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American Persuade My Audience to Donate to United Way Charitable ORG Speech Outline

American Persuade My Audience to Donate to United Way Charitable ORG Speech Outline

Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Template Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that … Title of the Speech Introduction I. Attention-getter: II. Establish listener relevance: III. Establish your credibility and good-will: IV. Preview your main points: (Transition) Body I. Main Point — Establish the need or problem. The main point sentence should be a complete, declarative sentence. a. Supporting Point: Present evidence to show there is a problem. b. Supporting Point: Present evidence to show there is a problem . (Transition) Main Point — Present a solution to the need or the problem. The main point sentence should be a complete, declarative sentence. a. Supporting Point: Describe in detail how your solution would fix the problem. b. Supporting Point: This point should be the most important part of your speech. c. Supporting Point: If needed. (Transition) II. Main Point — Help the audience visualize the impact of the solution. a. Supporting Point: Tell the benefits of the solution. b. Supporting Point: Paint a picture for the audience. (Transition) Conclusion I. Restate the main points: II. Restate your central idea: III. Call your audience to action: This can be either to change their thinking or to physically do something. IV. Endnote: Don’t fizzle out! Close with a bang! III. Course: COM 114 Fundamentals of Speech Communication Semester: Spring 2020 Assignment 3: Persuasive Speech Outline 15% Instructors: Drs. Arda Jebejian, Filomachi Spathopoulou, Belen Gaspar Garcia Rationale: The purpose of this assignment is to encourage students to prepare persuasive speeches with ethos, pathos, and logos. Each student should communicate with his/her audience to accomplish a specific goal and to ensure the audience accepts his/her point of view. Whether formal or personal, this type of speech intends to bring about a change in others. Sales pitches, legal proceedings and debates are all forms of persuasive speech. The aim is to change existing beliefs or call the audience to take action (buy goods, join a group, etc.). Tasks/ Instructions • Choose one of the topics below. • Write a persuasive speech outline, with complete sentences (about 200 words). • Follow the sample outline on your Moodle page. • Use at least two sources and prepare a reference page in APA style. • Submit the TYPED assignment in WORD FORMAT on Turnitin on the date of final submission announced on Moodle — July 21, 2020, 5pm. Choose one of these topics for your outline: 1. Volunteering for a charity organization. 2. Finding investors for a start-up. 3. Selling a product. Use the sample outline from Moodle to create an outline for your speech. You should put your outline on a new word document. 1|Page GRADING RUBRIC | ASSIGNMENT 3 | PERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE| 15% Criteria Structure: Follows the assignment requirements and template. Attention: Attention grabber is present, audience relevance is established, speaker credibility is explaine. Appeals are made to the audience’s positive and negative emotions. Need: Need for change is established, facts and support are appropriate. In-text citations are provided. Appeals are made to the audience’s positive and negative emotions. Solution: Solution is offered and explained, demonstrates how it meets the problem. Visualization: The future outcome is explained, the audience ‘experiences’ the solution. Action: A call to action is presented. Effective, doable, and practical steps are offered to the audience. Use of Language: has effective transitions and signposts, communicates meaning clearly, is proofread. APA is used correctly. TOTAL POINTS Unsatisfactory Poor Average Good Very Good 0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-17 18-20 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-17 18-20 0-2 3-5 6-7 8-12 13-15 0-2 3-5 6-7 8-12 13-15 0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 __________% NOTES 2|Page Course: COM 114 Fundamentals of Speech Communication Semester: Spring 2020 Assignment Title: Persuasive Speech Outline 15% Instructors: Drs. Alvaro Subero, Mohammad Al-Afnan, Nurcan Kose, Arda Jebejian, Filomachi Spathopoulou, Hanane Benali, Slaheddine Mnasri Rationale The purpose of this assignment is to encourage students to prepare persuasive speeches with ethos, pathos, and logos. Each student should communicate with his/her audience to accomplish a specific goal and to ensure the audience accepts his/her point of view. Whether formal or personal, this type of speech intends to bring about a change in others. Sales pitches, legal proceedings and debates are all forms of persuasive speech. The aim is to change existing beliefs or call the audience to take action (buy goods, join a group, etc.). Tasks/ Instructions • Write a persuasive speech outline, with complete sentences. • Follow the sample outline on your Moodle page for March 22-26. • It is the student’s responsibility to submit the TYPED assignment in WORD FORMAT on the date of final submission announced on Moodle — May 19, 2020, 5pm. Your topic is: Giving is good. Title of the speech Giving is good. General goal of the To persuade Speech Specific goal of the I dream to stimulate people to give and assist in the simple form those in speech need. 1|Page 1. Attention: attention getter, listener relevance, speaker credibility, thesis statement (Answer in complete sentences.) Step one – Attention Have you imagined the size of change you are making upon giving others even a simple help or instructions? Credibility statement I have searched and read a lot of The biography and quotations of Warren Buffet who made the biggest ever donation to discover ‘Were we to use more than 1% of my claim checks on ourselves, neither our happiness nor our well-being would be enhanced.” Transition – the link from step 1 to step 2 Could you imagine how much good you are doing for yourself and other when you give? 2. Need: A. Millions of children in developed and poor countries around the globe are reported to be underweight and starved. 1- 448 million children are underweight. 2- The highest levels of underweight children is reported to be in South Asia. 3- 41% of children in sub-Saharan Africa is reported to be stunted due to lack of basic nutrition. 2|Page B. Millions of people have to drink contaminated water. 1- in 2019, 785 million people have to walk 5 kilometres to get clean water. 2- A new-born dies every minute due to infection resulting from safe water lack or unclean environment. 3- Up to 443 million school around the world are lost every year because of water-related illnesses. C. Around 10% of the world’s population live with a disability. 1- 80% of the disabled people live in developing countries. 2- 20% of the world’s poorest people is estimated by The World Bank to own some kind of disability. 3-Statistics show there is a significant link between disability and poverty. 3. Solution: Transition – the link between step 2 and step 3 Although the numbers appear to be chocking, we can all represent a hand to be given to these people. A1. 2. 3. B123C- Allocating money to water development projects for the badly affected areas. ‘ prevention is better than cure’ so donate to dig wells or fix water systems. Every 1$ invested in toilets and water would result in a 4$ increase in productivity. If everyone, everywhere had access to healthy water, the rates of diarrhoeal deaths would be decreased. Open small projects for poor families. Giving the poor cash money would change their life for a short time. Participating in opening small projects that would ensure a continuous income Projects include fishing villages, fish farms, and animal husbandry farms. Donate to education campaigns. • 1- Education projects would result in outstanding outcomes on the poor. • 2- In case all students in developed owned just basic reading skills they could escape extreme poverty • 3- Education has a direct link to reducing income inequality, reducing infant and maternal deaths. • 3|Page 4- Visualization: Transition – the link between step 3 and step 4 Imagine what your small donation can do to a family in a dire need A. Think about the positive impact of digging a small well in a remote village. 1- children would save their time wasted to go to school. 2- A growing decrease to the ratio of people die due to water pollution. • 3- Preventing starvation and similar related consequences. B. Giving isn’t a reward for others but for your personality. • 1- All religions emphasis on the importance of giving. • 2- Giving means following the basic human instinct. • 3- Giving and helping others bring great joy. 5- Action: Transition – the link from step 4 to step 5 Let’s do more than imagining Why don’t we begin to give even half dinar as donation. A. (Summary) It is clear that Poverty-stricken families and people might pursue without suitable housing, clean water, healthy food, and medical attention B. (Call to Immediate Action) ‘Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.’ C. (Memorable Close) Generosity is something that simply generates positive self-esteem and self-worth. References 4|Page 1Chen, J (Nov 8, 2019), Poverty Retrieved, (JULY 16, 2018) 6 Health from 2- Rudd, A.( April 28, 2016 7.33pm), Why give to charity? A Romantic view of helping the needy. Retrieved from 3- Ivie, B. (19 Nov 2019), Why Giving is Good for Your Health. Retrieved from 4- Benefits of Giving and Volunteering Retrieved from 5|Page GRADING RUBRIC FOR OUTLINE (10%) NAME: _________________ Criteria Structure: Follows assignment requirements. the Logos: Information is accurate, relevant, and researched. References are provided. Ethos: Credibility is established. Pathos: Appeals are made to the audience’s positive and negative emotions. Attention: Attention grabber is present, audience relevance is established, speaker credibility is explaine. Need: Need for change is established, facts and support are appropriate. Solution: Solution is offered and explained, demonstrates how it meets the problem. Visualization: The future outcome is explained, the audience ‘experiences’ the solution. Action: A call to action is presented. Effective, doable, and practical steps are offered to the audience. Use of Language: has effective transitions and signposts, communicates meaning clearly, is proofread. TOTAL POINTS | SECTION: ______ | TOPIC: ______________________________ Very Unsatisfactory Poor Satisfactory Average Good Good 0 2 5 7 8 10 0 2 5 7 8 10 0 2 5 7 8 10 0 2 5 7 8 10 0 2 5 7 8 10 0 2 5 7 8 10 0 2 5 7 8 10 0 2 5 7 8 10 0 2 5 7 8 10 0 2 5 7 8 10 __________% NOTES 6|Page ATTENTION STATISTICS ABOUT SLEEP NEED 1. MOOD 2. HEALTH 3. EFFECTIVENESS SATISFACTION NEW MATTRESS VISUALIZATION PICTURE IT ACTION MAKE CALL TO ACTION Scenario 3 selling . You are a door-to-door salesperson. You visit houses to show people samples of your product and persuade them to buy . You need to tell your audience (people you visit) what makes your product unique, why they need it, how it will improve their lives etc. ATTENTION STORY ABOUT VILLAGE NEED 1. LITTLE FOOD 2. FEW JOBS 3. NO HOPE SATISFACTION GOAT DONATION VISUALIZATION PICTURE IT ACTION DONATE Purchase answer to see full attachment Tags: Jewish Christian and Islamic texts User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.

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