution, and call to action? Why? Ethical argument. Some people of the black race feel that the white race is hired for a new candidate before they are considered. Logical argument. The argument All races are human is a valid deductive argument and it is true. Emotional argument. Can a candidate who is turned down due to discrimination emotionally suffering is an experience that is caused by the effect of a memory of a particular event, condition, or occurrence. Emotional distress can cause symptoms of the loss of the ability to perform tasks, anxiety, stress, or physical illness. An effective writer or persuader creates the proper balance between ethical, logical, and emotional to create the perfect message. Solutions. Study legal requirements and legal obligations for combating discrimination to create an inclusive work environment. To avoid discrimination in the hiring aspect of employment, the business can write an important detailed job description that will outline the duties, responsibilities, and specific requirements for the position. It can help to guide the employer to conduct fair assessments of their candidates. The employer should be certain that the job description includes a gender-neutral job title, such as a sales associate instead of salesman.” A business needs to also use a statement such as We are an equal opportunity employer. Call to Action (CTA). CTA would prompt a quick response in writing about discrimination in a business. What tools of persuasion and advocacy will you deploy and how? I would use the tools of Aristotle’s ethos, logos, and pathos as my tool of persuasion. Ethos means establishing the authority to speak on a matter. Logos is a logical argument about a point. Pathos is an emotional attempt to sway an audience. I would use ethos at the beginning of my message to build credibility so that readers or listeners can resonate with me. I will use logos in my arguments to build my opinion and sentimentality to attract people, this will be my goal. Advocacy argues a cause, recommends, supports pleads on behalf of others, or defends. Advocacy can mean speaking on the behalf of a person, place, or thing. An example of advocacy is the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) helps people who have been discriminated against unfairly on the job because of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin. EEOC also helps against discrimination on sexual orientation, pregnancy, gender identity, age, or disability. How will you “build trust and credibility, support your message with writing techniques, and find and develop your own story?” Why? To build trust and credibility when you write, a person must provide evidence about what they are writing about, by backing up their story. It is important to use an active voice, share personal stories and use solid writing skills, such as research, outlining, editing, reading comprehension, and time management. It is also important that grammar, spelling, and punctuation is checked and checked again, concise language, organization, and structure. Purchase answer to see full attachment Explanation & Answer: 1 Initial Post 1 Peer Response Tags: Business continuity persuasive technique Empirical evidence emotional arguments communication and developing User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.





COM 510 Strayer University Wk 6 internal promotion Discussion
Jun 23, 2023 | Communication | 0 comments
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- no workable ""affirmative action"" for Discourses: you can't 19 Ill' let into the game after missing the apprenticeship and be expected to have a fnir shot at playing it. Social groups will not
- not writing)
- Nsg416
- Nsg451
- NSG6102
- Nurs 6051
- Nursing
- offering learners the flexibility to acquire new skills and knowledge from the comfort of their homes. However
- Operation Security
- or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people? In this assignment
- Organizational Behavior Principles
- Other
- Park University
- Partnership And Corporate Taxation
- paying attention to grammar and spelling. Actively participate in discussions
- Persuasion And Social Movements
- Phil 112
- Philosophy
- Philosophy 127B
- Physics
- Physics – Astronomy
- Physics – Electromagnetism
- Physics – Geophysics
- Physics – Mechanics
- Physics – Optics
- Pm598
- Political Science
- PowerPoint slides
- Principles Of Business Management
- Programming
- Project Management
- provide a discussion on what could have been done better to minimize the risk of failure. If you have not yet been involved with a business process redesign
- Psy3380
- Psy570
- Psych620
- Psych635 Psychology Of Learning
- Psychology
- Purdue Global University
- Purdue University
- Q1: Discuss how globalization has changed jobs in an organization where you have worked. What are some HR responses to those changes? Q2: How would you describe the schools of ethical thought?
- Read The CEO of Starbucks and the Practice of Ethical Leadership and complete the questions at the end of the case study.
- Reading
- readings
- Regent University
- Religion
- Research, identify, and briefly describe the evolution of information systems infrastructure. Need minimum 300 words or more with minimum 2 references in APA format
- Rsch8460
- RWS280
- safety statutes
- Saudi Electronic University
- Savannah State University
- Science
- self-actualization
- several things can happen
- so that it is not biased?
- so too
- Soc121
- Soc201
- Social Science
- Social Science – Philosophy
- Social Science – Sociology
- Social Sciences
- Sociology
- someone cannot engage in a Discourse in a less than fully fluent manner. You are either in it or you're not. Discourses are connected with displays of
- South University
- South University Online
- Southeastern University
- Southern New Hampshire University
- Southwestern College
- Sp001
- St. Petersburg College
- State Center Community College District
- Statistics
- succeeding in online courses requires a different approach compared to traditional classroom settings. To help you make the most of your online learning experience
- such as notifications from social media or email. Organize your study materials and have a reliable internet connection to ensure seamless access to course materials.
- System Engineering
- Tarrant Country College
- Texas Am University
- that personal ethics and organizations ethics are two different and unrelated concepts. Others
- the attribute is useful
- The budget is arguably the most important policy decision elected officials make. Why?
- The directions are attached. However you must read the PDF file first in order to answer the questions.
- the project requires 6 inches of pavement thickness if the unit weight of the product is equal to 145 lbs per cubic foot. Using this information
- the psychiatrist stated that Charles was not suicidal and diagnoses him with antisocial personality disorder.(Learning Objectives: 1
- the role of work and money
- Theology
- think about a team you currently work with or have worked with in the past and how well this team has functioned. Think about both the positives and the negatives
- Thomas Nelson Community College
- Tim8330
- to be true of second language acquisition or socially situ ated cognition (Beebe
- to better promote the value and dignity of individuals or groups and to serve others in ways that promote human flourishing.
- to usc a Discourse. The most you can do is III It'! them practice being a linguist with you.
- Touro College Of Los Angeles
- Trident University International
- Troy University
- Uncategorized
- University Of California Santa Cruz
- University Of Cumberlands
- University Of Maryland University College
- University Of Nevada – Las Vegas
- University Of South Carolina
- University Of South Florida
- University Of The Cumberlands
- University Of Virginia
- University Of West Florida
- Unlv
- Walden University
- we can always ask about how much ten- 12 """""" or conflict is present between any two of a person's Discourses (Rosaldo
- West Valley College
- West Virginia University
- Western New England University
- What does Kolbert mean when she writes, "It seemed to me, as a journalist, that the magazine had buried the lede? According to Kolbert, what should the lede be?
- whether good or bad. The intent of the short research projects is to dig a little deeper into some of the topics
- which triggers the vulnerability. As soon as the user downloads this shortcut file on Windows 10; windows explorer will
- Why do you want to become a Physical Therapist Assistant? Why should you be accepted into the PTA program?
- working together
- Write a 150 response that focus on the the role of the observer in making images of the universe.
- Write a 500 to 750 word essay using narration as the chief method of development.
- Write a paper based on a movie that is discussing a psychological disorder
- Write an essay on artificial intelligence in eCommerce and business. Min of 3000 words No plagiarism
- Write an essay on derivatives trading
- Writing
- Ych635 Psychology Of Learning
- you believe you can provide the CIO with the information he needs.
- you will learn how to search for scholarly
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