Required Sections Guidelines I. Executive Summary One to two paragraphs in length Summarize the critical events from the case that will be covered in the analysis Briefly identify the major problems facing the main player Summarize the recommended plan of action and include a brief justification of the recommended plan II. Identification of Key Stakeholders Identify the key players in the case Include stakeholders who are impacted because of the critical events For each key player, identify events in the case that the stakeholder finds troublesome and would consider a problem; in doing so, quote the case III. Statement of the Problem State the problems facing the main player Identify and link the symptoms and root causes of the problems Differentiate short term from long term problems Conclude with the decision facing the main player IV. Causes of the Problem Provide a detailed analysis of the problems identified in the Statement of the Problem In the analysis, apply theories and models from the text and/or readings Support conclusions and /or assumptions with specific references to the case and/or the readings V. Brainstorm 2 or 3 Suggestions for Solutions: Identify criteria to evaluate these solutions (i.e. time for implementation, communication strategies, acceptability to management) Explain each criteria in 1-2 sentences Brainstorm two or three possible suggestions for solutions Evaluate the pros and cons of each suggestion against the criteria listed Suggest additional pros/cons if appropriate Using models and theories, identify why you chose these suggestions, how they would work, and why VI. Recommended Solution, Implementation and Justification: Choose one of your Brainstorm Solutions from Section V and DEVELOP and FINALIZE it here. Identify who, what, when, and how in your recommended plan of action Solution and implementation should address the problems and causes identified in the earlier sections Evaluate the recommended plan via the criteria in the previous section Include a contingency plan(s) to back up the “ideal’ course of action Describe the difficulties you expect to encounter in actually implementing the course of action under consideration, including any new problems VII. Appendix Include a sample communication in this final section based on the recommendation being proposed, i.e. a Press Release, website notice, letter to target audience, etc.
CASE 10.1
The Nuance Group Background
A successful management consulting company. The Nuance Group, boasts that its consulta ntsare^lîTîtghïyeduMted with significant consulting experience in the areas of marketing, economics, and finance. Nuance has created a glossy brochure that includes a description of its services, its contact information, and brief biographical statements about each consultant. Next to each biographical blurb is a photo of the consultant. Over 50,000 of the brochures have been mailed to people in organizations all over the world who have been identified as potential clients. The brochure is also displayed on the Nuance Group Web site. Visitors to the Web site are encouraged to download the PDF file and read the brochure. The site can be accessed without any password simply by visiting
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