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Saudi Electronic University Organizational Change and Change Management Essay

Saudi Electronic University Organizational Change and Change Management Essay

In this module, you have examined the different types of change management frameworks. Now read, Rethinking organizational change: Towards a conceptual framework from the required reading list. This study proposes a conceptual framework incorporating the macro environment (industry-level changes) with organization-level changes to help practitioners build a more balanced approach to change management. With this approach, consider the macro environment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Discuss the six models of managing change and which you think would work best in the KSA business environment and why? Now consider an industry-level application based on a company in an industry that you are familiar with in the Kingdom. Provide an overview of the company and share information about the organization’s mission, vision, values, industry, etc. How could a macro-level approach to change management, as offered by the authors, benefit this company? Which of the six models would you use to support this macro/micro level analysis? Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements: Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines. Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions. References must not be less than 10 references. P.S. The book’s cover is attached. Write an introduction and conclusion. P.S. attached is a sample for answers.
Abdulaziz Alotaibi
Saudi Electronic University
College of Business Administration
Employee development in a particular organization is essential, as it enables employees
to improve greatly on their skills and competencies. Performance appraisals and evaluations are
things that many employees in organizations dread. On the other hand, other employees look
forward to them. Performance management systems that concentrate on multiple objectives may
fail (Pulakos, 2004). Essentially, it’s vital to note that performance management is not all about
pay raises or promotions, it’s vital for the survival of a particular organization. Performance
management has proved to be instrumental in a particular organization due to several reasons.
One of the ways is by helping in the creation of development and training strategies, providing
an opportunity where feedback within an organization is exchanged, and finally increasing the
rate of employee retention.
Many times, we concentrate on developing employees and forget that managers and
leaders need to be developed. Managers play an instrumental role in performance management
by acting as role models to employees. Additionally, they design policies instrumental in
ensuring that an organization runs effectively and efficiently. Managers have of ensuring that a
high-performance culture is developed within a particular organization. It’s vital to note that just
like their subordinates; managers in a particular organization should be measured against
particular set standards hence ensuring that an organization is on the right direction (Aguinis,
Overall Strengths
As a manager, I have various strengths which are instrumental in running an
organization. One of my major strengths is my problem-solving skills. Problem-solving skills
are instrumental because they enable a particular manager to find practical solutions to problems
that arise in a particular organization. Through problem-solving skills, one can analyze a
particular situation, therefore come up with the best approach to deal with a problem (Rabha,
2021). Additionally, new ideas play a crucial role in solving traditional problems. Through
problem-solving skills, I can come up with cohesive teams that are dedicated to the achievement
of the organization’s goals. As a manager, my other strength is flexibility.
It’s vital to note that as a manager, one should be able to adapt to the ever-changing
situations which sometimes are unexpected (Indeed, 2021). By being flexible, one can learn
quickly, therefore, continue being both effective and efficient. As a manager, one should be
ready to learn about new technologies because technology is instrumental in the survival of
organizations in modern times. The other strength is that I am Commitment to excellence, for
managers to move to leadership positions; they are dedicated to producing quality work. As a
manager, I understand the best way of evaluating my team by utilizing their strengths and
weaknesses to achieve the best outcome.
Overall Weaknesses
As a manager, I have several weaknesses that need to be worked on, one of my
weaknesses as a manager is Micromanagement. As a leadership style, micromanagers tend to
control their employees. Essentially, having close oversight over employees may have some
negative consequences for a particular organization. One of the major weaknesses is that it
inhibits freedom, growth, and innovation in a particular organization. It’s vital for a manager to
trust employees and their subordinates hence there is a need to avoid checking on the progress of
employees regularly.
Essentially, employees should be given the much-needed independence so that they can
develop themselves. My other weakness is Delegation, sometimes, I find it challenging to let go
of certain duties, and delegate them to particular employees. It’s vital to note that this skill is
crucial as it enables supervisors to concentrate more on the management process. Finally, my
other weakness is empathy; sometimes I tend to focus on my responsibilities and the success of
various departments within our organization hence overlooking the challenges employees are
going through. To solve this issue, I will encourage employees to talk about their issues; hence
finding possible solutions.
Accomplishments In Your Employment
As a manager, there are several achievements I have been able to make. One of them was
reducing employee turnover, the organization was recording a high turnover rate; however,
through my management, this was reduced. Psychological environments workers are exposed to
affect the turnover rate (Daouda et al., 2021). Some of the ways this was made possible were
through offering them the right incentives, prioritizing work-life balance, giving them
opportunities for continuous development through education and training, and finally, addressing
employee engagement. Through my leadership, I was able to spearhead successful Campaigns;
the marketing campaigns played an instrumental role in increasing the organization’s revenue.
Through my leadership, we were able to successfully implement a community outreach
program. Through my leadership, the organization’s public image was advanced this was
through donating various goods and services to the needy community, this is part of the
company’s corporate responsibility strategy. My other achievement is in Crisis Management, the
company was facing a public relations threat due to the issue of misappropriation of funds; crisis
management is the ability to navigate an organization from a public relations disaster
(McQuerrey, 2018). Finally, I was able to hire top talents, my great leadership at the company
attracted top talents who desired to work for the company. Additionally, the use of technology in
the hiring process enables the organization to get an employee with the right skills.
Personal Goals and Professional Goals
One of my professional goals is to establish my professional brand, it’s vital to note that
establishing a personal brand is not the same as starting one’s own business. Professionals
establish strong brands as industry experts, writers, and consultants among others with the main
aim being seeking additional income (Indeed, 2021). I will use my brand to advance my career.
Many people in society have created a strong personal brand for themselves especially sports
personalities and musicians this has enabled them to earn millions of dollars from brand
endorsements and other projects. The other professional goal is being a great coach; as a leader,
it’s important to grow others in society.
As a manager, one should have personal goals; I do have my personal goal one of them is
to give positive feedback more often. Leaders need to take time and appreciate the work
employees are doing, in the end, they will be more motivated. The other personal goal is
focusing on building relationships, for one to be an effective leader; one should have great
relationships with team members (Velocity Global, 2021). Additionally, the other personal goal
is becoming a better listener, active listening is vital as it enables one to avoid personal conflicts.
The Feedback That You Can Apply to Achieve Your Goals
Feedback is essential for the achievement of a particular goal; one should not fear giving
negative feedback due to fear of ruining a particular relationship. On the other hand, withholding
constructive feedback leads to people behaving in an undesirable manner (Farnsworth, 2013),
some areas friends, and family members have suggested need improvement include accepting
feedback; to do so, I have to practice listening. The other area is time management, time
management impacts performance at work (Aeon et al., 2021). The other area is Conflict
resolution, to improve on this; an individual should try and control their emotions (Indeed,
2021); hence emotional intelligence is vital.
Employee development is necessary for a particular organization, through employee
development a particular organization can achieve its goals because employees will have the
necessary skills required to drive a particular organization to its success. It’s vital to note that
Performance management in organizations has enabled them to remain competitive. Essentially,
many organizations concentrate on developing employees and forget managers also require this
kind of development. Managers in a particular organization should also be measured using
performance standards just like their subordinates. As a manager, one needs to conduct a selfassessment on their strengths, weaknesses, personal and professional goals among other areas,
this plays an instrumental role in ensuring g a particular manager is conducting their work
effectively and efficiently.
Aeon, B., Faber, A., & Panaccio, A. (2021). Does time management work? A meta-analysis.
PLOS ONE, 16(1), e0245066.
Aguinis, H. (2019). Performance Management (4th ed.). Chicago Business Press.
Daouda, O. S., Hocine, M. N., & Temime, L. (2021). Determinants of healthcare worker
turnover in intensive care units: A micro-macro multilevel analysis. PLOS ONE, 16(5),
Farnsworth, K. (2013). Feedback: Setting Goals and Providing the Feedback Necessary for Your
Team to Reach Them.
Indeed. (2021). 16 Common Strengths and Weaknesses of Management.
Indeed. (2021). 20 Areas of Improvement for Employees.
Indeed. (2021). 24 Examples of Professional Goals You Can Set To Improve Your Career.
McQuerrey. (2018). Examples of Employment Accomplishments.
Pulakos, E. (2004). Performance Management A roadmap for developing, implementing, and
evaluating performance management systems.
Rabha, M. (2021). Problem Solving Skills That Managers Need To Have.
Velocity Global. (2021). 15 Personal Leadership Goals for Every Team Leader.

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