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Response Assignments

Response Assignments

Response Assignments
Response Assignments: Students must read (carefully and thoughtfully) every student piece scheduled for workshop and respond with at least 250 words of commentary with a focus on constructive criticism. Students will respond to each student in the class, not only to those students in his/her group. These comments are due to be posted as a response in the Blackboard discussion board by 11:59 pm on the due date. Make sure when you are commenting that you focus on constructive criticism to help the writer with ideas for revisions for the final portfolio. While telling the writer what is working well in the piece is acceptable and encouraged, remember that the focus of your response should be what the writer can do to improve upon the piece for the final portfolio. This is the reason your peers have turned in these pieces for workshop: to get feedback for revision. If the comments don’t contain much—or any—constructive criticism, that writer will have fewer comments to utilize during revision. I will be looking for constructive criticism in my assessment of the Response Assignments. Note: If a writer turns in his/her piece after his/her group’s deadline, you are not required to provide comments as part of the Response Assignment grade, but these students would certainly appreciate it if you have the time to read and comment on their work.


Dance it Out

Keep your chin turned up and your spine straight

This dance has long been overdue

Place your foot in B+, five, six, seven, eight

Your jete’s height comes from a release of hate

Chaine turns whip your mind out of its stew

Keep your chin turned up and your spine straight

Emotions swirling pushing at your hearts gate

Hold onto an arabesque as if their hand was there too

Place your foot in B+, five, six, seven, eight

Tears in your eyes are too much to tolerate

Choreography shows you the way to push through

Keep your chin turned up and your spine straight

When you can’t sit still because of a giddy state

Smiling you leap through the air bouncing a tutu

Place your foot in B+, five, six, seven, eight

You finished but over time feel a similar weight

Again draw the curtains back to let go of emotions that grew

Keep your chin turned up and your spine straight

Place the foot in B+, five, six, seven, eight


Swiftly, My Friend

Dance swiftly into the night.

Orange fur, the color of the leaves at the beginning

Out run the gun, my friend.

Dying embers give their hope,

And the sun fades within the barren trees,

Dance swiftly into the night.

Watch Out! Mr. Smith hunts fierce like a lion,

For Mrs. Smith eyes your silky coat.

Out run the gun, my friend.

The Owls have awakened,

The 30-minute timer begins to count down.

Dance swiftly into the night.

Careful traps have been laid,

But you are so, so close to the end.

Out run the gun, my friend.

The winter has almost past,

Spring is almost here. You’re so close.

Dance swiftly into the night, another year,

And out run your death, my dear friend.


My Queen

My queen you are so beautiful today,

Like a red rose about to bloom in May.

I love the way you make me feel inside.

I hope one day to make you my sweet bride.

The way you smile at me makes days brighter.

You make me want to be a songwriter,

so I can tell the world about our love.

The music will sound sweeter than a dove.

The way we come together and embrace;

Makes my fears of harsh life start to erase.

You and I make a beautiful couple.

When I see you I just want to cuddle.

Anything with you makes a lovely scene

That is why you will always be my queen


Man’s Best Friend

A beautiful day with serene weather

The sun radiating its warmth upon me

As if saying that nothing could go wrong

But the sun turned dim and life dark

As I ventured to my best friend

And saw him lying there motionless as could be

No response when I call his name

Quieter than the breeze, no movement to be seen

My heart stutters in fear, little legs wandering close

Empty large brown eyes stare into mine

No longer reflecting the life and joy I once saw

An innocent life that had done no wrong

Stripped from this world by self-righteous monsters

Anger and sadness threatening to break loose from within

How unfair, where is the justice, where is my friend

The screams echo in my head as I hug him close

Only two years together but a bond so deep

We helped forge each other into who we became

And tears finally fall as I stroke the soft fur

Sparkling gold strands gleaming in the beams of sunlight

We were found there together, under the tree

Weeping in silence as he is taken from me

Engulfed in the arms of a familiar embrace

Soft whispers that it will all be ok

Blankets enveloped me in a welcoming warmth

My mind drifting off into abyss as exhaustion rises

The misery and loneliness had taken its toll

My friend is carried away, I know I will not see him anymore

Now under a handmade gravestone he lies in peace

His favorite ball and bone placed on top

Little flowers and hearts and smiles I drew

His name in big letters with the words “I love you”


The Truth

The truth can heal yet it can also kill

Many fear it and others enjoy it

You could lose a friend or gain a true thrill

We all lie unless you’re a hypocrite

Now you are thinking about all your lies

From the past, the present, and the future

All the times they stared into your wide eyes

You could have asked for forgiveness sooner

But don’t forget the times you were honest

Conscious of the strong feeling of relief

A pleasure such like a breeze in August

If it’s not honesty, it’s a fig leaf

In conclusion the truth is a blessing

Sadly, we are ghastly at confessing


A Perfect Day

On a dreary gray French morning

despite the present clouds of warning,

we set out to find the way

to the gardens of Monet.

In the village of Giverny,

on a walk most brief and lovely,

we came upon a large estate

guarded by a friendly gate.

Beyond the fences flowers bloomed,

dispelling any sense of gloom,

from the clouds still threatening

an itinerary-ending reckoning.

In rows of organizational perfection,

exotic foliage in all directions.

Just beyond those flowering rows

were views made famous long ago.

As we wandered into the frond

we came upon the lily pond.

Learning then, that all Monet painted

first, by his hand, had been created.

Inside his home the walls were blue

and upon them was accrued,

Japanese paintings original and rare

from his many travels there.

Of flat wave swirls he was enamored.

Japonism was his standard.

He wasn’t alone is this obsession.

Van Gogh and Lautrec both had collections.

Before midday the tour was finished.

With less than half the day diminished,

off we went to get an eye-full

of that tower known as Eiffel.

We hopped in the Smart Car and headed Southeast.

Above us the ominous storm clouds increased.

We drove down the highway until we could see

the silhouette of a tower through the mists of Paris. (Pa-ree)

We climbed to the top with hair all a-frizzle,

to peer over Paris through the gray drizzle.

Without an umbrella we splashed through the streets,

until finding a cafe with dry indoor seats.

As rain washed the city we drove past the sights,

round the Arc de Triomphe awash in bright lights.

Back through the tunnel and out of Paris (Pa-ree)

we took a slight detour to Les Andelys. (Lay An-del-lee)

Perched on cliff’s edge overlooking the Seine

the ruins of a 10th century fortress remain.

Lording o’er the valley to forever proclaim

the epoch of Richard the Lionheart’s reign.

To provide the landscape a little context

to Old English lore I must now digress.

As Robin Hood gathered his men in the forest

the Lionheart-King was out conquering Europe.

Absent from England King Richard was

while Robin Hood hunted his deer in Sherwood.

Yet Richard preferred the beauty of Guillard (Gee-yar)

whose views transformed hardened warrior to bard.

As we climbed up the ruins, not a soul was in sight.

Not even a tour guide was working that night.

We watched the sunset atop the ruins that eve,

all alone with the spirits of Les Andelys.


Never The Same

Everything is blurry. Nothing makes sense. My brain is screaming that it’s not possible.

It sets up a haunting chant, never the same, never the same.

I’m struggling to understand.

Nothing will ever be the same.

I hear nothing. See nothing. My heart feels as though it’s being ripped from my chest.

The pain is so great that I cannot stand. I start to crumple to the cold, hard ground.

Nothing will ever be the same.

Tender hands catch my falling body. Solid arms come around me. The pain is so great that there are no tears. Who is screaming? It sounds like someone is in severe pain. They need help.

Nothing will ever be the same.

I realize that the primal scream echoing through my numb mind is me.

Why is this happening? I feel like I’m drowning. Someone please help me.

Nothing will ever be the same.

I hear the hum of the engine and wonder where we are going. Tall, majestic pines zip by the window. Clips of happy memories flash through my foggy brain.

Nothing will ever be the same.

She’s a Daddy’s Girl they all say. He thinks she hung the moon.

Those two are like two peas in a pod.

Nothing will ever be the same.

He’s Super Man. He has no kryptonite. He conquers all my fears.

He makes everything alright in this dark, scary world.

Nothing will ever be the same.

I feel my feet moving clumsily along. I know this place. It is home. Why does it not feel safe? I vaguely see tears on everyone’s face.

“Go with her.” I hear somebody say.

Nothing will ever be the same.

I open the bright red door. The heaviness of death hangs in the air.

A stark,white sheet. It’s all I can see. Everything else is a blur but that stark white sheet.

My mind tries to escape. “Please, run away!” It begs me. This cannot be real.

Nothing will ever be the same.

I feel myself slowly sink to the ground beside the white sheet.

My trembling hand moves on its own. It is achingly slow to pull back the sheet.

This moment means

Nothing will ever be the same

I touch his cold forehead. I see his closed eyes. He looks so peaceful.

My aching heart tries to tell me he’s just asleep.

“Oh, Daddy”, I breathe out slowly.

Clarity comes in that life changing moment.

Nothing will ever be the same.

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Response Assignments
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Home>English homework help>Response Assignments
Response Assignments: Students must read (carefully and thoughtfully) every student piece scheduled for workshop and respond with at least 250 words of commentary with a focus on constructive criticism. Students will respond to each student in the class, not only to those students in his/her group. These comments are due to be posted as a response in the Blackboard discussion board by 11:59 pm on the due date. Make sure when you are commenting that you focus on constructive criticism to help the writer with ideas for revisions for the final portfolio. While telling the writer what is working well in the piece is acceptable and encouraged, remember that the focus of your response should be what the writer can do to improve upon the piece for the final portfolio. This is the reason your peers have turned in these pieces for workshop: to get feedback for revision. If the comments don’t contain much—or any—constructive criticism, that writer will have fewer comments to utilize during revision. I will be looking for constructive criticism in my assessment of the Response Assignments. Note: If a writer turns in his/her piece after his/her group’s deadline, you are not required to provide comments as part of the Response Assignment grade, but these students would certainly appreciate it if you have the time to read and comment on their work.


Dance it Out

Keep your chin turned up and your spine straight

This dance has long been overdue

Place your foot in B+, five, six, seven, eight

Your jete’s height comes from a release of hate

Chaine turns whip your mind out of its stew

Keep your chin turned up and your spine straight

Emotions swirling pushing at your hearts gate

Hold onto an arabesque as if their hand was there too

Place your foot in B+, five, six, seven, eight

Tears in your eyes are too much to tolerate

Choreography shows you the way to push through

Keep your chin turned up and your spine straight

When you can’t sit still because of a giddy state

Smiling you leap through the air bouncing a tutu

Place your foot in B+, five, six, seven, eight

You finished but over time feel a similar weight

Again draw the curtains back to let go of emotions that grew

Keep your chin turned up and your spine straight

Place the foot in B+, five, six, seven, eight


Swiftly, My Friend

Dance swiftly into the night.

Orange fur, the color of the leaves at the beginning

Out run the gun, my friend.

Dying embers give their hope,

And the sun fades within the barren trees,

Dance swiftly into the night.

Watch Out! Mr. Smith hunts fierce like a lion,

For Mrs. Smith eyes your silky coat.

Out run the gun, my friend.

The Owls have awakened,

The 30-minute timer begins to count down.

Dance swiftly into the night.

Careful traps have been laid,

But you are so, so close to the end.

Out run the gun, my friend.

The winter has almost past,

Spring is almost here. You’re so close.

Dance swiftly into the night, another year,

And out run your death, my dear friend.


My Queen

My queen you are so beautiful today,

Like a red rose about to bloom in May.

I love the way you make me feel inside.

I hope one day to make you my sweet bride.

The way you smile at me makes days brighter.

You make me want to be a songwriter,

so I can tell the world about our love.

The music will sound sweeter than a dove.

The way we come together and embrace;

Makes my fears of harsh life start to erase.

You and I make a beautiful couple.

When I see you I just want to cuddle.

Anything with you makes a lovely scene

That is why you will always be my queen


Man’s Best Friend

A beautiful day with serene weather

The sun radiating its warmth upon me

As if saying that nothing could go wrong

But the sun turned dim and life dark

As I ventured to my best friend

And saw him lying there motionless as could be

No response when I call his name

Quieter than the breeze, no movement to be seen

My heart stutters in fear, little legs wandering close

Empty large brown eyes stare into mine

No longer reflecting the life and joy I once saw

An innocent life that had done no wrong

Stripped from this world by self-righteous monsters

Anger and sadness threatening to break loose from within

How unfair, where is the justice, where is my friend

The screams echo in my head as I hug him close

Only two years together but a bond so deep

We helped forge each other into who we became

And tears finally fall as I stroke the soft fur

Sparkling gold strands gleaming in the beams of sunlight

We were found there together, under the tree

Weeping in silence as he is taken from me

Engulfed in the arms of a familiar embrace

Soft whispers that it will all be ok

Blankets enveloped me in a welcoming warmth

My mind drifting off into abyss as exhaustion rises

The misery and loneliness had taken its toll

My friend is carried away, I know I will not see him anymore

Now under a handmade gravestone he lies in peace

His favorite ball and bone placed on top

Little flowers and hearts and smiles I drew

His name in big letters with the words “I love you”


The Truth

The truth can heal yet it can also kill

Many fear it and others enjoy it

You could lose a friend or gain a true thrill

We all lie unless you’re a hypocrite

Now you are thinking about all your lies

From the past, the present, and the future

All the times they stared into your wide eyes

You could have asked for forgiveness sooner

But don’t forget the times you were honest

Conscious of the strong feeling of relief

A pleasure such like a breeze in August

If it’s not honesty, it’s a fig leaf

In conclusion the truth is a blessing

Sadly, we are ghastly at confessing


A Perfect Day

On a dreary gray French morning

despite the present clouds of warning,

we set out to find the way

to the gardens of Monet.

In the village of Giverny,

on a walk most brief and lovely,

we came upon a large estate

guarded by a friendly gate.

Beyond the fences flowers bloomed,

dispelling any sense of gloom,

from the clouds still threatening

an itinerary-ending reckoning.

In rows of organizational perfection,

exotic foliage in all directions.

Just beyond those flowering rows

were views made famous long ago.

As we wandered into the frond

we came upon the lily pond.

Learning then, that all Monet painted

first, by his hand, had been created.

Inside his home the walls were blue

and upon them was accrued,

Japanese paintings original and rare

from his many travels there.

Of flat wave swirls he was enamored.

Japonism was his standard.

He wasn’t alone is this obsession.

Van Gogh and Lautrec both had collections.

Before midday the tour was finished.

With less than half the day diminished,

off we went to get an eye-full

of that tower known as Eiffel.

We hopped in the Smart Car and headed Southeast.

Above us the ominous storm clouds increased.

We drove down the highway until we could see

the silhouette of a tower through the mists of Paris. (Pa-ree)

We climbed to the top with hair all a-frizzle,

to peer over Paris through the gray drizzle.

Without an umbrella we splashed through the streets,

until finding a cafe with dry indoor seats.

As rain washed the city we drove past the sights,

round the Arc de Triomphe awash in bright lights.

Back through the tunnel and out of Paris (Pa-ree)

we took a slight detour to Les Andelys. (Lay An-del-lee)

Perched on cliff’s edge overlooking the Seine

the ruins of a 10th century fortress remain.

Lording o’er the valley to forever proclaim

the epoch of Richard the Lionheart’s reign.

To provide the landscape a little context

to Old English lore I must now digress.

As Robin Hood gathered his men in the forest

the Lionheart-King was out conquering Europe.

Absent from England King Richard was

while Robin Hood hunted his deer in Sherwood.

Yet Richard preferred the beauty of Guillard (Gee-yar)

whose views transformed hardened warrior to bard.

As we climbed up the ruins, not a soul was in sight.

Not even a tour guide was working that night.

We watched the sunset atop the ruins that eve,

all alone with the spirits of Les Andelys.


Never The Same

Everything is blurry. Nothing makes sense. My brain is screaming that it’s not possible.

It sets up a haunting chant, never the same, never the same.

I’m struggling to understand.

Nothing will ever be the same.

I hear nothing. See nothing. My heart feels as though it’s being ripped from my chest.

The pain is so great that I cannot stand. I start to crumple to the cold, hard ground.

Nothing will ever be the same.

Tender hands catch my falling body. Solid arms come around me. The pain is so great that there are no tears. Who is screaming? It sounds like someone is in severe pain. They need help.

Nothing will ever be the same.

I realize that the primal scream echoing through my numb mind is me.

Why is this happening? I feel like I’m drowning. Someone please help me.

Nothing will ever be the same.

I hear the hum of the engine and wonder where we are going. Tall, majestic pines zip by the window. Clips of happy memories flash through my foggy brain.

Nothing will ever be the same.

She’s a Daddy’s Girl they all say. He thinks she hung the moon.

Those two are like two peas in a pod.

Nothing will ever be the same.

He’s Super Man. He has no kryptonite. He conquers all my fears.

He makes everything alright in this dark, scary world.

Nothing will ever be the same.

I feel my feet moving clumsily along. I know this place. It is home. Why does it not feel safe? I vaguely see tears on everyone’s face.

“Go with her.” I hear somebody say.

Nothing will ever be the same.

I open the bright red door. The heaviness of death hangs in the air.

A stark,white sheet. It’s all I can see. Everything else is a blur but that stark white sheet.

My mind tries to escape. “Please, run away!” It begs me. This cannot be real.

Nothing will ever be the same.

I feel myself slowly sink to the ground beside the white sheet.

My trembling hand moves on its own. It is achingly slow to pull back the sheet.

This moment means

Nothing will ever be the same

I touch his cold forehead. I see his closed eyes. He looks so peaceful.

My aching heart tries to tell me he’s just asleep.

“Oh, Daddy”, I breathe out slowly.

Clarity comes in that life changing moment.

Nothing will ever be the same.

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