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WACC 1000 Macquarie University Ethic Issue in Facebook Research Paper

WACC 1000 Macquarie University Ethic Issue in Facebook Research Paper

Unit Name:
Assessment Task:
Total # Pages:
Accounting in Society
Unit Code:
Case Study
Term & Year:
Total Marks:
50 marks
Week 2, Sunday (16 February 2020) by 11:30pm
Term 1, 2020
This is an individual assessment task.
You are required to complete a research-based case study. This will encourage you to explore ethical issues
in business, using materials outside the unit texts.
Choose one of the corporate cases, listed below that has attracted media attention due to ethical issues:
• Goldman Sachs
Kobe Steel
Valeant Pharmaceuticals
A zero mark will be awarded for this assessment task if a student uses a corporate case which is
not listed above.
If you are a repeating student, you should choose a Case Study that is different from the one you
attempted before in order to avoid possible self-plagiarism issues.
Use the Internet, newspapers, and business magazines to research your chosen corporate case.
You should produce a 1,000-word essay (excluding the reference list) to address the following points, using
the case you have chosen from the list above:
1. Provide an overview of the company’s background, i.e., its business operations, etc.
2. What ethical issue has arisen? Clearly explain the ethical dilemma.
3. Clearly identify and evaluate the stakeholders that were impacted by the ethical issue.
4. Was the decision made by the involved parties ethical? How would the business be
positively/negatively impacted by the decision? Explain your answer.
5. Detail your original view on business ethics. How has your view changed after attending lessons
and completing this case study assignment? Explain the differences and/or similarities to your
original view.
A copy of the marking criteria rubric for this assessment can be found in the Marking Criteria section later in
this document.
Length: 1,000 words, excluding references.
Structure: use essay structure (i.e. introduction + main body + conclusion + reference list).
Formatting: standard 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing, and side margins 2.5 wide.
Referencing: all sources (i.e., the work and ideas of others) cited and referenced using the Harvard
referencing system. You need to provide both in-text references and the reference list.
This assessment must be submitted via Turnitin in iLearn. Hard copies will not be accepted or marked.
Guidance on how to submit a Turnitin assignment may be accessed from
If you cannot access or view your submission via Turnitin in iLearn, you have not correctly submitted your
work and will need to do so prior to the due date. (If you require assistance submitting through Turnitin, you
may lodge a OneHelp Ticket or refer to the IT help page.)
You may make several submissions via Turnitin to check your work for plagiarism and make adjustments
accordingly up until the due date.
Please note that if you wish to resubmit your work after the due date, you will need to contact your teacher
via your student email and attach a copy of your Case Study. If you submit again after the due date your
submission will be counted as a late submission and penalties will apply (see late submissions below).
Please note that for a first-time submission the similarity report will be available immediately but for any
subsequent submissions it may take up to 24 hours for the similarity report to be generated in Turnitin.
Please note that it is your responsibility to:
allow sufficient time for submission of your work and any uploading of documents so try
to avoid submitting your work just prior to the deadline.
ensure that you make the correct submission and that your document can be viewed in
Please also note that technical issues such as an internet outage or computer failure are not
considered grounds for special consideration. For further details please check the Special
Consideration Policy.
Late submissions are possible but they will be penalised unless the student has been granted an approved
extension (refer to the Special Consideration Policy). Late penalties will be calculated based on the marks
allocated to the specific assessment task. The penalty for late submission is as follows:
5% of the total possible marks will be deducted if it is late by up to 30 minutes
10% of the total possible marks will be deducted if it is more than 30 minutes late and up to 24
hours late
A further 10% of the total possible marks will be deducted for each 24-hour period up to 3 days
(including weekends)
100% of the marks will be deducted after 3 days and zero marks will be awarded
Please note that online submissions are electronically tracked, and the electronic record of submission will
be used to determine late penalties. This means that submitting your work even a few seconds after the
allocated deadline will result in a late submission which will attract the penalty noted above. There is no
flexibility with the applying of penalties as they must be applied fairly and consistently to all students. It is
your responsibility to allow sufficient time for submission of your work and any uploading of documents so
try to avoid submitting your work just prior to the deadline.
Students are required to keep a copy of all items submitted or completed for the purpose of assessment or
evaluation until the end of the grade appeal period.
Feedback will be provided via Turnitin in Feedback Studio before Week 6. Marks will be available in
Using the work or ideas of another person, whether intentionally or not, and presenting them as your own
without clear acknowledgement of the source is called Plagiarism.
Macquarie University promotes awareness of information ethics through its Academic Integrity Policy. This
means that:
• all academic work claimed as original must be the work of the person making the claim
• all academic collaborations of any kind must be acknowledged
• academic work must not be falsified in any way
• when the ideas of others are used, these ideas must be acknowledged appropriately.
All breaches of the Academic Integrity Policy are serious and penalties apply. Students should be aware that
they may fail an assessment task, a unit or even be excluded from the University for breaching the Academic
Integrity Policy.
Students are responsible for their learning and are expected to:
• Actively engage with assessment tasks, including carefully reading the guidance provided,
understanding criteria, spending sufficient time on the task and submitting work on time;
• Read, reflect and act on feedback provided;
Actively engage in activities designed to develop assessment literacy, including taking the initiative
where appropriate (e.g. seeking clarification or advice, negotiating learning contracts, developing
grading criteria and rubrics);
Provide constructive feedback on assessment processes and tasks through student feedback
mechanisms (e.g. student surveys, suggestions for future offerings, student representation on
Ensure that their work is their own; and
Be familiar with University policy and faculty procedures and act in accordance with those policy and
Your essay will be marked considering:
Demonstrating the ability (1) to find out relevant materials, (2) to identify and explain issues, (3) to apply
relevant concepts to analyse issues, (4) to review your own understanding of business ethics and (5) writing
You should get to the point and avoid wordy repetitions (i.e. be succinct and clear) and reference the
appropriate paragraphs of relevant regulations/standards or other sources you refer to. You must avoid copying
or stringing together lengthy quotes leaving little said in your own words.
Please refer to the marking rubric on the next page for specific guidance on marking criteria and
WACC1000 Case Study Marking Rubric
Criteria and
Relevance – ability
to find out relevant
Not attempted
Not attempted
The case chosen is not
from the specified list
for the assignment.
The case chosen is from the
specified list, but no
information is provided, or
the information is completely
The case chosen is from the
specified list, but limited
information is provided, or
most information is irrelevant.
The case chosen is from the
specified list.
Fairly sufficient information
is provided, but some
information is irrelevant, or
information is omitted.
The case chosen is from the
specified list.
Mostly sufficient and
relevant information is
High Distinction
The case chosen is from the
specified list. Highly sufficient
and relevant information is
Not attempted
The case chosen is not
from the specified list
for the assignment.
Issue is not clearly identified,
explanation is unclear,
insufficient and/or not
Issue is identified generally
well; explanation is generally
clear yet insufficient and/or not
Issue is identified reasonably
well, explanation is generally
clear, fairly sufficient and/or
generally succinct.
Issue is clearly identified,
explanation is mostly clear,
sufficient and/or mostly
Issue is clearly identified,
explanation is clear,
comprehensive and highly
Not attempted
The case chosen is not
from the specified list
for the assignment.
Concepts used in the
analysis are insufficient,
irrelevant and/or
inappropriate; the
exploration of the issue is
unclear and/or insufficient.
Issue is analysed using some
relevant concepts to develop a
generally clear and/or
sufficient exploration of the
Issue is analysed using
sufficient relevant concepts
to develop a reasonably
clear and/or sufficient
exploration of the issue.
Issue is analysed using a
broad range of relevant
concepts to develop a
comprehensive exploration
of the issue, demonstrating
some original/innovative/
advanced insight into the
Issue is analysed using an
extensive range of relevant
concepts to develop a
comprehensive exploration of
the issue, demonstrating
insight into the issue.
Not attempted
The case chosen is not
from the specified list
for the assignment.
The review is inadequately
undertaken and/or
insufficient, irrelevant
discussion is provided.
The review is generally
adequate. Generally sufficient
discussion on the
changes/insights in your
understanding of business
ethics is provided yet some
discussion is irrelevant.
The review is reasonably
adequate. Fairly sufficient
and relevant discussion on
your changes/insights in the
understanding of business
ethics is provided,
demonstrating good critical
thinking skills.
The review is
comprehensive. Mostly
sufficient and relevant
discussion on your
changes/insights in the
understanding of business
ethics is provided,
demonstrating great critical
thinking skills.
The review is sophisticated
and comprehensive. Highly
sufficient and relevant
discussion on your
changes/insights in the
understanding of business
ethics is provided,
demonstrating excellent critical
thinking skills.
Not attempted
The case chosen is not
from the specified list
for the assignment.
The essay is not structured
in a logical way. Numerous
grammatical, punctuation,
and/or spelling errors. Style
and tone are not
The essay has some structure.
Organisation of sections and
paragraphs is generally clear.
Several grammatical,
punctuation, and/or spelling
errors. Style and tone are
generally professional.
The essay has a clear
structure. Organisation of
sections and paragraphs is
clear. Occasional
grammatical, punctuation,
and/or spelling errors.
Style and tone are
reasonably professional.
The essay is well structured.
Organisation of sections and
paragraphs is clear. No/few
grammatical, punctuation,
and/or spelling errors. Style
and tone are mostly
The essay is well structured.
Organisation of sections and
paragraphs is clear with
excellent flow. No/few
grammatical, punctuation,
and/or spelling errors. Style
and tone are professional.
Articulation ability to identify
and explain ethical
Analysis – ability to
apply relevant
concepts to
analyse issue(s)
Critique – ability to
review your own
understanding of
business ethics
Writing skills
structure, clarity,
grammar, spelling,
Deduction for Plagiarism: If the Match Overview score is >10% (and is deemed to be plagiarism), a penalty will be applied to the student’s mark equal to the percentage of similarity. For example:
If a student has a Match Overview score of 30%, the penalty is 30%.
i.e. 30% of the total possible marks will be deducted from the student’s total mark for the assessment.
e.g. If the student’s mark for the assessment is 25 out of 50, with the 30% deduction (which equals 30% x 50 marks = 15 marks), the student would receive 10 marks (25 – 15).
Please read this section carefully before contacting your teacher with any queries.
Where can I get help to write up my essay?
You can:
a) Use StudyWISE provided on iLearn
(In StudyWISE, you will explore the structure of an essay, you can also look at some examples of real
Macquarie students’ essays).; or
b) Attend learning skills workshops – it is free; or
c) Ask a learning adviser in the Library
I have done something similar in my other units/previous study. Can I use my previous work for
this assignment?
No. You are required to submit a new work for this assignment, this means it is best to choose a new case
study to analyse this term. Submission of a work previously submitted is considered as self-plagiarism, i.e.,
academic misconduct.
In the Instructions, the 5th question requires us to detail our original view on business ethics. Does
this mean we are supposed to use the first person in answering this question?
Yes. Please use the first person in answering this question.
Can I reference the WACC1000 learning and teaching materials (e.g. use the definitions provided in
the lesson materials)?
Yes, you can. You need to use proper referencing though.
Do I need a cover page for the assignment?
No. You don’t need to have a cover page for your assignment.
How do I know if my Turnitin submission is successful?
The confirmation message that pops up on the screen once your assignment has been submitted is NOT
sufficient evidence of a successful submission of the correct document.
You need to check your submission by clicking on the Turnitin submission link and then click on the document
you have uploaded to open it up in Turnitin.
If the document opens up in Turnitin, you can read it and you have checked that it is the correct document,
then it has been submitted successfully.
By how much can I go over or under the number of words requirement?
The minimum number of words is 1,000. However, you are allowed to go over by 10% (i.e. 1,100) maximum.
What is the correct structure of an essay?
The correct structure of an essay should contain three parts: an introduction, the main body, and the
In the introduction, you should provide a statement about the purpose of the essay (i.e. what is this essay
about, why is ethics important, what are you going to say in the main body of the essay).
In the main body of the essay, you are expected to address each of the questions in a separate paragraph.
The first sentence of each paragraph should be the topic sentence which outlines the central idea to be
developed in the paragraph. The remainder of the paragraph should provide information and evidence that
help explain your position set out in your topic sentence.
The last part of the essay is the conclusion. An effective conclusion should restate the purpose of the essay,
remind readers what has been discussed in the main body of the essay and make your final conclusion. Again,
detailed guidance on how to write an essay is provided on StudyWISE on iLearn.

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