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LAPC Popular Media Discussion

LAPC Popular Media Discussion

Provide an example of a film, tv show, or music video (produced after 2018) that reinforces OR challenges dominant ideologies of race, gender, or sexuality. In other words, does it challenge or reinforce stereotypes? Focus on a specific scene, a character, or a relationship to support your point. Provide a link to the trailer to the film/tv show or music video. (Please do not write about “This Is America”) (At least 150 words) For example: I would focus on Cardi B’s Bodak Yellow music video and how it includes scenes that reinforce themes of Orientalism. Identify and explain the three steps to resisting (and re-creating) media and popular culture. What is something that you can do or already do to be a more critical consumer of popular culture? (at least 100 words) PreviousNext MEDIA & POPULAR CULTURE DEFINING MEDIA Media: The modes, means or channels through which messages are communicated. (plural) Medium (singular) Mass media ? Ex. Television POPULAR CULTURE ? Popular culture: ? Systems and artifacts that the general populous or broad masses within a society share or about which most people have some understanding. ? Folk culture: ? Cultural practices that are enacted for the sole purpose of people within a particular place. Generates profit. Produces social norms. POPULAR CULTURE Creates social identities or sense of who we are. Maintains social boundaries. Produces a sense of belonging and membership. Enables social change and resistance. Adorno & Horkheimer Hall’s different readings AGENDA ADORNO & HORKHEIMER Marxist critique of popular culture Culture Industry – Industries that mass produce standardized cultural goods for profit ? Normalize dominant ideologies ? Dominant messages easily accepted and typically not challenged ? Easily manipulate the masses into docile and passive consumers ? v=2zfqw8nhUwA ? v=G2GfKUi9ghM BECKER — FIJI WOMEN BODY IMAGE Site of Study — Fiji Introduced to television in 1995 View on body: ‘…a variety of traditional cultural norms and social mechanisms strongly support robust appetites and body shapes in the ethnic Fijian population’ (Becker 538). Ranadi Johnston (1998) – who holds the Miss Fiji beauty queen title, said slim women were traditionally seen as weak. Exposure to Western television for 3 years In 1998 – 38 months after the station went on air – Ms Becker conducted a survey of teenage girls and found that 74% of them felt they were “too big or fat” Does everyone ‘read’ pop culture the same? Stuart Hall (1980) CONSUMING POP CULTURE ? Encoding — how the message is created ? Decoding — how we take in the message 3 ways of ‘reading’ (or interpreting) popular culture texts. ? Dominant ? Negotiated ? Oppositional Dominant or hegemonic reading CONSUMING POP CULTURE ? ? ? Preferred reading Reader/viewer decodes the message in the way intended by the encoder Consistent with the dominant beliefs, norms, and ideologies Negotiated Reading CONSUMING POP CULTURE ? The viewer/reader generally shares the preferred meaning of the texts ? They also resist and modify the encoded meaning ? They negotiate the meaning based on their positionality, interests, and experiences CONSUMING POP CULTURE Oppositional Reading ? The reader brings an alternative interpretation of the text ? Resist the dominant reading of the text ? Shaped by the social position of the reader READING SPIDER-MAN Dominant Reading: ? The world is divided into good and evil ? An ordinary boy can become a superhero. ? He can protect the helpless and save the world ? The good will ultimately defeat the evil READING SPIDER-MAN Negotiated Reading: ? The world is divided into good and evil, but… ? Disagrees with the portrayal of the female character as powerless and in need of rescue ? Questions the characters’ racial and gender stereotypes ? Questions the emphasis on individualism and freedom of choice Oppositional Reading: READING SPIDER-MAN ? Spider-Man is a critique of capitalist greed and corruption ? The movie equates the social problems as personal evil ? The movie treats social injustice as solvable by a good deed of an exceptional individual EXAMPLE – MULAN Dominant reading of the movie Mulan is interpreted as a girl at odds with gender roles in her Chinese culture. EXAMPLE – MULAN A negotiated interpretation of the movie Mulan could be made by someone of the Chinese heritage; they could view the movie as inaccurately representing Mulan’s dress, and ancestor structure. EXAMPLE – MULAN An oppositional reading of the movie Mulan could be made by saying that Shang could be bisexual. ney-mulan-queerness/ PRACTICE Is the following reaction an example of a dominant, negotiated, or oppositional reading? PRACTICE ‘IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES’ Imagine The Possibilities vnsqbnAkk Dominant Reading: girls can be whatever they want to be Negotiated Reading: A woman of color may read that some girls can be whatever they want to be, but not all girls have the same opportunities. Oppositional Reading: this is just another example of neoliberal marketing where companies try sell the idea that they are progressive. This doesn’t reveal the real inequities among women in the workforce and ignores all the years Barbie spent reinforcing gender roles and unrealistic body ideals. Stereotypical, misrepresentation, and underrepresentation of non-dominant groups REPRESENTATION IN THE MEDIA ? Indigenous — Mystic, Magic Medicine, ? African Americans — Angry Black Woman, The Mammy, Gang Members, Absent Fathers ? Asian & Asian American — Nerdy Asian, asexual Asian man, Dragon Lady ? Latinx — The Housekeeper/Maid, the gardener, the ‘spicy’ Latina, the Latin Lover ? Arab & Middle Eastern — Arabs in The Desert, Terrorists, Barbaric, Belly Dancers EXAMPLE — THE MAMMY Link to article: 20190530-rom-mammy-to-mahollywoods-favourite-raciststereotype EXAMPLE — SPICY LATINA Link to video: EXAMPLE — THE CHINA DOLL Link to video— uqa1qj6MrA EXAMPLE — OPPRESSED ARAB WOMEN Link to video POP CULTURE & RESISTANCE 1. Increased awareness 2. Informed action 3. Creative production 1. INCREASED AWARENESS Media literacy: The ability to critically evaluate and analyze media Consider: who controls the media, who is represented, who is not represented, whose voices are being ignored, what are different ways to ‘read’ the text? 2. INFORMED ACTION Alternative or independent media ? Ex. Bitch Magazine, AngryAsianMan, WeAreMitu Refuse to consume products that dehumanize groups of people ? If sexist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic ? Ex. Don’t eat at Chick fil a because their support of anti-lgbt legislation ? ? Ex. Don’t shop at Walmart because of unfair labor practices ? Ex. Don’t shop Nike or Apple because of sweatshop labor ? Watch out! sometimes these alt media outlets get bought out or become criticized themselves ? 3. CREATIVE PRODUCTION Passive consumer to Informed producer Participatory Media : media created by average audience ? Not affiliated with mainstream or corporate media ? Provides commentary on current events and issues that produce alternative viewpoints to mainstream media ? Ex. Youtube videos, zines, blogs (Tumblr) EXAMPLE: ZINES Zines: ‘a self-publication, motivated by the desire for self-expression, not for profit.’ Feminist Zine Archive: https://digitalcommons.chapman.ed u/feminist_zines/58/ EXAMPLE — BLOGS EXAMPLE — RACISM WATCHDOG CREATIVE PRODUCTION — CULTURE JAMMING Culture Jamming : The act of altering or transforming mass media and popular culture forms into messages or commentary about itself IF DISNEY PRINCESSES HAD REAL LIFE REACTIONS A BLURRED LINES He says that he ‘didn’t get it first’ when the song first came out, referring to the idea that some of its lyrics (‘ou know you want it’) were—as he puts it—’rapey,’ because he figured that ‘women sing those kinds of lyrics all the time.’ Then he realized that ‘there are men who use that same language when taking advantage of a woman,’ so even if he personally doesn’t act like that, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t other men who do. Basically, it dawned on him that it doesn’t necessarily matter what he meant for the lyrics, ‘it just matters how it affects women.’ From there, he says his ‘mind opened up to what was actually being said in the song and how it could make someone feel’ and he started to notice that ‘we live in a chauvinist society.’ Purchase answer to see full attachment Explanation & Answer: 400 words Tags: POLICE BRUTALITY popular media racism Culture Today highprofile cases User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.

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