Personal reelections
KB7056: Advance Practice Semester
This is a 60 credit module which is designed for all full-time postgraduate programmes within the Mechanical and Construction Engineering (MCE) Department. This module provides you with the option to either work on a real world industrial project, undertake a work placement or join a research group for one semester as part of your programme. This experience gives you the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge acquired during the taught part of your programme and to acquire new skills and knowledge in an alternative learning environment to enhance your employability skills. Assessment on the module is designed to develop your ability as a reflective life-long learner by facilitating self-evaluation of learning against your personal learning contract.
Advanced Practice Award:
Your Advanced Practice semester will be assessed on a pass or fail basis and does not contribute to the classification of your degree. However when taken and passed it is recognised both in your transcript as a 60 credit Advanced Practice Module and in your degree title.
How will I learn on this module?
This module is designed to promote your technical and personal development and enhance your employability opportunities on a global scale by offering you the opportunity to experience learning out-with your taught programme of study. Learning will vary according to the Advanced Practice pathway you select. You will experience learning in a workplace/industrial settings by applying your existing engineering and management skills and knowledge to new situations and enhancing professional skills in your chosen discipline.
Module Learning outcomes:
Knowledge & Understanding:
MLO1: Reflect upon, challenge and extend existing personal knowledge of your discipline.
MLO2: Evidence an enhanced understanding of your discipline through the application of existing knowledge in unfamiliar learning environments and through the acquisition of new knowledge and perspectives derived from experience out-with your formal taught programme.
Intellectual/Professional skills & abilities:
MLO3: Exercise self-direction of your own learning by identifying and managing tasks individually and as a member of a team which address your personal goals.
MLO4: Demonstrate mastery of intellectual and professional skills appropriate to your discipline.
MLO5: Critically analyse and communicate ideas in appropriate written and verbal forms.
Personal Values/Attributes:
* MLO6: Demonstrate self-awareness of personal development.
How will I be supported academically on this module?
You will be supported during your AP semester by three members team covering all the basis for a skilled and knowledgable postgraduate student;
1. You will be mentored by an industrial client throughout the project
2. You will be technically supported by an accomplished academic member of the staff at MCE
3. You will be mentored by AP project manager to provide you with the opportunity to learn and apply the project management skills
When AP semester will start:
Prior to your Advanced Practice semester, you will attend briefing meeting (s) given by the AP team and you will be allocated a project according to your previous academic and professional experience.
Submission required
· The group presentation and individual reflective report (max 3000 words) is to be submitted through Blackboard.
· Expected size of the submission: The report should contain no more than 3,000 words (max 12 sides of A4 sheets) typeset in 1.5 lines inter-line interval with 11 pt Arial font with 15mm margins on each side. Please provide a word count after the conclusions. Annexes are not included in the page limit. The Universitys Word Limit Policy will be applied, [].
· Referencing style: Harvard reference style. The submission will undergo check to detect plagiarism. [].
· Late submissions will incur penalty as explained in “Further Information” section below.
Academic integrity statement:
You must adhere to the university regulations on academic conduct. Formal inquiry proceedings will be instigated if there is any suspicion of plagiarism or any other form of misconduct in your work. Refer to the University’s Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards if you are unclear as to the meaning of these terms. The latest copy is available on the University website.
Failure to submit:
The University requires all students to submit assessed coursework by the deadline stated in the assessment brief. Where coursework is submitted without approval after the published hand-in deadline, penalties will be applied as defined in the University Policy on the Late Submission of Work.
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