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Business Question

Business Question

C005-MAF306-A1-Assignment Tasks and Objectives 1(1000 words )+Assessment 1B – reflection (500words)
MAF306 – International Finance and Investment
Trimester 2, 2022
This assessment has two parts: 1A and 1B. Please see details below for each part.
Assessment 1A – Group Business Report
Assignment Critical Information Summary
Sept 18, 2022, 8PM
Business Report
Group Assignment (3 members)
Maximum 3000 words
Unit Learning Outcomes and Graduate Learning Outcomes (See unit guide for details)
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)
Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)
ULO1, ULO2, ULO3 and ULO4
GLO1, GLO4, GLO5 and GLO7
Assessment Feedback:
Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on
CloudDeakin within 15 working days.
Assignment Description / Requirements
For this group part, you need to organise your groups on CloudDeakin. It is important to register your
group; otherwise, you will not be able to upload the assignment. There will be another submission
folder for individual reflective part. This individual part cannot be shared with group members.
Deakin’s Bachelor of Commerce and MBA are internationally EPAS accredited.
Deakin Business School is accredited by AACSB and EQUIS.
Assignment Tasks and Objectives 1
You and your team are part of the Risk Analysis Division (RAD) in ABX Corporation, an Australian
producer and exporter of various grades of coals. Until recently, China used to be the main importer
of ABX’s coals, comprising almost 85% of its businesses (NB: all invoicing to Chinese export was fixed
in Chinese yuan requiring no FX risk management strategy). However, as the Chinese market is
completely wiped out now, ABX desperately needs to find at least two markets (i.e., countries) to
cover the businesses lost. ABX also needs to relocate the coal processing plants it had in China. All
these accompanied with the COVID-19 pandemic, complex geo-political environment, trade clash,
Russia-Ukraine war and frequent policy changes at the government level that are making it
challenging for the MNCs to make firm decisions in regard to FDI and managing foreign exchange
risks. Looks like Black swans hit the markets in unison. No financial risk management tool seems to
work. Given this background, the Head of the RAD has recently shortlisted three markets (the list of
these countries is confidential and will be sent to your group separately) and approaches your division
with company’s dilemma:
1. After analyzing these three markets, which two countries should ABX finally consider for its
coal markets and which foreign investment strategies should ABX use to enter these two new
markets? Provide arguments in your favour. (Guide: 1000-1300 words)
2. The Head of the RAD is aware that once ABX moves to different international markets, they
will face foreign exchange risk but does not really know what exchange rates are in operation
in those countries. Hence, the RAD’s Head asks your team to evaluate at least two FX
derivative strategies and recommend the best FX management strategy to manage the
unknown FX risks in those countries. (Guide: 1000-1300 words)
Assignment Tasks and Objectives 2
This task is based on the documentary movie Inside Job.
While you are worried that FX derivatives are inherently risky and are not without any cost, today’s
MNCs cannot think of their businesses without derivatives as the economies are highly integrated
and MNCs are exposed to some kind of FX derivatives. The US adopted a series of financial
deregulations that led to the creation of such derivative products. Unfortunately, as the movie Inside
Job documented, the financial deregulation and accompanied derivatives are blamed to be the main
reasons of the global financial crisis. Having watched the movie,
Can you suggest any three key policies that could be adopted to implement those financial
derivatives efficiently and effectively while at the same time preventing the bubble?
(Guide: 400-500 words)
In Task 1, you will cover (a) a country analysis and (b) a comparative analysis
(a) Country Analysis:
Your consulting group will be given three countries for review. The group will produce a business
report detailing the findings and critical analysis of their market research and provide RAD with a
review of each country that addresses the following:
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(i) What are the current exchange rate regimes for the countries you have chosen? Have they
experienced any currency crises in the past and/or changed their ER regime? Do any of these
countries have capital control or have government intervention in managing their ERs?
(ii) Undertake a country risk analysis of each country, considering political, economic, and
financial risks.
(iii) Review the types of foreign investment strategies that RAD could consider and evaluate which
strategies you would suggest to RAD’s HAD of ABX for each country and why.
(iv) Evaluate at least two FX derivative strategies and recommend which strategy(ies) you would
recommend to RAD’s HAD of ABX for each country and why.
(b) Comparative analysis – which two countries should ABX invest in and which strategy
should the company use?
Your country risk assessment group meets to:
(i) Critically analyze the findings of their qualitative and quantitative analysis of each country to
provide a risk rating.
(ii) Provide a report which has reviewed each country and their risk rating and ranks the three countries
to provide the Head of RAD with a recommendation of which two countries ABX should invest and what
strategies they should incorporate to minimise the risk of investing in those nation. Ensure you justify your
groups’ decision.
More details on what you should cover in Task and objectives 2:
The task is self-explanatory (please see above). You will need to watch the documentary movie Inside
Job. The movie has 5 parts. After watching the movie, your team will critically think about the
loopholes in the design of the financial deregulation measures and suggest three key measures that
could be taken to avoid the bubble and the global financial crisis.
Submission Instructions
1. Style – Your assignment must comply with the formal report style. This means that you need
to devise section headings appropriate to the material you will cover. If you don’t know what
an Executive Summary and a Letter of Transmittal is, please check online, so you know what
format it should take.
2. The structural elements are not included in the word count, but are required in your report
and consist of:
– Executive Summary
– Letter of Transmittal
– Referencing and reference list
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You will find a report format for this assignment on the CloudDeakin site. For more
information on report writing, go to:
3. Management of team tasks – There are a number of ways your team can manage the required
tasks. For example, your team can require each student to research and write-up some
sections of the report. Or you can determine that you will work more co-operatively on all
areas together.
4. Individual Reflective Statement – must be submitted and will document how the team
functioned and how roles and responsibilities were allocated. See Part 2B instructions.
Upload Instructions
1. The report is to be uploaded/submitted ONLINE ONLY. A single report for the group as a
whole, must be submitted into the Dropbox available on the MAF306 Cloud Deakin site, via
Assignment 1A Dropbox.
2. Team details (team number, members’ names and IDs) must be provided with this assignment
on the front page. This can be included in the message area of the Assignment Dropbox.
Late submission
In accordance with University’s policy, the following marking penalties will apply if you submit an
assessment task after the due date without an approved extension: 5% will be deducted from
available marks for each day up to five days, and work that is submitted more than five days after the
due date will not be marked. You will receive 0% for the task. ‘Day’ means working day for paper
submissions and calendar day for electronic submissions. The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late
submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date.
All extensions are now via unit’s site. Extensions can be granted for documented serious illness (not
just on the day the assignment is due!) or for compassionate reasons under extenuating
circumstances. The unit chair can ask to see how much work has been completed before granting an
extension. Work or holiday reasons are NOT grounds for an extension – you are expected to manage
these issues as part of your studies.
You are strongly encouraged to start early and to continually backup your assignment as you
progress. Computer crashes or corrupted files will NOT be accepted as valid reasons for an extension
of any length.
For further information about Special Consideration, visit
You must correctly use the Harvard style of referencing in any written elements of this assessment.
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Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Collusion
Plagiarism and collusion constitute extremely serious breaches of academic integrity (see below for
definition). They are forms of cheating, and severe penalties are associated with them, including
cancellation of marks for a specific assignment, for a specific unit or even exclusion from the course.
If you are ever in doubt about how to properly use and cite a source of information, please consult
the teaching team or the Study Support website:
Please check Turnitin/Similarity prior to submission: Must not exceed 20%
Template for the Report
Executive summary (a summary of your report, maximum one page) – words not counted.
Letter of transmittal (maximum one page) – words not counted.
Introduction: max 200 words
Main business research report: (Task 1: 2000-2200 words; Task 2: 400-500 words)
Conclusion: 150-200 words
References/Bibliography – words not counted.
Suggested reading that may help you to get you started:
1. Textbook: Multinational Financial Management/Shaprio_Hanouna (10th or 11th Edition).
2. Asongu, S., Akpan, U.S. and Isihak, S.R., 2018. Determinants of foreign direct investment in
fast-growing economies: evidence from the BRICS and MINT countries. Financial Innovation,
4(1), pp.1-17.
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Step-by-Step Guide for Assessment 1A – Group Business Report (Task 1)
Prepare Letter
Additional Information
Provide a Transmittal or Cover Letter to accompany your
Undertake a country risk For each country, please address the following:
analysis of each country,
– What are the political, economic and financial
considering political,
risks that you client would face?
economic and financial
– What are the current exchange rate regimes
for each country?
– Have they experienced any currency crises in
the past and/or changed their ER regime?
– Do any of these countries have capital controls
or have government intervention in managing
their ERs?
• Critically analyze the findings of the team’s qualitative
Perform a comparative
and quantitative analyses of each country to identify
analysis to advise the
the risks
client of the preferred
• Provide a risk rating
countries and
• Rank the countries under consideration
investment strategy.
Review and recommend
investment strategy
along with FX risk
management strategies
and which countries are
the most suitable
Provide your boss with a recommendation of
where the company should invest and what
investment strategies (such as exporting or
joint venture) it should incorporate to minimise
the risk of investing in the countries. Ensure you
justify your groups’ decision.
What FX risk management strategies would you
suggest to your boss for each country and why?
Assessment 1B – Individual Reflective Statement
This is a team-based assignment. In a real-life work environment, a team would be involved in
completing such tasks. This task will assess ULO4 (relevant GLO is GLO7). Therefore, you need to
demonstrate that you have worked as a team. Each member of the group is thus required to
submit a reflective report describing the operations of the group. In the report you are required
to evaluate the performance of the overall group – how the group was organised, planning,
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distribution of tasks, how initial answers were reviewed, the problems encountered, solutions,
overall effectiveness and what you learned from the group assignment that are relevant in the
real-life work environment. A template is provided below for your guide. You cannot share this
reflective statement with your team members. You must submit this by Sunday September 18,
2022 by 8pm AEST in the drop box Assignment 1B. Word length 500 words (please note that this
word limit is different from what has been mentioned in the unit guide).
Instructions on how to upload your individual reflective assessment will be provided in Assignment
Assignment Instructions (Template, instructions, and mark distribution)
The Individual Reflective template is provided below to give you some structural ideas of how to
MAF306 Individual Reflective Assessment Statement
Date: _______________________Group number: ________________________
Team Members
Name: ____________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________
Complete the following self-evaluation to provide the background information on how your
team functioned. This will prepare you for your Self-Reflection. Developing your ability to selfevaluate is a crucial step to reflective practice.
• What were the team goals for the project in terms of developing your
collaborative teamwork skills?
• What were the team performance expectations and how were they to be
• What skills did you want to develop or improve as an individual team member?
• What was your team role in this project? Why were given that role?
• What were the main task milestones? Were they achieved?
• What tasks were you assigned? Did you complete them all? What teamwork skills
helped your team progress with the Tasks?
• How did you contribute to your team management and performance?
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How did you meet and evaluate team expectations? (For example: prompt and
respectful communication, sticking to the agreed task milestones and timelines,
peer support, self-management, critical thinking skills, etc.)
• How did you manage potential and actual issues within your team? (For example:
non-performance in terms of meeting agreed timelines and task milestones,
conflict within the team or poor communication)
• How did you prevent or resolve any teamwork issues?
REFLECT on the following:
• What individual strengths and weaknesses have you identified as a result of this
project? (Conduct a SWOT analysis of your current teamwork skills)
• What have you learnt from this team experience?
• How has the teamwork experience impacted on you? In what way and why?
• What are you going to do as a result of your experience? (For example: if you
identify a deficiency in written/oral communication skills, self-management skills
or interpersonal skills, you need to outline a clear action plan on how you are
going to improve those skills)
• How will you apply what you have learnt in this teamwork project to future
collaborative projects?
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