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Assignment: Global health issues

Assignment: Global health issues

Submit a 3-5 page paper. see attachment for instructions and guidance,
Signature Assignment
A ~5+ page single-spaced paper will incorporate global health issues and solutions through interventions to these issues. Choose any of the issues or diseases (or make your own up!) from the list below that are considered global public health problems. In the introduction, provide epidemiological information on the following: morbidity and mortality among the specific group, community, or country (not the USA). Discuss at least three interventions published in the scholarly literature to address the crisis in a country of your choice. Evaluate the progress and outcomes of such prevention programs.

Describe the intervention (e.g. target audience, experimental/control group, intervention methods and materials, intervention outcomes) and assess the methods used in the intervention (e.g. level of the intervention, strengths and weaknesses of the intervention, potential impact/generalizability of the intervention).

· TB

· Malaria


· Access to water

· Water quality

· Air pollution (OUR TOPIC) IN CHINA

· Ebola

· Sanitation

· Cholera

· Climate change

· Healthcare Total (40 points)

· PAGE ONE: Title page will have title, name, and NU affiliation. (1 point)

· PAGE TWO: Abstract will provide an overview of what you determined within your paper. (4 points)

· PAGE THREE AND FOUR (OR MORE): Introduction to the topic of choice (one paragraph). (5 points)

· Methods and Discussion section including the methods you used for your literature view and all applicable intervention information. (10 points)

· Conclusion- summary of overall research, quality, and potential recommendations you would (or would not) make regarding this global health issue. (5 points)

· PAGE FIVE: Reference page (include at least 7 references primarily from peer-reviewed journals); exclusive of 3-5 page paper requirement. (10 points)

· APA formatting, grammar, structure, effort, overall professionalism of paper. (5 points)

Intervention example description:

The first intervention that I will discuss addressing Ebola outbreaks was conducted by Doctors without Borders in 1995 (Kerstein & Matthys, 1999). The intervention took place in Kikwit, Congo, which has approximately 200,000 inhabitants and two hospitals (Kikwit General Hospital and Kikwit II Hospital). The intervention actually occurred within the hospital setting, in an isolation ward. It was

compared to a separate hospital in order to determine the intervention significance. The intervention included building an isolation ward specifically for Ebola patients with the use of trained CDC physicians to educate the local staff on and Ebola, cleaning, body burial, disinfection and antiseptic

techniques, adequate water supply, a waste-disposal system, and usage of proper PPE (Kerstein & Matthys, 1999). Overall, the intervention was successful, though there were various strengths and weaknesses associated with it. The strengths were that it was a novel approach focusing on Ebola outbreaks and quarantine situations and ultimately, it controlled the outbreak. The weakness included the cost or expensiveness and reliance on donors, the need of trained physicians and staff to assist in education, and the potential difficulty in the scale-up. However, the intervention impact was significant. It could be generalized and transferable to all populations in different settings affected by Ebola outbreaks. This study was conducted in 1999 and is currently being employed in the Ebola outbreak of 2014, throughout West Africa (Kerstein & Matthys, 1999).






Title Page (Page 1)

1 pt.

Has title, name, and NU affiliation

.75 pts.

Has title and name or title and nu affiliation only

.50 pts.

Has title only or name only or nu affiliation only

.25 pts.

Has incorrect title

0 pts. Missing

Abstract (Page 2)

5 pts.

Clearly and concisely summarizes the problem, methodology, results/discussion, and conclusion.

4 pts.

Clearly and concisely summarizes the literature review with some sections excluded.

3 pts.

Summarizes the literature review with many sections excluded.

2 pts. Includes an introductory

paragraph without describing the research project.

0 pts. Missing

Introduction (Page 3)

5 pts.

Explains the significance and relevance of the global health issue and epidemiological information among the specific group, community, or country of your choice in a logical and organized manner.

Review of the literature is thorough, relevant, and organized. Sources

are numerous and from professional sources.

4 pts.

Expresses the significance and relevance of the global health issue with limited epidemiological information in a mostly logical and organized manner.

Review of the literature is mostly thorough, relevant, and organized.

Sources are numerous and from professional


3 pts.

Significance and relevance of the global health issue is somewhat clear, there is limited discussion of the epidemiological information and is not organized in a logical manner.

Review of the literature is limited, not relevant, or disorganized.

2 pts. Background is confusing. The significance and relevance of the

global health issue and epidemiological information are unclear.

Review of the literature is limited, not relevant, or disorganized.

0 pts. Missing

Discussion and Methods (Page 3-5)

10 pts.

Discusses at least three interventions published in scholarly literature to address the crisis in a country of your choice. Evaluates the progress and outcomes of such prevention programs. Describes the

intervention (e.g. target audience,

7.5 pts.

Discusses at least two interventions published in scholarly literature to address the crisis in a country of your choice. Evaluates the progress and outcomes of such prevention programs. Describes the

intervention (e.g. target audience,

5 pts.

Discusses at least one interventions published in scholarly literature to address the crisis in a country of your choice. Evaluates the progress and outcomes of such prevention programs. Describes the

intervention (e.g. target audience,

2.5 pts.

It is unclear to the reader what interventions are being discussed and program outcomes were not clearly described.

Methods section is missing.

0 pts. Missing

experimental/control group, intervention methods and materials, intervention outcomes) Assesses the methods used in the intervention (e.g. level of the intervention, strengths and weaknesses of the intervention, potential impact/generalizability of the intervention).

Provides a detailed methods section on keywords and search engines used in literature review.

experimental/control group, intervention methods and materials, intervention outcomes) Assesses the methods used in the intervention (e.g. level of the intervention, strengths and weaknesses of the intervention, potential impact/generalizability of the intervention).

Methods section is unclear to reader or only has partial explanation of keywords or search

engines used in literature review.

experimental/control group, intervention methods and materials, intervention outcomes) Assesses the methods used in the intervention (e.g. level of the intervention, strengths and weaknesses of the intervention, potential impact/generalizability of the intervention).

Methods section is missing or unclear.

Conclusion (Page 5)

5 pts.

Clearly summarizes the research. Discusses and makes recommendations for future research questions and program considerations.

4 pts.

Summarizes the research in a somewhat clear manner.

Discusses and makes recommendations for future research questions and program considerations.

3 pts.

Limited summary of the research. Limited discussion and/or recommendations for future research questions and program considerations.

2 pts.

Makes erroneous conclusion of the research. Lacks discussion and makes no recommendations for future research or programs.

0 pts. Missing

References (Page 6)

8 pts.

Has included at least 7 references (with at least 5 from peer-reviewed


6 pts.

Has included 5-6 references (with at least 3 from peer-

reviewed journals)

4 pts.

Has included 3-4 references (with at least 2 from peer-reviewed


2 pts.

Has included 1-2 references (with at least 1 from peer-

reviewed journals)

0 pts.

Missing or poor references used

Quality of work and grammar

2 pts.

The paper is well organized both overall and at the paragraph level. Sentences are smooth and carefully crafted. There are virtually no errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar or usage.

1.5 pts.

The paper is well organized, but the paragraph structure may sometimes be disjointed. The paper may have a few awkward passages and a few errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage.

1 pts.

The paper is basically well organized, though individual paragraphs may be disjointed or misplaced. The writing is competent, but often wordy, overly general, imprecise or trite.

.5 pts.

The paper is poorly organized. Some sentences may be so confused that their meaning does not clearly emerge.

Words may be imprecise, incorrect, trite or vague. Errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage are distracting.

0 pts.

The paper lacks clarity. The language or sentence structure is so muddled that it’s meaning is unclear in several spots. Errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage are highly distracting.

Paper relies on


APA 6th Edition Formatting

4 pts.

Paper, citations, and references are in proper APA format. Ample sources are cited. All claims are supported with a quality


3 pts.

Paper, citations, and references are in proper APA format. Ample sources are cited. Some claims leave the reader looking for a reference.

2 pts.

Paper, citations, and references are in proper APA format. Ample sources are cited. Many claims leave the reader looking for a reference.

1 pts.

Paper, citations, and references are limited, missing, or incorrect.

0 pts. Citations and references are missing or

incorrect. Paper is incorrect format


Total Points Possible

40 points


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Submit a 3-5 page paper. see attachment for instructions and guidance,

Home>Biology homework help>Ecology homework help>Submit a 3-5 page paper. see attachment for instructions and guidance,
Signature Assignment
A ~5+ page single-spaced paper will incorporate global health issues and solutions through interventions to these issues. Choose any of the issues or diseases (or make your own up!) from the list below that are considered global public health problems. In the introduction, provide epidemiological information on the following: morbidity and mortality among the specific group, community, or country (not the USA). Discuss at least three interventions published in the scholarly literature to address the crisis in a country of your choice. Evaluate the progress and outcomes of such prevention programs.

Describe the intervention (e.g. target audience, experimental/control group, intervention methods and materials, intervention outcomes) and assess the methods used in the intervention (e.g. level of the intervention, strengths and weaknesses of the intervention, potential impact/generalizability of the intervention).

· TB

· Malaria


· Access to water

· Water quality

· Air pollution (OUR TOPIC) IN CHINA

· Ebola

· Sanitation

· Cholera

· Climate change

· Healthcare Total (40 points)

· PAGE ONE: Title page will have title, name, and NU affiliation. (1 point)

· PAGE TWO: Abstract will provide an overview of what you determined within your paper. (4 points)

· PAGE THREE AND FOUR (OR MORE): Introduction to the topic of choice (one paragraph). (5 points)

· Methods and Discussion section including the methods you used for your literature view and all applicable intervention information. (10 points)

· Conclusion- summary of overall research, quality, and potential recommendations you would (or would not) make regarding this global health issue. (5 points)

· PAGE FIVE: Reference page (include at least 7 references primarily from peer-reviewed journals); exclusive of 3-5 page paper requirement. (10 points)

· APA formatting, grammar, structure, effort, overall professionalism of paper. (5 points)

Intervention example description:

The first intervention that I will discuss addressing Ebola outbreaks was conducted by Doctors without Borders in 1995 (Kerstein & Matthys, 1999). The intervention took place in Kikwit, Congo, which has approximately 200,000 inhabitants and two hospitals (Kikwit General Hospital and Kikwit II Hospital). The intervention actually occurred within the hospital setting, in an isolation ward. It was

compared to a separate hospital in order to determine the intervention significance. The intervention included building an isolation ward specifically for Ebola patients with the use of trained CDC physicians to educate the local staff on and Ebola, cleaning, body burial, disinfection and antiseptic

techniques, adequate water supply, a waste-disposal system, and usage of proper PPE (Kerstein & Matthys, 1999). Overall, the intervention was successful, though there were various strengths and weaknesses associated with it. The strengths were that it was a novel approach focusing on Ebola outbreaks and quarantine situations and ultimately, it controlled the outbreak. The weakness included the cost or expensiveness and reliance on donors, the need of trained physicians and staff to assist in education, and the potential difficulty in the scale-up. However, the intervention impact was significant. It could be generalized and transferable to all populations in different settings affected by Ebola outbreaks. This study was conducted in 1999 and is currently being employed in the Ebola outbreak of 2014, throughout West Africa (Kerstein & Matthys, 1999).






Title Page (Page 1)

1 pt.

Has title, name, and NU affiliation

.75 pts.

Has title and name or title and nu affiliation only

.50 pts.

Has title only or name only or nu affiliation only

.25 pts.

Has incorrect title

0 pts. Missing

Abstract (Page 2)

5 pts.

Clearly and concisely summarizes the problem, methodology, results/discussion, and conclusion.

4 pts.

Clearly and concisely summarizes the literature review with some sections excluded.

3 pts.

Summarizes the literature review with many sections excluded.

2 pts. Includes an introductory

paragraph without describing the research project.

0 pts. Missing

Introduction (Page 3)

5 pts.

Explains the significance and relevance of the global health issue and epidemiological information among the specific group, community, or country of your choice in a logical and organized manner.

Review of the literature is thorough, relevant, and organized. Sources

are numerous and from professional sources.

4 pts.

Expresses the significance and relevance of the global health issue with limited epidemiological information in a mostly logical and organized manner.

Review of the literature is mostly thorough, relevant, and organized.

Sources are numerous and from professional


3 pts.

Significance and relevance of the global health issue is somewhat clear, there is limited discussion of the epidemiological information and is not organized in a logical manner.

Review of the literature is limited, not relevant, or disorganized.

2 pts. Background is confusing. The significance and relevance of the

global health issue and epidemiological information are unclear.

Review of the literature is limited, not relevant, or disorganized.

0 pts. Missing

Discussion and Methods (Page 3-5)

10 pts.

Discusses at least three interventions published in scholarly literature to address the crisis in a country of your choice. Evaluates the progress and outcomes of such prevention programs. Describes the

intervention (e.g. target audience,

7.5 pts.

Discusses at least two interventions published in scholarly literature to address the crisis in a country of your choice. Evaluates the progress and outcomes of such prevention programs. Describes the

intervention (e.g. target audience,

5 pts.

Discusses at least one interventions published in scholarly literature to address the crisis in a country of your choice. Evaluates the progress and outcomes of such prevention programs. Describes the

intervention (e.g. target audience,

2.5 pts.

It is unclear to the reader what interventions are being discussed and program outcomes were not clearly described.

Methods section is missing.

0 pts. Missing

experimental/control group, intervention methods and materials, intervention outcomes) Assesses the methods used in the intervention (e.g. level of the intervention, strengths and weaknesses of the intervention, potential impact/generalizability of the intervention).

Provides a detailed methods section on keywords and search engines used in literature review.

experimental/control group, intervention methods and materials, intervention outcomes) Assesses the methods used in the intervention (e.g. level of the intervention, strengths and weaknesses of the intervention, potential impact/generalizability of the intervention).

Methods section is unclear to reader or only has partial explanation of keywords or search

engines used in literature review.

experimental/control group, intervention methods and materials, intervention outcomes) Assesses the methods used in the intervention (e.g. level of the intervention, strengths and weaknesses of the intervention, potential impact/generalizability of the intervention).

Methods section is missing or unclear.

Conclusion (Page 5)

5 pts.

Clearly summarizes the research. Discusses and makes recommendations for future research questions and program considerations.

4 pts.

Summarizes the research in a somewhat clear manner.

Discusses and makes recommendations for future research questions and program considerations.

3 pts.

Limited summary of the research. Limited discussion and/or recommendations for future research questions and program considerations.

2 pts.

Makes erroneous conclusion of the research. Lacks discussion and makes no recommendations for future research or programs.

0 pts. Missing

References (Page 6)

8 pts.

Has included at least 7 references (with at least 5 from peer-reviewed


6 pts.

Has included 5-6 references (with at least 3 from peer-

reviewed journals)

4 pts.

Has included 3-4 references (with at least 2 from peer-reviewed


2 pts.

Has included 1-2 references (with at least 1 from peer-

reviewed journals)

0 pts.

Missing or poor references used

Quality of work and grammar

2 pts.

The paper is well organized both overall and at the paragraph level. Sentences are smooth and carefully crafted. There are virtually no errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar or usage.

1.5 pts.

The paper is well organized, but the paragraph structure may sometimes be disjointed. The paper may have a few awkward passages and a few errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage.

1 pts.

The paper is basically well organized, though individual paragraphs may be disjointed or misplaced. The writing is competent, but often wordy, overly general, imprecise or trite.

.5 pts.

The paper is poorly organized. Some sentences may be so confused that their meaning does not clearly emerge.

Words may be imprecise, incorrect, trite or vague. Errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage are distracting.

0 pts.

The paper lacks clarity. The language or sentence structure is so muddled that it’s meaning is unclear in several spots. Errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage are highly distracting.

Paper relies on


APA 6th Edition Formatting

4 pts.

Paper, citations, and references are in proper APA format. Ample sources are cited. All claims are supported with a quality


3 pts.

Paper, citations, and references are in proper APA format. Ample sources are cited. Some claims leave the reader looking for a reference.

2 pts.

Paper, citations, and references are in proper APA format. Ample sources are cited. Many claims leave the reader looking for a reference.

1 pts.

Paper, citations, and references are limited, missing, or incorrect.

0 pts. Citations and references are missing or

incorrect. Paper is incorrect format


Total Points Possible

40 points


Applied Sciences
Architecture and Design
Business & Finance
Computer Science
Environmental science
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
Political Science
Social Science
Liberty University
New Hampshire University
Strayer University
University Of Phoenix
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