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Temple Lack of Communication BW CCS And Internet Development Departments Case

Temple Lack of Communication BW CCS And Internet Development Departments Case

You will examine the challenges faced by Trent McGuire, a manager in communication & customer services at a large mutual fund company, whose department is not communicating with the Internet Development department which created serious customer service issues. The failure of the two departments to communicate has led to numerous issues: the company has become reactive to customer response rather than proactive, and customer satisfaction has gone down. The conflict between them* has caused morale to dip at the company to the point where coworkers in other departments mock the situation. In order to bring about organizational change, the dysfunctional interdepartmental communication at this mutual fund company should be addressed. 1 Case Study Analysis Eassy Identification of Key Stakeholders The lack of communication events defined in this case study is significantly impactful to the organization and its stakeholders in the organization. Notably, the organizational key stakeholders represent the categories of individuals and departments that have a stake in the regular running of the business. For instance, in this case, the affected stakeholders include the internet development department, the communication/customer service (CCS) department, the customers, employees of the organization, and the top management. Internet development is a primarily affected category of stakeholders because the occurring events result from the lack of communication from the CCS department where the internet development team cannot point out the organization’s immediate requirements. From the case, the CCS department is not communicating with the internet development department, showing a critical boundary the latter faces in the organization. The second stakeholder effect by these events is the communication/customer service department, being the center of the communication effects in the organization. Because of the no communication with the internet development department, the CCS department had lost touch with the customers; it became more reactive instead of proactive on the customer responses. On the third tier of the stakeholders stands the customers as the initial players of the organizational success. However, the lack of communication arising from the two departments has really rendered it unbearable for the customers. Due to the events, customer satisfaction has decreased, and they frequently get reactive replies on their responses. Besides, the fourth player or stakeholders affected by the events are the employees of the organization because a challenge in one department spreads to the other departments, as the organization plays a role of an intertwined system. The employees’ morale has dipped in the 2 organization to the extent coworkers in other departments mock the ongoing events. Notably, with all these events, the top management is primarily affected by the ongoing events, being obliged to resolve the blockers that arise from the two departments. The role of the top management as the business leaders in ensuring customer satisfaction, the collaboration of the departments, and interdepartmental support is subordinated by these events as they cause customer dissatisfaction, decrease employee morale, and lack interdepartmental communication. Statement of the Problem The main player in these events that encompass the organization is the CCS manager Trent McGuire. McGuire, as the CCS manager, has a primary problem for aligning the organizational departments to communicate effectively for the customers’ sake and the interoperability of the departments. One of the major problems facing McGuire is the lack of customer management and positivity due to the department’s reactive responses. McGuire is also encompassed with the problems of low staff morale and the interpersonal conflicts arising from the other departments. The CCS manager is also facing low customer satisfaction with his department and the organization’s services due to the failed civility in the department. Espinoza (2019) confirms that employees should comprehend the needs and the wants of the customers through a proactive way of keeping them satisfied. However, the challenge for McGuire is the lack of cultivating a positive attitude in interdepartmental relations. The link of the symptoms and root cause of the problems arising from the events in the CCS and the internet development are discussed in this paper. The problem of the customer dissatisfaction with the CCS and the organizational services may link ineffective use of technology and the internet services, lack of a proper understanding of the customer base, and inconsistent customer experience. Additionally, lack of effective communication, 3 changes in the priorities and expectations, and lack of departmental interdependence are the key causes of declined employees’ morale and lack of interoperability in the organization. However, problems such as low customer satisfaction, employees’ morale, and lack of customer management and positivity are long-term problems requiring a strategic implementation of solutions. Besides, the lack of departmental interoperability can be resolved within a short period to steer the organization towards its primary goals. Therefore, McGuire is encompassed with a decision to establish a communication plan and customer service policies to ensure a salient interdepartmental interdependence, support, and growth. Cause of the Problem This section of the analysis presents a link between the causes of the problem and the theories of organization and communication. Primarily, one of the critical causes of the problem arising in the organization is the departmental independence and disconnection of the teams. Based on the case study facts, the internet development team and communication/customer service department had been existing as two different and autonomous players in the organization, showing the reason why the CCS department ignored the role of the internet development team in ensuring smooth of the firm. These assertions relate to the system theories of communication, where organizational departments and employees or players should exist as interdependent systems operating as a whole. Zaremba (2021) confirms that the system theories of organization and communication represent a paradigm that ascertains interconnectedness and interdependence in human communication is an imperative component of communication. He ascertains that a firm should operate as a whole rather than as parts in terms of departmental autonomy. This model applies to the case because the primary cause of the communication problems was the sole existence of departments and lack of dependence on each other. 4 Additionally, poor relationship between the employees, environment, and institution was a primary cause of the problem. Instead of the employees from other departments seeking to resolve the conflict between the CCS department and internet development, they mocked them. This observation is a clear indicator of the non-existence of the interpersonal support systems, where departments and employees see each other as a competitor rather than a partner in problem solving. This assertion matches the observations by Zaremba on the cultural theory of organizations and communication; he ascertains that perfect communication is about the existence of a model where employees, institutions, and organizational environment build a strong positive relationship on everyday organizational activities (Zaremba, 2021). In other words, the organization’s department should exist as a whole and interdependent support systems rather than operate as separate entities for the business operations. The firm lacks a concrete problem-solving model and negotiation schemes. Notably, when a crisis arises in an organization, it is imperative for the firm to develop strategic negotiations and frameworks for resolving the conflicts. Instead, from the case study, none of the teams seeks to resolve the challenge; instead, it is left out to expand up to the customer level. Based on the claims of the critical theory of organization and communication, open negotiations and establishing social relations between the warring or miscommunicating players are essential to promote respect and enhance communication (Zaremba, 2021). This theory applies to the case study to establish a collaboration framework among the department. The criteria for evaluating the time for implementation include the assessment of the need for change and establishing a perfect plan with the timeframe. Besides the criteria for evaluating communication strategies, including the valuation of the amount of data transmitted from one department to the other. Besides, an assessment on the acceptability to the management can be executed by evaluating the level of departmental interoperability and 5 the interdependence between the leaders from the warring departments (CCS department and the IT development department). Suggestions for Solutions Interdepartmental Team-Building Activities One of the significant solutions for problems experienced in the warring departments should be resolved through organizing interdepartmental team-building activities. Notably, McGuire can hire a team-building specialist to organize interdepartmental activities from which employees of the organization from all sections can interact freely and pursue common objectives. Li (2018) confirms that team building entails an establishment of crossdepartmental training to ensure that departments cooperate or collaborate in the larger projects. This selection matches the assertions in the critical theory for organization and communication that open negotiation reinforces power (Zaremba, 2021). As a result, team building promotes salient negotiations between the departments and collaborative decisionmaking. Besides, Zaremba (2021) confirms that the cultural theory holds that the development of positive relationships is salient in the organization for effective communication. Besides, team building operations would be a perfect approach for promoting interconnection between the teams and enhance relations between the departments. However, the challenge for this suggestion relates to poor change management, poor perceptions, and limited trust for cohesion and conflict resolution. Nevertheless, this selection’s plan of action includes the initiation of the interdepartmental operations, including standard training from where they have to interact to unite and attain a cohesive team. This model matches the assertions by Zaremba (2021) on system theories that interconnectedness in the teams is a salient approach. Implementation of a Positive Engagement Model 6 A manager or an organizational leader should establish a system of effective content sharing by centralizing communication frameworks. Buc??a and Rizescu (2017) confirm that a positive engagement model would entail a plan for promoting innovation, achievement, mastery, wellbeing, connection, and appreciation. A positive engagement model is essential as it promotes collaboration, enhances feedback and confidence, and centralizes the source and destination of the information. Through this, it is possible to implement the assertions of the system theory about interconnecting teams. Recommended Solution The establishment of the interdepartmental team-building activities for collaborative frameworks and operations is the selected solution for McGuire. Based on the aforementioned criteria, the team-building training should be initiated every weekend for the departments. The organizational employees should complete a standard interdepartmental training every two weeks. Additionally, the team should attain maximum registration from the departmental members participating in the short-term interdepartmental training, and the projects must be acceptable to the top management by initiating manager’s participation in the program. However, the contingency plan over team-building operations includes the establishment of interdepartmental rotation where employees learn all organizational activities from which they end into integrated collaboration. Some of the problems to expect in a team-building exercise is low trust levels, limited engagement and openness, and poor change management as it takes time for people to incorporate a changing culture. Concerns on People Making Fun and Top Management Involvement It matters if the grapevine are making fun of the warring departments because it erodes trust among the employees and morale. If it is left to grow, it can lead to high wastage in terms of time and lost productivity. Therefore, identifying gossip and curbing them through disciplinary plans of the organization would lower anxiety, foster transparency, and 7 accountability. Besides, it is important to engage the top management to help make decisions on the required strategic changes, for resource mobilization useful in team-building activities and align the new changes with the organizational vision and mission. 8 References Buc??a, G., & Rizescu, A. M. (2017). The role of communication in enhancing work effectiveness of an organization. Land Forces Academy Review, 22(1), 4957. Espinoza, L. (2019). Organizational communication problems (Doctoral dissertation, California State University, Northridge). Li, C. (2018). Building Effective Cross-Departmental Communication in Organizations. Powerful Relationships in Leadership: A Collection of Modern Leadership Insights, 91. Zaremba, A. J. (2021). Organizational communication: Foundations for collaboration (4th ed.). Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. REFLECTION: You have written a good first draft of this assignment. You have identified some of the problems this company faces, and made some convincing arguments about what needs to be done to resolve this problem. PRAISE: Development: You have done a good job, here, of identifying and analyzing the communication problems faced by this company and Trent Mcguire in particular. You go on, then, to connect these problems to theories described in the textbook and other course readings. The solution you suggest is intelligent and sensible, and developed in some detail as you describe the various steps that should be taken. Paragraph Development: Paragraph 10 is a particularly well-developed paragraph. Let’s take a look: One of the significant solutions for problems experienced in the warring departments should be resolved through organizing interdepartmental teambuilding activities [This clearly-stated topic sentence introduces the paragraph’s main point.] Notably, McGuire can hire a team-building specialist to organize interdepartmental activities from which employees of the organization from all sections can interact freely and pursue common objectives. [This sentence develops and clarifies your paragraph’s argument.] Li (2018) confirms that team building entails an establishment of cross-departmental training to ensure that departments cooperate or collaborate in the larger projects. This selection matches the assertions in the critical theory for organization and communication that open negotiation reinforces power (Zaremba, 2021). [This evidence from your course readings helps develop and support your main point.] As a result, team building promotes salient negotiations between the departments and collaborative decision-making. [Your analysis helps to incorporate this evidence into your paragraph.] Besides, Zaremba (2021) confirms that the cultural theory holds that the development of positive relationships is salient in the organization for effective communication. [Another argument from your textbook helps develop your point.] Besides, team building operations would be a perfect approach for promoting interconnection between the teams and enhance relations between the departments. [This observation effectively concludes the paragraph.] Having each point you make within each paragraph build on what comes before is an excellent way to make your arguments easy for your reader to follow. RECOMMENDATIONS & STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVEMENT: Focus/Thesis: Now that you have sketched out your initial ideas, your next step should be to write your thesis statement as clearly and as you can. Effective analysis involves carefully examining a subject and dissecting its various parts, and naming and describing each part. Try to break your description of both the problems and solutions here into a series of distinct and clearly defined claims. I recommend you make use of the suggested thesis model in the assignment instructions: Trent McGuire’s communications department has failed to clearly communicate with the internet services department because ______________________________________; (list as many causes as you discover) therefore, he should____________________________________ (list as many recommendations as you are offering in your final section) in order to establish effective communication, restore morale within the division, and raise customer satisfaction. In the subsequent sections, then, methodically develop, explain and support the claims you make in your thesis statement about this case. Here is a strategy that is always useful to bear in mind: FOLLOW THE LEADER Follow your thesis statement. Make sure every topic sentence of each body paragraph uses the language of your thesis statement or DIRECTLY supports an idea in your thesis. Writing a clear and precise thesis statement should make it easier for you to directly support these claims with your supporting arguments. Structure (Rhetorical Organization): As you revise, pay close attention to the assignment sheet’s instructions for what should be included in each section—and make sure to include all of the sections listed. This draft does not include an Executive Summary, and not all of the information you have in each section is in the right section. Your final section in this draft makes some interesting points, but that information should be incorporated into an earlier section of your paper (for example, Section II or Section III). Your thesis should be placed at the end of your Executive Summary. In your Executive Summary, make sure to describe ‘the critical events’ from the case, before you include your thesis statement. This will help your reader understand the claims you make in your thesis. It is always a good idea to consider your reader, when you are revising, and make sure that they have the information they need to understand each point that you make in your essays. Be clear and precise about who exactly should take what steps, about what lines from the case study you are referring to, about what criteria you are using and why, etc. Use more than one paragraph in each section, when appropriate. When you incorporate evidence or examples from assigned readings, or the case study itself, you should make sure that the quote you choose helps you support a point you are making about a problem you are identifying, or a solution you are proposing. This is a useful strategy to keep in mind when incorporating quotes: QUOTE INTEGRATION o Make a Point. o Introduce evidence by providing context: for example, give the expert’s background: their name, their position/job, their field, what they are known for, the title of the text you have taken your evidence from, and some information about why this quote is relevant to your argument. o Insert your evidence (expert opinion (quote), statistic, fact, example, paraphrase or summary). o Insert critical thinking about the evidence: analyze, synthesize and evaluate the evidence, and its relationship to your observation or argument. Note that the criteria you use in Sections V and VI should be the measures by which you evaluate your proposed suggestions, and you should apply them to each of your suggestions. For example, if cost is a criteria, a pro of one suggestion might be that it is cheap, while a con of another suggestion might be that it is very expensive. Notes on your CSR: Reflecting on our writing is an excellent way to direct our own learning. And engaging with the CSR process is also the best way you can help me help you with your writing. You should develop each of your answers in the CSR with examples from your own paper, writing a minimum of 1-2 full sentences. If you feel like each of your paragraphs contains one main point, for example, then give an example of a paragraph from your draft that makes one point. If you feel like you need more help with your paragraphs, go into some more detail about a specific problem you have encountered while writing. As you left most questions unanswered in your CSR this round, I cannot give you any credit for it. In our remaining rounds of the OWL, you will need to give considered responses to each of the questions in order to receive credit. There is more information on CSR forms in this video (that I also shared with you in my last letter): WRAP-UP: Clearly stating your thesis and being methodical about how you support it should help you build on these ideas to complete a strong draft. I am looking forward to reading it! Purchase answer to see full attachment Tags: Organizational Change contingency plan resource mobilization communication department Organizational communication problems User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.

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