Answer these questions in short essay
1. List the major social institutions in our society (they overlap with the Agents of Socialization). Which of these institutions (or Agents) are more influential at what ages (Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood, Late Adulthood)…?
2. Do you think we can we have unity in diversity? Why or Why not?
3. In your opinion, what are the different factors that lead someone to perform crime?
4. Do people perform crime out of their choice or circumstances?
5. Although class should not define someone…. do you think that the circumstances of class may shape the “trajectory” of one’s life…? Why or why not…?
6. n thinking about poverty, do you think it is due to structural/systemic reasons or due to the behaviors/choices of individuals? Or both? What kinds of solutions might you suggest for dealing with the problem of poverty? In the US? In the world?
7. Explain your impressions of how race can be “socially constructed”, and give examples of how race can be socially “defined” and “redefined”, as cultures change.
8. Do you think there could be more than 2 sexes? Do you think there could be more than 2 genders? Explain your reasoning.
9. Interview an older adult, (preferably a grandparent, older family member, or friend of your family) choose American homestay, and ask this person how families have changed over the last couple of generations (e.g., in the last 50 years). Include a list of your questions. What similarities and differences do they see in families (over time), including family structures, traditions, activities, problems, etc….?
10. Examine the issue of Public versus Private Education, and Public versus Private Health Care. From your own perspective, describe the pros and cons of having Public Education. Then describe the pros and cons of having Public Health Care.
11. Interview an older adult, (preferably a grandparent, older family member, chose my American dads roommate. and ask this person how the Economy has changed, (particularly in the last 10-20 years but also over their lifetime), for them and their family. Include a list of your questions. What changes and/or trends have they observed and how has it affected them, their lives, their work, their families, etc. (including industry changes, income changes, work or profession choices, family planning, etc.) ….?
(Interview old family member or friend of your family), and ask this person what Social Changes they have observed in their lifetime. Include a list of your questions. What social changes and/or trends have they observed and how has it affected them, their lives, their work, their families, etc. (including Civil Rights, gender equality, the Technology Revolutio
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